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[The Index Preview] Bug Report Megathread


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7 hours ago, SandDune said:

May be intentional but I doubt it...

The new Shield Charger mod from the event wipes all current overshields when the sentinel uses it.


It even does it when it's not your Sentinel, if any player in your party has it on their sentinel, it wipes your overshields and tries to replace it with it's own piddly overshields.

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So I have been seeing two big bugs with Caustacyst.
The first is that it is not appearing in the codex at all, I even have it and it is being researched in our Dojo. But as it is the codex, where everyone should be able to see it; I do not think those factors matter, it is simply missing from where it should be.
The other one is visual, although I don't think people are noticing all that much because most are waiting to build it from research labs and the most people don't use scythes all that much. Our grip on the Caustacyst is way too high, choked up on the haft. With a bigger scythe some would think this is intentional, to prevent it from touching the ground or something (although it's still far from it), but it simply does not look as described and shown on the bundle's display screen and all pictures previewing the Caustacyst in market. It looks more like we are holding a staff weapon than a scythe, especially since Anku, Ether Reaper, Reaper Prime are all held with the lower hand almost at the very bottom of haft and the higher hand near the middle. Also, when you turn your Tenno to the side while in Arsenal while displaying the Caustacyst, you can notice that your higher hand floats in front of the weapon's haft since it is placed at the point where it curves backwards.
Also, Caustacyst in can be placed in different styles, but there are no sliders to adjust it yet?

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Half of the new codex entries don't unlock. While you are at it: Security Cameras, Infested Tumor, two of the three Apothics are broken as well (possibly more). And regular Stalker but that one is technically my fault...

I don't get why the codex is just perpetually broken T.T

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Hello, soo, after update Index (and this 2 hotfixs) Telos Boltace no longer have he AoE dmg in slide, you just spin without the dmg just the "hit" only, i don't know if has nerf or what but is literaly unplayable this weapon now :( pls fix fast



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1 hour ago, apo86 said:

Half of the new codex entries don't unlock. While you are at it: Security Cameras, Infested Tumor, two of the three Apothics are broken as well (possibly more). And regular Stalker but that one is technically my fault...

I don't get why the codex is just perpetually broken T.T

for the same reason helios takes to long to scan and scanners need the target to stand perfectly still for 5 miliseconds to be scanned manually. I don't know the answer to any of those questions either but its rather annoying sometimes. I'd love to see those scans instant and the scanner able to scan moving targets in 1 millisecond rather than having to fight the ai dodge mechanic that makes the target instantly move the minute your cursor is on it.

things are so busy trying to avoid the cursor I'm surprised we can hit anything at all.

I've always found that interesting myself, game developers make characters in shooters handle fire arms very amateurish...In the real world if you held a rifle and moved around while aiming they way you do in video games you'd miss every time. I remember my military days and I can assure you if I'd waved my rifle around while trying to hit my target and had it bouncing all over my sergeant would of taken that rifle from me.

Mobs shouldn't be avoiding our cursor, you cannot dodge bullets. Taking cover, ducking and moving in a tactical fashion is one thing, video games do it and call it "challenge"...personaly I call it lazy design because the industry doesn't want to come up with better mechanics to challenge the player so make the ai avoid the cursor instead. I can't hit the grineer in the head because they've got their head tucked between their legs..the minute the cursor is on them they immediately flinch and turn and move not to reposition based on me me the character but on where my cursor is pointing.

we're supposed to be experts at guns so we should know how to grip the weapon properly and not bounce all over while firing..should be able to aim without wobbling and bobbing every which way. Those are the traits of a person who doesn't know how to use a weapon. ((just something I've been wanting to say to developers of shooters for a long time now))

Edited by Babellon
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22 hours ago, Azrael said:

The Mag spectre lifts players and other friendly spectres up in the air when casting polarize. This CC's players and is kinda frustrating, since that CC is coming from our own team.

in addition, the Mag Specter even Staggers ITSELF if it collides with the Polarize bubble!
literally staggers everything, rather than only Enemies.

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For those saying that Telos Boltace is bugged, it's not. They fixed it so that it only procs an energy wave when equipped (melee only mode).

But anyways. My profile is bugged. There are Achievements that have been reset. Ones I've noticed so far are the revive ones and puzzle solving ones. Only happened after HF#3 or 4. I can update with screenshots later.

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At the End of the mission I get a Host Migration and I lose the Mod Rewards. Credits work as intended though.

I dont know why this happens or how to influence it but I since I noticed this Issue I lost 8 Mods which I was supposed to get.
Sometimes it seems to work though.

No problem in Solo Mode.

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not sure if this is intended or not (assuming its not) but if you go to mission progress you can "mission progress" to view the mods you picked up during the index mission, on a similar note mod drops might be a bit low as a lot of my missions dont result and any mods and when they do its almost exculsively kinetic ricochet and pain threshold or that may just be my terrible luck

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not sure if this is intended or not (assuming its not) but if you go to mission progress you can "mission progress" to view the mods you picked up during the index mission, on a similar note mod drops might be a bit low as a lot of my missions dont result and any mods and when they do its almost exculsively kinetic ricochet and pain threshold or that may just be my terrible luck

On 10/20/2016 at 8:55 PM, Katinka said:

My Profit was :poop: instead of :credits:

  Reveal hidden contents



is that such a bad issue i would love to see that actually switch how funny would that be after every mission... on a side note might be a funny Aprils Fools thing

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Valkyr's bounds cant be purchased unless you purchase the Valkyr bundle.
Azima's disc only lingers for less than a second and explodes.
All Index enemiss can hit you across walls.
The Index Raptor enemy can fly through walls.
Pain Threshold doesnt affects Quick Thiinking stagger.
Index enemies can hit Limbo while he is in the Rift (remember that Limbo exists guys, you need to hotfix this with every new enemy)

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The new TennoGen skin for Chroma called Drevni has a bug with Effigy. When used, the pelt has the texture of the chromas main body all stretched. In other words it loses its own texture. Everything goes back to normal once you cancel effigy but aslong as its up the pelt looks... wrong.





Edit: Also the emission parts on the main body seem to have a weird texture moving on it. Not sure if its intentional or not, as in the pictures of the skin on the workshop do not feature this pattern and even say it'd be a light emission, not a pattern moving.

Edited by Madraz
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