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Kavats Feedback [Megathread]


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8 hours ago, BerserkerPrime said:

I think kavats have gotten way more love (by devs) than kubrows, which is good for the game, but sad for kubrow / dog lovers

that is really true to make 1 kubrow is pretty expensive....and u must keep it live all time so yeah..

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I've only managed to get 3 scans out of 10 so far. I would highly recommend you increase the rate at which you get the scans; it should be at least a 60-70% chance rather then what we have now (which seems like a 10-20% chance, honestly). I think that would make a lot more players happier in the end if this important change was made. A lot of people want their space kittens, but we shouldn't be locked out of that chance by RNG not being on our side or generally just being too low for these scans.


Also: Is it intentional that the Incubator Segment for Kavats requires 10 Kavat Genetic Codes, which I believe is the same amount to even make a Kavat in the first place? 


EDIT: I got my 10 scans (really 7, I bought the remaining 3 for 5p each on the Market), but the chances at getting Kavat Genetic Codes still really need to be increased.


EDIT 2: Actually, please make it 100%- there really shouldn't be a need to have a 6.5% drop chance when Kubrow eggs can be easily acquired...

Edited by YellowVolt
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7 hours ago, Boomangee said:

I'm going to agree with this. I scanned a total of 8 kavats in an orokin derelict sabotage and only got 1 DNA print. It might be just bad luck but with how infrequent they appear and how fragile they are, don't you think we should make the chance of getting one a little larger? Or at least let us scan hyekka too or something...

I'm on my 9th run right now. Scanned at least 20 of them, yet to see a single imprint. 

Edited by KaizergidorahXi
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Genetic code drop rate is horribly low, Derpy face Kavat seems to be way too common (not even sure why it's a thing and not a cosmetic). The skin packs showing both head types makes you wish they changed the head as well (they don't, sadly).


Charm is nice, I think, because I can't figure out which buff I get, showing what you got instead of simply saying "charm" would be really useful.

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Can we have an increase to the Kavat Genetic Code drop rate? Or failing that, have a Kavat 'nest' in the Derelict missions. You added the Violatile Orokin Containers to the Derelict, I noticed. Why can't it be similar to how you obtain the Kubrow Eggs? Except instead of destroying the nests, you scan them. Kavats on Derelict Missions are hostile to all factions, both Grineer and Infested.

I have not encountered a Derelict Exterm that doesn't have both factions already on the map since the Lunaro update, however the Grineer and Infested usually kill them just from fighting across the map before I get the chance to scan them, and scanning them in the middle of battle is a BAD idea when you have Scorches and Hyekka Masters dealing their high fire damage. Adding to that, the wild Kavats are highly mobile and hard to keep track of with the scanner, often times I've not managed to scan them because they're jumping about making exceedingly difficult for me to do so.

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As others have said, the Genetic Codes drop way too infrequently. Doesn't work with Helios, doesn't work with Atlas' Ore Gaze augment, Feral Kavats spawn in small groups and several of them are likely to be killed when combat happens nearby.

10 is required for the Incubator Segment and another 10 per Kavat attempt. That's 50 platinum for a single attempt, and that ugly dog head can be a huge turn-off... it just unfortunately happens to be a common result in new Kavats (at least for me).

The Kavats themselves are pretty swell looking. Combat feels good with their darting and dodging and wall jumping. But Adarzar's Reflect doesn't seem to have much visual indication... while Smeeta's Charm is completely random when the Kavat wants to activate it (sometimes nothing happens for minutes), and when Charm does activate, you have to guess what it does because all that tells you that anything is happening is a simple icon and a timer. A list of Charm's benefits compiled for us to read here would be much appreciated.

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Can you guys increase the chance of getting the DNA from scanning kavats? I think it's really tedious to get 10 DNA for a single kavats if the scanning itself doesn't guarantee getting a DNA sample.

Let's compare it to kubrow. For a kubrow, we only need to get one egg, which is placed behind an RNG wall. I think it's understandable since we only need one egg to incubate one kubrow.

On the other hand, we have kavats. We need 10 DNA samples to incubate a kavat. Too much? Not really, if you can find it easily. The problem is the (probably insanely low) chance to get a DNA when scanning a kavat. The large number of DNA needed coupled with the RNG makes it really hard to incubate a kavats.

