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Star Chart 3.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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2 hours ago, Nerfoxbylozajete said:

Lol I have never thought that font could be different in other languages. I have no problems with that although I admit it looks better in English. I would like to see no overlapping text before better font. :)

As a graphic designer for me it's a big problem and i can quote Ordis "my eyes are bleeding" :) 

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1 minute ago, ReZZo said:

As a graphic designer for me it's a big problem and i can quote Ordis "my eyes are bleeding" :) 

As a semi-professional translator and book revisor for me it's a big problem when the text is incorrectly formated or overlapped with another one. I guess we have different perspective but the same conclusion: text in Warframe should be improved in general.

Is that a highest priority thing though? As we can see in this topic, there are tons of different issues.

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I've been wondering... we were able to choose between alert, normal mission, syndicate mission, nightmare mission, or one of the story missions if they all fell on the same node. Now we also have Void Tears/Fissures, and no way to choose which one we'd like to play, so far as I can tell. May we please have that function return?

I'm also wondering about being able to spin the planets and such all the way around, as that's no longer possible. How are we supposed to know if Pluto has gained its heart shaped landscape yet, or whether we'll finally be able to choose which side of Earth (night or day) to play on? :3

Edited by AandOE
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Well, the only two issues that I currently have with this new Star Chart 3.0 is just a segment of the new Void System, the Fissures and the Junction Requirements. 

1) Now, my only complaint for the new Void System, is just the location of the Fissures located on different nodes not being accessible to newer players including myself. Also, due to the fissures (namely Lith) sometimes being in the Void or a Planet that might take a few junctions to gain access to, prevents players from being able to complete Junctions that require you to seal the fissures to progress through the Star Chart.

2) My complaint for the new Junction system is that the requirements for specific ones are somewhat inaccessible for some players. For example, one of the Mars Junction's requirement is that you must complete an alert and my issue is, what if the alert is not in your reach or you are not able to access the node due to it being on a planet you don't have unlocked. This can then lead a player to having to wait a couple of hours (ex. 2hrs, 3hrs probably 4hrs or more) for an alert to pop up on a planet that they have access to, TO simply complete a Junction to progress in the Star Chart. The junction requirement that I hate the most and is the main reason why I cannot progress into the Star Chart, is the Phobos Junction, where you are required to seal at least 3 fissures. The thing is.....Lith fissures mainly appear in the Void these days, sometimes on Mars and is the main reason why I simply just log off and decide to play a different game to hope a lith fissure comes to a planet that I have access to.

So please, DE, fix this problem ASAP for me and newer players because in my opinion, this update seems to not really affect veteran players as far as game progression goes but overall, I like the update so just please do something about these issues that I currently have and I'm sure other new players are struggling with this as well. Thanks.

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Hey there guys!


Just like to report 2 problems I'm having

1) On the starchart on Mars, the Martialias node only comes up on my starchart as The Limbo Theorum. When I click on it, it jumps me straight in to the Limbo Theorum mission, so earlier today 11/7/2016 when I tried to do the invasion there, it wouldn't let me. Also in a similar fashion, whenever there is an alert, I can only do the alert and not the nodes original mission.

2) On starting the game, for some reason, since the update it launches in a window rather than in full screen, and changes the resolution back to default. I have my settings on full screen and the resolution is set at 1280 x 768.

A friend is having the same problem when he launches the game so it must be affecting other accounts too. Anyway, the first problem is the more urgent one for me as it's actually affecting my playing experience and hope you manage to fix it soon. The second is just tedious but a fix would be nice :)


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I use a gamepad most of the time when playing Warframe on the PC, and using it with the new star chart, the target reticle seen when moving the gamepad stick around is not in the same position as the mouse pointer is, and the nav points is expecting the mouse pointer, so it makes it difficult to select nav points with the gamepad. The mouse pointer won't show up unless you use the mouse.

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We should be able to start a normal node, even if there is an alert active on it. Right now we are forced to complete an alert, or wait for it to end if we want to start a normal node mission. We had a choice with the previous iteration of the starchart, it would be nice to have this choice back.

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P.S. I'd just like to add that I do love the update so far. I think you're doing a great job of evolving this game into the greatest MMO ever. For me it has been since I started playing about 18 months ago. I love it, but just like everyone else, I have some opinions too.

I think that to improve the quality of the new starchart you might want to take the Tenno in the background away. We just don't need to see our frame there. It makes some nodes hard to see. 

With the changes made to the Void, survival and defense seem pointless. I use to like going for as long as I could and getting a reward every 5 minutes or 5 waves. Now though, as soon as the fissure has been sealed, there's no point in continuing as you don't get any extra rewards. I think that after sealing the fissure on these 2 missions specifically, we should still get rewards from that drop table every 5 minutes/waves like we use to. That was a lot more fun!

