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What would you say if DE put... Arcanes in Sorties?


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I'm not a fan of the Raids, but that's mostly because I don't have the time to sit down and learn how to do them when I have 7 other people waiting on me. /facepalm Maybe make smaller versions of the puzzles to do as 'extra' rooms, like a parkour room but the puzzle's little brother instead. I'd appreciate at least the common ones being in with the Sorties, so I could have some kind of Arcane diversity outside of paying hundreds of plat. (anti- 'pay to win' mindset)

Edited by AandOE
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I don't mind the suggestion honestly,

Its a nice introduction to Arcanes for lower MR players, Gives an incentive to run sorties. I don't see many downsides to this other than perhaps diluting the reward table, But its easily fixable.

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4 minutes ago, AandOE said:

I'm not a fan of the Raids, but that's mostly because I don't have the time to sit down and learn how to do them when I have 7 other people waiting on me. /facepalm Maybe make smaller versions of the puzzles to do as 'extra' rooms, like a parkour room but the puzzle's little brother instead. I'd appreciate at least the common ones being in with the Sorties, so I could have some kind of Arcane diversity outside of paying hundreds of plat. (anti- 'pay to win' mindset)

You can actually do LoR and JV with a minimum of 4 people. It's a bit tricky but with enough communication it's possible. Ideally do it with 3 other people who have done it enough times to know what to do.

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8 hours ago, DawnThade said:

Good Idea but lets first convince DE to put nezha in the dojo tenno lab and move lenses to be rare drops on the moon. Then we'll have enough empty space to add arcanes to sorties without any further dilution of the reward table.

I rarely upvote, but this is an excellent suggestion for a number of reasons. A simple, elegant solution to a number of the issues plaguing Trials, challenge rooms, and RNG's overwhelming presence in endgame content.

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10 hours ago, _Rue_ said:

Before you freak out, please read on.

I'm thinking that the more common Arcanes should be "cycled" as one of those one per season sortie rewards (like the lenses...) because of the following:

  1. Remove them from TRIAL (new edit) drop tables so TRIAL players can get a chance at the rare reward they want
  2. it serves as an "intro to Arcanes" for newer players and entice them to get better ones from sorties

I bet there are tons of other ways this can be done, and i think as a community we can flesh it out?

Or this might just be an ill-conceived spur-of-the-moment kind of thing.

What do you think?

Also consider this:


You're missing something: 1 Arcane certain Arcane per season is not nice

I want to say no, but yes at the same time

They should make new Arcanes that would be unique to sorties

But they should leave the rest in the trials...After all, they do wonders to the market because so few people play raids

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I like the idea, and that idea about moving the len's out of sorties.

I want a way to be able to farm len's, I don't mind if they put it in spy missions or something and I get 1 lens every 5-10 runs, but atm we only get ONE lens of each type per season.....

It'll probably never happen though, you forgot to add something that fatten's DE's wallet. If you had to pay a 100 plat subscription fee to get a better drop from Sorties for that season, then it might be added, but if it's just something that's good for the players... :(


NGSBRReAPeR also makes a good point though, moving common arcanes to sorties means that common arcanes will only be able to be gotten? once per season. That'll actually make them rare and you might have that rare occurance of having common arcanes being more expensive than uncommon >>

Edited by Noobverest
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12 hours ago, NGSBRReAPeR said:

You're missing something: 1 Arcane certain Arcane per season is not nice

I want to say no, but yes at the same time

They should make new Arcanes that would be unique to sorties

But they should leave the rest in the trials...After all, they do wonders to the market because so few people play raids

perhaps the first run... then the next season they're till there... well i think you know what happened to Nezha parts...

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On 10/10/2016 at 9:38 AM, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Or they could rework Trials to not be CC switch standing tedium contests where the only way you could fail is randomly getting nabbed by a scorpion or manic. I brought my best weapons to.....not use them? I get more of a stretch from sorties. I drop more mags into a single nullifier shield than the entire nightmare raid. Not even going to go into detail about slapping a poo ball around while Jordas talks to himself for half an hour.

We just need a Raid that's all about fighting a super boss with health and strat phases. Something like the Corpus Razorback from "Divine Will" that emphasized less on Bursas hacks but focused more on health phases and CC-counter CC would be pretty amazing. I dunno, we just need a big enemy that's a massive bullet sponge, not puzzles and making it a gentleman's "Thinking Man" chess game.

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Yes! I don't like the Raids personally to be honest. The concept was cool but the execution is not interesting because it is artificially harder but mostly just puzzles and buying time with CC or then annoying mechanics that do not particularly flatter the games fun factor. If the Raids were more classical, then they'd be awesome. Anyhow I would support this idea so that we'd be able to obtain those Arcanes in some meaningful way.

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I love this suggestion! I don't have a large enough team for raids - only ever attempted a couple of times, and the amount of coordination required to just get a team together (let alone attempt the trial) was exhausting. I do sorties most evenings, and the rewards really aren't worth a huge amount of excitement. I would love to see basic arcanes in the loot table.

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Great idea.

It would (probably) increase the number of players in both Sorties & Raids. as well as introducing easier access into Arcanes, which to this day many people don't know the specifics of.

On ‎10‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 7:59 AM, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Arcanes are a major part of the game that is severely limited by the Raids. The only people against this are making bank in trade.

Oh and make it a rotation C reward in endless modes. That'll like.....fix that for vets an stuff right?

As Tactless mentioned the people against this are profiting from Arcanes very easily in trade chat. However, they'll still be profiting very nicely. The people who make bank off Arcanes are the people who sell the Energizes, Graces, Avengers etc., the big stuff. With this concept, only the "junk" arcanes will be added to sorties. This means the expensive arcanes will be much easier. And while it's true that the price will decrease, it's also true that it won't be such a big drop, since you'll still spend a lot of time trying to grind out a set. This concept also means that more people would get introduced into the realm of Arcanes, and possibly look into buying the expensive ones. In short, I guess what I'm trying to say is:      While the value of arcanes may decrease, the demand for them would surely expand.

I should probably mention this isn't an argument against, Tactless, just a mentioning of what he said.

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Nice idea. The big question is now how would it be determined which Arcane u receive? If they're going to replace lenses that would be 4 Arcanes each rotation which lasts for weeks. 

Wouldn't it be better to replace endo rewards with common Arcanes to give incentive to play more Sorties than those 4 spots? 

Also, the Arcanes that drop in raids would be needed to be pumped up quite a bit to make them still THE spot for the better Arcanes

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33 minutes ago, NPC said:

Nice idea. The big question is now how would it be determined which Arcane u receive? If they're going to replace lenses that would be 4 Arcanes each rotation which lasts for weeks. 

Wouldn't it be better to replace endo rewards with common Arcanes to give incentive to play more Sorties than those 4 spots? 

Also, the Arcanes that drop in raids would be needed to be pumped up quite a bit to make them still THE spot for the better Arcanes

Nice name. Anyways, from what I understand, only the common arcanes would drop in Sorties. So basically you'd be getting Arcane Warmth, Awakening, Pulse, that kind of thing. Meanwhile, Raids would still have the better arcanes in it's reward table, so people would still go for Raids over Sorties any day, if they were farming for the better ones.

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