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Mission Idea Sandbox.


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Fleet Conflicts

Acting similar to Alerts or Invasions, Fleet Conflicts would spontaneously errupt in one or more places on the Star Chart. Instead of Region specific they would be in a random section of the chart (like the Kuva Fortress).

Idea behind it:

With the constant war between the Corpus and Grineer factions over territory or resources i felt like we should see more conflict than just in the Regions, more skirmishes that would errupt between fleets crossing the others path. Offering more opportunities for the Tenno to take advantage of awards.


The mission would start with Tenno deployed in their Archwing. Recieving a Transmission that two factions are currently engaged the Tenno will be given a choice to help one side or the other (maybe post possible reward before mission select, similar to invasions). Before picking a side indefinitely both factions will be against the Tenno. To pick a side the Tenno must simply board the command ship of the opposing fleet (transition from Archwing to on foot). Once landed the Tenno then recieves a Transmission relaying the critical objective required to complete the mission (Spy, Capture, Exterminate, Rescue, Sabotage, Deception, maybe an Assassination on a mini boss, offering an opportunity of new enemies. I felt Interception, Defense, Mobile Defense, and Survival missions didnt really fit the situation). The Tenno then completes the mission and heads to extraction.

Because it's only a fleet battle i felt it was only necessary to complete it one time for the reward, but at the same time i think making two kinds of Fleet Conflicts, Minor (one completion) and Major (two or more completions), would provide more variety and higher chance for better rewards.

Reason for idea:

I've played for quite some time and i've seen alot of additions and improvements but i felt like Alerts and Invasions were starting to get a little dull. So i thought about it and came up with this idea to maybe bring a little more spice, a little more spontaneousness to the system, just to make it even more fun and exciting. I do hope it will be considered. Cant wait for all the new stuff thats coming out, so excited.

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Endless Extermination!


It should be pretty self-explanatory. 

We have an endless extermination mission where we get a reward for every 100 or 200 or 500 kills. Whichever works best in comparison to the difficulty of the other endless mission types. Like endless survival, but without life support and with more murder.

It would be a fun game mode, because who doesn't love just a proper (ingame) genocide? It will increase in difficulty, of course, and it will become a porper good challenge.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd think it could be fairly easy to implement, too.


What'd'y'all think, Tenno?

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Reposting this from my other post, just for the hell of it.


Bottom line: combine rescue with mobile defense and possibly parts from hive, sabotage, others.


Basic concept:  A VIP must be rescued from a cell and then escorted to multiple points throughout the map before extraction is available.  At each point, the VIP must be defended against infinite, scaling spawns while they complete some simple task.  The VIP may be given your sidearm while in transit, but they will automatically give it back when they begin their station task.  After all the stations are completed, the team must fight through infinite, scaling spawns to extraction, keeping the VIP alive.

Possible flavor details:. Stations could serve combat and tactical functions, changing things in the environment or changing the VIP themselves, or providing buffs to the players.  The VIP could collect armor and weapons that they then use.  They could activate or deactivate environmental traps.  They could simply hack consoles and steal data, resources for the players (kuva source maybe?), etc.  For example, the VIP could be a Myconian scientist, and at each station he could release a bunch of infested from their holding cells to attack and slow pursuing corpus attackers (corpus-infested crossfire).  Or, the VIP could be an engineer who shuts down successive parts of a ship's defenses and support systems, so that the squad can escape, leaving the enemy crippled (sabotage / hive).

Why is this different?  Rescue is currently dumb.  Sprint past everything to the jail, hack, sprint to extraction.  There's no reason or incentive to actually slow down and fight anything.  Meanwhile, mobile defense doesn't make a whole ton of sense, compared to spy missions.  There's, again, no reason to slow down between consoles.  This would intentionally slow down the team as they move through the mission.  You can't start a console without the VIP, and you can't lose the VIP between consoles.  The optional effects are really what would make the missions a lot more interesting and exciting than the source material has the potential to be, especially if there's a degree of RNG to them.  Will the VIP unlock a weapon cache and operator armor for their own use, or will they reprogram a Zanuka to fight for you?

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Better Ability Control

So there are some Warframe Abilities that i feel need more control just for the sake of allowing Teeno to better use certain abilites to provide better performance on the battlefield.


Ive been thinking of a possible way and i came up with the idea of useing the Waypoint button to allow control of some abilities. Now im not saying to add this option for abilities like directional or area abilities, but more for the ones that take a mind of their own: Nekros' Shadows of the Dead, Nidus' Ravenous' Maggots, Octavia's Resonator, Titania's Ravorflies (during Razorwing), Atlas' Rumblers' Golems, Mirage's Prism, and Zephyr's Tornados.

