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Coming Soon: Devstream #82!


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How about reducing Relic farm by making void a fun place again?

Solution: Remove all meaningless rewards from void missions like common, uncommon mods and credits(resulting in higher chance for Relic drops) and boost endo rewards (because 80 endo is not a reward for T4 missions) and make Relics drop in respective tier.

After all we are talking about VOID Relics so it would make sense for Void to be farming place for Relics and not some random Dark Sector (Hieracon i'm looking at you -.-)

Thanks for reading, see you in space :)

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Q: Know this is a bit late but with the recent change with vaccum can Wyrm Prime base health be address? Currently he has half of the health of the normal variant of Wyrm (Wyrm 200 base health vs Wyrm Prime base health of 100) can we see this address seems a bit off.

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The vacuum change was really nice, so thank you for that, but I have my own personal pet peeve that has been bothering me basically since I started playing. Wyrm Prime's base health was reduced to 100 years ago, as opposed to the normal Wyrm's 200. This no longer makes any sense if it ever did at all, especially given how tough Carrier Prime is and Carrier Prime having absolutely no downsides compared to Carrier. The reduced base health severely impacts Wyrm Prime's late-game survivability and bringing its base health back to 200 would be extremely helpful.

For that matter, all sentinels other than Carrier Prime are too fragile right now and die far too easily, and can only be revived a single time per life with the Regen mod which isn't really good enough. This is highlighted particularly by the interaction between the Gazal and Djinn - Djinn dies really fast and you're left with no more buff for the machete. If you could talk about these topics I would really appreciate it.

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No seriously, it was mentioned in the last devstream, (though not in the official summary), and in @AM-Bunny's summary write up that they were done and ready to be shipped. Are we waiting to release them with his Alt skin or is something else holding up the process? Frost P is my main freeze and I'm super hyped about hearing that there done. All I'd like to know is when?

Edited by Rhundis
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Two things I want to know-

How hard is it for you guys to develop new enemies, and balance them?

Do you guys think you could try to balance the scaling problems by first working on how enemies spawn, such as in little "bundles" of pre-selected groups? Like 2 sniper crewmen + anti-moa, or 1 scrambus and one tech?  I'm wondering how this could work out balance-wise by only having certain enemies in certain groups, instead of the jumbled mess of a swarm we currently have?

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I would like to offer a few suggestion and questions.

-Fragment reward(s) possibility when collecting all.

People wanted a bobble head type cephalon fragment for their ship but I'd like a display that looks like a fragment shape.

Since unlocking all fragments get you the picture that can be used in your ship on the displays. It would give us a chance to see what the displays can do and might entice people to buy them or the pack.

- Sentinels revives

Regen it does work but the problem is it revives so fast after its death its almost unnoticeable.

The mod could be changed to one of the following or a combination of them:

  • You could have it revive by time based
  • You could have it revive on command when you need it on out of harms way.
  • You could have it revive by a life counter like we do.

You could also add the following to the game if you do not like the idea of changing the mod.

  • You could have it revive by Ordis in gear. And he could say a catch phrase that is fix or something?
  • You could revive it by a ship that will bring back pets and sentinels by a timer like health supply/turret/alarms/bombing runs

-Character customization

Can the eye-guard be worn on the left eye too? Or is it purely only for the right eye? Can all character customization be swappable left and right side.

-Health conversion/energy conversion errors

They both suffer from the same errors from time to time, check link.

-Token system

What has happened to the token system?


Was it scrapped when you implemented the "Check system" Will Maroo sever any purpose in the future?

-Codex missing mods

  • Meteor Crash
  • Nebula Bore
  • Astral Slash
  • Comet Blast
  • Quasar Drill
  • Zodiac Shred

-Opened relic reward screen

When we finish the void fissure it would be nice if we had the ducat value attached with the item or rarity.

-Archwing focus orbs

On 2016-08-04 at 11:43 PM, JacquesTheBitter said:

I've noticed that we can apply a focus lens on archwing or archwing weapons. But I couldn't find any focus orbs during a mission which makes it almost useless to place a lens on archwings.

