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Relics and the new void... its unfair and broken.


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we should have both ways to earn prime parts, both old and new- not one or the other. taking away choices from your players is wrong.

They promised us less grind but gave us more -instead of earning 1-10 parts (each) for one key we earn 1 piece each for 4 relics -how is this fair? 

you have to grind for void traces over and over -only given a small amount each run (10-20 randomly at the end) and need 100 to make one key give you a slightly better chance at the rare stuff.  (if we had a chance of picking it up like before and a chance of earning more as we went this would be better)

and now they bring out new relics instead of switching around vaulted ones for new ones -so thats even MORE GRIND. 

free to play games generally want you to grind so those in a hurry are more likely to spend money to get what they want quicker whilst still giving people the chance to earn it, which is fair -up until  like Vauban's prime/ the new void  warframre was pretty blanched  -you had to earn stuff but it didn't have to play the same stuff over and over like a chore....

but this is now taking the piss and has taken tedious, repetitive grind to a whole new level. I have spent £££ on warframe but I don't want to have to a prime pack every time a new one comes out -part of earning prime parts is what used to make it fun, you felt like you achieved something -but now it would take me 4 times longer to do so, earning things is no longer fun. 

Its a game not a chore please stop making it like one. 

at this rate warframe will become a pay-to-win game, the fact it isn't is part of what makes war-frame so good but apparently DE is getting greedy. 

edit:  also people talk it give you more variety, but I have found most people only do the captures or rescues as they are they most quickest way to get a part and traces. so instead of varied play people are just going to do the same quick mission over and over and over -there is no point in doing a harder or longer mission as you get the same reward amount for doing the quick ones. they pop up often enough as well you generally don't need to wait long to find a quick mission in the relic level you want. 

Edited by morningstar999
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2 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

we should have both ways to earn prime parts, both old and new- not one or the other. taking away choices from your players is wrong.

They promised us less grind but gave us more -instead of earning 1-10 parts (each) for one key we earn 1 piece each for 4 relics -how is this fair? 

you have to grind for void traces over and over -only given a small amount each run (10-20 randomly at the end) and need 100 to make one key give you a slightly better chance at the rare stuff.  (if we had a chance of picking it up like before and a chance of earning more as we went this would be better)

and now they bring out new relics instead of switching around vaulted ones for new ones -so thats even MORE GRIND. 

free to play games generally want you to grind so those in a hurry are more likely to spend money to get what they want quicker whilst still giving people the chance to earn it, which is fair -up until  like Vauban's prime/ the new void  warframre was pretty blanched  -you had to earn stuff but it didn't have to play the same stuff over and over like a chore....

but this is now taking the piss and has taken tedious, repetitive grind to a whole new level. I have spent £££ on warframe but I don't want to have to a prime pack every time a new one comes out -part of earning prime parts is what used to make it fun, you felt like you achieved something -but now it would take me 4 times longer to do so, earning things is no longer fun. 

Its a game not a chore please stop making it like one. 

at this rate warframe will become a pay-to-win game, the fact it isn't is part of what makes war-frame so good but apparently DE is getting greedy. 


I agree, I was hoping that the new relic would be part of void but it's not.

Now I'm in a dilemma as to what the current void is now.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Deception_Pharo said:

I agree, I was hoping that the new relic would be part of void but it's not.

Now I'm in a dilemma as to what the current void is now.

if they switched out the new relics for the old vaulted ones at least we would all have some to start us off with instead we have to go farm for all of them. I so want them but at the same time the farming fills me with dread. 


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Just now, Phatose said:

Meh.  The old system was every bit as insanely repetitive.  Always was - even the first ever released primes were crazy grindy.  At least the scenery changes now. 

up until the new system i didn't find it that hard. and I could key share with friends -only bonus is now is you get to pick out a reward. (but only one 1 and it'll cost everyone a relic) 

again I don't think they should get rid of the new void rather give us the option of earning prime parts in another way; bring back something akin to the old void. 

more choice is better for everyone. 