With these listed i understand that some may not be worth adding this option due to their nature (like the Razorflies or the Tornados) but i listed the for the thought.

Way it could work:

It would only take effect if it were a standard "Waypoint" placed (or "enemy" waypoint placed, like for Shadows of the Dead) the abiliy would "center" itself on the waypoint (ex: Octavia's Resonator would go the the waypoint instead of following the caster). Waypoints designated on resources or special objects wouldnt effect it.

Thats basically the idea in a nutshell, i hope it is considered. I can see very good applications for this option.

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New Mission Type Idea


This mission is simple but can prove to be a challenge in some cases. It would be something to add to Alerts and Invasions to increase variety.


An infested outbreak occurs (against specific faction or main faction of the region). The mission is a basic Exterminate, but there is a catch. Sworms of micro spores are in the air (or concentrated on individual infested) that mutate and essentially revive fallen enemies (those of the opposing faction). This will increase the exterminate count as time passes evidently resulting in a drawn out mission if the goal isnt met quickly.

Make it more interesting

To make this more than just running a warframe with sustained area abilities (like Equinox or Ember) i came up with the idea that the infested would be significantly higher level and do much more damage resulting in the opposing faction (Grineer or Corpus) to be pretty much powerless, feeding the growing Infestation and putting far more hope into the Tenno mercenaries they hired for help.

Added idea

If a Tenno should die (bleedout) then they will revive as an Infested Warframe (unlike Nidus). This new enemy would be powerful, potentially becoming a mini boss. The player of this frame could only sit and watch as their own frame kills their friends. This frame (i feel) should be on a timer (of choice by level), giving the remaining players a choice, kill their fallen friend or survive long enough till it dies... again. This effect would help players to be more careful and play more teamwork rather than running through the level leaving everyone behind.

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Mission: Scramble

A bit of a revival of the old Spy 1.0 mission type.  

FACTION                                  OPPOSITION

Corpus                                        Grineer or Infested

Grinner                                       Corpus or Infested

Infested                                      Corpus or Grinner

Tenno start at one end of a long obstacle filled corridor,  Opposiiton faction start in a 2nd simlar corridor


Race to the central data hub to steal one or more data masses then flee to extraction.

If the opposition get the data first they can still be killed and the data recovered on their way to the exit point.


New obstacles: 

a large low ceilinged room with 2 or 3 platforms that need to be crossed (wormhole, switch teleport, dash wire), This room has x+1 consoles that need to be activated by the team to open the exit but only x number need activation to prevent leaving someone behind on purpose.

short room blocked by wall with Harmonic fractures (broken by Sonic Boom or Mallet, Rift travel can pass through the wall to a switch on the opposite side to lower the wall)

Flooded/Flaming floor (safe path can be cleared by opposing element, Tidal Surge, Ice Wave, Spectral Scream, Fireball, Fire Walker)

Room filled with corrosive gas similar to Jordas Verdict, extraction fans activated by switches around the room (Cloud Walker, Turbulence)

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I think survival missions could use a little rework. Or at least, life support could.

Right now, what we have is life support capsules periodically appearing for 30% and enemies randomly dropping 4% worth of life support. But to be honest, one usually ignores the life support capsules until they can't kill stuff fast enough and start using capsules one by one, and you usually see players standing in one room for the whole game. This needs to change.

Well, first off, enemies dropping 4% life support doesn't make much sense. The Lotus gives us the 30 seconds warning at 20%, so 4% life support should amount to 6 seconds. How do they hope to survive with only 6 seconds of whatever they're breathing ? And how would it benefit the whole squad, if they're "personal capsules" ?

My idea is simple, and would force players to move around the map for the whole length of the mission :

Rather than having capsules periodically popping through the map and staying there until we actually need them, these capsules could work just like in defection mode : they stay here and you have to fill them with cells, dropped by special enemies just like in defection/excavation. Players would have each a separate amount of life support, and would get only a few seconds to get some if it reaches 0, after which they'd just die. Not bleedout, just ded. Obviously, the only way to get some life support would be standing near a capsule, which would drain it constantly.

To make things spicier, capsules could be randomly disabled by the enemy, forcing players to move to another one until the Lotus manages to get it back.

Rotations and rewards would work the same, of course.

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The core of the game is wrapped around farming, grinding, and co-op play. Why not create Competitive Co-op Missions. After all the core game is based off of Co-op play. The addition to Competitive Co-op Missions could add a sort of "end-game" or goal toward an "end-game" content to look forward to after amassing and maxing out a lot of the Warframe content.

