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Gift of Tennocon alert lvl 200-9999


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I think you missed the point of the alert by a very, very long way. It was a fun alert with fun ideas by the people at tennocon ( a one-off)

I solo'd it easy with the ivara covert dagger, If you didn't know about how the laert came about at tennocon then maybe you should have read some of the other threads about the alert instead of creating another one...

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Don't even need to kill anyone, don't need any high level gear/mods since you are pretty much indestructible.

These following might help (what I did to achieve this), I had 5 seconds left of air when the timer reached 0:

1. Bring Sahasa Kubrow (may help) and a fast attack speed melee weapon:

1.1 Don't activate the terminal

1.2 If you spawn in a room full of lockers and has said Kubrow type, allow Kubrow to 'pry' open the locked lockers, don't open them yet until you activate the terminal. These lockers may contain the mini air support (needs to be confirmed whether the air canisters can drop)

2. Once you start the timer and hacked the terminal, prepare to run as fast as possible ( at this point in time, adrenaline rush kicks in). Your Kubrow might die once you start the timer, ignore him/her and proceed to leg it.

2.1 Clear every room starting from where you spawn of lockers and destructible cans.

2.2 Proceed to clear all the rooms in the map and don't forget to activate the Life Support

3. (May help to distract or potentially kill enemies) Hack MOA's Lockers/Storage compartment to summon said MOA

P.S. I accidentally hit an explosive barrel that was near 3 cans and the 3 of them dropped air canisters (not sure if its a bug)

P.S. If you have Master Thief Mod, do bring that as it will help alot in opening locker lockers (I didn't use it)

Good luck :)

Edited by Geemax
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7 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

About time am I right? Everyone has just become complacent in how they've always done it, they just turn their brain off.

See first quote

Because this alert required you to use your brain?

I feel bad for you then...

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11 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

Everyone who went solo and was able to kill, got more or less 19 enemies.

Running solo, I'm seeing 20. Killing them all is easy enough with Frost's Snow Globe. Then they stop. Still can't get over the line, even with Master Thief and Thief's Wit.

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We just went nyx, nova and trin. We just walked around, completely unharmed all mobs occupied killing each other in slow motion.

So we simply waited the timer out and won ^^

Edited by Deshiel
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19 seconds...

I have made around 10 attempts to complete this alert. Every one of them has been a failure. I am opening every locker(Master Thief) and breaking open every resource canister. I have not seen a PLS module drop from anything, including enemies that I have killed. I have read through this entire thread and tried many of the different tactics and strategies that other player have suggested, but the mission ALWAYS fails at exactly 19 seconds. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have read that a vast majority of you folks have pulled this mission off without the use of PLS drops.

Tin foil hat mode engaged...

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26 minutes ago, DCypherThis13 said:

19 seconds...

I have made around 10 attempts to complete this alert. Every one of them has been a failure. I am opening every locker(Master Thief) and breaking open every resource canister. I have not seen a PLS module drop from anything, including enemies that I have killed. I have read through this entire thread and tried many of the different tactics and strategies that other player have suggested, but the mission ALWAYS fails at exactly 19 seconds. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have read that a vast majority of you folks have pulled this mission off without the use of PLS drops.

Tin foil hat mode engaged...

You are dying at 19 second mark because LS provided by lotus depletes at the last 19 seconds. You either need to kill the enemies or open lockers to find additional 20 seconds worth of oxygen. I never found oxygen in the containers so my only option was killing the enemies. I didn't have covert lethality mod so I couldn't use sneak attack finishers(if you can, use this). I ended up using lvl 25 mag. Her second ability creates bubbles around enemies and make their fire hurt themselves. Her third ability increases this damage. One thing though. One time use of this ability is not enough so either you need to bring a zenurik focus or loot containers for energy.

Nyx's chaos ability also turn them each other. But this damage is mostly minimal compared to the mag way. So you may need to use a group of damage amplifiers to kill them this way.

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3 hours ago, Marthrym said:

Because this alert required you to use your brain?

I feel bad for you then...

Why? I think the alert is fine, I'm talking about everyone else who is complaining. Although Survival in general is very RNG dependent on Life Support Modules dropping. Got to 8 seconds left and was at extraction, but lost because only one container dropped a module, and killing the 5 Elite Crewman that spawned with a Covert Lethality Karyst didn't give any LS either (could never get behind the MOAs in time to insta-kill them)

Edited by 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4
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As near as I can figure.  This mission is not for casual players.  I am guessing someone at DE is really pissed at the casual player base.  I have only seen it done by having certain frames and certain mods.  

This is not impressing me. 

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5 minutes ago, Nar_Daggan said:

As near as I can figure.  This mission is not for casual players.  I am guessing someone at DE is really pissed at the casual player base.  I have only seen it done by having certain frames and certain mods.  

This is not impressing me. 

Anyone and any frame can do the mission (I did it myself with Zephyr and without killing a single enemy) but there is a trick to the mission which new players might not know. You just have to avoid the enemies entirely and just break crates and open lockers. This (if you are lucky) can get you enough capsules to survive so long as you don't bring yourself over 100% life support at any time. If you are unlucky (like me), you'll have to flirt with danger and wait for life support to reach 1% and then activate the life support capsules which gains you an extra few percent of life support every time since life support will not quit out while you are activating a capsule. It's tight no matter what you do but you will reach the 6 minute mark with a few percent to spare.

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