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Ayatan Sculptures.. Not worth the wait/effort/wasted resources.


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Firstly let me start by saying i have over 4k hrs, ive used my main enough to hit mr30 and still hit mr22 lazily, have been a big fan of the games movement feel since day, loved parkour 1.o, think parkour 2.o is by far Dumbed Down by comparison and leaves less room for style and creativity tho it is admittedly 'easier', and I have spent a lot of time exploring the void and even then have only seen certain parkour rooms a few times and even failed to complete one of them till recently (due to not knowing about a door i needed to run to till eventually understanding thats the point of literally every parkour room)


Ayatans. While i admit that yeah this is the first ayatan sculpture so its not gonna be the best etc etc etc..

Filled with 3 stars (cyan) (all it would let me use was cyan) would yield according to the UI only 1425 Endo.  df?

Thats.. i can get more than that in two runs of hieracon, and if we are reasonably not unlucky, in one. That makes waiting a week for it seem absolutely preposterous. Why wait a week for something i can grind out willfully at any time with ease. Another thing i was really unimpressed with, was the lack of lore. In the preview they had this awesome placeholder text that seemed like a delirious poem.. and in game after implementation we get nothing... no interesting information for our lore hungry minds. Why wait a week for something that really doesnt serve any practical purpose that isnt better carried out in other ways.

Something else that really bothered me about it is, while i understand that there wasnt much to it, there was ui design and programming to do so that it was functional, and well.. i feel like whatever time and effort was put into that would have been better used somewhere else.. Or maybe if these things did more or had more purpose it would seem like it wasnt a waste of resources. 

In short there is really no reason for these things, that i can see (if they remain as is) other than ship decorations and busy work. And with as many scan these or collect those as we have in game already this is just seems redundant. I dont want to collect more things that serve no purpose other than to look at. If it doesnt feed me interesting info, give me things to ponder, have an actual use outside of 'points' or 'to look at', then i dont see it being worth the time, ours or DE's. I dunno, maybe specially designed rooms for the treasures and not the old recycled ones would have been good, then limit the stars to the old pk rooms.



Perhaps if it was like 5-20k endo id care..  1425 is chump change 


endo costs to max various rarity of ten rank mods : http://www.tinyurl.com/endodoe



Edited by PookieNumnums
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it's another way to get endo, what if I got tired of these endless missions? what if I hate EXCAV, DEF, SUR...etc? 

DE is giving us choices and options, when did that get so bad?

I agree about the lore though, maybe the just shipped them too fast since they wanted to just get something new in this week's update, hopefully they'll keep adding to them, and I really wanted a special UI in the map for the sculptures, I remember DE said for them there was gonna be something special, but from what I hear, it's the same white box >.> 

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You can also find sculptures scattered around the map. It really isn't an issue to me. Just more stuff to keep an eye out for when running missions. (Much like rare containers)

More lore is always good however, and seeing some behind these sculptures would be cool.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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Eh, I like it.

  • Gives us slightly more of a reason to visit Maroo's Bazaar (that place is always completely vacant)
  • Involves Maroo in the world a bit more
  • Presents us with Parkour based challenges - something that hasn't been introduced as a standalone goal. It would be easy to add more challenge rooms later
  • Gives us unique decorations for our ship - I'm sure someone will enjoy decorating their ship with a hundred of these things
  • Gives us something new to actively hunt for in missions

It could use some improvements, but I think it's a pretty 'ok' addition. Nothing game-changing, but it's nice.

I think 20k is a little ambitious. This isn't an endgame system; players of any level can do this. Basically, a new player would be able to max out their Serration in a few hours if it was worth that much. It's easy for us to forget, but for beginners, maxing out mods is the biggest time sink and source of progression. It's not a good idea to rob them of that.

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you do know that treasures could spanw on ANY mission (except small tilesets like defense. dah!) and that the weekly maroo run is basicly a "guaranteed" drop... right?

they use the same spawn logic as syndicate medallioins.

as for the rest, not everyone enjoys hieracon runs.
they didnt just decideded to stop working on everything else and drop these additions and changes out of nowhere. treaures have been on the backburner for quite sometime.
beyond that, i feel your pain. we are old tenno with not much to do.. that we havent done 1k times already... with our accumalted power. End game is so.. "ethereal" right now. just hang in  there, we'll get there.

i only hope end game never becomes a bullet sponge-one shot fest and we come up with some well balanced, challenging and fair end game.