I also think that it is very expensive to upgrade our relics. I really love that you added this but 100 void traces to upgrade just 1 relic feels really high. I know there are cheaper options but I just think the return rate of void traces are really low. Maybe either up the rate of void traces we recieve or lower the upgrade cost a bit.

They are the only intentional changes that you have made that I feel could be a bit better. Aside from those, I love what you guys have done and appreciate this awesome experience! Thank you

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Middle (scroll wheel) click to grab and move, please. Having left click as both select AND move is making me select a lot of things by mistake.  Combined with no confirmations, I've been launched into missions within 1s of accidentally selecting a node because of open squads. Incredibly frustrating. It's slower than ever to get around.


Right click as BACK is unintuitive, especially since there's already a dedicated mouse thumb button as BACK in the options. Right click should also be dragging and moving, possibly by option selection. Ideally middle click should be hold to rotate but the starchart has no rotation despite being a solar system and absolutely lending itsself to such navigation. Very short sighted design. Its like you've never played and RTS or other games with high-tech map projections.

Add search bar for starchart, please, or 'favourites' list or something like it. There's nodes we revisit frequently.

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The biggest grip I have about the new star chart is you cant access the options tab within it anymore. If you need to change something in options, you have to exit all the way out of the chart. Its just a small bug, but a bug nonetheless. Also, this is a good way to see your teams load out, with one click/mouse movement. I like to see what the whole team is running before we start the mission :)

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This that i believe should be improved:

 - the resources section is bugged, it keeps flashing every second with the resources that drop on that planet/area

 - you cannot select regular mission or other missions if they are on the same node

 - if there is a way to see multiple missions, please add a visible tileset image, builds are sometimes designed for specific maps, if we don't know the map, the entire build may not be that good.

- moving around the planets with the mouse should scale down with the zoom, at the moment the movement is way to fast when you zoom in.

Everything else is ok.

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After the recent changes to the starchart (hotfix 4) I like the starchart much better. It feels like everything is in there that needs to be and I can find what I need to still complete. 

Changes I would make

-Some names overlap now (jupiter has Saturn Junction overlaying To Saturn etc) 

-I would add a search feature that lets you search by mission type, since sometimes it's a pain to find Archwing missions, or Spy missions etc when you have to look through every node to find them. 

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Problems with Star Chart 3.0 / Hotfix 4 -

1. I still can't get to the Orokin Derelict Mobile Defense mission to run it. Its blacked out meaning locked.  Which should mean I have to do another prerequisite mission that is before it and string tied to it, the Orokin Derelict Defense. No matter how many times I have done this Orokin Derelict Defense mission it never unlocks the ODmd and it never completes the ODD for me. This is an invalid write-up. Did some research and realized that keys are not completely done away with since the update to Star Chart 3.0. There are Dragon keys as well as Orokin Derelict keys that must be made via the foundry to obtain. Once in ownership of these keys then those missions can be run. So having made a proper Orokin Derelict Mobile Defense Key I can now do that mission. I also now realize that these Orokin mission will never be completed, a white state. They will always be in a state of either Blue (showing the number of keys in your possession) or black (having no keys). Thank you for showing me the number of keys DE, thats what triggered my understanding of what was going on.

2. When Star Chart 3.0 came out, the Mutalist Alad V assassinate mission on Eris is blacked out for me. I'm guessing that when the start chart came out, it caused or reset all boss missions to show up as incomplete, a Black state, unless it is next to a completed mission then it would be Blue, right? But this one is in black. What I am wondering or needing to know is what is required to complete it since it is sitting out all alone by itself with no strings ties on it at all. Shouldn't it at least be blue?  This is an invalid write-up. After researching, I realized that a key was needed to unlock the Mutalist Alad V assassinate mission. (Keys are not completely done away with since the update to Star Chart 3.0 came out)

3. Ran a spy mission on Jupiter as required by the Saturn Junction located there. The spy mission I ran was on Adrastea and I completed the 3 data extractions needed, with no alarms I might add, but I received no credit for doing so at the junction. I even ran the mission 3 times just incase there was a wording problem and you guys meant to run the mission 3 times instead of the data extraction. Resolved with Hotfiix 5, Thank you

4. (Before Hotfix 4) I ran and completed an infested outbreak mission invasion type (assassination) where Phorid had manifested himself at. I did not get credit for it at the Eris Junction located on planet Pluto. I did not see that you fixed this in the notes for hotfix 4. Resolved with Hotfiix 6, Thank you

5. Three clan teammates and I, in which I wasn't the host, ran and completed a 20 wave defense mission on Stofler on planet Lua (the moon),  as required by the Eris Junction located at Pluto. Myself and another team mate never received credit for this mission. The host however did get credit.  I did not see that you fixed this in the notes for hotfix 4.

