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The Silver Grove: U4+4.1


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This was so sudden. I was just searching Kurias and tok a 20-30 minutes break to take a shower and then I started the game and though I should do my sorties and then keep searching Kurias and a 600 MB update was there and I was completely baffled. It was too small to bee The War Within but too big to be a simple Hotfix. I just jumped onto the forums and Holy Lotus, there it is, a freakin tactical alert. I have not been so excited for an update since Titania.

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4 minutes ago, Tradden said:

I got the inbox message, but I don't think the tactical alert missions are in yet. Does anybody else have this problem?

I think it starts in 10 minutes which begs the question why did we already recieve the inbox message or why did the tactical alert not start when the update was released?

Edited by Dovahheim
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Uhm.. Jet Kitty looks like it was simply re-coloured.

(  e_e) i don't even see the Nightwatch camo on it. Machete looks good, but i'm sure that the new stance and stats buff would also help it :^)


And... Oh well, it's sad to see Zenistar got its 1st nerf in the first hotfix after it's become available (though, i saw it coming), serious question here: guys did you even? Did you even test it before adding?.. Sigh. Here we go again, this is like Thunderbolt -- when i got mine it was already nerfed, guess i'm SOFL :<


Thanks for the fixes and TA tho \o

Edited by Thundervision
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Dear God... WTF DE.

It's not bad enough a single author had over 5 skins in the same Tennogen season. All derived of the lame concept, a cluster of leather straps on everything that isn't a flat surface with sinuous Grineer-derp lines (all Graxx skins, no exceptions). You ALSO made a skin batch for weapons down the same "theme" ( more like copy pasta) ??

Edited by Duduminador
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Soooo still no way to get rid of these lenses completely from my frames or weapons -__- please DE would it be great I don't want to deal with this new system for now and would like to be able to remove the lens from my stuff even if it's destroyed in it's current state the focus system needs way more work then it should to get anywhere I get like 800 focus per mission if I'm lucky and to need 75k per ability to gain access to them sorry but I'm not gonna dedicate countless hours to something that shouldn't be considered a main focus of end game like it's great and all but I've got mastery to gain from leveling weapons then making those weapons better by forma-ING them and re leveling to repeat that process a few times on top of that I have to grind out endo for mod leveling on top of Farming parts to make said gear and get said mods so adding a fourth item to that to-do list then hoping to figure out a decent way to get 800 focus per mission every mission no thanks I would rather just let this system sit by the way side while I focus on the more important and already fully fleshed ideas specially when you first choose a focus they don't say what they will do in the slightest all I got from the descriptions was.....Huh? do I have to choose one of these because I have no clue what any of them do guess I'll just pick one at random and so I did just that almost before I turned to the wiki to read what each school was and the powers that came with them  57302_o.gif...Please add some way of removing lenses from gear ^w^ Would be much Appreciated <3

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Quite happy over the stars situation. Wish there was something for medallions, like thief's wit allowed you to find them via a special marker easier rather than half hour missions we can normally wrap up in less than 10.

Also, for those asking the Orokin Upgrade Pack is basically a catalyst and reactor blueprint.

22 minutes ago, deadlox245 said:

do we get platnum from this


lol wat

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