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1 minute ago, Phatose said:

Meh.  The old system was every bit as insanely repetitive.  Always was - even the first ever released primes were crazy grindy.  At least the scenery changes now. 

Old void had a challenge factor. You hosted a game, invited people in, shared keys and went for it for 40+ minutes.

Now there is no challenge in void missions and the grinding is still there, they just tried to give you the illusion of less grinding by splitting up the process into shorter but more frequent attempts.


I agree with the OP, it actually feels like DE is trying to sell the Prime Access with their new system. It feels cheap and makes me disssapointed with them.

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3 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

up until the new system i didn't find it that hard. and I could key share with friends -only bonus is now is you get to pick out a reward. (but only one 1 and it'll cost everyone a relic) 

again I don't think they should get rid of the new void rather give us the option of earning prime parts in another way; bring back something akin to the old void. 

more choice is better for everyone. 


Only problem with the new system is that if you have radiant relic while the rest have intact, then it's a waste.

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12 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:


at this rate warframe will become a pay-to-win game, the fact it isn't is part of what makes war-frame so good but apparently DE is getting greedy. 


This is not pay to win. Pay to win means you have to pay to get the gear. There's a few very viable way to get the parts for free. Yes, i agree, I enjoyed the old system more. but atleast we can influence the RNG a little bit in our favor. Yes the grind is still there, it has to be in this type of game. 

You can literally get most everything in this game by playing. Whether it's trading or using your time to farm. That is not pay to win. Pay to win is where you have to spend the money to win the game. That couldn't be further from the truth in this game

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Tis true. Ninjas play broke. Whole point of the Void was the challenge as well as the farming. The ability to utilise the frames and weapons you had worked on. Yes it became stagnant but a re work within the Void would have been better. 


Also the new relic system means solo play is more ineffective. Playing as a team is technically what the game is designed at. However if like me you have no one to play with then you are relying on a pool of people having the same relic with the right trace input.


The main complaint was continuous grind with no reward, simple work around would have been to convert x amount of one part into the part you want. For example 20 systems would convert into the chassis. The game is leaning towards pay to play, trade market is dead with the exception of vaulted items, mods etc. Newer players can farm parts easier (supposedly) but how are they going to sell to pay for slots?


Ninjas play broke...


Nekros P, Titania, War Within, Ember P, No Mans Sky in the Sale. Oh and Agony...

Edited by (PS4)HR_Pufnstuf_1984
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Of course the new void is geared towards making a PA purchase prettier. People defended this up and down on release, but I knew as soon as they announced that that you would have to farm for new relics, I knew people would change their tune as soon as something new dropped. 

The game is built to make money, and these changes help them make money, I mean you even get more traces from having a resource booster on. 

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10 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

Old void had a challenge factor. You hosted a game, invited people in, shared keys and went for it for 40+ minutes.

Now there is no challenge in void missions and the grinding is still there, they just tried to give you the illusion of less grinding by splitting up the process into shorter but more frequent attempts.


I agree with the OP, it actually feels like DE is trying to sell the Prime Access with their new system. It feels cheap and makes me disssapointed with them.

The challenge was always something that was only there if you wanted to be efficient at key use.  You got the same rewards at 40 as you did at 20 - and 20 wasn't challenging. 

There was no need to stay to 40.  If the old void was challenging, it was only because you chose to make it challenging.

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9 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

This is not pay to win. Pay to win means you have to pay to get the gear. There's a few very viable way to get the parts for free. Yes, i agree, I enjoyed the old system more. but atleast we can influence the RNG a little bit in our favor. Yes the grind is still there, it has to be in this type of game. 

You can literally get most everything in this game by playing. Whether it's trading or using your time to farm. That is not pay to win. Pay to win is where you have to spend the money to win the game. That couldn't be further from the truth in this game

no its not ---that was my whole point -but with all the extra grind they are making us do I wont be surprised if they start going down that road. 