Competitive Co-Op missions would have a queue of either Solo/Duo or Full Team. Since this is inclusive towards end-game, there should either be a mastery restriction or restricted towards the number of warframes and weapons currently owned.

After entering the queue and finding a match, the teams will arrange and the players will see both teams (similar to the Conclave lobby). The middle of the screen will randomize a tile set (planet), the mission type, and the level of enemies. After the Mission type is selected, the game will randomly choose 3-4 stats (that we always get to see in the end mission results, and also a chance to include time length of the mission) that will be tallied up through a point system to determine the winning team after the mission.

After both of these are set, each player takes turns banning warframes, mods, and weapons (Not sure about the exact amount of bans per player). (This is why the game mode should either restrict off of Mastery Rank or Owned weapons, warframes)

After the banning process each team is allowed one minute to set up their loadouts. If every player is ready before the timer, the mission will start.

Each team is set in their own instance of the same tile set at the same time and the Primary mission goal (Mission type) is displayed and so is the 3-4 stats being tracked. Completing the overall mission and extracting is the main goal and adds a number of points to the team total, but to weigh in the additional stats that were tracked adds multipliers to the team total making it crucial to beat the other team in these stats.

This could become the Competitive game mode that fits Warframe. There is a possibility that both teams will not complete the mission due to the level of enemies, what is banned, and the stats that are tracked. Like many games, this game mode can work as competitive seasons with breaks in between each season. I am unsure about how the player-base is dispersed and the average number of players per hour, so the competitive seasons could occur between events. Matching could be based off of a ranking system on the average amount of points the you gain per game and the number of wins. (The number of wins will weigh heavier than the average amount of points gained per game).


The incentives to play Competitive Co-op are still unclear but could involve a number of "Tokens" and at the end of the season players can spend the tokens on: (In order of Most expensive to least)

1 Random Riven mod with 600-750 Kuva. (Riven mod will cycle per competitive season. Rifle, Pistol, Melee). Limit 1 purchases per season

Resource Booster pack (Able to use instantly or whenever you choose, lasts for 3 days, and includes both increase chance and double drop). Limit 1 purchase per season

Void pack (that is either warframe, weapon, sentinel, or accessory based) this pack would include a faded picture of the purposed set with 75-90 void traces when purchased. Note: The void pack will have 2 of each relic, set that is not vaulted, and unknown set til purchased. This set is random for all players. Limit 2 purchases per season

Rare Resource pack includes either a small amount of nitain (1-2), cryotic (500-1,200), or oxium (200-325). Limit 3 purchases per season

Syndicate pack. Includes 4 random syndicate medallions for random syndicate you are at least level 3 with. Limit 4 purchases per season

Ducat Pack that includes 25-75 ducats and 20-40 void traces. Limit 5 purchases per season

Ayatan Sculpture pack includes 2 random sculptures and 3 random stars. Limit 5 purchases per season.

Credit and Endo Pack includes 50,000-70,000 Credits and 200-450 endo. Limit 5 purchases per season.


Edited by deltas5
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On 11.8.2017 at 6:18 PM, Drejzer said:

Customisable Difficulty Levels for Bosses (After defeating them at least once)(With minimal difficulty being the Original one, meaning that we can have an epic fight against lvl80 Vor but can't have a lvl8 Lephantis)

I'd support that... or also having missions available as 'ultra mode'. Nowadays, most missions are 'meh, doing this while half asleep'. I remember my first sortie, where I was like 'Oh god, oh god, I'll never make it'. Something like where you can go on a more difficult mode in order to get more / better rewards. E.g. instead of doing an alert for 1 Nitain, you can go on this 'Ultra Mode' where you have some kind of restriction (half shields and half health and half energy and high level enemies like 60 and more) for 3 Nitain. Something like this, forcing the players to really get their good gear and still be in a constant 'Will I or will I not make it'-mode.

Also maybe give the players an incentive to play long missions again. I remember the old void, where we regularly went on 60min survival runs in order to get the max out of a key. I don't see anybody anymore doing this with the new relic system, simply not enough reward for the cost (it's easier to extract after 20min and start a new mission). So maybe something like 'After 40min fissure survival / 40 waves of defense, you get a bonus on the relics probability to drop the rare items'. And maybe after 60min, you can choose 2 items out of the list of the 4 possible.... something like that. Really give the players an incentive to do long and difficult missions and get a nice reward for it.

