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Corpus need to stop buying cheap glass from Darvo


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The whole Corpus ship glass breaking mechanic is old and outdated (sometimes, doesn't even make sense), get rid of them in the regular rooms or at least beef up the health so they don't get destroyed by just knocking into them. It really halts the flow of some missions. Also, add new tiles with "battle damage" to keep the effect like in the infested tileset.

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20 minutes ago, xProdergy said:

I wouldn't trust Darvo with anything, especially supplying the glass for my ship.

Saying the tenno who does NOT shoot at stuff in is ship ^.^ 

Hey OP you didn't get any warn about your IGN ?

Edited by trunks013
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They're identified as "Reinforced Glass" in the codex. Reinforced with what? More glass? Two bullets shatter the entire pane. What if you stumbled next to it while carrying a crate? What if an Osprey's pathfinding bugged out and it bumped against the glass? That's a serious workplace hazard! Someone get the DHS on the phone, the Corpus are in for one helluva class-action lawsuit.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

They're identified as "Reinforced Glass" in the codex. Reinforced with what? More glass? Two bullets shatter the entire pane. What if you stumbled next to it while carrying a crate? What if an Osprey's pathfinding bugged out and it bumped against the glass? That's a serious workplace hazard! Someone get the DHS on the phone, the Corpus are in for one helluva class-action lawsuit.

Reinforced  in weakness

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Nice title :) Yeah breaking glasses is getting a bit old.

One more thing for players to hate Mirage with Simulor.

Stupid side of it is that there is no automated system to seal the hole but is based on idea that enemies who invaded the ship need to hack console for this to happen.I mean really...how stupid is that....

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Just now, CarrotSalad said:

Im surprised people havent noticed the panes of glass that you can break already have giant cracks in them.

Also not every damage type ingame can actually damage/break the glass.

This. Not all of the room with glass will break, only the ones with cracked glass windows. So it's more of a problem with the Corpus being cheapskate at replacing damaged parts. Probably because their crew and robots don't really need air anyway so decompression is not very lethal to them.

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4 hours ago, Xzorn said:

It slows down players...

....so it will never be removed.

Agreed, this game loves to make the playerbase jump over pointless hurdles.

Picking up loot sucks? Here's a commonly found ayatan star that you have to press a button to pick up..

A frame that flies? Oh but you have to constantly be touching the ground to pick up life support, energy, and loot..

You want to pick up a kubrow egg? Oh but you can only own one at a time for whatever reason. Unless you got it from an alert of course, then you can have more than 1 because magic.

You want to do a mission for a sculpture? Go to a relay to talk to someone in person, and wait 69 hours for her to have her dialogue before starting the mission. Can't just use telecommunication like every other person in the game.

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