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Fissure credit buff! - Dark Sector Credit removal!


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22 hours ago, KirukaChan said:

I'd be fine with a Dark Sector credit nerf if we get a credit buff to Void Fissure runs to make them like the old Void.

This would be a perfect fix ... remove the credits from dark sectors and add them to Fissures.


The current set-up of Dark Sector incentivizes players to only stay for 5 waves for a credit farm, which hurts those players wanting to play longer missions.

How to balance this with ways that tie in with the dark sector Resource booster buff!

1) Remove the credits reward entirely and just drop oberon parts after wave 5, oberon parts can be sold for credits so people who stay for the full 20+ still get the credits it's not that hard to sell oberon parts in your inventory. After 5 waves the eximus units spawn and you have your oberon drops! PRESTO ez fix.

2) Make enemies drop extra credits the higher the waves are this could end up causing more visual clutter than oberon drops unless the credits that are dropped are of a much higher value that would not force people to go into their inventory and sell the oberon parts but if people were to complain about that honestly it means they're too lazy to sell anything in their inventory for credits.

3) So you get 40+k credits just for leaving at 5? why not increase that with 20k each 5 waves yeah people will still ditch at 5 just because they're too lazy to solo for that 40k but it might stop some people right? probably not this is the least viable solution I can think of.

4) Remove the credits reward entirely and just drop oberon parts after wave 5. Similar to 

5) Allow people who are staying past 5 waves to have players join them, people will be prompted with 'Are you sure you wish to join this squad they are currently at XX wave' That way you know what you're getting into when matchmaking finds a squad with a missing member.

Edited by [DE]Taylor
removed metacomplaints
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To avoid this, I normally run them solo myself, or pre-arrange a group in recruiting tab. If they were that intent on trolling, no amount of changes will deter them from doing what they do best: annoy people. I wouldn't consider leaving after 5 waves every other game trolling though, they are making a choice, and it is their decision. I wouldn't mind extracting along with them and queueing for another that is willing to go for more than 5 waves. I only stand to gain, don't I?

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I assume you're talking about running with randoms? In that case, you have no right to criticize their actions, in my opinion.

Everyone goes to these missions for their own reasons, and unless you form a group with objectives that match your own, it's unfair for you to expect them to go out of their way for you. You see it as them ruining your run, while they would see running to Wave 20 as a waste of their time. Neither of you are wrong, go to Recruiting if it bothers you so much.

Anyways, Dark Sectors are confirmed to be getting some pretty massive changes, so it's good to start looking at changes that might improve it, I suppose. Hard to make good suggestions though, since we really don't know anything about the new direction it will be heading in.

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12 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

I assume you're talking about running with randoms? In that case, you have no right to criticize their actions, in my opinion.

Everyone goes to these missions for their own reasons, and unless you form a group with objectives that match your own, it's unfair for you to expect them to go out of their way for you. You see it as them ruining your run, while they would see running to Wave 20 as a waste of their time. Neither of you are wrong, go to Recruiting if it bothers you so much.

Anyways, Dark Sectors are confirmed to be getting some pretty massive changes, so it's good to start looking at changes that might improve it, I suppose. Hard to make good suggestions though, since we really don't know anything about the new direction it will be heading in.

Doesn't sound like you read point 5

"5) Allow people who are staying past 5 waves to have players join them, people will be prompted with 'Are you sure you wish to join this squad they are currently at XX wave' That way you know what you're getting into when matchmaking finds a squad with a missing member who was a squad ditcher/credit farmer. I say that because it's like I said I've got them on my ignore list and without fail every time I can predict who is gonna dodge now just for credits ... the moment I recognize you from ditching a few times you go straight to my ignore list that's just a simple matter of short term and long term memory in the human mind. 

People with legit reasons I don't even ask usually they explain why they are leaving, "dinner is ready", "gotta use the toilet" the list goes on people don't have to justify themselves but it is a nice courtesy when you ditch your squad to say why but you aren't forced to do so it's just polite. I stated that I don't ignore people unless I start to recognize the pattern of them ditching for credit rewards so I wouldn't add somebody to the ignore list for the first time they ditch but if I see it a few times I don't think I'm overreacting by knowing a tenno is gonna ditch us 100% of the time on any given dark sector.