Is there any plan to make the focus orb available for archwing mission? If not I'd like to kindly request the developers to make it possible to get as much focus as the ground missions on archwing ones. 

And focus ability available for archwing missions maybe?

focus orbs available for archwing missions?

-Sliver grove ending missing

On 2016-08-20 at 9:09 PM, TrueHawkEye said:

I got nothing to show but if you look at mutiple youtube videos the ending of the silver grove is missing Ordis starts talking and out of no where the inbox opens and auto plays the transmission and I would like to know what Ordis said. I know I can't redo the quest but is it possible to have the text transcript for what he said?

not my footage, see the videos for what i am talking about





-Sentinels for new players quest


· Reviewing the new player experience we realized that Sentinels are incredibly useful, but there's no real tutorial that teaches players how to use them.

· We're implementing a quest that will also introduce a new Sentinel for players to get to know.

· The new Sentinel is more defensive in nature.

Quote pulled from https://warframe.com/news/devstream-71-overview

-Nekros shadow of the dead problems

  • Their is a problem when spawning a scavenger drone it will steal all the resources on the map from you
  • Their is a problem with the sentinel overspray you can not tell what circle is friendly and which ones will hurt you. If they could gave their orbs colored like our energy it would help.
  • Their is a problem when spawning a Hyekka master, the hyekka's that are summoned are not marked by your shadow ability.
  • There has not been an event (up to now) where nekros shadows of the dead ability is accessible or use-able during the events (power not available).


-Will add more later when I can find my notes.

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5 hours ago, Gentrash said:

A couple of art/animation questions

Q1: How hard would it be for interior (player) ship skins? Such as the infested bits outside "the Door" being all over the ship.


Put me down in support of this idea! I would definitely put Platinum in for an Orokin Derelict-styled interior skin for my Orbiter.

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Any news about the new "sound" warframe?
Nexus app updates?
Is it possible to integrate a system for automatic graphical settings detection and optimization in the game?
Will the Orbiter scanner get more functionality, like scanning for anomalies in the Solar System maybe?


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Dark Sectors

You guys mentioned in the previous devstream that the reworked Dark Sectors would be a return of "endgame". How exactly would those work - how would they be different from the current dark sectors?

You made relics more farmable to in-theory accommodate for the one reward a mission limitation of the current system, but the biggest thing that most people miss about the void system is that dynamic of hauling in multiple items from a single endurance run. 

Could the new dark sectors act as a sink for relics, melting them down into rewards more quickly than fissures? Example: dark sector survival, every 5 minute mark will take a random relic from your stash and dispense its loot to you (no selection screen), and spawn some sort of boss enemy into the map. Something like that could have the scaling challenge and capacity to reel in large hauls of prime loot at a time that players miss.

Can we hope for any sort of return of multi-loot missions? 


Lackluster Frames

Hydroid, Oberon, Limbo. Any word about them... at all? You've mentioned Limbo needing a rework a couple times, but he's not the only one. 


Melee Charge Attacks

Since the Sibear, you guys have been using charge attacks on many melee weapons as triggers for unique mechanics. Twin Basolks' Rift Strike, Sancti Magistar, Prova's new Static Discharge, Zenistar, the recently-gutted Caustacyst, and probably a handful of other weapons yet to arrive all get their unique mechanics tied to their charge attacks. Yet while it looks "ok" on paper to do that, in all reality it's very rarely worth it for players to stop in their tracks to unholster these weapons and wait on their titanically slow charge attacks to benefit from those mechanics. The root of this is the fact that those charge attack speed times for non-thrown melee weapons are tied to the weapons' base attack speed, and disregard all other attack speed augmenting mods and abilities. Those things work perfectly fine with thrown melees and gunblades so... what's the deal?

Is it a mechanical oversight, or does someone in the studio feel that it's ok to have charge attacks be a dead mechanic and force them to be way too slow to be viable?

