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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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Okay so before the last hotfix i was maturing Kubrows got one Bulky Merle and today upon login it is back to being a puppy however i can equip it. So i did ran a mission and now it has reverted to being an Athletic build.

So my issue is that my kubrows are not reverting to the matured state they were and i'm loosing the builds i worked for weeks in breeding to obtain. Not a happy Tenno atm at all to say the least. 

I would advise anyone breeding pets to not bother at thin moment due to bugs.

To add to this all my Merle patterns for puppy matured have turned into Striped patterns, this is not going well today at all.

Edited by Ixxolos
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Every time you leave a group, you need to switch to solo and then back to group to be able to invite people.


After visiting Dojo and returning, frame will be stuck at sitting pose at the starmap. Fixed by going to escape menu and back.

Some areas in Earth tileset are completely black/

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27 minutes ago, steelblueskies said:

the mars lith fissures must be lith fissures on mars missions, i managed to compelte that one when it landed there earlier today. it neds its text clarified to indicate as much if its not going to change to "any" lith fissures from just mars.

i would strongly suspect the saturn neo, and pluto meso fissure tasks will be the same way.

Ugh, thanks.  Hopefully that's still a bug and not intentional.  

I wonder if the Nightmare and Phorid tasks are planet-locked as well.  The Spy task has no excuse, though.

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On 08/07/2016 at 11:27 PM, Anubias said:

umm i dont want to sound rude or anything but isnt dev build should catch this kind of obvious bugs ?


They can't squash'em all, but I'm sure they did get rid of most bugs that makes the game unplayable. That's what the dev build is for.


On topic:

Can't complete saturn junction since the game doesn't want to admit I can do a 3vault spy mission. Tested solo, multi, triggering alarms or going full stealth, won't work. There's another one but I can't remember it. I'll post again as soon as I run into it again.

Second bug: if you recieve a stalker love letter and can't skip mission end screen quickly enough, you'll be stuck on the mission end screen.

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Hi. I have many kubrows, and already done the "Howl of Kubrow" Quest long time ago. But suddenly I get this "missing collar" bug..

What did I do:

Received a gift "Kavat Starter Pack" from a friend and opened it

put in my last kubrow to stasis

the display on incubator is a DNA, not a kubrow egg.

I tried to do a random incubation, rush it, Name it, Mature it and BAM

No Collar..

Thanks for the solution





Nevermind.. I found its collar after a relogin.



Edited by --EXiST-DanN7--
I found the collar :'D
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Several Junction objectives are not being tracked for me.

  • Any "Seal X number of Y Fissures" are not being tracked.
  • Eris Junction "Defeat Phorid" objective is not being tracked.
  • Pluto Junction "Complete 3 Nightmare Missions" is not possible due to a lack of Nightmare missions.
  • Saturn Junction "Complete a Corpus Spy missions with 3 successful data extractions" isn't being tracked.
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the last 2 sortie mission on 2 accounts, nothing of the big cash counted to my accounts

6 runs for the neso missions, 3 on abaddon, 2 or 3 right now, doesnt count at the junction points (at one account)

finished a phorid mission, doesnt count on the junction points

mods appear and dissapear ...

i think there is more and im not really willling to play for finding out what functions and what not

who will give me the 6 relicts, who will give me the sortie cash and who will give me THE TIME I WASTED ? =)

i didnt agree anywhere as i started playing to be your testdummy, sorry

im in 6 syndicates on 2 accounts and get a point-counting level as im on level 2 in syndicates, i levelled all 6 because i play long enough warframe, should be changed again

honestly, it was never more dramatic after a update the deeper i dig into

i guess you have given us a testversion and next week you will sell us overwriting your testdata with original data as updates

sorry, something is wrong with your development

and i was singing my hymns allready in other threads for the new update in general, it was coming from my heart

as well as from now on by wasting my lifetime, no further creditability or nice words or whatever