The fact that I've realized this is what the meta is now is why it's a problem and has to be dealt with. The I'm too lazy to solo credit farm I'll just consistently let every squad I encounter down because I'm lazy mentality makes me question why I even play with publics anymore, but if I stop playing with publics I'll make less friends and that's what the warframe community is supposed to be about these credit farmers are some of the most rude antisocial people in the game removing the beams on Akkad was a great deterrent for afk macro farmers but the credit farmers are honestly worse at least the xp macro farmers stayed past 5 waves ... "

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Asking to nerf something ingame just do you can avoid certain players is just the absolute wrong way to go about fixing this issue. Never ask for nerfs from DE, it always backfires. People who do credit running shouldn't be public queueing.

Also this isnt the current meta, I run hieracon almost exclusively nowadays and I have run into maybe 1 person asking to extract after the first excavator in the last 3 weeks.

Edited by Skaleek
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6 minutes ago, Shade-Nightclaw said:

Why would you care if people have an easy way to get credits when you literally need millions of them to even progress in the game? its a co-op game, its only going to benifit people to have a way to actaully get stuff

There are so many more viable credit farming alternatives, sorties, raids the list goes on. I've stated every single reason why you asked me why I care after explaining every single reason why I do care.

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13 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:


Today is the first time I've ever done that, leave after the first extractor in Hieracon. that's because the person I was running with kept doing that. However, he grabbed two other people who wanted to to do the same thing. Only the last run did we get someone after we landed, so he was annoyed. but I generally don't do that.

If that was you, that did Hieracon today and had two people do a forced extraction after a single extractor, I apologize. I use DS Survival for credit farming, as well as affinity.

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Its just a symptom of post-SOTR credit nerf, playing without a credit booster got uncomfortable.

Also, do Dark Sectors even get this resource boost buff? I`m pretty sure that I get more polymers on grineer survival than on dark sector survival.

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1 minute ago, Skaleek said:

Asking to nerf something ingame just do you can avoid certain players is just the absolute wrong way to go about fixing this issue. Never ask for nerfs from DE, it always backfires. People who do credit running shouldn't be public queueing.

I agree they shouldn't be public queuing and they shouldn't be trolling when you ask them politely to go solo instead but they do and they don't stop unfortunately. A nerf to the wave 5 credit reward is all I'm asking the credits would still be there in an alternative fashion if anything the changes would be better because you would get more credits from multiple suggestions I've provided and others are suggesting a scaling credit reward but I don't think that will be implemented unfortunately that is just my prediction after the credit nerf to raids etc.

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1 minute ago, Ivan_Rid said:

Its just a symptom of post-SOTR credit nerf, playing without a credit booster got uncomfortable.

Also, do Dark Sectors even get this resource boost buff? I`m pretty sure that I get more polymers on grineer survival than on dark sector survival.

I've suspected that myself it's hard to verify because it's only 30% 

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5 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

I agree they shouldn't be public queuing and they shouldn't be trolling when you ask them politely to go solo instead but they do and they don't stop unfortunately. A nerf to the wave 5 credit reward is all I'm asking the credits would still be there in an alternative fashion if anything the changes would be better because you would get more credits from multiple suggestions I've provided and others are suggesting a scaling credit reward but I don't think that will be implemented unfortunately that is just my prediction after the credit nerf to raids etc.

Yeah I hear you. I don't have a huge stake in this since I'm sitting on about 150m credits, but I fear the day that dark sectors are removed. Currently the 400 endo injections that we love oh so much will disappear, and since the rest of the starmap hasnt had its endo conversion fixed, it's gonna hit us hard. I don't foresee any changes being made to dark sectors until their removal/rework post TWW... But maybe your change with the revamp (if its not removed entirely) will make it in if it gets enough traction.

Edited by Skaleek
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8 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

There are so many more viable credit farming alternatives, sorties, raids the list goes on. I've stated every single reason why you asked me why I care after explaining every single reason why I do care.

