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How To Solve The Problem Of "Exclusive Mastery Rank"


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I have Excalibur Prime. Because of this, I get 6000 Mastery that non-Founders never will. That's kinda scummy, isn't it?

The fix is so simple: create an "Exclusive" status for items that can never be acquired again through other means, like the Founders items/select Vandals/etc. Then make it so Exclusive items don't award MR.

EDIT: This is obviously not a major issue given the current resolution of the Mastery system. More of a minor concern going forward.

Edited by Kappatalist
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6 minutes ago, Kappatalist said:

I have Excalibur Prime. Because of this, I get 6000 Mastery that non-Founders never will. That's kinda scummy, isn't it?

The fix is so simple: create an "Exclusive" status for items that can never be acquired again through other means, like the Founders items/select Vandals/etc. Then make it so Exclusive items don't award MR.

It's not really a problem, is it?

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2 minutes ago, Terror-Of-Death said:

It's not really a problem, is it?

I don't think it's a huge problem really, but a lot of people seem to get bent over it. I honestly don't care if this crap gives Mastery Rank, so in the end it's just an unnecessary meta-issue or something.

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3 minutes ago, AurumandArgentum said:

But why? It's quite literally only 6k and not that big of a deal, if they don't like it, whelp thats life.

But it's not. There's so much MR like this that I'm pretty sure there's a Mastery Rank that's only attainable if you have most of the exclusive items. Granted, as more content is released this issue will cease to exist temporarily, and MR ceases to mean a goddamn thing after about 12, but thinking in the long term - what happens when we get to Max Mastery? MR30? Will it only be for people with EVERYTHING? Will there be overflow just to account for this? Or what?

For now, both sides of the argument are no more valid than the other, but in the long term this could be a slight issue.

Edited by Kappatalist
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It's not really a significant problem, and won't be until everyone gets close to MR30 (which should still take years at the current rate of content release). With the release of the Amesha, the new weapons for Archwing, the Okina, and the two Kavats, there isn't an exclusive lock on a specific MR anymore effective with SOTR. Anyone can be MR22 now, not just founders. If DE is careful about it, they can make it so that's always the case for every update from now until we all hit MR30 and cap out. If they aren't, we might run into another small period in the future where the people with exclusive items can be an MR that others can't achieve for a maximum of a few months at a time. 

I'm not sure why it's as big an issue as it is to some people as it has been, but it's now much less of one than it was.

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7 minutes ago, Llewellyn_Lionheart said:

I'm not sure why it's as big an issue as it is to some people as it has been, but it's now much less of one than it was.

Really, I don't care too much at all. I just know that a lot of people seem to. I also realize that things could get kinda weird around MR30.

That's a good point you make about DE being able to potentially avoid "gated MRs" with major updates, but that's a LOT of content they'd have to release at once to actually do that.

1 minute ago, Firetempest said:

With how primes are now, just as much coming in is leaving for the vault with a slower re-release, That's going to create a much larger divide than founder/closed beta content. So that gap will continue to widen for newer players.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Prime vaulting. I think it's completely absurd. But at least it's still possible to acquire those items through trading, and there's a prospect for them to return, so those aren't quite "Exclusive". I would admittedly be sad to find that no Primes give MR, or that their MR is revoked at the arbitrary point in time they become "inaccessible".

Edited by Kappatalist
re: Firetempest
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29 minutes ago, Kappatalist said:

I have Excalibur Prime. Because of this, I get 6000 Mastery that non-Founders never will. That's kinda scummy, isn't it?

No? The amount is arbitrary and changes all the time.

A total min-max player being behind by one rank for a week or two before we get a shiny new thing isn't really worth making a fuss over IMO.

Maybe if we needed MR22 to use some equipment or something... but there's no reason to think that will ever happen. DE has only been using only about half of maximum for requirements.

