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Devstream #80 Overview


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18 hours ago, (XB1)Skode said:

Shame such a positive devstream is mired by people not wanting to pick up loot themselves lol. Interested to see what changes they have in mind for veteran players with nothing to do but syndicate expansion does excite me.

Actually pretending like picking the loot isn't an issue. You can have fun playing connect the dots all you want, but don't force it on me.

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That is a horrible idea. Even if you want to make vacuum universal, it should not be split into three different mods. All that does is give the sentinels 3 required mods that used to take up only one slot, which just further limits build variety. I thought the idea was to get rid of mandatory mods, not add more.

Plus, if you are making it universal, why are you not having it applied to the cats and dogs too? 

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No wonder they are all over the place when doing lots of random things and barely working on that damned cinematic quest. Ever since cinematic quests appeared their management skill went out of the drain and nothing is on time anymore. They should scrap them at this point because it does more harm than good. If the writing is good I won't care that I'll get only a transmission and no cutscenes.

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I had a longer post, deleted it.. left this:

Everyone ranting about the War Within being delayed.. yes that is disappointing, however, I would much rather wait and have them get it right, than have them rush the content and read acres of complaints about problems with it.

We do seem to have a lack of tacticals this year though, a couple of those would be nice in the mean time lol

Love the game, love how much free content we get, even if it's not always the content we want. Thanks DE.

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6 hours ago, TheTundraTerror said:

Oh, how cute. Someone in the forums removed my post that was critical of DE without a word and not thinking I would notice. I should just stop playing if DE (or someone DE trusts enough to moderate the forums) thinks it's perfectly acceptable to remove critical posts. Nice display of respect. I'm not stupid. I would totally notice if a post of mine disappeared.

someone did the same to my post that was critical of them as well.

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4 hours ago, AhkNemet said:

I would much rather wait and have them get it right, than have them rush the content and read acres of complaints about problems with it

Because all those delays really let Hellogames really polish NMS to a mirror finish.

Also, "free content"? What do you think the point of plats are? I really hate how people use the word "free" to dismiss any criticism. No one is ever happy to get a free kick to the teeth.

Edited by TheTundraTerror
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3 hours ago, TheTundraTerror said:

Because all those delays really let Hellogames really polish NMS to a mirror finish.

Also, "free content"? What do you think the point of plats are? I really hate how people use the word "free" to dismiss any criticism. No one is ever happy to get a free kick to the teeth.

You do realise that it is your choice to purchase plat, don't you? It is not something you are forced to do, you choose to. You can actually play this game completely for free (and you can get plat for free through trading if you decide you need any). Please stop ignoring all the excellent content this game delivers for FREE. I certainly didn't mention that the content was free in order to dimiss criticism (but maybe your comment was directed at others who have, idk).

Additionally, delays are delays, complaining about it isn't going to make them release it any faster. That's why they ignore threads like these, they know players will be disappointed, which isn't something they set out to deliberately do.

Edited by AhkNemet
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1 hour ago, AhkNemet said:

You do realise that it is your choice to purchase plat, don't you?

Right, because I'm the only person who plays the game.

1 hour ago, AhkNemet said:

It is not something you are forced to do, you choose to.

If you want to have access to more than a handful of frames or weapons and don't feel like trading, you do.

1 hour ago, AhkNemet said:

Please stop ignoring all the excellent content


1 hour ago, AhkNemet said:

delivers for FREE


1 hour ago, AhkNemet said:

Additionally, delays are delays, complaining about it isn't going to make them release it any faster.

Right, best to just ignore things and hope they fix themselves.

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1 hour ago, AhkNemet said:

Additionally, delays are delays, complaining about it isn't going to make them release it any faster. That's why they ignore threads like these, they know players will be disappointed, which isn't something they set out to deliberately do.

No but maybe in the future DE will know that they shouldn't announce a release date before content is ready.

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On 17/09/2016 at 3:47 AM, Roboplus said:

You don't thank the captain for driving the Titanic into an iceburg.

If you need me I'll be in a lifeboat.

You can say what you want but the know what they want to do with their game and Warframe will probably stay popular for a long time even if some of you leave. The ones not liking the game are always the one who thinks they are worth a million bucks and that the game will miss them.

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11 hours ago, AhkNemet said:

We do seem to have a lack of tacticals this year though, a couple of those would be nice in the mean time lol

Yeah, I've seen all these tacticals mentioned on wikia etc and I'm like I wouldn't mind some of them being rerun again for players like me who weren't around then, bit like with the acolytes being done recently.

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Really not a fan of Vacuum being split up into three separate mods. I personally don't use Carrier all that often, but ripping out its precept and splitting it into three mods seems like overkill. Why not just one mod? I'm sure you guys have your reasons but I'm really struggling to see what they could be...

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3 mods is just gross. If you can put them all in (clarification on that would be nice) then that's 3 mandatory mods.Who has the space? If we can only have one that's even worse. Will credits still be shared if one person picks them up? Seems that the credit mod would be 'uneven' to the others in that case. Picking up loot isn't fun. It's a quality of life feature that should be 1 mod available to all companions. I'd love to play with my kavat, keeping it sentinel only will only see the expense of getting the animal companions still largely go to waste. What does picking up stuff off the floor bring to the game? Tedium for me. Carrier pay off isn't worth it, giving we have ammo mutations, restores etc, nothing on par with the usefulness of the vacuum. Better if he was able to store up health and energy, too, or instead. I was pro universal vacuum, but honestly rather it was left the way it was, with my space cat never seeing the light of day than this. Honestly, GW2s auto loot is better than this and that's an MMO. Depending on how it all works out it in the end it might actually stop me playing, often relying on my sentinel for survival, because it won't be fun anymore.

Take time with war within. Don't mind the wait. Better it takes a long time and is good than rushed and bad. Appreciate free content but it doesn't mean they can't be criticized especially as many of us do pay for this game (else why would they keep producing things).

Edited by SpaceSheepie
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Vaccum is being turned into THREE mods?

DE: lets face it, noone uses carrier because carrier is "fun" we use him because actually looting is boring and flow breaking, and having carrier lets us focus on the actual game.

This isnt really what anyone wanted, this just turns ONE mandatory sentinel into THREE mandatory mods, and it sounds like it's NOT coming to kubrows and kavats?

Why not?

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