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All jokes and salt aside: Does anyone actually LIKE the new Archwing 6DOF?


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1 hour ago, H2K3 said:

I like the fact that I can orientate myself how I wish easily. I see little wrong with it.

After all, "The enemy's gate is down."

Which would be fine and dandy, but Ender had the luxury of battling in the same setting every time, navigation wasn't a major factor. The enemy's gate was always down.

On the other hand navigation is a major factor in Archwing, I find it almost impossible to navigate with the current system. I lose track of objectives/teammates/enemies/myself/my destination etc ridiculously easy. Old corridors that I know from an up down perspective are disorientating when I realise I'm flying the wrong way up without realising.

The maps need a complete look over for this new system to work imo.

Edited by DeMonkey
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24 minutes ago, TheLocalHentai said:

I love the new movement system.

I HATE they didn't update the map to go along with it.


22 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Nothing as it is made to sound. If you ever played a flight simulator, this is still better than that. My guess is that a lot of players are unused to things like that.

This is where mostly I am currently lol.

I'm actually really happy now if feels more like we're in actual space now, having so much freedom with the controls. But on the other hand, the smaller and narrower maps (Corpus maps in particular) definitely we're hit a bit due to the nature of having that kind of movement now. I don't find it personally as bad, as I just need to actually practice with the controls a bit more. Especially since it's basically a whole other kind of game now so I can't really dismiss it or praise it until I can really sink my teeth into it. Pretty much how I am with 2D fighting games haha. I can't judge a book by its cover just by playing a few rounds of BlazBlue or Under Night In-Birth ;P


42 minutes ago, grimdraken said:

The old system was fine, hence this thread.  I'm confused at the reasoning.

And that's the beauty of it. With alot of Warframe's content (say, Syndicates for example) is never needed, and they don't need to have some deeper reasoning behind something other than what direction they want to take the game at.

And sure, maybe the "old system was fine", but it can be much better. Now how they are going about to do it is always up in the air and will vary from person to person.

29 minutes ago, TrueHawkEye said:

I love it they brought it back to what it was except the camera is about 2-5 feet too close to my liking. And you can boost and shoot at the same time no needing to choose to shoot or run like resident evil style.

^ This specifically I will say definitely made me really look forward to this past update, as they brought back how originally they wanted Archwing to play as. And for the most part, there are quite a few great things that came with these change(s). Be it, still with room to improve it, but overall they're definitely heading in the right track (#obviousmyopinionisobvious).

For example, I do think the camera is a tad to close too the player, which does have a direct effect for some players having nauseousness. I think either changing it or having the ability to adjust the camera distance would absolutely be welcomed and definitely help those who get a bit nauseous at times.


But that's enough of my babbling haha~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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I don't like that it's actually 5 or 4.5 degrees of freedom.

We don't have roll control, instead the game does that automatically (whether it's wanted or not), so -1.

We don't have upward vertical control while sprinting/using afterburner, because whatever that's bound to ends up as a dual function button, that swaps from move up to afterburner when you activate sprint, so -0.5.

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I like that I can play it while flying forward at a good speed.

A LOT of clean up and refining needs to happen and FAST. It's in a horrible state for a live game, plus I hear Titania will use Archwing mechanics in normal missions for her #4...

But I like where it's going.


I play like this...


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I definately like it. It feels like space now. My only problems with it are:

  • the camera is a little bit too zoomed in
  • zooming in and out creates an elastic-zoom-barf-cam.. (zoom in and out a few times, you'll see what I mean. old archwing doesnt have that..(check Sharkwing.. it uses the old archwing code)
  • auto-'leveling'... get rid of auto leveling and put a keybind in to let me level myself.


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Just now, VKhaun said:

A LOT of clean up and refining needs to happen and FAST. It's in a horrible state for a live game, plus I hear Titania will use Archwing mechanics in normal missions for her #4...

I think DE said Titania will be using the old-style archwing controls, because she'll be in a 2D environment with an obvious up/down axis.

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11 minutes ago, polarity said:

I don't like that it's actually 5 or 4.5 degrees of freedom.

We don't have roll control, instead the game does that automatically (whether it's wanted or not), so -1.

We don't have upward vertical control while sprinting/using afterburner, because whatever that's bound to ends up as a dual function button, that swaps from move up to afterburner when you activate sprint, so -0.5.