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Perhaps the codex should show an tab that shows exclusive items with colour of gold which shows the type of exclusiveness. Something like a gold glow of the weapon being hovered to indicate founder's exclusive item. But overall, i think there should be an overhaul to the prestige system. I mean, getting higher mr is more getting being diluted in form. Perhaps they should add in exclusive in-game titles that can be shown in gameplay, visible to teammates and have the option to be visible to you in HUD. Something like clan emblem, name and achievement titles. Once system shows that you have played more than 2000 hours or so, you'll be given an updated HUD that shows glow in your in-game name and a lotus vibe symbol that decorates your name. Like "\_ xxx _/" etc.  Reason why log-in milestone is not because at some-point, everyone will get 200 days of login rewards and so, like the sortie. But not many are able to reach 2000 hours in one day.. so it's kind of a prestige. 

but yeah, i would agree to op. :) 

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Back in June I took a look at MR XP and where content is locked, so on and so forth...

Exclusive mastery accounted for <1% of available XP with 98% of everything available in Warframes and weapons being locked at MR 8 and under which only needed <14% XP. Even to unlock all equipment at MR 12 only required 33% XP completion. Those percentages will only decrease as more items are added that give mastery (unless they do a MR lock balance or add higher locked items).

"Exclusive" Mastery isn't a problem because it just doesn't really do anything. Who says DE is gonna stop making content when (or if) enough content is released to reach MR 30 anyway?

Edited by Maicael
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I like the solution. It also means that you have less reason to care that you "missed" some of the items. eg, I don't have the sheev. Its a trash tier weapon on my scale of Good-Trash, but it does mean a loss of mastery I may have gotten if I'd been there for that. Would stop some people getting salty over weapons they'd probably never use outside of getting more mastery rank too. Like the Dera Vandal, prova, machette, karak, etc. Not that these weapons don't have followers.. Believe me.. I can't convince my friend that karak may not necessarily be the best weapon to do infested sorties with, but he loves it.

Would add more of a "I spent the time to master these weapons" more than a "I was here for more so I got more weapons to master than you" feel to MR

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Except new content is always being released so that 6000 MRP starts to mean less and less over time. its not that big an issue and more then enough gear will be released for everyone to reach MR 30.

Are people really that petty? Wait.. why am I even asking, I know the answer.


Edited by StinkyPygmy
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thats 12000 mr i will never get but tats ok i wasnt here then so why should we get it..

currently 2500 from the next mr 2 weapons i dont have yet 1 i cant get ether daggers got rid of when i first started and the brakk the dam receiver is the hardest part to get

but i dont mind not having excal p as i wasnt here then its not that much of a issue really..

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Just now, DiosGX said:

omg people who started playing a game sooner have an advantage???!!?!?!?!


What has just been said is essentially this whole debate, just replace the numbers and units to fit

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Yeah it is 12,000 because Excalibur, Lato, Skana Primes. I will never get 6k from the weapons either so I am not having issues over it. And I don't see ANYONE whatsoever having problems with any of it at all. Even in this thread there is no problem so I think this discussion is going to be all one sided that it's fine.

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13 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

Yeah it is 12,000 because Excalibur, Lato, Skana Primes. I will never get 6k from the weapons either so I am not having issues over it. And I don't see ANYONE whatsoever having problems with any of it at all. Even in this thread there is no problem so I think this discussion is going to be all one sided that it's fine.

I have no problem with mastery either, all I see is some players worried about their vandal* weapons losing their exclusivity after prime time talks, and solving nonexistent issues as an excuse to keep those weapons to feel somehow superior to other players.

* yes, only the vandals, in the prime time steve clarified to be feeling bad about the exclusivity promise done to founders, and that the promise word will be kept anyways.

op: I guess that a "solution" like this would have made sense if applied before DE started bringing back event weapons, not now that the last trace of exclusivity for non-founders is on the lobby.

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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There's every chance the so called "problem" will solve itself when MR 30 comes along and enough extra weapons and frames are created.

Assuming that what I've always heard, that MR30 is where the MR will end, is true.

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