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Warframe Elitism

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3 hours ago, Icpmcp said:

I encountered a MR 10 player with ~300 hours once(I was MR 14 and had ~690 back then) that told me to quit after he/she saw that I wasn't instantly downed like him on the same enemy.

That person was raging so much about how I probably can't do damage because I use survivability mods.

Needless to say I had over 30% at the end while he was below 10% total damage done(we had two other players in the team that didn't talk).

I didn't even bother to respond.

I had not ran into any yet, But im sure if anyone complained about me having Quick Thinking + Rage + Life Strike all the time for survivablity I will just give them the middle finger. And if they don't like it. I can sit there and let the squad fail or bail out prematurely.

It maybe rude but I don't give a dam if my setup was hindering the squad, They can leave and let me be the one man army. Why lead a team if they cannot accept your survival solo build if you can just carry it.

Atleast my build had done wonders in situations for me and korissaa when things get overwelming hard which is nice.

A bit of topic but I knew one game on Champions Online as a healer, That I had agrument with a guy who was tanking. I did a weak charge up power (Which pushes targets as I know how to maintant the push effect) and he starts complaining about it, When people are rude to me if im playing as Support Role(Sense I was a freeform super hero I had mixed powers) I will stop supporting a team if im not given proper respect, Kindness is the only way you will ever get me to support the squad otherwise rudeness will get you no support from me and I will let the squad parish, But for my case in that game he got mad over a tiny push effect from that super power, I basiclly just abandoned the mission and let the team die with no healer.

I refuse to support any Squad who are rude, If its just 1 person he gets no help while others I will asist and let the rude player rot.

Edited by UltimateGrenninja
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If someone's putting a squad together then it's their rules.  If it's elitism or whatnot you can't really complain, because they're taking the time to form the group they want.  I can appreciate that if they're taking the five minutes or so to craft this crack brigade of mercenaries that they might have certain expectations.  

However, if they're moaning about their public match being ruined by random MR 5s then they can go suck on their Braton for all I care.  If you click the mission and don't form a group on your own then your at the mercy of whatever you get.  Except leeches   You can gripe about those all day.  People doing nothing are a plague   


I like both to be honest.  If I need something specific then I'll form my group or join one.  If I'm looking for some random fun or a challenge then I'll join a public.  Both have their good upsides and annoying downsides, but you get what you invest in them. 

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You know sometimes you find a rotten candy in the pack, just spit it out and eat another one :clem:


BTW I'm sure you can find a clan even if you leave the game from time to time. I have two clannies that are away from the game for days and I don't give a flute about it. Since the dojo is already full and I have room for other peoples, they can stay. I'm sure a lot of warlords are like me so just ask if you can join but with your conditions.

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Personally I always build my self to solo-carry the entire squad so I don't usually care about what other people are doing as long as they are sincerely trying.  Though Elitists and Whiners exist in every game.  The only difference is ratio.  I'd say we're heavier on the whiner side compared to most games. 

Also when I was a noob (or I do something dumb even now) and got carried, I'd say "ty for carry."  I don't argue about how my build is perfectly fine or blah blah blah.  Overly entitled attitude is a much bigger problem than elitism because elitism is at least limited to... elitists (by definition a small %).

Edited by ssh83
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8 hours ago, PureIcarus said:

For starters, players looking for "Mastery Ranks" are completely wrong, seeing as MR is a completely worthless number due to Draco... As for "perfect teams" they don't exist... they just want the path of least resistance to the end goal... that path usually involves cheese which is quite pathetic. 

In the long run, the people you are calling "elitist" are usually pretty far from elitists, and even father from "elite", they are players who don't want to face any difficulty, dont want anything they might have to actually TRY on... at that point, you are probably better off soloing.

Don't know the number of times people get pissed because i refuse to sit in a tunnel on T4 survival because its BORING....

Amen Brother.

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I don't think it's all snooty.  Wanting a frost for defense or chromas for credit farming makes sense.  Most people will accept a non-prime frost as long as you keep the globe up.

Then there is the guy looking for nekros and ev trin for 40mins t2 survival.  Personally, I like it when they make the red flags that obvious.

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9 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

That's not the problem. It's when people act lazy and start asking for specific MR (even though that means very little), or start asking for meta frames for trivial things. I got told off from a T1 D for 20 mins because I didn't want to play EV or Slova.

Not only that, the other problem is so-called elitists bad-mouthing other players for whatever reason. Of course, we can just ignore them, but that doesn't excuse their behaviour.

How frequent does this even happen to you? It's not a problem in general. People are acting like it's some of epidemic killing the game.

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1 minute ago, starscream5269 said:

How frequent does this even happen to you? It's not a problem in general. People are acting like it's some of epidemic killing the game.

