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Specters of the Rail: Hotfix 1


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1 minute ago, Belluset said:

I never carried new players for my convenience. 95% of the time, I was taking them through stuff they wanted to do. Only time I carried new players on things I wanted to do is if they were personal friends that wanted to do the same things. No one's saying that this isn't my choice, it obviously is, but that doesn't also stop the system that sees me running something 30 times and not getting rewarded isn't flawed. I didn't mind the old system. Not saying it was terrible. I'm just saying that this one is better.

I also don't think you understand how  the new system works if you think it's only making people think they have a chance. 4 people can go in with their relics (which can have the item drops modified by means clearly defined both in-game and in the initial patch notes), 4 people can get 4 different rewards and *all* players can choose the reward that they want, either their own or a copy of someone's else's. You don't think that system is better than everyone getting the same drop, no matter what it is? You don't think that the chance at 4 different rewards to choose from is better than the chance for 1? I mean, if you like being forced to run 80 minute survivals to get the same amount of high quality rewards you get from running a 10 minute survival now, then I guess that's... nice?

Oh no I get you, but it's all RNG man.  Best thing I can tell you for old system is try at different times.  It's all about the seed when it comes to RNG old or new system. You can still run the same amount of missions now and still not get what you are after.

old sys: 80min Sur = 16 loot items (ducats at the very least) | (Fun)

new sys: 10 min Sur = 1 item (probably junk) / 8 runs(80 min) = 8 items (mostly junk) | (ducat prices probably wont be very lowered by much) (boring and tedious)

^^ see the issue.

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Still getting stuck on Mission Success screen after missions. This bug has NOT been fixed. Even though there's an Exit button at the bottom now, clicking it does nothing.

Also having the issue where the game starts in windowed mode and at lowered resolution.

Edited by PigeonFish
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Hip holstering positions still don't work with some frames: Vauban, Loki, Mag, Frost, Equinox, Nova, Nyx, and Wukong.

EDIT: Our ship's ramp may not trap our wandering companions, but it can still trap us. Why ._.

Edited by Jenemba
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So, this seems to be a crucial update that I... can't get? It fails every time. My rewards streak is gonna break if I can't launch the game. How do I make it load all the assets? It won't start at all if I can't get the updates to load.

I gave it one last go, and it finally worked. Not sure why it glitched like that.

Edited by HSLegacy
Problem solved.
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I can't enter full screen, everything is stuck in windows. alt + enter doesn't work or anything else I've tried. works fine with every other game, But since the first hotfix after this last update I haven't been able to play in full screen in warframe. any one else having full screen bugs and issues? please fix DE.

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Hello guys, can you please fix this bug?

I logged into my account after the Specters of the Rail update and lost like half of the planets progress... can't even enter the boss fights because I need to unlock the missions which I had unlocked before the update.

Can you please fix it? I don't really want to spend more like 50 hours on doing again the missions that I had unlocked before the update...

Thank you for fixing it, Fox.

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(ON PC) The second Dream Quest is bugged i cant get to the lower area to put my opperater in that pod -thing and choose my focus. I cant join My clan DOJO i cant do anything i have to Force close my game with ALT+F4 otherwise its going to run forever. Please fix this if you could be so kind there are over 30+ people who has the same problem and it was published 5+- hours ago...

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Honestly this new method of getting prime is cool but it just adds more grind into the game you can no longer get more then one item that means you need to spend more fissures things .... keys you need to spend more keys and that means its going to be a lot more grinding to get junk prime parts to sell for ducets and all they are doing is pushing people to buy plat. hell it took me like 2 hours to figure out how to buy a blueprint I almost thought they completely removed that they are pushing the whole give as money give as money. Plus just had a run for the fissures b.s  on a survival and couldn't find the dam thing we looked until all the life support ran out and time and still no one could find it like what the hell and a rescue took me and a group 20 min to find it plus we almost failed because that dam hostage only has 400 400 and the enemy spawns in bombarders like candy and that just means he is dead the whole time and the team had to revive him every 2 seconds. Stop making this game more grind its already a ton of grind with out it. want to rework how we get prime S#&$ fine do it but do not sell it as something better and be like we wanted to remove the grind and add more grind in on the back end


And before you say well yeah they need to make money 2. yeah I get it I spent around 200 dollars on this game that is more then I spent on any game before by about 140 dollars.


Plus you removed any reason for us to try and survive in long defensive run or survivals like whats the point now?????

I played with unranked weapons and still was keeping up with the team in the "t4" fissures things and had no problem completing the objective and i was still helping the team whats the point of callings it a t4 if you can complete it with no real effort uh.


Uh idk sorry about the rant it just piss me off they just keep adding more and more grind to the game and try to sell like something else. 

Now I am not saying its a bad system i am just saying its not that user friendly and very grindy.

I love how the rifts spawn hordes of enemy's that is cool and all but lets not have to baby sit a hostage 2. Fine only one prime thing at a time then make getting the dam things  a bit easier and let lotus tell us where the dam thing is like really I know its not meant to be hard to find and most of the time its not but every once in a while it is and that just means you spend like 20 min looking for it and you get nothing for it because the life support runs out. In 20 min we could have had 2-3 prime parts mostly junk but junk was then used to make ducets so it all worked out in the end now its just well maybe you will spend an hour and get maybe 2 prime parts maybe they are good but mostly the RNG gods hate me so it mostly ducet primes. I think i am done with warframe for now going to wait in the back ground until this all gets sorted out and maybe they finial fix many other things like releasing weapons that are point less and are only used to get master rank and then go and collect dust looking at you Dual Dark Swords. I formad them 4 times and still they couldn't hold up mid  game plus why no physical damage only elemental its a Sword Its not an energy sword or some other sword its just 2 dark swords that means they should have some physical damage. 


Everything else is nice the text on the maps could be a bit bigger I have 20 20 but felt it was a bit small other then that everything else was top noch.


***To Mdeero Comment below me****

yeah they are making me so frustrated with the game every update mess something up like all the reworks. They just turned into more grinding for me.

Now I am not saying the reworks were bad they kinda weren't but I had to re forma my mag to change polarities a bit  

and why is limbo still point less rework him he has zero to very little role in anything. an role you can think of putting him in there is already a frame that does it better and has other functions.

I get grind in a game like this but some of the reworks just add to much on top of it and its just not wort it anymore I am no longer in college where I had a a lot more time to play this game I get lucky to play an hour or two every other day or so and that mean i have like zero nitian extrators like why are they an alert thing why why why why i can't log in when they are in the alert and I need like 20 i think to get the Vauban prime thats like 4 weeks of grinding for that if i get lucky to log in at the right time


Plus I didn't have that issue that your having with the resolution that sucks hope they fix that quickly

***To MDeero Comment below me***

Edited by SuperGameJunky
spelling and grammar and response to MDeero
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^ Someone who understands it ^

People should have caught on to that from the start!

"less grinding" -> defenitly not

 "less grinding for one part" maybe yes

but getting to that ^ grind is way too grindy.

And getting ducats ... wow, i cannot even begin to imagine without loosing complete interest and quiting out of frustration


To the issue at hand though:

Everyone having this issue, please report it there ^

So that DE can get a hold of it instead of reading through all of this and so they can see the vast numbers of people having this issue

Come on.... this is annoying, please fix it! 

Edited by MDeero
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Please bring back the ability to ease forward while in a melee animation.
The sparring and gauntlet weapons now feel like heavy weapons, slow, restrictive and ending up making me embarrass myself.  Punching the air when the enemy is only a few inches away.

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