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Dev Stream 82: Endless Relic missions feedback


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"Endless Relic Missions

We realize that a large part of the old Void system was removed with the Relic system: endless missions. To remedy this, we’re adding the ability to use multiple Relics in endless missions. As demonstrated with Defense: Every 5 waves, you will be given a chance to pick your Reward from your equipped Relic. If you battle on, you will get to equip a fresh Relic while seeing the choices of your squad mates as well.



Every 5 Waves will refresh your reactant count, so make sure you pick them up! The number of Traces rewarded will increase the longer you stay in-mission as well.

Hopefully this system will be released with The War Within."

From: https://warframe.com/news/devstream-82-overview 


Yo guys.

I always liked the new updates and stuff, I always loved when something changed in the game, but this... When the fissures is in game I literaly can not enjoy prime faming.

In the recuiting everybody want Radiants, If you dont have, you just dont have any chance, to get a squad. Then, you think about go in public. The players are rushing, almost always done the fissure mission before you  connected, and if you dont have reactants, they dont wait for you, and call you a noob.
Last chance... go with clanmates. We are just few, so sometimes I can find one good guy but thats rare. We go... and... well about the 3. round the mission get veeeeerry boring. Also the Void itself totally useless.

In the times, when the Void Keys, and T levels existed, you could go solo without boring out in the first five minutes. You could recuit squads. You could use tactic, and use a good team co-op. You could farm DUCATS, and with the never ever seen teammates in a 40 wave Defense, you could chat, and enjoy yourself.

Now, where is this? Where is gone? The DE really ruined the game for veterans like me? Really? This can not be true, please! 

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Haven't experienced the situation with people being so fast, that I couldn't collect enough reactants. From my experience, that sounds like bad luck and I would advice you to try again and just don't play with people, who insult random players for being slightly slower than they are.

Another option is to join an alliance, if your clan is too small. Have a look in the recruiting forum or simply ask players, you enjoyed playing with.

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I've had better luck with matchmaking as well, so that sounds unfortunate, OP. PUGs I've played with generally wait for you, if you speak up and tell them you don't have enough reactants.

I mean, it's in the best interest of the group to ensure everyone collects their reactants. More chances of loot is more chances of loot.

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I like the change.  I didn't enjoy going over 40 minutes of an endless survival, 40 waves of an endless defense, or 16 waves of an interception.  I got tired of seeing the void tileset over, and over, and over, and over again when it came time to farm new prime stuff.  As a casual tenno the changes cater to me very well.  But my heart goes out to those tenno who like to test themselves and their builds, going several hours into endless void missions.  I think the longest I've seen a squad go is eight hours?  Pretty surreal, but that's not how I would define fun in Warframe.

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Overall I like it.

I do miss the void, but it's still there on the starmap. DE has been receptive to adding things to make void gameplay more attractive than at present.

I haven't had or seen any real problems with gathering reactant. I've only seen one game where someone failed to do it...and he didn't look like he knew what he was doing.


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I like it, since the new void system was out i got so many primes (even the rare ones) kinda easily without hardcore grinding. who liked rotation c drop rates anyway?


inb4 someone say: "i liked rotation c drop rates"

Edited by EranTerran
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I've been seeing people put  '7' or  '8/10' in chat to give a progress report. or just calling 'done' and waiting for everyone to call done as well. So far, everyone on PUGs have been pretty cool about it that I've seen.  I can imagine that not being the case all of the time of course, especially if you join late.  

I've joined so late once I just didn't have the heart to make everyone wait and just ran to exit with them.  No biggie, had better luck on next one.



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Yeah I like the change. Beats grinding the same mission on the same tileset weeks on end. There's still room for improvement, but overall I think it was a nice update.

Plus, one of the more overlooked feature of this new system is the availability of matchmaking, whereas the Tower and Key system required you to sit (briefly) in chat to recruit your co-op partners.

Edited by Ojimaru
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I'm on Xbox so have only been using the new system a couple of days but it's already driven me to changing my settings to "friends only" on the star chart.