There are also better places for affinity farm too, you can use them instead. Also people don't go after credits in solo because you getting less credits in solo. Sometimes people leave because they levelled what they wanted for the first 5 rounds, sometime because they think other players are bad, they can have some urgent business in the real life after all.

Seriously, it can be annoying sometimes, but you can't expect from people do what you want every time. Gather a premaid squad if you want to go far or at least ask people how far they are gonna go at the start of your mission.

Edited by ograzzt
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31 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

The most annoying meta this game has right now when you go to any dark sector and people don't tell you what they're there for and they ditch after the first 5 waves ...

I used to do Dark Sector for the same thing and was equally annoyed by it. When people asked me why i wanted to go on and told them it was for the XP and materials, i would many times got mocked on and be called noob because i wasnt doing Draco for it. In the end i was forced to do Draco which lasted up to Wave 4 because people wanted to grab the Void key.

Edited by BiancaRoughfin
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11 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

Doesn't sound like you read point 5

No, I read it. I just think it's rude to police other people's behaviour - especially when there's no arrangements being made ahead of time. Essentially, you're complaining just because they're playing for their own reasons and not your reasons.

I understand that you're suggesting alterations to the setup to help avoid this situation, which I acknowledged. However, since Dark Sectors are on the list to be completely re-formatted, it seems highly unlikely there will be any changes made to the current iteration. These concerns will probably not apply to the new version of Dark Sectors.

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The fact that bailing at 5 waves is the most efficient way to credit farm, rather than continue the mission, is an issue that should be addressed.

There are a few reasons people do this in random groups. You can spawn with a group that's past wave 1, making the farm shorter, you get more credits based on how many players extract with you, and you can get by without killing an enemy while no one really cares.

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3 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Draco which lasted up to Wave 4 because people wanted to grab the Void key

...and then you have players leave after round 3 cause they've reached their caps and say they don't need a key cause they never host anyway. That's one of the few good changes that came with Relics  :)

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2 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

No, I read it. I just think it's rude to police other people's behaviour - especially when there's no arrangements being made ahead of time. Essentially, you're complaining just because they're playing for their own reasons and not your reasons.

I understand that you're suggesting alterations to the setup to help avoid this situation, which I acknowledged. However, since Dark Sectors are on the list to be completely re-formatted, it seems highly unlikely there will be any changes made to the current iteration. These concerns will probably not apply to the new version of Dark Sectors.

With that mentality that's like saying I can leave every tenno to bleed out that I encounter for the rest of my account playtime until this game is no longer played by anybody because I can. "you're complaining just because they're playing for their own reasons and not your reasons." The list of reasons go on the point is it's poor attitude and I don't see why you're making excuses for their abusive behaviour.

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4 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

There are so many more viable credit farming alternatives, sorties, raids the list goes on

Sad thing is - none of these are actually "more viable" in way, shape, or form. Sorties can only be done for credits 1 time a day and only give 100k. Raids are a pain in the a$$, and require 8 people to participate, thus making a team for them tedious.

Compare that to running into a Dark Sector for 3-5 minutes for 20k (more, actually) per run that can be done countless times in a day. There's no contest there, Dark Sectors are 1000x better, without a doubt. 


I am not sure you recall a while back when Dark Sector rewards were killed off and credits became a nightmare to farm for unless you already had credits. If you did, or were shorter on credits, then you would not be suggesting this right now.


I should also say that you have no right to tell people IN PUBLIC MATCHES how they should play. I don't abandon matches in pubs, but it's not my business when others do, even if it is annoying. 

I also fail to see how it cripples your team to the point of you thinking it's a real problem that needs "fixed" if a single person leaves your squad. I can solo Akkad to 40 with nearly any Warframe, so I don't see any way that could cause inconvenience to you. 

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the game probably would be better off giving Credit Rewards on each Reward Point, in smaller sums, i'd agree. giving say half the reward but doing so on each Reward Point, would encourage better Gameplay practices.

in the meantime however, i would recommend not playing Dark Sector Defense for this reason. play Survival or Excavation - Players don't really do that in those Gamemodes, because Defense lets them AFK harder.

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