GET YOUR THINGS DONE PLEASE ! youre devs, you get payed for

and we players are even the same sensitive as you are ...

didnt anybody tell us there will be a archwingrace implemented  etc. ? and i cant find any description how to manage the archwings now, all i see is i aim right but tje archwing aims in another direction =))

ok, i jump in, find out in hours how it possibly could function, then i come here, waste 2 or 3 hours by reading and gathering information, and then i go back and play ?

im not that kind of player and the mass of players doesnt function that way


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Same here with the windowed problem on startup , I'm also having the issue where the pointer arrow becomes trapped in what seems to be the right hand and bottom edges of where the window was on screen [The red box in the picture below in my case] meaning I don't have the ability to click 'zoom out' or 'exit' buttons when in Navigation.  It also means I have to use the 'arrow keys + Enter' to quit the game as the option is just below the pointer's range of movement [The lengths DE goes to to keep players in game ;) ]. 

This only happens when I don't expand the window before setting the game to fullscreen in options... so there's an obvious stopgap fix by remembering to expand the window before changing the display back to fullscreen, but a bug is a bug.  The ability to alt/tab out of game if needed can be stopgapped [or has been in my case] by leaving something like a web browser running as this gives the OS something to go to outside the game

The window and pointer area limitation have only been issues for me since the Specters of the Rail update.



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Sometimes an arson eximus will do massive damage, even at low levels with their "stomp" ability, and will sometimes instakill the most tanky warframes i have, ive had level one arson eximus' "stomp" kill a level 30 frost prime with over 1000 shields and 300 health, its very annoying, and i hope there is a solution.

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Also... I'm just skimming the thread, but anyone who gets their head stuck in the ramp... I got around that by hitting Escape and selecting Navigation [only happened to me once but I imagine Arsenal/Foundry etc can also be reached that way]. 

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1 hour ago, Serafim_94 said:

After visiting Dojo and returning, frame will be stuck at sitting pose at the starmap. Fixed by going to escape menu and back.

i always have to restart the game ;(

and my matchmaking window disapears very often so i restart the game every 10-15min

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so sometimes when i return from a mission or my dojo my warframe is sitting on the ground with his back to the navigation system and the only way to get out of this is by alt+f4 which is is really inconvenient. i hope you guys fix it

Screenshot_117.png it happens as so


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2 minutes ago, thatguythatrocks said:

so sometimes when i return from a mission or my dojo my warframe is sitting on the ground with his back to the navigation system and the only way to get out of this is by alt+f4 which is is really inconvenient. i hope you guys fix it

I have the same problem, however, i get out of kneeling position by moving to another part of the ship via menus (Esc/Equipment/Foundry or Esc/Equipment/Arsenal  ...for instance) without the need to ALt-F4 out of the game.

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When I got the update, I noticed several nodes in the Solar System were covered by Limbo Theorem nodes (despite my having completed the quest decades ago).  I found that I could fix this by doing each mission once and extracting, so I did two of them and re-unlocked Cambria and another node on Mars.

During this, I scanned some of the Cephalon Fragments.

Strangely, they both went to the second Mars fragment (Sentinels - while I wasn't done with the first one - Mars).

Once I went into a regular Mars mission, it proceeded as normal to finish the Mars fragments, then went on to finish the THIRD Mars set instead of finishing "Sentinels".  It turns out it is impossible for me to acquire the rest of the Sentinel fragments because of this weird bug - upon completing "Mars Settlements" I am unable to scan any more Mars fragments.

My best friend had the same issue when he scanned with me the same fragment in the Limbo Neuroptics Theorem, except that went to the "Wildlife" Earth fragment.  He is unable to complete the Earth lore now because he is unable to scan any more of the "Wildlife" fragments - it tells him it's already scanned.

I think the fragments' completion per planet should be based on the completion of the total set for the planet, and not upon simply scanning the last part of the last fragment (which is what seems to be happening).


Thanks for reading!

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