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It's from Maroo on Earth (The starting planet now) so it probably isn't going to be too much but I'd like to see it close to 2.5-3k since right now I have to agree 1 game of farming is far better than this and much faster. If you can randomly stumble upon them in missions though then I'd expect those to be worth a little more.

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I think we (as a community) are too focused on the "must farm" mentality.

Do not farm sculputures. If you find one cool and if you find stars even better, but considering the amount of endo they give and how are they obtained, to me they are just something extra to the game, neither a core aspect of it nor something I should invest time in.

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You get a special mission from Maroo for a guaranteed Sulpture(per week I think), and the drop rate for stars are pretty high to be honest. I totally dont see the point forcing yourself to farm sculptures in regular missions. If you happen to find one, you are lucky, you get whatever you used to have from normal missions anyway.

Edited by Eric1738
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13 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

Eh, I like it.

  • Gives us slightly more of a reason to visit Maroo's Bazaar (that place is always completely vacant)
  • Involves Maroo in the world a bit more
  • Presents us with Parkour based challenges - something that hasn't been introduced as a standalone goal. It would be easy to add more challenge rooms later
  • Gives us unique decorations for our ship - I'm sure someone will enjoy decorating their ship with a hundred of these things
  • Gives us something new to actively hunt for in missions

It could use some improvements, but I think it's a pretty 'ok' addition. Nothing game-changing, but it's nice.

I think 20k is a little ambitious. This isn't an endgame system; players of any level can do this. Basically, a new player would be able to max out their Serration in a few hours if it was worth that much. It's easy for us to forget, but for beginners, maxing out mods is the biggest time sink and source of progression. It's not a good idea to rob them of that.

they still won't be able to do so. hlf the needed endo in one, but nowhere near the 1 mil plus credits to do so.

can't sell endo duplicates for 300 creds a pop like r0 common cores. never forget the potential millions lost with that change.

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Can the OP - or anyone else - please explain how he "could" be MR30, when it just based on how objects can give points towards MR, and there is only enough in the game to give 1,311,490 and Mastery Rank 23 needs 1,322,500.

Either he has no idea what he's talking about or it's a weird form of sarcasm, which makes it hard to take seriously other things he is saying, or I'm seriously missing something here.

On the subject of the sculptures, I was under the impression they were primarily just "an extra thing the game has" and not meant to turn into the next "stuff we must do because otherwise we die from Endo starvation", so I fail to see why DE would turn it into an Endo Farming Mini-Game.

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I like it. I don't always have enough plat for noggles, so this is a shiny and good-looking alternative. Because screw ranked mods if I can have something pretty. Also, I have all the mods I need to rank up already ranked up. Just kinda sitting on a bunch. 

It's also a nice way to hoard up some Endo once you've done a whole bunch of them and can trade them in all at once. It's just kind of a passive and moderately simple way to collect. Kinda like accumulating spare mods. You gather as you go along, then sell it all at once for a sum that may or may not make a difference. 


Honestly, I wish we could exchange Endo for sculptures. That would be pretty damn cool. Not like with players, though, no. More like a shop where you can buy/trade for sculptures by giving the person there Endo. Would give us something to do when all we can do now is sit on it and hope Baro has something we don't have yet when he comes around. 

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On 9/21/2016 at 9:56 PM, AM-Bunny said:

Gives us slightly more of a reason to visit Maroo's Bazaar (that place is always completely vacant)

There hasn't been a single time I've gone to Maroo's Bazaar that there weren't at least 20 people trying to sell things, if not standing by the door and making silly comments about everyone walking through.

Side point, I know, but uhhhhh... perhaps if you haven't seen it being used it's because you weren't using it, yourself?

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If you don't like them, don't pick them up.  It's that simple.  They didn't take heircon away, so don't cry about endo rewards from something that is a complete BUFF to endo 'farming'.  You can get these WHILE farming heircon, so GL convincing me that they are bad.


DE put a cherry ontop your sundae, and you're complaining that the cherry isn't as big as the sundae...

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I took a couple of hours last night to investigate this here Ayatan thingy. Found a sculpture, did Maroo's mission for another one, found plenty of stars as I went about my other business. They now adorn my ship. It's a fun little divergence from the usual "bullet jump+ignis through a level in under a minute". It'd be a terrible endo farm, yes, but only if you want to try and use it that way. I see it as ship fluff that, in an emergency, I can dissolve for endo. Given I spend half my time on the moon tileset going 'oooh I want me one of -those- kinetic statues for my orbiter!', I'm quite happy about these things.

Edited by Zendadaist
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