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Mission Type: Rogue Assassination

Mission Description: Assassinate the Rogue Tenno

Mission Requirements: Completed the "Natah" and "The New Strange" Quests

Synopsis: A Rogue Tenno has defected to either the Grineer or Corpus Faction and has otherwise abandoned the Tenno cause. It is your job to defeat and capture (by downing them and capturing them) - or Synthesize - this Tenno.

At the beginning of this mission the Lotus (or Teshin) will chime in as always, but generally more distressed:

Lotus (or Teshin): "Tenno, one of our own has defected to the [Insert Faction Name] and has abandoned the Tenno cause. We cannot allow this betrayal to go unpunished. Track down the target, eliminate, and capture them.

"I know this may be difficult, but it must be done."

Then, everyone's favorite data hoarder speaks up:

Cephalon Simaris: "Hunter, do not squander this opportunity. While your target may be Tenno in nature, they are nonetheless a perfect target for the hunt; and a future addition to the Sanctuary."

"Synthesize this target for me, and knowledge will be your reward."


This Tenno (which will have a random non-quest related warframe, a random companion/sentinel, and equipment based on the Faction they are currently serving) will be stationed on a node as an assassination target for Alert Missions. When approached, just as any other Assassination Target, the Tenno (who, in the transmission window, will be wearing one of the custom operator outfits, including mask) will either taunt you or simply spout off various boss-like phrases (which may or may not be mentally askew), such as: 

- "The Lotus lied to us, lied to you! She is a Sentient and cannot be trusted - you must understand this!

- "Turn back, don't make me destroy you."

- "The [Insert Faction Name] offered me freedom... what has the Lotus offered you, other than more orders?"

- "I knew it was only a matter of time before you found me. Come then, let's end this."

- "Ya know, I always wondered what it would feel like to kill one of my own. *chuckles*"

- "My oh my, look what we have here... another lamb to the slaughter."

(actual phrases may vary)


HERE'S THE KICKER: The Reward for completing this mission (ideally) should be Focus Lenses, if you defeat and capture the target. This will create a more viable mission reward that doesn't clog up the Sortie List and offers a decent challenge for newer players.

Moreover, if you were to Synthesize the target, you receive Simaris standing instead of said Lens.


Mission Completion: Upon extracting from this mission, the Lotus (or Teshin) will have some empathetic words for you, as you did just take down a fellow Tenno, stating that "I know this was hard for you, Tenno, but we had no other choice." or "You have displayed great valor and have shown your dedication to the Tenno cause. Well done."


SOOOO, what do ya think? :D


Addendum A: If Teshin were to offer this mission, it may prove viable to set it as a weekly task; such as Clem's Artifact Recovery Mission or Maroo's Ayatan Treasure Hunt Mission.

Once per week, you may approach and speak to Teshin about the rogue Tenno. Badda-Bing Badda-Boom.



Edited by (PS4)SilentTakeo
Added Addendum A
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On 27/8/2017 at 10:39 AM, Retrijeuj said:

I think survival missions could use a little rework. Or at least, life support could.

Right now, what we have is life support capsules periodically appearing for 30% and enemies randomly dropping 4% worth of life support. But to be honest, one usually ignores the life support capsules until they can't kill stuff fast enough and start using capsules one by one, and you usually see players standing in one room for the whole game. This needs to change.

Well, first off, enemies dropping 4% life support doesn't make much sense. The Lotus gives us the 30 seconds warning at 20%, so 4% life support should amount to 6 seconds. How do they hope to survive with only 6 seconds of whatever they're breathing ? And how would it benefit the whole squad, if they're "personal capsules" ?

My idea is simple, and would force players to move around the map for the whole length of the mission :

Rather than having capsules periodically popping through the map and staying there until we actually need them, these capsules could work just like in defection mode : they stay here and you have to fill them with cells, dropped by special enemies just like in defection/excavation. Players would have each a separate amount of life support, and would get only a few seconds to get some if it reaches 0, after which they'd just die. Not bleedout, just ded. Obviously, the only way to get some life support would be standing near a capsule, which would drain it constantly.

To make things spicier, capsules could be randomly disabled by the enemy, forcing players to move to another one until the Lotus manages to get it back.

Rotations and rewards would work the same, of course.

While it's more logical, I dislike this idea, just because survivals would turn into a different flavour of excavation.

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On 27/8/2017 at 10:21 AM, Jorak_Falconstar said:

Mission: Scramble

A bit of a revival of the old Spy 1.0 mission type.  