A prime example being yesterday, AXI fissure capture. I run after the target knowing to cap first, get reactants after. No one else does this, tile set isn't great so I end up having to back track quite a bit while eveyone goes to extraction. 

Rest of team begin to send me ridiculous messages until I point out we'd of failed unless I hadn't of captured the target & don't extract as I have a radiant relic with me. Team ends up selecting drop off my relic.


I'm having to constantly use my phone (smart glass app) to send messages to the squad & it's honestly not worth the hassle. No one seems to be on mic unless they're blaring some awful music down it. 

while the drop chances have of course gotten better the hassle that now comes with arranging a squad isn't worth it to me. I'd sooner spend time playing solo, levelling relics I need certain drops from until people I know are on & going about it that way.




Just to be clear, I like the change very much. It's dealing with ***** I don't like 

Edited by (XB1)Booga81
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19 hours ago, Katze127 said:

Yo guys.

I always liked the new updates and stuff, I always loved when something changed in the game, but this... When the fissures is in game I literaly can not enjoy prime faming.

In the recuiting everybody want Radiants, If you dont have, you just dont have any chance, to get a squad. Then, you think about go in public. The players are rushing, almost always done the fissure mission before you  connected, and if you dont have reactants, they dont wait for you, and call you a noob.
Last chance... go with clanmates. We are just few, so sometimes I can find one good guy but thats rare. We go... and... well about the 3. round the mission get veeeeerry boring. Also the Void itself totally useless.

In the times, when the Void Keys, and T levels existed, you could go solo without boring out in the first five minutes. You could recuit squads. You could use tactic, and use a good team co-op. You could farm DUCATS, and with the never ever seen teammates in a 40 wave Defense, you could chat, and enjoy yourself.

Now, where is this? Where is gone? The DE really ruined the game for veterans like me? Really? This can not be true, please! 

I agree  with u bro since 2014 i was a Tenno.  Now i want to go in my cryopod. No Motivation to make my frames and weapons better. IT destroys the challenge everyone needs to keep up in a game. And warframe was the one game what it did. Now take a decent modded weapon good frame u can make every Tier. IT makes no sense. They were annoyed of grinding in t3 and t 4 endless Missions now they are grinding theese fissures to make relics decent better to drop as fast as they can their Parts. So they have it what is next??? DE U KILLED THE BEST MECHANIC THAT EVER EXISTED IN A GAME. Thanks u. U made warframe to a regulär 3 month played game. And nooo u cant Do any New mechanics to hold up the Motivation. Ur best Motivation was the void 1.0!! Rip warframe!! (crying freezed tears) (Frost) 

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  • 2 months later...

"Endless Relic Missions:

We realize that a large part of the old Void system was removed with the Relic system: endless missions. To remedy this, we’re adding the ability to use multiple Relics in endless missions. As demonstrated with Defense: Every 5 waves, you will be given a chance to pick your Reward from your equipped Relic. If you battle on, you will get to equip a fresh Relic while seeing the choices of your squad mates as well.



Every 5 Waves will refresh your reactant count, so make sure you pick them up! The number of Traces rewarded will increase the longer you stay in-mission as well.

Hopefully this system will be released with The War Within."

From: https://warframe.com/news/devstream-82-overview


The whole point of staying 40 or 60 minutes in endless so that you only had to use one key for multiple drops. With the system proposed in the latest dev stream you will still have to use a relic every 5 waves. Which means that you might as well abort at 5 waves and go back in. 

There has to be some sort of benefit to make endless worth it.

Example: Free upgrades to your relics every C rotation, multiple drops per relic, something else!

They mentioned more traces now. 

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1 minute ago, tbeest said:

The whole point of staying 40 or 60 minutes in endless so that you only had to use one key for multiple drops. With the system proposed in the latest dev stream you will still have to use a relic every 5 waves. Which means that you might as well abort at 5 waves and go back in. 

There has to be some sort of benefit to make endless worth it

Yeah, I agree but at least they're taking a step in the right direction. 

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)FingerFlikenBoy said:

Yeah, I agree but at least they're taking a step in the right direction. 

