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The Vacuum Within: Universal Vacuum Feedback


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3 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

 With a fast paced game like warframe, you should be running over the map just playing the game like normal.

That's exactly the problem. You don't run all over the map playing the game like normal. Most objectives are in a general line towards the exit. Drops get everywhere though, between the physics and the ones that just glitch into things or fall behind places you can't see, it's hard to keep track of every little thing that pops out of something you kill. Especially if you're using a visually dynamic frame like Nova. Vacuum was great because it let me play the game without having to stop, track down the drops from every crowd of enemy to see if something I wanted dropped, then carry on what I was doing. With every encounter.

6 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

A lot of the community will waypoint rare stuff, Especially if you let em know you are farming for the rare resource or whatever in case you do miss something. 

Not in my experience.

6 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

I can understand being mad, but it's not like 10m is that big of a range anyways.

Check that screenshot again in my post. I basically have to walk on top of it to get it now.

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7 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

This some kind of troll post insnt it? I refuse to believe that ANYONE can seriously think like this. 

I do.

Well, is not that i love seeing how the range was reduced or something, but i like the general-no mod-vaccum for all sentinels.

(specially considering it was going to be split into three mods)

Edited by Arandabido
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4 hours ago, g4yb4ll said:

time to quit game i guess, if i want to play a game where i spend 1/2 of my time just to run about the map trying to find pick ups i will play pokemon instead

LOL.. because in all the other loot based games out there the gnomes come bring you your loot? And if you need to "find" the pickups.. might I suggest fixing your graphics options? Because most of the pickups are there in plain sight bro.

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Let's say they replace all the elevators, and add a bunch of vertical sections to all the tilesets, where you basically just wall jump straight up for five minutes.

No challenge. No real gameplay. Just mindless tedium.

Some people might like that tedium. Some people might pat themselves on the back with great fervor over their enjoyment of the shafts, calling the people who'd rather get back to the action entitled, lazy n00bs because they don't want to have to waste time climbing a featureless vertical hallway when we have a perfectly good solution of adding a freaking elevator.

Playing "Where's Waldo" with loot isn't challenging. It isn't interesting for a lot of people. It just wastes time, and conflicts with the verticality of Parkour 2.0, and the loot despawn mechanic.

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Kinda glad carrier got punted off its throne, got sick of seeing players cry over a dead carrier and running off to die in a corner cause they were to lazy to pick up their own floor candies. While 6m isn't great it isn't terrible either just means you need to move around a lill more then just standing there like an idjit while getting your &#! shot off. Though carrier still has the best survivability over other sentinels so they rest could a buff in those departments.  

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1 minute ago, armedpoop said:

Give me another 3rd person shooter where movement is key to staying alive, as well as having as much mobility as we do in warframe where the pickups are as bountiful. Go ahead, ill wait. 

Yes. Let's load our argument to a worst case scenario, instead of remembering that there are plenty of times where you have down time to loot and that you can prioritize the pieces you need.

You also then move to those prioritized pieces which... helps you... stay... alive...

I forget, what was your argument again?

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Just now, Chipputer said:

Yes. Let's load our argument to a worst case scenario, instead of remembering that there are plenty of times where you have down time to loot and that you can prioritize the pieces you need.

You also then move to those prioritized pieces which... helps you... stay... alive...

I forget, what was your argument again?

I was gunna kinda ignore that post, because in TPS and FPS, the key to not getting shot is, y'know, Staying out of the line of fire, which means moving around. So....Literally every game with guns, movement is important?

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6 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

Incredible amount of hypocrisy here.

I don't think you know what that word means.

6 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

You mean you will run in circle instead of running in straight line with the loss of 5 meters on your Vacuum ?

Having to track down resources now, yes. Vacuum's range is slower and smaller than before. Now it takes long enough to pick up items with it that you might as well just walk on it yourself. It defeats the entire purpose of the mod without addressing the issue of why the majority of the community felt the need to use it in the first place.

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13 minutes ago, AussiePommy said:

It use to be that carrier didn't exist and you had to manually pick up your loot

It used to be that we had a stamina bar that forced you to exploit the game engine for extra speed using crap like coptering. They got rid of that bit of pointless tedium too.

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Look on the bright side. At least now you won't even need a companion equipped anymore if you used carrier for loot. You can leave those slots empty so the shared affinity isn't split as badly when mastering/formaing gear now.
That's my gameplan if they don't get their S#&$ together before it hits consoles anyhow.

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Just now, SquireAngel said:

I was gunna kinda ignore that post, because in TPS and FPS, the key to not getting shot is, y'know, Staying out of the line of fire, which means moving around. So....Literally every game with guns, movement is important?

Nah man, you don't get it.

Warframe is apparently the only game that anyone has ever played where movement keeps you alive and they can't wait 30 seconds for an opening to grab that small cache of plastids-- they need them NOW. Get with the times, grandpa!