Well, I basically never see it, but then I don't really go to recruiting chat either. Maybe the guys that see this all the time use recruiting chat more often?

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1 minute ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Well, I basically never see it, but then I don't really go to recruiting chat either. Maybe the guys that see this all the time use recruiting chat more often?

I sit in recruiting all day doing random missions/helping whoever out and I've only had to deal with 1 memorable person being an elitist in the entire 1.4k hours in the game I have.

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Just now, starscream5269 said:

I sit in recruiting all day doing random missions/helping whoever out and I've only had to deal with 1 memorable person being an elitist in the entire 1.4k hours in the game I have.

Huh. No Idea then. I usually either pub or play with friends or solo, so communication with random players is rare. When I do use recruiting I always host, so I don't really have any opportunities to see this sort of thing.

Do you generally host? Maybe that's the difference, and these people are running into hosts that are also elitists. If you often join other hosts than I have no idea.

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1 minute ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Huh. No Idea then. I usually either pub or play with friends or solo, so communication with random players is rare. When I do use recruiting I always host, so I don't really have any opportunities to see this sort of thing.

Do you generally host? Maybe that's the difference, and these people are running into hosts that are also elitists. If you often join other hosts than I have no idea.

No, I rarely host. It's just a reason to complain really. Even if someone is bugging you to play a specific way, blocking them or leaving the game is an entirely valid option and it happens so rarely that it shouldn't actually affect these people in any way.

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11 hours ago, PureIcarus said:

Any warframe/weapon composition and team competition can complete any mission at any difficulty. Forcing a specific build on people is pointless for the most part. If people put the effort in, anything can be beaten. Its just the people who don't want to take any risk or don't want to face any possible challenge that have to have that "perfect squad". 

Though, i guess that's what warframe has turned into.... Cheese this, Cheese that... something that cant be cheese? call for a nerf.

That's not the point. It's not about if someone can complete a mission with a certain frame. It's about how people like to play. You can apply the same thing to rushers and people who like to carefully search for hidden resources and open every locker. It comes down to preference and playstyle. You could as well complain about what other people like to eat.


Don't want to play in a specific setup? You can always search for another group.



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1 minute ago, Genoscythe said:

That's not the point. It's not about if someone can complete a mission with a certain frame. It's about how people like to play. You can apply the same thing to rushers and people who like to carefully search for hidden resources and open every locker. It comes down to preference and playstyle. You could as well complain about what other people like to eat.


Don't want to play in a specific setup? You can always search for another group.



The point to the post is that searching for a specific set up is pointless in this game... You cant stop players from trying.... but supporting them is ridiculous seeing as you can just as easily beat it 100s of different ways... 

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5 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

The point to the post is that searching for a specific set up is pointless in this game... You cant stop players from trying.... but supporting them is ridiculous seeing as you can just as easily beat it 100s of different ways... 

Aren't you kinda trying to force non-setup parties on players like they are trying to force setup parties on you?

Edited by Genoscythe
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I'm a noob. I can handle my self in higher end stuff if I cheese it most of the time. I carry most of the time I ran stuff but have had people carry me. Elitism in a PVE is kinda stupid to me. You are a TEAM, if one member is having trouble, you also fail because you couldn't protect them. Leave no Tenno down. 



i do get what some people say though about us noobs. The worst noobs are the noobs who expect to be carried. They die every 2 seconds because they refuse to jump around and pick frames that benefit the team. 

I've been there and I know how frustrating it is. 

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Just now, Genoscythe said:

Aren't you kinda trying to force non-setup parties on players like they are trying to force setup parties on you?

im not trying to force anything, im just trying to make the point that you can beat things without a pre-set party. The idea that a pre-set is better than a non-set is a silly notion that should be squashed before it spreads... they would be considered equal because its about fun in the end... people take void way too seriously sometimes.

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Some people like to call me an elitist when I want to recruit a specific team (like VERY specific, I like experimenting), you are wrong if you call someone an elitist just because he wants X and you don't have X, we call that whining around here

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4 hours ago, Noamuth said:

Mag Prime Best Prime!

omg Mag sucks.

Mag is worthless

After that rework, she's just a waste of space

Why are you playing that sucky 'frame?

Yeah, no elitism in this community. 


Those aren't Elitists, those are Sheeple who don't know how to think for themselves.

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It's a sad thing that happens in every online game. Frankly, it's the reason I hardly ever do raids/dungeons/ops whatever you call them, unless I'm with friends or guildies.

It's not the "I'm looking for x and y with MR x" that bothers me. It's the players that start throwing insults or sarky comments when you don't do everything perfect the first time around, who have no patience to explain to people doing something for the first time and who ragequit after a fail instead of trying again.

This is elitism and it's very common in Warframe. One of the reasons I still haven't done any trials and probably won't for a long time.

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