That's  not the right direction imo it just shows again that the devs dont seem to know what us veterans want. We want to get multiple rewards from 1 relic/whatever for investing more time and going against harder enemies.

We dont want to spend 1 relic every 5 waves to get 1 reward. Especially since the rewards stay at the same dropchance while the enemies get harder to deal with. Why would i waste my time on 40 waves def instead of 8x 5 waves?

Gimme a reason to go for the harder variant because players will always do the easier and faster thing if there is no extra reward.

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10 minutes ago, tbeest said:

The whole point of staying 40 or 60 minutes in endless so that you only had to use one key for multiple drops.

That's pretty much the main reason it was changed to the relic system in the first place.

Players were earning prime parts without sacrificing anything other than their time.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

That's pretty much the main reason it was changed to the relic system in the first place.

Players were earning prime parts without sacrificing anything other than their time.

Nah man the relic system was introduced to counter void fatigue. They need to add incentives for going long in endless mode or no one will. Reward those skilled enough to last hours in a survival...

Edited by Skaleek
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Good Endless modes shouldn't be superior for void related stuff in any way, that would negate the main point of why the void system was changed in the first place. Even if the benefit for staying in endless missions is just 5%, everyone will do it and the burnout from playing on the same map for hours just resurfaces, just this time a little slower, cause random void alerts.

This change is a change of convenience, which is perfectly fine with me. The moment they make endless missions even a tiny amount better they'll kill months of work SotR costed them.

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1 minute ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Good Endless modes shouldn't be superior for void related stuff in any way, that would negate the main point of why the void system was changed in the first place. Even if the benefit for staying in endless missions is just 5%, everyone will do it and the burnout from playing on the same map for hours just resurfaces, just this time a little slower, cause random void alerts.

This change is a change of convenience, which is perfectly fine with me. The moment they make endless missions even a tiny amount better they'll kill months of work SotR costed them.

If they want to bring "endless" back there should be a benefit. Otherwise it's just as endless as we currently have.

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Just now, Skaleek said:

Nah man the relic system was introduced to counter void fatigue.

It was a factor in the change, sure.  But there's little doubt DE grew tired of the prime part gravy train.

The old key system was bad business for keeping players in the hamster wheel.

(Capture, Extermination, etc) One key, four rewards?  Not good.

(Survive, Defense, etc) One key, potentially endless rewards?  Even worse.

No, my friend.  The reward structure was the main reason the void system changed.

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)FingerFlikenBoy said:

Yeah, I agree but at least they're taking a step in the right direction. 

I think it's a step in the wrong direction tbh. The grind for relics is already a chore, as the relic system as a whole is. This will make it worse. I certainly wouldn't of been pleased spending a key every 5 waves and I most definitely won't be spending relics every 5 waves either. Why?

Because in all my drops, radiant or otherwise, I get 15-45 ducat drops without fail. 100? I'm not sure that exists in my rng-riddled world. I've spent over a thousand hours happily grinding away for most everything I have but the grind nowadays is far from happy, it's boring, bumrushed and unrewarding.

This is a slap in peoples faces, that's what this is.

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1 minute ago, Zanchak said:

I think it's a step in the wrong direction tbh. The grind for relics is already a chore, as the relic system as a whole is. This will make it worse. I certainly wouldn't of been pleased spending a key every 5 waves and I most definitely won't be spending relics every 5 waves either. Why?

Because in all my drops, radiant or otherwise, I get 15-45 ducat drops without fail. 100? I'm not sure that exists in my rng-riddled world. I've spent over a thousand hours happily grinding away for most everything I have but the grind nowadays is far from happy, it's boring, bumrushed and unrewarding.

This is a slap in peoples faces, that's what this is.

Do you remember when they mentioned Eximus units would drop relics?

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Not spamming the same mission every 5 minutes is a welcome change.

They said we will get more Void Traces as the mission continues and that's generally the right idea.

I personally don't care about the key share, relic thing. I simply want an excuse to stay beyond my own ego.

We just need scaling rewards and that goes for all mission types, not just Relics. it doesn't have to be much, just something.


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