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Oh I'm definitely pleased with it. Now we can have an ammo mutation mod as well as ammo capacity by using carrier. Which is really nice for certain weapons. Plus the vaccuum on everything else is niceeeee. I see people complaing about the range (being too small). Personally i think its just right. Honestly, so far i think its working better than my carrier was. Carrier may have gotten it further, but with looter, gaurdian, medi ray, (and others) being in the precepts before vaccuum (atleast in my case anyways), there would at many times be loot right in front of me that it wouldnt pick up. Now that its a passive, it doesnt seem to prioritize the precepts, thus vaccuuming up everything while doing what sentinels were ment to do.

Has my Two Tenno Thumbs Up!

EDIT: Ment to add. People always asked for more of a challenge. Well, now that you have to pick up ammo, health, and such, this was a HUGEEEE step in the right direction. (now if a better AI could be implemented, however im not picking on DE with that, as i have never seen a game where AI is capable of copying the actions of a well thought player. Hell, the technology we have in genereal for the most part isnt even capable of it) Name another game out there thats a shooter where you dont have to physically touch/pick up ammo/health/etc!

And people complaing the range isnt far enough... hell, the only time where more range would help you is when its pulling objects through the terrain. Yeah, thats realistic (detect the sarcasm there)

People complaing are the same ones complaing about TWW being delayed, not realizing that damn near all of TWW has already been released to us. Fuktards! And likely the very same ones who like to complain, knowing the update has been out for a couple hours and like everything else, know it will be tweaked as needed.

Edited by CCamp88
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Can some moderator(s) please put in some effort and consolidate the gazillion vacuum posts in general feedback? Right now it seems everyone makes their own thread and though I understand people being miffed, these are drowning and/or burying all the other topics in said forum... (and they all pretty much complain about the same thing)

Edited by ComCray
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The amount of cry babies in this game is astounding.  

I welcome the universal vacuum, even with it's half radius although I wish the pets would have gotten it too.  Not to mention carrier gives a huge buff now.  The Ammo Stock mod eliminates the need for an ammo mutation on ammo inefficient weapons freeing up a slot for more damage or even a faster reload.  I'm still going to be using Carrier Prime because of this.

Over time you won't even notice the drop in vacuum range, you'll adjust and get used to it.  For the love of god QfQ


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Onyxflamegod said:

Look on the bright side. At least now you won't even need a companion equipped anymore if you used carrier for loot. You can leave those slots empty so the shared affinity isn't split as badly when mastering/formaing gear now.
That's my gameplan if they don't get their S#&$ together before it hits consoles anyhow.

What? you still are required to equip a sentinel to receive the passive.. it's not a player passive.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)joe03827 said:

It WAS too convenient , now you have to work and get your stuff , wait You still have vacuum! you just have to get closer, that's like pressing W , A  S , D , i mean you're lazy not to do that , carrier overshadowed a lot of sentnels , and i think this change is really good and will give variety to gameplay and your loadout choices

No it wasnt. If all sentinels had a 12m range vacuum now, would you say that ALL sentinels are too good now? Or that pets are overshadowed now? (they actually are now more than ever)

5 minutes ago, Arandabido said:

I do.

Well, is not that i love seeing how the range was reduced or something, but i like the general-no mod-vaccum for all sentinels.

(specially considering it was going to be split into three mods)

Then why couldnt it have been 12m for all sentinels? 

3 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Yes. Let's load our argument to a worst case scenario, instead of remembering that there are plenty of times where you have down time to loot and that you can prioritize the pieces you need.

You also then move to those prioritized pieces which... helps you... stay... alive...

I forget, what was your argument again?

I didnt load the argument tho, @SquireAngel did by making a claim they knew they couldnt back up. How bout you try NOT moving the goal posts huh? Of course you would loot in your downtime, but that doesnt make looting any less painful with a smaller vacuum range. The point is that vacuum is a QoL feature, nerfing it serves literally no purpose. 

1 minute ago, SquireAngel said:

I was gunna kinda ignore that post, because in TPS and FPS, the key to not getting shot is, y'know, Staying out of the line of fire, which means moving around. So....Literally every game with guns, movement is important?

Yeah of course you were gonna ignore it, because you cant give me another TPS game where picking up loot is as important with the same amount of mobility as we have here. You made a pointless argument and you just admitted it.

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44 minutes ago, abstractwhiz said:

I'd go one step further and give archwings infinite radius on their vacuum. The major reason people don't play archwing is that pickups are very hard to get, and so you can't gain power fast enough to make playing harder missions viable. As a relatively new player (post-SOTR), archwing missions past the middle of the starchart vary between painfully hard to completely impossible. Most of us have tons of empty mod slots for Archwings and their weaponry, because the mods drop rarely and don't get picked up when they do.

 That would probably be going a little bit too far. As someone who maxed all AW in the game I'd say with maxed system reroute and the newly-added energy regeneration AWs basically have infinite energy (that's even without amesha). But for a new player who doesn't have that mod at all, a mission like Uranus interception in a junction could become a nightmare. I was recently helping a friend to pass through that mission, and he said he was trying to complete it for like a week or something (one could easily solo it with smth like itzal or amesha even without good mods - way harder with odonata). Anyway, 30-40m should be fine for AW (50 at most). Instant looting would also be nice, but I don't think that's ever gonna happen. 

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