"But DE wants us to buy plats for the kavats." - I think it's understandable to make the DNA harder to obtain if DE wants us to buy them in the market. But the expensive price (5p each) coupled with the needed amount (10) makes some people avoid buying it.

I propose that DE make it guaranteed to get a DNA sample when scanning kavats, but don't tweak the number because 10 samples is fine considering the fact that we need to work to find them all. I also think that the price of the DNA in the market should be lowered to 2-3 plat each to give an incentive to buy it.

Win-win situation: more people will buy the samples because it's cheaper while the farmers will have easier time to work for them.

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3 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:

Can you guys increase the chance of getting the DNA from scanning kavats? I think it's really tedious to get 10 DNA for a single kavats if the scanning itself doesn't guarantee getting a DNA sample.

Let's compare it to kubrow. For a kubrow, we only need to get one egg, which is placed behind an RNG wall. I think it's understandable since we only need one egg to incubate one kubrow.

On the other hand, we have kavats. We need 10 DNA samples to incubate a kavat. Too much? Not really, if you can find it easily. The problem is the (probably insanely low) chance to get a DNA when scanning a kavat. The large number of DNA needed coupled with the RNG makes it really hard to incubate a kavats.

"But DE wants us to buy plats for the kavats." - I think it's understandable to make the DNA harder to obtain if DE wants us to buy them in the market. But the expensive price (5p each) coupled with the needed amount (10) makes some people avoid buying it.

I propose that DE make it guaranteed to get a DNA sample when scanning kavats, but don't tweak the number because 10 samples is fine considering the fact that we need to work to find them all. I also think that the price of the DNA in the market should be lowered to 2-3 plat each to give an incentive to buy it.

Win-win situation: more people will buy the samples because it's cheaper while the farmers will have easier time to work for them.

It's actually 20, you need 10 to build the incubator aswell.

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10 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

How do you get kavats ? where you get the segment ? where do you find the eggs ? Where is the Kavat quest to complete the steps in getting your first Kavat ?

Get the segment blueprint from hyekka masters/dojo ir buy it from market.

Then, get x10 kavats DNA samples (20 if you want to build the segment since the segment need additional 10 samples). You can get them by scanning kavats in derelicts. It's the same as kubrow egg, RNG decides if you get the DNA or not. You only need the DNA, you don't need eggs to breed them.

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Just now, Jangkrik said:

Get the segment blueprint from hyekka masters/dojo ir buy it from market.

Then, get x10 kavats DNA samples (20 if you want to build the segment since the segment need additional 10 samples). You can get them by scanning kavats in derelicts. It's the same as kubrow egg, RNG decides if you get the DNA or not. You only need the DNA, you don't need eggs to breed them.

OK Thanks, so the RNG decides on what cat gets made ?or can you choose what type of Kavat you want ? Where is the best place to farm hyekka masters (crazy flame throwing cat ladies) ?

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1 hour ago, NDarkstar said:

I am currently at 63 scans and have gotten 2 DNA. This is the opposite of fun. Kubrow are simple, go bust a den, chance at an egg. At a reasonable rate even. Not 1/31 (or worse).

I'm at 38 scans and NO freaking DNA. 

I can get a Kubrow egg in about 10 minutes, or what, 20 plat in the store?

Kavats, I've been at for about an hour, and don't have any, despite 38 scans so far.  This is really, really crappy.  I have more Kavat MODS  than I have DNA....

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5 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

OK Thanks, so the RNG decides on what cat gets made ?or can you choose what type of Kavat you want ? Where is the best place to farm hyekka masters (crazy flame throwing cat ladies) ?

I farmed them in the derelict while simultaneously scanning kavats.

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14 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

OK Thanks, so the RNG decides on what cat gets made ?or can you choose what type of Kavat you want ? Where is the best place to farm hyekka masters (crazy flame throwing cat ladies) ?

RNG decides what kind of cat you get and what it looks like, just like the kubrow. As the poster above me said, the cat ladies are also in the derelict missions (at least exterminate).