You actually can roll, you just have to set a second button for your hold to crouch. Then hold that button and use A/D to rotate. It's not perfect though.


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4 minutes ago, ClockworkSpectre said:

Its much better than before, but it still has a ways to go(see polarity's post above).  They should have gone with 6DoF from the start rather than trying to change it now.

I think the issue they're stuck on is lack of bindable buttons on a gamepad, so they can't really provide all 6 axes without sacrificing something, or using awkward kludges like combinations of buttons.  Really, they need to free up a lot of the available buttons on gamepads by making one button a universal modifier for everything else.

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As much as I HATE almost everything else about the update, and despite the general distrust I now have for this developer, I actually prefer this new Archwing sub-game to the previous version.

  • I can move around without hitting invisible stops.
  • Everything is larger. I don't have to squint to see enemies. I can actually see drops now.
  • Although I did boost a couple of mods before U18, I don't think I changed them enough to result in the increased damage I'm seeing. The game was ridiculously hard in light of the fact that drops benefiting weapons systems were rarely ever seen. I assume they tweaked damages.
  • I can see my cross hairs now.

Now, none of this matters at this point, as drops have been nerfed so hard I'll never have enough Cores or Credits to manage normal gear for my warframes, let alone Archwing, pets, and Sentinels. The game has become something of a sad joke with the U18 emphasis on Platinum sales. But they did improve the Archwing stuff, in my honest opinion.

Edited by DEATHLOK
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i prefer the new archwing because it released the player's hand, now theres a lot more room for skill to get expressed, the corpus trench runs needs to get adjusted, the hud needs to get useful parameters, and like someone else said, the triggers for barrelrolls need to get reviewed as they are triggered by accident too much

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I absolutely love it.

It actually feels like an alternative game type and not just ground combat but you float. Archwing always seemed to have an identity crisis to me but thats been solved completely with this change.

As far as how polished it is, I'd say its the second most polished part of the whole thing and not nearly as buggy as the starchart, the only major part missing is an FoV slider and keybindings to change your roll better.

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I definitely like the idea of it. The implementation, especially in terms of precision of steering, needs work.

What I like about it is the fact that my current orientation doesn't limit my movement possibilities. Trying to follow the target in Pursuit mode, for instance, would be next to impossible under the old flight system. It would fly up to loop around some asteroid, and you'd have to stop halfway through and turn around. With the 6DOF movement, I can stay right on his tail no matter what, which gives me more time to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to be shooting at.

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47 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Which would be fine and dandy, but Ender had the luxury of battling in the same setting every time, navigation wasn't a major factor. The enemy's gate was always down.

On the other hand navigation is a major factor in Archwing, I find it almost impossible to navigate with the current system. I lose track of objectives/teammates/enemies/myself/my destination etc ridiculously easy. Old corridors that I know from an up down perspective are disorientating when I realise I'm flying the wrong way up without realising.

The maps need a complete look over for this new system to work imo.

I have a bit of problem keeping the down orientation, but I tend to think of myself as a sphere. I rotate to keep an orientation. The gate is down, but I roll in a direction.

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1 minute ago, H2K3 said:

I have a bit of problem keeping the down orientation, but I tend to think of myself as a sphere. I rotate to keep an orientation. The gate is down, but I roll in a direction.

Wish I could. But given the lack of roll controls and the fact that I'm constantly realigning to horizon at inopportune moments I struggle to keep any orientation at all.

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59 minutes ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

My only issue is the fact the system keeps trying to orient me to an "Up" position... should just make a hotkey for it and leave it to the player to decide.



Open space missions are beautiful since all orientations are correct. Since there's no point to be tied to that would label one direction as 'up' and another as 'down' you're free to move as you want.


In trench run missions, you can obviously tell what's up and what's down. Not having a key that rights the player is silly.

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2 minutes ago, EirwynTelyn said:

In trench run missions, you can obviously tell what's up and what's down. Not having a key that rights the player is silly.

I actually found the random orientation very refreshing in trench run. It felt like the ship I was near and inside of was moving or tumbling through space. It made the old tiles weirdly replayable.

I've heard that gives people motion sickness and it definitely looks all wrong in open areas though. I don't expect it to last.

Edited by VKhaun
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