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What companion are you using now?


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8 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

The update does not change my choice of Sentinel. My Sentinel choice largely depends on my Warframe, and sometimes on the mission.

Shade for Spy and cranking levels in Solo with the stealth multiplier. In addition to its (occasional) cloaking, it's a pretty solid proximity detector.

Dirigia when I play Banshee or other marksmen to protect my flanks.

Carrier for power-reliant and energy-hungry frames, like Ember.

Helios for casually running around, because maybe I'l get that Codex filled one day.

Kubrows for tanks.

This is how companions were meant to be used.

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14 hours ago, Mastikator2 said:

And which were you using before the Vacuum Within?

Helios/Wyrm Prime, Helios/Wyrm Prime. Not much has changed for me, except that I now get to have vacuum. (And listen to all the whiners that were addicted to their carrier.)

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Carrier before.  After.. will depend on weapon loadout.  Helios for default.  Carrier for bullet hoses.  Fashion frame decides the rest when going melee.


Still want to use my flashy looking dogs.. but they're so useless..  

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It would be so funny if they do their graph again, and Carrier Prime is still the most-used sentinel. I wonder what nerfs they would cook up if that ends up being the case (I only say that because it seems like they really can't stand the fact that Carrier Prime is the most used sentinel, and this whole change was aimed at reducing the number of Carrier users and increasing the number of non-Carrier users).

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Helios when a passing moment makes me remember that the codex is there and I should probably acknowledge it since DE put time into replicating the wikia.

But mostly Djinn since I loved the rework that was given to it. I should finally max the sentinel mods tho.

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14 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

The update does not change my choice of Sentinel. My Sentinel choice largely depends on my Warframe, and sometimes on the mission.

Shade for Spy and cranking levels in Solo with the stealth multiplier. In addition to its (occasional) cloaking, it's a pretty solid proximity detector.

Dirigia when I play Banshee or other marksmen to protect my flanks.

Carrier for power-reliant and energy-hungry frames, like Ember.

Helios for casually running around, because maybe I'l get that Codex filled one day.

Kubrows for tanks.

This is about how I play as well just change up the combos. Examples: Djinn is my most used and goes with Saryn and Ember. Dethcube goes with Rhino and Inaros, Carrier with Hydroid and Nekros, so on and on.

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1 hour ago, AntoineFlemming said:

It would be so funny if they do their graph again, and Carrier Prime is still the most-used sentinel. I wonder what nerfs they would cook up if that ends up being the case (I only say that because it seems like they really can't stand the fact that Carrier Prime is the most used sentinel, and this whole change was aimed at reducing the number of Carrier users and increasing the number of non-Carrier users).

That is an awfully negative way to look at this change, It isn't made to reduce number of carrier user's, it was made so that other sentinels were up to par with Carrier.

Any game developer wants You to enjoy all aspects of the game.

There are 7 sentinels in the game yet I saw players who refuse to build anymore because carrier is the first one they built and others don't come to par with the QOL that carrier brought. The change helped other sentinels, now I don't understand why they nerfed the vacuum range, But the passive change is definitely made to make all sentinels viable and more appealing  instead of just 1.

Edited by Midrib
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If DE honestly expects things other than Carrier Prime to go up in use, they'll likely need more primes of other Sentinels. Right now one of the most common reasons given is that Carrier Prime has the best survivability-stats (which is fair, as it IS a prime-variant). I wonder if something like a Helios Prime would radically shake up this dynamic (or at least a Prisma Helios, if they have lore concerns).

That said, I'm currently a Kubrow/Kavat user.

Edited by Clovis15
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I have not that update yet,  but it won't change anything for me lol. 
My most used companion are Kavats, the Smeeta I think is the name. I use kavats because as I usually play Saryn with Melee, Sentinels are too squishy for me, unlike kavats who survive way more hits and I can heal them while I kill enemies. Also, the kavat has an ability that destroys enemy armor allowing me to instakill any enemy in the game with a single hit. And based on how expensive would be with Saryn to CC enemies frequently, my Kavat help me by doing aggro away from me :D 
The carrier is just useless for me. 
When I go to low level missions, I usually run Djin because he has way more synergy with Saryn than every other Sentinel.
Probably, after the update, I might actually put Vacuum in a sentinel to try out some ammo hungry weapons or Health Conversion / Engery Conversion builds if I'm playing along a Nekros :s 
Probably I would put Vacuum on Diriga or Djin.

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