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What's the worst quest theory you've heard?


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A good buddy of mine has only recently finished the Second Dream quest line, and it absolutely blew his mind (and I'm sure many of us can relate), but during his run of the quest, he was grasping at the most convoluted straws in Orokin history. My favorite moment was when he couldn't look at the Reservoir because he thought it was going to be Clem's corpse. (Appropriate response, though it may be). 

So I want to know. What are the funniest theories you've heard from people running second dream?

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7 minutes ago, zen524 said:

That IS interesting though. Who else would have more experience taking down other Tenno?

The Stalker? Taking down the Tenno? He can barely get up before being hit with a barrage of Tonkors and Simulors.

I really hope that Teshin isn't the Stalker, because that would be very cliche'd and boring, not adding up to anything with the Grineer Kweens.

Edited by Beggining
Woot da woop
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3 minutes ago, zen524 said:

That IS interesting though. Who else would have more experience taking down other Tenno?

Because what will happen to the Conclave then? Teshin will just leave after his secret is revealed? Or killed by the Tenno? No one else will take his place in all announcements? All those voicelines to be wasted since after TWW we will never see them again?

Doesnt make sense and seems too overused the "The mentor was evil all along" trope, like the "Tenno is literally inside the Warframe" thing.

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11 minutes ago, Venom-Snake said:

Because what will happen to the Conclave then? Teshin will just leave after his secret is revealed? Or killed by the Tenno? No one else will take his place in all announcements? All those voicelines to be wasted since after TWW we will never see them again?

Doesnt make sense and seems too overused the "The mentor was evil all along" trope, like the "Tenno is literally inside the Warframe" thing.

DE does keep saying that things will never be the same after WW, soooo who knows. I doubt it's true, but it's interesting.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

Tenno are minors, so any post-TSD Warframe r34 is illegal.

Only in incredibly stupid countries where they can't tell the difference between real children and some drawing.

Ether way the Tenno are probably thousands of years old.

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22 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

I alwayd disliked when people antogonised Lotus.

It was clear from day 1 that she's there for us and us only. I honestly don't know if she even cares about anything else.

I guess she can come off as being very bossy, ordering players around. I remember when she would change mission-objectives while in mid-mission randomly at times as well, causing a lot of players unneeded grief and thus view her in a negative light.

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Just now, Tuxie said:

I guess she can come off as being very bossy, ordering players around. I remember when she would change mission-objectives while in mid-mission randomly at times as well, causing a lot of players unneeded grief and thus view her in a negative light.

Well, she's our mom so the boss-altitude isn't surprising at all.

And changing missions on a go... We are soldiers at war. Sometimes missions dont go the way they were planned. Gotta adapt.

It's just that only Lotus knows what for all this is for. I mean: when we finish extermination we are never told what it changed. When we capture someone we'll never know what he told us. When you finished an interception you'll never find what was in the message that we intercepted.

That's kind of depth that Warframe is lacking. We need reasons, results and consequences.

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