FACTION                                  OPPOSITION

Corpus                                        Grineer or Infested

Grinner                                       Corpus or Infested

Infested                                      Corpus or Grinner

Tenno start at one end of a long obstacle filled corridor,  Opposiiton faction start in a 2nd simlar corridor


Race to the central data hub to steal one or more data masses then flee to extraction.

If the opposition get the data first they can still be killed and the data recovered on their way to the exit point.


New obstacles: 

a large low ceilinged room with 2 or 3 platforms that need to be crossed (wormhole, switch teleport, dash wire), This room has x+1 consoles that need to be activated by the team to open the exit but only x number need activation to prevent leaving someone behind on purpose.

short room blocked by wall with Harmonic fractures (broken by Sonic Boom or Mallet, Rift travel can pass through the wall to a switch on the opposite side to lower the wall)

Flooded/Flaming floor (safe path can be cleared by opposing element, Tidal Surge, Ice Wave, Spectral Scream, Fireball, Fire Walker)

Room filled with corrosive gas similar to Jordas Verdict, extraction fans activated by switches around the room (Cloud Walker, Turbulence)

So making random obstacles appear that can only be crossed by certain frames? I don't really see this.

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Multi-point sabotage

technically a sabotage mission with multiple cores, a lot like a hybrid of spy, mobile defense, and sabotage, but alerts not failing misssion, just making it hader (having a reward for each core destroyed, and needing a minimum number of them destroyed to make the mission a success)

it would implement some difficulty increasing elements like in spy missions (various traps, including new ones, like moving energy nullifier laser, crowd controlling and damaging mines, lock-on missiles, and ranged destroyable traps which shoot only in given directions)

it would have 3 differing destroy mechanic for each core, varying on actual tileset or map

1.the spy way: you have to reach and hack multiple consoles, either by fighting trough enemies, or by facing the traps (some of them made to be unavoidable!)

2:reverse mobile defense: the enemy continously heals a console system you have to destroy, (obviously they attack you too, with certain areas being trapped, that can effect spawning enemy eximuses, possibly by reducing or on high lvl mission increasing their powers)

3:"classical" sabotage: deploy bombs to the core, or hack and destroy them yourself

reverse mobile defense is technically the only real new element, which could also be applied to archwing missions (though i recommend a name change so people hurrying don't mistake it with mobile defense when reading too fast)

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On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 4:41 PM, Server said:

Armada: (Archwing transitions, on foot combat) 

The basic idea follows around the Lotus giving you a dispatch order saying that a group of ships is traveling from location A to location B and to intercept these ships, finding anything valuable. You only need to complete two ships to have the mission complete. Each ship will hold a different job in them which hold the possible following. 





-mini boss assassination. (maybe Hyenas or gustrag three spotted on the ships)



By having the tenno fly and pick a ship to intercept, the enemies will be caught off guard, while allowing the players to play a variety of missions on the spot. This utilizes some neat ideas as well, like multiple spawn points for ships, adapting to different jobs, and even surprising players by having a ship set up as bait for the tenno. 



that would be AWESOME!

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(some people will hate me for this)


an infinite mission where you can collect points by jumping, killing and clearing objectives in a new interactive corpus nightmare show (infested vs corpus invasion)

also note that this mission type needs you to have finished the war within, as you are only able to clear certain objectives only after finishing your war within



the corpus want to take back their ships/lands from the infested, while also making a profit themselves, so they built a series of challenging platforms which you have to face infested from while also having to clear objectives deal with lasers and the platform collapsing any moment: the more objective points you gain in 5 minute runs, the more credit you get

,,If you mess up....  well, you understand, right?"..." You really, really, REALLY don't want to mess this up!"

the objectives, and points, which of you have to reach a minimum fixed amount each round, increasing with time passed (along with the rewards):

First of all the bonus points:

infested kill with powers or weapons: 1pt

infested kill with melee channel:1,25pt

infested kill with operator: 2 pt

headshot kills: +5pt

stealth kills: 1pt, but you gain 25% more point with each kill

The real objectives: you have to do at least x objective to proceed sucessfully, and claim your reward, not doing any objectives fails the mission, doing only 1 objective in any round after the first one stop the mission progress, and you can only extract, or collect drops/kill enemies before doing so (won't reward points, and the times is stopped)

The areas around these objectives are stable, they won't fall, but might or might not be littered with deadly traps of spikes shooting out of walls periodically, orange bubbles flying toward marked areas, damaging and draining you warframes energy, and laser beams sometimes cutting up and down and applying status

power collector 1: channel your operators "beam" into the devices marked to summon forth the next jumping tile or open a door

power collector 2: use operator melee on x device marked

hacking consoles: ....................             you get it right?

mini (?) memory test: repeat a sequence of glowing up marks

 memory test majioris: jump/reach the position of the last 2 or 3 marks that showed up,missing them will lead you to fake tiles which collapse and reset your position

mini-assasination: kill a small version of bosses (made non-invulnerable)


Still, you have your teammates you can trust, even if there is multiple paths, with the objectives placed randomly among them, and even if some hard to kill monsters (hmm only there were some traps that could you lure them to) might try to stop you, and the mini bosses might give random debuffs if you leave them alive longer for more than 2 minutes in each round

Hop, step, what's next?