There is grind and then theres so much grind you have to treat it like a full time job if you want to get anywhere -they used to have the level of grind vs reward pretty much spot on it was annoying and lots of people brought plat to save time BUT you could still earn stuff you wanted in a few days -now you have to do like 40 hours a week to get one item, thats not fun. 


Edited by morningstar999
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2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

I find the new system way better, or actually, I would if the radiant relic didn't have only 10% to get a rare item.

Also, the trace loot is 6-30, not 10-20. And I'm sick of looting 6 traces from time to time.

It's completely wrong

I only ever got like 10-20 so I assumed that was the cap, but it's still horribly low, I would like it to drop from enemies so you could sit in a mission for like 30 min and earn like 400 instead of having to waste more relics over and over. 

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The old Void got boring af real fast for not even a guaranteed chance at something unless you dedicated your time to playing long Void Survival or Defense runs, which with the broken scaling system is by no means fun, just a means to an end, and that a game does not make. Also, with all the useless fluff in the rotations for both those modes, you can guess how excited I was to play those. On top of that, the old Void was key gated by "key shares", people could easily use your key and run

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I already said that the day they changed the system, but nobody listened to me ...

I still don't like that system (still waiting for endless runs at first).

I knew it was going to be worst once a New prime and his "Own" new relics were going to be added. It have possitives and negatives, but in the end you have to grind even more.


I am already tired of farming Nekros Prime and his weapons and i don't even have "One Part" of anything yet ...

And by the way i had no fun at all while farming for the relics ... It will be even worst when i will have to use them later X_x



Edited by clemza
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15 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

Old void had a challenge factor. You hosted a game, invited people in, shared keys and went for it for 40+ minutes.

Now there is no challenge in void missions and the grinding is still there, they just tried to give you the illusion of less grinding by splitting up the process into shorter but more frequent attempts.


I agree with the OP, it actually feels like DE is trying to sell the Prime Access with their new system. It feels cheap and makes me disssapointed with them.


I couldn't agree more.

Also, now that the new prime parts can only be acquired using Relics that we do not have, we will need to do missions and hope that they give the Relic that we need for the specific prime part. And since there are a huge number of different types of Relics, the chances of getting the Relic we need are slim to none. After getting the Relic, we need to use traces to upgrade them, which will require more grind. After upgrading them, we need to do the Voice Fissure mission and hope that it will reward the prime part that we want. You can see that by the end of this equation, the chances of actually getting the desired prime part is extremely low and time consuming.

In summary to get the new prime part:

  • Farm for the new relic.
    • Low chance due to the # of different existing relics
  • Farm for Void traces.
  • Upgrade the relic as necessary.
  • Do the Void Fissure mission and hope it rewards the desired prime part.
    • Low chance due to the size of the reward pool.
    • You might argue that your chances increase if you have squad members. But realize that those members would have to go through the same process.
      • This means the chance that you will find a squad member who has the same relic who desires the same prime part is slim to none.
  • Rinse and repeat.

As easily demonstrated above, the new system has significantly increased the amount of grind while reducing variety and fun. In the old system, players could play an endless Void mission for an hour to try to get there part they need while being challenged with different Void mission types and by increasing enemy difficulty. Now, it's all about killing spawned Void enemies and collecting 10 Reactants each time. How boring is that?


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23 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

Old void had a challenge factor. You hosted a game, invited people in, shared keys and went for it for 40+ minutes.

Now there is no challenge in void missions and the grinding is still there, they just tried to give you the illusion of less grinding by splitting up the process into shorter but more frequent attempts.


I agree with the OP, it actually feels like DE is trying to sell the Prime Access with their new system. It feels cheap and makes me disssapointed with them.

Yeah the challenge was not falling asleep during the same 20 min survival you just did like 30 times before and got nothing you wanted from.

Old system can suck it. The new relic system just needs better conversion methods.

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