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I was upset to see that the armor would not sell separately. I will not spend it all to have just armor. I found this ridiculous, because it limits the people who already have the items and are required to pay a relatively high amount to be able to take only what is lacking for most players. The Mag most players already have, Boar and Dakra you still can with PL in the game with some players selling. Along very well to sell the equipment separately.

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1 minute ago, Howling_MoMo said:

but what about all the lost sales because ppl wont pay 60$ for one item they want but would pay 20-30 for it.

There isn't really anyway of knowing if they would make more of less money, until they make the move.  Most companies aren't willing to chance a loss of revenue on the sliver of chance that they might get more by doing something else.

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Nope, not buying it.

I can buy multiple games and have hours of new experiences ( especially now on all these summer sales ), rather than to spend money on a prime armor set to show-off in relays.

Already have all prime gear, and I don't even use Boar prime since there are much more fun shotties, Mag is not really interesting to me ( one of my least used frames ) and Dakra prime has been dead ever since Broken War got released so its useless due to its power creep stats.

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At least from me, they won´t. I would like the armor (don´t need it, noone does), not interested in the rest. The price is way too high just for the armor, so no thank you.

To me personally, no skin is worth the price of a week´s worth of lunch.

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36 minutes ago, (PS4)dA_BLoK_iS_hOt said:

Edit: After thinking this over... 60 bucks. How many people would be willing to buy this just for Targis Armor? Probably not a lot. Not a lot of people wearing the same Armor, kind of makes you feel like one of a kind. Maybe I will buy it, but FACK. 60 bucks. I got a few weeks to think this over.

Don't do it, $60 to be a hipster? 

If you want to be a unique snowflake buy yourself a cool t-shirt you haven't seen anyone wearing before, hell, for $60 buy yourself multiple cool t-shirts.

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5 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

There isn't really anyway of knowing if they would make more of less money, until they make the move.  Most companies aren't willing to chance a loss of revenue on the sliver of chance that they might get more by doing something else.

then by that logic why do we get 20% 50% and 75% off plat as log in rewards? why sell plat for less? because more ppl will but it leading to more money eared you can ether sell alot of something for less or sell a few of something for alot. 

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I'm almost certain the loss of revenue of people not buying this pack at all on principle, will outweigh any theoretical loss from being DE being reasonable and allowing people to buy the armor by itself.

Hell, I'd wager that they'd get three times as many sales at half the cost of the full bundle.

Edited by rapt0rman
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15 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Reminder that it's currently the Steam Summer Sale and you can, right now, buy the entire doom franchise for only tree fiddy more. You could alternatively buy Dank Souls, Stellaris, R6: Seige, XCom, or Homeworld for around half the price.

Or GTA 5 for 35 $ ...or a brand new game for E3

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I make a point to never givein to a cash grab. 
99% of the time whatever is being offered will be on sale a month later, or I can just get it for free in the same amount of time.

I also notice the more cash grabs an MMO comes out with, the less likely I am to spend money just to spite them.


I have had no problem building a mountain of platinum just by paying attention to the parts that sell well and those that don't. Or waiting with warframe parts that go into the vault and then selling them at a premium.

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it's not something that you SHOULD/MUST buy a.k.a Optional.
why complaints? lmao

did DE force us to buy the pack? no they didn't, they only advertise the program.
DE only "tempt" you to buy it, not forcing YOU to buy it.


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If I eat a decent steak or a quality meal I'd probably spend as much and be happy for a day.
On the other hand, if I get this piece of armor I'll have it with me for years on a game that I constantly play.
So yea no doubt. I'll take it. I can always earn that back instead of regretting later why I didn't.

Edited by Oranji
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7 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Don't do it, $60 to be a hipster? 

If you want to be a unique snowflake buy yourself a cool t-shirt you haven't seen anyone wearing before, hell, for $60 buy yourself multiple cool t-shirts.



Could just print the Targis armor on a T-shirt XD

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I remember DE stating they would consider separating the armor/accessory from the frame packs, guess too many ppl have mag and they wouldn't make the moolah they wanted to just sell the armor/accessory alone. Too bad I woulda bought the targis if it was by itself but I have no need for any of the other items. Opportunity lost for DE

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I dropped 60 during the first prime vault access feeling very silly since i got nothing out of it save for the Misa Syandana but would I do it again for this prime armor?  No...  This is very disappointing.  


MAYBE they'll add in the option for just the armor, plat, and some boosters for like 40 USD later but if not, I don't think i can justify a purchase of stuff I already have just for the armor, at the price of a AAA game during the steam summer sale no less.  smh

Edited by CaliburxZero
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3 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

I wonder if people realize its not only to get the items but to support the developers in this F2P game, ah well.

What if people don't feel as if the developers deserve support?

So in response, I wonder if you realise that a company needs to deserve support.

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5 minutes ago, -IEF-Vanillaberry said:

it's not something that you SHOULD/MUST buy a.k.a Optional.
why complaints? lmao

did DE force us to buy the pack? no they didn't, they only advertise the program.
DE only "tempt" you to buy it, not forcing YOU to buy it.


Where is the reason in buying this pack for prime sets the majority of players already have? Separating the pack and offering the Syandana and Platinum for 30$, while leaving the original pack as is would earn DE a MASSIVE profit. 

Edited by Multicom-EN-
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8 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

I wonder if people realize its not only to get the items but to support the developers in this F2P game, ah well.

Support what? They have made loads off of their cash shop already. This isnt a kickstarter, they have been pushing their product for years now.

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Just now, Multicom-EN- said:

Where is the reason in buying this pack for prime sets the majority of players already have? Separating the pack and offer the Syandana and Platinum for 30$ would earn DE a MASSIVE profit. 

like i said, they didn't force us to buy the thing, why talk so much only because of the packs?
let they lose the profit, simple.

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