Edited by Air-mage
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,,Please keep it civil"

Civilian defense

protect more or less innocent civilians from grineer, corpus and infested onslaught

a group of civilians are placed inside a protective ring enforced with a forceshield, a shield generator, and armed civilians, each of them having invidual hp, summed up together in a meter visible on top right corner, exceeding a certain number of deaths, or health the mass health dropping below a given value fails mission.

your mission is to protect them until the waves finish

you have to collect batteries from slain enemies to support the shield generator and force field (they have seperate generators) to make your own job easier

the force shield acts like a Frost globe, defending from ranged attacks, and reducing damage incoming from blasts

shield generator provides shield equal to 15% of the defense targets hp, if it runs down, all civilian except the armed ones have only their hp remaining

armed civilians sometimes run off from the protective ring, in case of their deaths, and the missions success is at risk too

civilians slowly regenerate, and healings have 75% reduced effects on them


I think this mission would be a good chance to show tlife after the orokin collapse, and independent communities which were rarely mentioned so far.

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On 8/25/2016 at 10:37 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


We gather in the forums today with an open thread with a single purpose: collect ideas for Mission types.

If that's enough to get you thinking, the simple rules are to submit a single post with your idea:
This can not be a re-architecture of our system (i.e open world base building!).
This should be a goal oriented mission of the endless or non-endless variety.
This should be concise - the mission goals should be clear in a couple of paragraphs of writing.
This should be based off of your Warframe experience, and a reflection of what you think would fit.
This should be based off a 4 player mission.

If you want more information on the thought process - we haven't really added a new mission type in a while. We've added Trials, Quests, but when it comes to your standard Star Chart options there hasn't been a new member of the family lately. 

While we do have some ideas of our own in mind, we're looking to hear from you to assess themes and interesting ideas.

So, have at it!

We'll review in about a week's time. Please keep it civil.

can we apply elements that don't yet exist in the game, or we must stick to timers, areas,  enemies, hacks, and batteries?

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Penetrate deep behind enemy lines and scan their equipment, access their data banks and return with the Intel.

For each designated point scanned, gain a reward. Each time you trip an alarm, enemy difficulty increases. 

This mission would not spawn a lot of enemies up front. For each alarm tripped, enemy numbers and difficulty would increase, and reward quality would decrease.

This mission would need the larger indoor/outdoor maps of Excavation and possibly some alternative routes around choke points. We want stealth to shine here without making Loki mandatory.

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Endless Extermination

- Endless enemy scaling

- kill a set amount of enemies to collect the mission reward, cycling endlessly

- enemy spawning could be the same as in survival.

Note: This solves the problem of other endless missions. It would be like survival but without life support (which is annoying) and since there is a motivation to kill enemies (to get that sweet relic or your 1337th vitality mod) it won't be a "run and hide"-mission type. That integer should be able to be reset of course.


- If not enough enemies are killed (cz of "run and hide"-tactics) have an increasing integer which manipulates enemy type spawn. Example: If you don't kill enough enemies in a set period of time, the next enemies spawning will have a higher chance to be bombards or heavy gunners.

Note: This increases difficulty and punishes "run and hide"- tactics, but still leaves room for those who just try their best to survive.



It would be an uncomplicated mode for EVERYONE. It encourages the original Warframe gameplay we know and love (jumping & shooting. ya know being a space ninja and all). Protecting the Cryopod or worrying about life support is just tedious and annoying. My favourite mission as a new player was exterminate. Now we just need an Endless variant for new and old players alike.

Edited by xSephrone
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Spy/ Survival.

We have all heard this line:

Lotus -  "A lone tenno operative is raiding this ship for supplies, you are here to distract the enemy, ready? Trigger the alarms." Or something like that...

Idea premise:

A team member can play as the lone Tenno operative.
The player who acts as the 'operative' will essentially have to traverse through a tile-set unique to the planet/ map/ faction. It is a mix of an obstacle course and a spy. Lots of traps, a bit maze like.
You would essentially be playing as your Tenno Operator. I think this would work well with the warrior operator coming.