As a follow on to #5, on a good many instances on these junctions, not just the Eris Junction, when 3 members of a team run and complete the junction requisite, only 2 of the 3 players get credited with completing the challenge. The 3rd team member is left out and doesn't get junction credit. It is always one of the clients but never the host.

Your attention to fixing these issues is greatly appreciated.

BTW - Star Chart 3.0 is pretty cool.




Edited by X-Sarge
Updated with Hotfix 5 and 6 software fixes info and crossed out invalid write-ups
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Don't know if these things have been mentioned, I'm not sifting through 6 pages (not my jobs - that's admins xD)
My issues are that though this star chart is much more aesthetically pleasing it has lost a lot of it's clarity and ease of navigation.

1. Can we make the text slightly larger? Or have option to do so in options.
2. Infestation missions are not as clear as they used to be. Would be nice if there was a GREEN aura around the area or maybe some parasites orbiting the node that is infested.
3. Fissure mission nodes to glow WHITE.
4. Alerts nodes to glow YELLOW.
5. Syndicate nodes to glow BLUE.

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It's really pretty and terrible to actually use.The best part of 2.0 was the ability to actually read what the sectors were and have an easy way to distinguish what was locked from what wasn't with the static effect and bolded solid borders. The usability here is awful. The scroll out and back is like the worst parts of 2.0 (spinning a planet to access the sectors on the 'far' side and not having useable iconography on what types of mission are in the sector writ large.

Also the relocking of stuff means I'm having to repeat stuff that I never wanted to see again to get through.

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21 hours ago, Nerfoxbylozajete said:

As a semi-professional translator and book revisor for me it's a big problem when the text is incorrectly formated or overlapped with another one. I guess we have different perspective but the same conclusion: text in Warframe should be improved in general.

Is that a highest priority thing though? As we can see in this topic, there are tons of different issues.

Text being incorrect may not be a high-priority bug compared to something that makes the game crash, but there are times when it can lead to extreme player frustration.  Take for example the pre-hotfix Junction problems - where the text for Junction unlocks didn't indicate that you had to seal fissures on that specific planet.  Had it actually done so people would have been annoyed, but at least they would have known when they could and couldn't make progress.

As a relatively new player (only been playing actively for two weeks or so) Warframe has a LOT of problems when it comes to communicating things to its players.  My experience with the game in general is very positive, but that's because I'm used to teaching myself stuff and looking through wikis thanks to obscure JRPGs.  The amount of stuff the game doesn't tell you is baffling and results in region chat being flooded with simple questions.  Even something as basic as "you REALLY need to max-fuse mods asap to power up" isn't emphasized half as much as it should be - I was left wondering what I was doing wrong until my brother (who's played the game for a lot longer than me) showed me the glorious power of max-fusing something like Vitality or Point Blank.

I'd throw my hat in to help fix these problems (since they have an open Technical Designer position) - but sadly, my programming experience is very limited.  Hopefully whoever gets the job is good, because the newbie experience right now is ridiculous.

Edited by KittenRampage
changed the second baffling to ridiculous so it wasn't as repetitive
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1 minute ago, KittenRampage said:

Text being incorrect may not be a high-priority bug compared to something that makes the game crash, but there are times when it can lead to extreme player frustration.  Take for example the pre-hotfix Junction problems - where the text for Junction unlocks didn't indicate that you had to seal fissures on that specific planet.  Had it actually done so people would have been annoyed, but at least they would have known when they could and couldn't make progress.

As a relatively new player (only been playing actively for two weeks or so) Warframe has a LOT of problems when it comes to communicating things to its players.  My experience with the game in general is very positive, but that's because I'm used to teaching myself stuff and looking through wikis thanks to obscure JRPGs.  The amount of stuff the game doesn't tell you is baffling and results in region chat being flooded with simple questions.  Even something as basic as "you REALLY need to max-fuse mods asap to power up" isn't emphasized half as much as it should be - I was left wondering what I was doing wrong until my brother (who's played the game for a lot longer than me) showed me the glorious power of max-fusing something like Vitality or Point Blank.

I'd throw my hat in to help fix these problems (since they have an open Technical Designer position) - but sadly, my programming experience is very limited.  Hopefully whoever gets the job is good, because the newbie experience right now is baffling.

That's totally my way of thinking with one extra thing: I'm from Poland, which is a great country to live in but our translators are sometimes a bit lazy and translation to Polish isn't exactly the easiest thing ever. Polish translation of Warframe isn't free of issues and misunderstandings too. In fact, it has more of it than English version (I have done my research). So yeah... there are some text issues that should be corrected asap and some that can wait.

You can indeed help to fix these problems! Just save some screenshots, hang around market, dojo, do missions, read, screenshot and report. It helps, trust me. :)

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Some planets are not showing the amount of open squads to me, when I'm in public matchmaking. I didn't pay much attetion before, so it may be random. But right now it's Phobos and Lua( not planets, I know...) 

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