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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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This quote from the Kavat announcement worries me...


Kavats are also getting a selection of shared Mods to help you better customize your newest (and perhaps cutest) companion yet!

Please tell me they use the same core mods as Kubrow... Bite, Maul, Link Health, Link Shields etc...

I really don't want another hyped content launch to end in players having to find and max a bunch of new 10 rankers. Sometimes it makes sense to add new mods, but it would be impossible to defend adding the same mods for Kavat that we already have for Kubrow even if the numbers are different.

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2 minutes ago, XtheMATTx said:

So basically what you're saying is the warframe universe is to have no wildlife whatsoever and we aren't allowed to use that wildlife as companions?



I just think it cheapens WF to jump on the bandwagon of the "cute pets" thing that every other MMO does.

I'm clearly in the minority in that opinion in the thread so far though. 

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Some people want fancy armor. Others want extras, but still show the patterns and genetic random parts of their breed. I think both accomplish this as launch armor. I'm not against tennogen pet armor at all. And I can see why one wouldn't want either of these (the piercings are creepy yes) . Yet there will be more later.

Edited by Firetempest
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15 minutes ago, VKhaun said:

This quote from the Kavat announcement worries me...

Please tell me they use the same core mods as Kubrow... Bite, Maul, Link Health, Link Shields etc...

I really don't want another hyped content launch to end in players having to find and max a bunch of new 10 rankers. Sometimes it makes sense to add new mods, but it would be impossible to defend adding the same mods for Kavat that we already have for Kubrow even if the numbers are different.

Yes, VK, Most of the core mods from your Kubrows will work on Kavats as well!

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18 minutes ago, TennoPain said:

Is this a joke armor look like its made in 3 sec 

Come on DE pls give possibility to TENNGEN creators to be able to release content for PLAT if they want

This is getting out of hand  



And what sort of dead-hearted maniac beat the feather to the poor&ugly fellow's forehead with a nail?!

Edited by Teloch
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19 minutes ago, VKhaun said:

This quote from the Kavat announcement worries me...

Please tell me they use the same core mods as Kubrow... Bite, Maul, Link Health, Link Shields etc...

I really don't want another hyped content launch to end in players having to find and max a bunch of new 10 rankers. Sometimes it makes sense to add new mods, but it would be impossible to defend adding the same mods for Kavat that we already have for Kubrow even if the numbers are different.

I believe that the precept mods will be the only mods that can't be interchanged between kavats and kubrows.

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   Welp.... Seems like Kavats are already being negatively received in some capacity due to fears of their AI being as bad as Kubrows, the question of whether Kavats were necessary in the first place, and the launch cosmetics for Kavats (the witch hat and armor aren't that bad, and the other set is ok) not looking good to people at all. I understand that these are just your opinions guys, but I wouldn't jump to these types of conclusions until they actually happen or have been looked at in depth from within the game.

   Just so you know, I have heard at one point (I think it was in a Devstream) that Kubrows and the upcoming Kavats will have A.I. improvements, so it's a good start on making Kubrows/upcoming Kavats reliable. Also, I think having a variety of companions in Warframe is important (people shouldn't just want/rely on Sentinels all the time; Dogs and Cats make sense in the Warframe universe and if they're given the right treatment, they could become just as good as them). And with the armor, it really isn't that bad (although some constructive feedback on them will probably appear for obvious reasons, which is fine). Regardless, let's just wait and see what happens in the end and go from there.

Edited by YellowVolt
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ok, whatever this update trilogy will bring us, it carries kavats (no, im not with that armor, never) ^^)

im shure bastet will overcome the DE headquarter and will do hard vengeance for that armory (^^

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