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Star Chart 3.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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- Something that would go a long way in making the star chart more legible would be writing the mission type in the node title. Instead of writing "Draco" and forcing players to highlight the mission to see what it is... It should be written " Draco - Survival". Likewise, Syndicate Should Write "Arbiters - Capture" and Invasions should write "Infestation - Assasination" or something similar... That way you can tell exactly what each node on a planet does on a glance, and you only have to hover if you want to know the enemy level and other details.

- Why are dark sectors blinking ? Of all the things you could highlight, why highlight the one feature that has been abandonned for more than a year and that never changes ? That plus the pulsing noise is distracting... Makes you feel like something big is happening.

- It's still pretty hard to tell what node is a syndicate / alert / sortie / To read the boss logos... Even at full zoom the map is still too small and hard to read.

- Still no efficient way to browse using a controller / you should be able to move around the starchart by using the arrow keys/joysticks.

- As others have mentionned, you have to fully back out of the star chart to access the arsenal and other similar features... Which sucks when you need to change a weapon or something.

- There is no visual difference between a junction that's been cleared and one that hasn't been cleared. Cleared junctions should be removed from the star chart or at least greyed out so you know you completed them.

- Having to hover over every node to see what mission type/enemy level sucks... Find a way to make this display quickly like in the old system please.

- Still feels like the star chart is useless, with nodes that have no real payoff asides from resources... Still way too many nodes and low XP and credit gain on most of the star chart.

- Transparency makes stuff hard to read.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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(I am displeased with the drum noise instead of the other bassy sound.)



(They look bad, in my opinion. They should be reverted.)



(The look on the new background for the starchart (Which used to be a transparent-ish black) is now frosted glass.)


(I am displeased.)

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Thanks for the hotfixes :)

I'm a recent player, so I never saw this starchart before. It looks good.

The only thing I don't like is that the alert drop-down doesn't give clues about 'conditions' like archwing, nightmare, etc.

Combined with the fact that missions now autostart, it's quite annoying.


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Fissures somewhat OK----------------------Check

Kavats in game--------------------------------Check (After ages of waiting)

New Star Map layout looking good-------Check

Auto-countdown fixed------------------------TBD

Void traces drop rate-------------------------TBD

War Within--------------------------------------TBD (ETA according to devstream is August. My guess, September)

Multiple rewards from endless fissures--TBD



You guys are getting there. The update was definitely rushed. Please don't rush.

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> I need completed junctions to be marked somehow.  Currently there is nothing.  I can see completed requirements...but cant really tell if i did this junction or not.   Ended up killing poor rhino specter 3 times already.

> I dont like that its possible to click mission without full zoom on the planet.  That mouse wheel zoom control is not needed at all. 

Starchart would be much easier to navigate If M1 served as [select] and M2 served as [back]. And mouse wheel did nothing.

You simply click on planet you want to play and then select mission. If you want to go back you press M2. Simple and fast....No need to grab and drag starmap, accidently clicking on missions you dont want.


Also, bring back starchart 1.0 music.  Nothing beats it. 



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I miss the clarity of the earlier starchart (2.0?) where you could SEE the nodes, see the syndicate missions, see what kind of missions they were and so much more. Everything has to be zoomed in, hovered over, guessed, checked on wikia and so on now. More than once I´ve e.g. started a mod mission just to face a nightmare mission, where I could have had a much better loadout if it had just said NIGHTMARE somewhere on the star chart. What resources does this planet drop? Oh, I have to hover over the extractor button to see it? Great...

Thanks a lot for fixing the Lynx key drop though - I heard it had been moved from under ground to a container... I hope it's true!

Also, please don´t start quest/alert/so on missions when clicking on them in the menu to the right. Just teleport me to them, so I can look at it a bit more before they start... :S

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I noticed a while back that the paths between nodes wiggle/vibrate a little bit. I don't know if it's intended or not, and I didn't really worry about it until just a few moments ago.

Between missions, I got up and went to do some things that took longer than intended and I had ended up leaving my game running on the navigation menu for about 15 minutes. This caused screen burn-in. I've had it happen once before when I had white text on a dark background behaving in a similar way to these paths a long time ago. That has since faded, and I think this will too. Sorry for the blurry pictures, but you can't screenshot this sort of thing.


^ Full Size


^ Full Size

This didn't lead to any permanent damage to my monitor (it's almost completely faded as I'm wrapping this up) but I don't know how others will fare.
I think it's definitely something worth looking into.

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7 hours ago, Wanettedeath said:

Also, please don´t start quest/alert/so on missions when clicking on them in the menu to the right. Just teleport me to them, so I can look at it a bit more before they start... :S


On 9.7.2016 at 3:24 AM, Mak_Gohae said:

You cant click on the menu button, the square with the 3 bars on the top left, when you are in the new star chart.

You have to totally back out to be able to get anywhere.

And this. Please, change those two things so they work again as they did in the previous star chart. Those are the biggest nuisances for me right now.