The Zenistar holds up because its effect is long-lasting enough for the slow charge attack time investment to actually be worthwhile. Caustacyst was initially well-liked for the high power payoff for that slow charge attack time investment... until its recent neutering.

Edited by SpaceBad
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13 minutes ago, SpaceBad said:

Dark Sectors

You guys mentioned in the previous devstream that the reworked Dark Sectors would be a return of "endgame". How exactly would those work - how would they be different from the current dark sectors?

You made relics more farmable to in-theory accommodate for the one reward a mission limitation of the current system, but the biggest thing that most people miss about the void system is that dynamic of hauling in multiple items from a single endurance run. 

Could the new dark sectors act as a sink for relics, melting them down into rewards more quickly than fissures? Example: dark sector survival, every 5 minute mark will take a random relic from your stash and dispense its loot to you (no selection screen), and spawn some sort of boss enemy into the map. Something like that could have the scaling challenge and capacity to reel in large hauls of prime loot at a time that players miss.

Can we hope for any sort of return of multi-loot missions? 


Lackluster Frames

Hydroid, Oberon, Limbo. Any word about them... at all? You've mentioned Limbo needing a rework a couple times, but he's not the only one. 


Melee Charge Attacks

Since the Sibear, you guys have been using charge attacks on many melee weapons as triggers for unique mechanics. Twin Basolks' Rift Strike, Sancti Magistar, Prova's new Static Discharge, Zenistar, the recently-gutted Caustacyst, and probably a handful of other weapons yet to arrive all get their unique mechanics tied to their charge attacks. Yet while it looks "ok" on paper to do that, in all reality it's very rarely worth it for players to stop in their tracks to unholster these weapons and wait on their titanically slow charge attacks to benefit from those mechanics. The root of this is the fact that those charge attack speed times for non-thrown melee weapons are tied to the weapons' base attack speed, and disregard all other attack speed augmenting mods and abilities. Those things work perfectly fine with thrown melees and gunblades so... what's the deal?

Is it a mechanical oversight, or does someone in the studio feel that it's ok to have charge attacks be a dead mechanic and force them to be way too slow to be viable?

The Zenistar holds up because its effect is long-lasting enough for the slow charge attack time investment to actually be worthwhile. Caustacyst was initially well-liked for the high power payoff for that slow charge attack time investment... until its recent neutering.

...and for charge attacks to be just as good even while using guns... like gunblades and glaives..... DE please

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Could companions have their abilities level up as they do, just like the Warframes? Also, could Sentinels get their own weapon mods instead of us having to use the mods we use for our own personal weapons? Mods conflicting is a bad mechanic and I hope to see it destroyed. Also, about a year ago when Echoes of the Sentient came out it was stated that Earth Spy missions had a secret tile; nobody has found it, so can we confirm that it's actually there?

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Magnum Force: How a -33% reduction on accuracy can turn a perfect 100 on Pox to a 20.2?


  1. Acces to Arsenal
  2. Archwing course?
  3. More decorations? (I mean, only Grenier statues? no Corpus?, no Infested??
  4. Also, can you make the Hall of Heroes Loki changeable, with,for instance, a selector to load any Frame the Clan has available? it WOULD BE AWESOME to make it possible to be rotated, since in my Dojo is facing backwards from the spawn point
  5. Could you make easier to navigate through the dojo while on decorating mode? Like whe could operate a device, Sentinel  like, to be able to see though the Dojo as coordinates and axis, and move freely, with a pop-up menu for the Decos.
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First off, I wanted to say thank you guys for making such a great game. It ties me and my friends around the world together, and that means the world to me. I'm glad to be a tenno and to be a part of this community.

As for questions, I was wondering if there are going to be any new kavat species introduced. There are only two kavat species currently and several kubrow species. Also, I was wondering if there would be a way to make the kubrow/kavats look like other "feral" species such as the Hyeka or Drak? They're kinda cute in an ugly way >.>

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