The rest of the squad will fight hordes and pickup life-support as usual.

With a full squad, every 5 minutes/ rotation, a countdown will appear (similar to the endless relic, fissure missions) and players will nominate/ volunteer to be an operative.
The player that becomes the operative (they shift into their tenno body) will be removed from the map to the trial tile-set. They have 5 minutes to open as many containers (chance for the rare containers too) and hack a console hidden on the tile-set while avoiding a series of traps, hazards, and sensors. If the player is damaged, downed while on this tile-set, life support percentage will countdown faster then return to normal when the player stops taking damage. Whatever is gained here, will be shared with the squad. If the player fails to hack the console, there is no reward for the rotation.
When 5 minutes pass, the countdown appears again and someone else can choose to be the operative, the player who was the operative can not go again consecutively and so is returned to their warframe.

This can work with 2, 3 and 4 player squads.

In solo-mode however, the player can choose every 5 minutes whether they want to take up the obstacle course as the operative or the regular survival as a warframe. Obstacle course will in turn drop life-support. The rotation reward in the survival will be earned via kill count or other specific challenges.

Edited by INight00
Warrior Operator.
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On 7/12/2017 at 2:06 AM, Cortanis said:

Same problem. I used to run stealth missions with "Rhino Stealth" as I called it. Maxed out range and duration on stomp. Fun fact, stomp it technically silent when you use it. O.o So it became a thing of stomping and just silent Lex Primeing them into obliteration. Problems only increase from there. I'd like for it to work, but as long as we're in power range, we're about as broken as can be. Heck, then consider a Slowva in the mix. Alerted or not, they'd all move at a crawl except the VIP and that would be one of the easiest ways to separate him from the rest of the guard.

I don't think your understanding what my proposed addition is. What your mission is trying to be is a sniper assassination mission with the player taking a balcony vantage point and sniping off. You also want an endless aspect to it. What I'm saying is make it so instead of starting at a small balcony (would get very boring and clusterphobic), the player has to fight to get to the balcony in order to snipe the target. After every target killed, he'll have to take over a new balcony as to avoid detection. This would make the endless aspect make more sense. I know about cc stealth and how enemies are oblivious to being coated in antimatter or being suspended in stasis. I'm just adding an extra step to your mission to make transitions more interesting, and not making the mission simply tactical target practice.

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Trial / Mission type : Speedrun

Description : The Idea here is that you have a mission that you must complete in a given amount of time.

Example : This is basically how I came-up with the idea. Just for fun, with a fellow Tenno, we decided to make a contest on who would be the fastest to clear


Lua - Pavlov

So we ended-up recording our runs. The outcome was fun. You can click on the links provided in the Spoiler to get an idea.

Disclaimer : (Also, since it's in spoiler, and you don't have "cleared" the solar map, this may containt spoilers.)


Video 01
Video 02
Video 03 (An other Tenno got interested in the process, and sent us this)

"But, isn't it supposed to be a request thread for a 4-Tenno missions ?"
- Yes it is.

Intelligence : Basically, you start the mission just like a survival (solving a cypher), and you have a given amount of time to complete the mission (Spy, Exterminate, Capture, Sabotage). Obviously, Defense, Survival, Interception, Hijack, Mobile Defense, can't really be "speedrunned" ... Or can it ?

This is just a wild idea. I think this could improve and somewhat help the Tennos to move around better : mimicking the other players, optimise their path, thinking about which Warframe is the most efficient for a given speedrun, use mods that are most of the time left behind, ...

I hope you like the base of the idea.
Cheers ! o/

Edited by Luraminaki
Adding more Tenno joining in the idea
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  • 3 weeks later...

Longish time player, first time poster (Greetings, fellow tenno!)

Essentially this is the other side of Survival missions, where you play as the 'Lone Tenno Operative raiding the ship for supplies'. Since the focus of the thread is co-op missions, let's assume that this isn't a new, solo-only mission type.

The assumption is there is another, different squad of Tenno elsewhere in the same node, but in a different section of the base/ship, causing a ruckus to buy your team time, so life support is not an element in this mission type - going with the assumption that Corpus/Grineer have the ability to cut off life support to individual areas of their bases/ships.