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I find star chart 3.0 much easier to navigate and have an overview than the previous iteration. Though I did find some things that bothered the experience, many have been mentioned already so I won't write again, but this one I couldn't find anything about it:

I get that the flow of choosing a mission is meant to be faster and we're dropped right into it. This works well in Alerts and Fissures, though not that well in Syndicate missions: they are missing the factions note and it happened not only once that I got into a mission assuming it was a certain faction, though it was an entirely different one.

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On 7/27/2016 at 2:39 PM, Kainosh said:

> I need completed junctions to be marked somehow.  Currently there is nothing.  I can see completed requirements...but cant really tell if i did this junction or not.   Ended up killing poor rhino specter 3 times already.

> I dont like that its possible to click mission without full zoom on the planet.  That mouse wheel zoom control is not needed at all. 

Starchart would be much easier to navigate If M1 served as [select] and M2 served as [back]. And mouse wheel did nothing.

You simply click on planet you want to play and then select mission. If you want to go back you press M2. Simple and fast....No need to grab and drag starmap, accidently clicking on missions you dont want.


Also, bring back starchart 1.0 music.  Nothing beats it. 



I searched everywhere for this same suggestion! I have devoured every specter with Inaros multiple times because of this. I also ate every specter to prove a point as well.... way too easy.

I would like to see a marker indicating that the junction has been activated and complete without having to sacrifice another specter at a dead control panel.

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On 27.7.2016 at 3:09 AM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

- Transparency makes stuff hard to read.

Seriously, this, a thousand cuts times this.





^ Yeah, this is what my Star Chart "upgrade" looks like : |

[I've seen screenshots that were a lot less illegible, but at lowest graphic settings (woo craptop)
and high enough brightness so that certain tiles are more than just pitch-black darkness,
this is pretty much the best I could manage. That said, if you've got settings to suggest, I'm all ears.]

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On 7/8/2016 at 9:24 PM, Mak_Gohae said:

You cant click on the menu button, the square with the 3 bars on the top left, when you are in the new star chart.

You have to totally back out to be able to get anywhere.

You have to ad the option to navigate within the star chart.


Any update on this?

This shouldn't be a feature that was lost in the update.

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I play on PS4 and just finished the download this morning. I very much like the look and style of the new starchart, kudos all around, but I do have one suggestion. The mission titles are too small! I can get used to finding the old missions on the new chart, that's just getting used to something new after I was used to the old, no big deal. However the text used for the missions is just too hard to read in general. The effect is more pronounced for mission located on lighter areas of the underlying planet graphic. I think an increase in font size would be enough, there is certainly plenty of available space. Maybe and an adjustable font size or other feature?

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As an artist my self I understand the line between aesthetics and function. This new chart is definitely on the visual side of the spectrum, if even a little on the busy side of things. However function has dropped severely, in comparison to sc2. I understand that alot of this was in attempt to guide new players through quests but I doubt many will follow this any easier then before.

If your wanting to help people follow story line, quests, xcetera then create a better tutorial on the subject, personally after beating the first two quest vor and once awake, I spent the better part of a year just building my dojo, as I didn't know what to do next. 

Explaining the need to clear planets in order to place extractors and completing assassination missions is the advice I most often give to new players. Incidentally the feed back from them 100% of the time is thank you for that, they had no idea, and that also DE should force a tutorial for it as they did with parkour 2.0.

I would invite the development team to spend more time on remembering the flaws they experienced playing the game themselves and less time trying to create a stylish ui. Especially when most of their hard "artistic" work falls on the blind.

If the goals is to make a long term game, then function should be paramount along side with game play efficiency (lag from packet loss or processing drainage). You can have the prettiest picture in the world and still not be appreciated or remember. It's the function of art in life that makes progress and propels the world forward (ie: flip phones from star trek).

2/3 of the people who have heard of DaVinci, do not realize why they know him or what works he made famous but when looking at the Mona Lisa side by side with the Last Supper everyone tells you the last supper is a better picture. Regardless of whether or not they know anything about art.



Edited by (PS4)UrOwNiNaBiLiTy
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Having the icons be bigger would be nicer, they are pretty small on my screen as it is.  I couldn't imagine having to play on a smaller monitor, has to be microscopic!

I feel like the resource drops should display all the time, instead of on mousing over the extractor.  This is specifically to help new players know where resources are.

The transition from kneeling in front of the ship to the star chart could be a lot smoother, right now its pretty jarring but if it had an actual animation it would transition a lot better and overall look nicer.

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On 8/10/2016 at 4:46 AM, Mak_Gohae said:

Any update on this?

This shouldn't be a feature that was lost in the update.

thanks for bringing back this option.

Now.... where are we on the dedicated unequipped button? Cause navigating through several menus to get ready for a sortie is a bit annoying.

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  • 1 month later...

Do anyone experiencing a little lag/delay with star chart 3.0 ? I'm actually having this little lag/delay during the transition to view planets from my ship since the star chart 3.0 first released ... sometimes it even goes up to few minute of delay ? it's weird though, choosing and playing mission did not lag at all, so i assume it is the star chart 3.0 problem, because every time i start star chart 3.0 to choose planets to play, the first starting transition always lag/delay ...

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