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2 hours ago, NDarkstar said:

I am currently at 63 scans and have gotten 2 DNA. This is the opposite of fun. Kubrow are simple, go bust a den, chance at an egg. At a reasonable rate even. Not 1/31 (or worse).

I'm at 38 scans and NO freaking DNA. 

I can get a Kubrow egg in about 10 minutes, or what, 20 plat in the store?

Kavats, I've been at for about an hour, and don't have any, despite 38 scans so far.  This is really, really crappy.  I have more Kavat MODS  than I have DNA....




Edit: I'm now at 48 kavat scans, no DNA.


I'm calling this bugged.

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I'm calling "You're unlucky". Took me all night, but I got 10. It also seems (this is unconfirmed, so take it with a grain of salt) that if you use the Synthesis scanner and have the Cross Thread widget for double scans installed, it can give you better odds of getting the DNA by virtue of having a second scan, thus another roll at RNG.

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10 hours ago, Maugre said:

Kavats are invisible, jump around constantly, fighting both the infested and grineer/corpus that show up in the mission, and only spawn in small numbers.

With how much of a pain it is to scan them, they should have a much higher chance to drop their DNA. I was all hyped up to dip my feet into breeding for the first time, but with this low rate, I'm more likely to just not bother at all.


This so much.

Our scanner can scan plants/pine-cones and get extract to make health and antitoxin, can scan those Simaris deem worth and break them up into data and send them to his sanctuary. But it's having trouble getting Kavat DNA? Hell we scan Grineer and Infested and their DNA is way more messed up and crazy. There's no reason why a scan for a Kavat shouldn't yield a DNA strand.


These things only spawn in pairs it seems. And there seems (so far in my experience) to only be 1 or 2 pairs per mission.

So not only do we need to get access to the Derelict, craft the key, but search the level for these invisible fighters who're hopping around and we only get a small chance at DNA?

I'm sorry but this design choice is absolutely horrid. It makes me really hope they don't introduce too many breeds cause as it is, acquisition is not enjoyable.

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3 minutes ago, Sunder said:


This so much.

Our scanner can scan plants/pine-cones and get extract to make health and antitoxin, can scan those Simaris deem worth and break them up into data and send them to his sanctuary. But it's having trouble getting Kavat DNA? Hell we scan Grineer and Infested and their DNA is way more messed up and crazy. There's no reason why a scan for a Kavat shouldn't yield a DNA strand.


These things only spawn in pairs it seems. And there seems (so far in my experience) to only be 1 or 2 pairs per mission.

So not only do we need to get access to the Derelict, craft the key, but search the level for these invisible fighters who're hopping around and we only get a small chance at DNA?

I'm sorry but this design choice is absolutely horrid. It makes me really hope they don't introduce too many breeds cause as it is, acquisition is not enjoyable.

Try bringing some friends. I cannot substantiate it, but I felt like more Kavats spawned in bigger groups if I had more players in my group, vs going it alone and I'd only find two, maybe three at a time. I saw seven in one room with a full group. That, and more eyes to spot Kavats and kill any threats to them is always good.

Edited by Grindgear
Added a little more info.
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I actually really like the scanning element of the collection. But for Clem's sake, up the RNG on the scanning. It could be such a cool feature. I've been at this for over four hours, and just got my fourth set of DNA. This is ridiculous. And making you have 10 just to craft the ship part?! Are you kidding me!? That's the terrible icing on top of a feces and bug-filled cake.

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As probably already mentioned in this thread: the rng for Kavat gene codes are ridiculous.

I can understand if it is meant to be difficult to acquire just one because the Kavats are a new feature - but I really REALLY hope this changes later on.
A lot of us would like to breed Kavats much quicker without grinding about 100+ scans in between incubation periods.

There is absolutely no fun in this and kind of takes away from the feature that was advertised "Mature your Kavat to adulthood instantly" - What's the point of doing this when we will probably spend about 2+ days farming for enough genes to make another Kavat? We may as well just let it grow on its own and we definitely aren't going to rush the incubation either unless people want to just straight up buy the genes from market at 50p a pop.

I guess for the moment spending 50p per Kavat is good for you, DE, but that trend isn't going to last forever and people are going to just end up ignoring Kavats after they've used them for Mastery fodder.

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