Your team's objective is to locate valuable supplies and remove them from the premises for divvying up later. To achieve this, you must first locate the goods. This is done by hacking a particular terminal on the tileset (marked by the red target waypoint). When the console is hacked, the location of a valuable stash of supplies is marked on your map (the red waypoint changes to this new location). You then go to the newly-marked location, and there is a terminal next to a locker (or a new locker with a terminal on it, or a locked locker gets unlocked, with some new color sign to indicate it's the one you're looking for). You hack/open the locker, and voila, your first stash is unlocked. It can be just your normal rotation A reward, or maybe there are a few items in it, and there are several, and you get to choose one. Perhaps a change in circumstances occurs depending on which reward you choose (maybe a nightmare mission effect gets put into place, maybe the distraction team decide to extract and the next round of the mission requires life support, so survival mode is added, maybe the enemy is alerted of your presence and sends a bursa or two to investigate)

At this point, Lotus informs you that you can extract, or you can locate the next stash. The waypoint marker then moves to a different terminal elsewhere on the map, and you repeat the process. Starting with the second stash, perhaps new complications arise - the first terminal you hack doesn't have all the info you need, so instead of sending you to the stash it sends you to a second terminal with the rest of the info, or perhaps the info is spread across several different terminals, and your team needs to split up, and so forth.


Stealth is preferred in this mission, since alerted enemies will sound the alarms. Alarms in this mission type are a little different:

First alarm: Enemies alerted to your teams presence (same as first alarm in most missions now)

Second alarm: Life support shutdown. This works the same as when you run out of life support in regular survival missions. Your shields start depleting, and when they run out your health starts getting depleted. There are no life support capsules in this mission, so keeping alarms off is tantamount for your survival. In order to reverse this, you need to hack a specific console, selected at random from around the map. Move fast, Tenno!

Third alarm: Lockdown is triggered, same as with second alarms in other missions. Hack a panel to cancel lockdown, but life support remains off until you reach the correct panel.

Additionally, for each time the alarm is triggered, enemy level will increase by a large margin (10 levels, for example), or the data containing the location of the stash gets encrypted, so you have to hack an additional console before the location of the stash is revealed, or other such complications that reduce farming efficiency


Perma-stealth frames might make this way too easy to farm, so perhaps there need to be ways to trip up the Lokis and Ivaras a little. Maybe all the doorways that can have them have timed lasergates that strip invisibility or drain energy or trigger alarms, so players have to time their movement through doorways to avoid the lasers. Maybe there are special sentry NPCs that see through invisibility and have the ability to trigger alarms without needing to interact with a terminal.




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Hello Everyone,
I have made multiple ideas of missions and posted them on this thread, I hope DE saw them, and if so, then I guess I'll have to try harder for a good idea, but one of the things I was actually interested with was in the meantime of getting a new mission type, perhaps we can get a new mission mode. With the Plain of Eidolon coming out, there's a whole new world of opportunities for this game coming, literally and figuratively lol

One of the things that I saw was that the enemies get harder as we stray farther from Cetus, and when the Eidolon comes out. I don't know how far you're going to scale the enemy level, but one thing I was always asking for was a mission that has a more intense scaling. This is for us endurance runners that just love the thrill of fighting enemies that reach insane levels. Unfortunately, i cannot play long enough to find a mission that would let me fight those kind of enemies because of time constraints of real life. From videos, I've seen that the longest a survival mission can go is 10 hours. I would like a mission that can get the enemies of those levels in a MUCH shorter time span. I can think of many things to tie this to. Perhaps as a mission mode, purely for fun, or maybe integrated as nightmare modes, or maybe, even a mission mode for farming focus lens to tie into the new focus changes and get those pesky lens out of the sortie reward table. Whatever it is, I would like a mission that pushed the levels of warframe off the charts, almost like the special tennocon mission that came out last year. I had so much fun with that one.

That way, us endurance runners that love the thrill of high level enemies, don't have to skip dinner to fit the time to reach those enemy levels. I understand not much of the community will enjoy this as it would be way out of their comfort zone and some won't be able to handle it, but I know quite a few people that would really enjoy this, a lot even on these forums. I personally do, but unfortunately, my playtime span cannot extend long enough to reach those levels, thus I'm unable to do what really drives me in this game. Please consider it DE, even if it was just a single event, or just a mission node option. I would like to at least be able to have a moment where I can fight the enemies that I've done so much math on.

Thank you,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mission Type: Battlefleet (working title)

Phase 1: Archwing battle. Objective battle your way to and breech an enemy capital ship.

Phase 2: Player choice. Either set reactor to blow (like in sabotage) for easier but less rewards, OR take over ship and bring it under your control (harder, better rewards).

Phase 3. Dependent on Phase 2. Either escape before reactor blows, OR return to space and battle fighters while your capital ship engages and destroys enemy capital ships.

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