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Hilarious & Sad Moments With High MR Players


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We all know that low MR players pretty much don't have some mods or weapons or frames that a higher MR would. However this doesn't count for player skill/knowledge, which some people still believe (mind-boggling I know). This is common knowledge to players that understand this game.

But, I want to look in the other direction. We know high MR players usually have like... everything. You think they know their stuff but more often than not... they don't. Quite often it's both sad and hilarious at the same time. Yes, this doesn't include every high MR Players out there, but there is some you'd actually question... in a bad way on a daily basis (sometimes hourly).

Fellow Tenno, I want to hear your moments of high MR players you'd questioned. Remember, no naming and shaming.



My Funny Story - I was doing a Sortie Defense mission against the Grineer. This was the last one to complete before receiving our rewards. Knowing that it'll be a Operative to protect instead of a Cyropod, I decided to use Limbo to banish myself and the operative... basically making the VIP unkillable. A MR21 player in our squad went Ember Prime since all 4 of us had Corrosive Projection, a very understandable move. We got in our match and I quickly realized a few things. First was that he didn't have any Health/Shield increasing mods on and that he went with a WoF Build with the augment. Secondly, he wasn't using his gun and didn't need to since WoF killed everything, making this mission a very trivial matter. I started using banish on him for 2 reasons: make him immortal and gain 2 energy per second. Near the end of the match, he started cussing at me for doing so and complaining that he wasn't getting kills. As soon as that statement was made, a MR19 spoke up and said "You do know Warframe Abilities go through right? You do understand that you can simply back flip out of it yes? Cuz I haven't seen you once shot your weapon the entire time" The MR21 Player sounded shocked, cussed even more and immediately left in a rage. Later I got a very good compliment from the MR19 and said thank you for protecting him (since he was running into the Grineer Bombards consistently) and the operative, I hope this doesn't discourage you from playing this game.

MR19 Player, I want to say no it didn't and that I hope you doing great.

Sidenote - That MR21 Player managed to get 1253 kills, 87% of the total kills and 92% of the damage dealt to them.

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Back in time (pre SoTR) I was doing Phobos ds def with mr13 Vauban player.

Shadow Stalker attacked me, but we managed to defeat him. After that Vauban player asked how the Stalker could use Mirage prism. Quite sad because he missed SD quest.

Edited by Olav152
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My story: We were running the old Draco, An MR20 Ember (WoF build), other 2 guys (MR10-13) and myself, EV Trinity. Around halfway through the mission this Ember starts flaming me (pun intended) because I "wasnt using EV" to what one of the guys answers "you know that if you have toggled abilities on you cant receive energy from any source besides orbs, right?"

Needlessly to say, that Ember remained silent for the rest of the run.

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Is it that MR21 Ember has on Arcane Energize and need energy pick-up to sustain his abilities? i.e. more than 2 energy per sec. Yes, he can roll out of banish. Also, WoF augment is good back-up CC. 

I'm not defending him. Just try to look at it at more angles. Hope this thread doesn't turn into a shaming threads. 

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A nameless viking with a founder badge and loki knave avatar played a sortie while being very drunk one evening (its not uncommon that this player does so), forgot that he was carrying the datapack for the mobile defense terminal, the whole party was standing around waiting at the terminal for a good few minutes before the chat got filled with hate and insults. 

Like seriously, MR 22 with 2000 steam hrs and he didnt know he had to press "X" at the terminal.

Edited by VikingoX
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1 minute ago, VikingoX said:

A nameless viking with a founder badge and loki knave avatar played a sortiwhile being very drunk one evening (its not the uncommon that this player does so), forgot that he was carrying the datapack for the mobile defense terminal, the whole party was standing around waiting at the terminal for a good few minutes before the chat got filled with hate and insults. 

Like seriously, MR 22 with 2000 steam hrs and he didnt know he had to press "X" at the terminal.


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I don't have much story to tell, but there was this one mr 20-21 guy who acted on his own, he rushed to the objective that my team barely catch-up with him/her. I don't even have to show the conversation, you can picture how ignorant and egotistical this guy was.

That's all I can remember, really.

Edited by heskaroid
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things like this happen in just about every game to me, but one time that really stands out was this one time we were doing a Sortie Interception on Jupiter. I brought Frost Prime (weird because I usually bring Nova Prime to slow enemies down), and I used snow globes to defend the towers. now I know that getting overzealous with globes does more harm than good, but I was being extra careful, only deploying when I needed. about halfway through the game, I get called out in squad chat. with "do you even know how to play frost?"

which is Ironic, because this was coming from an MR20 using a Bladestorm Ash who was constantly going down outside of Bladestorm,. a couple of times, I saw him try to charge Techs with his melee... from about 50m. no teleport, no smoke screen, he just banzai'd at them and inevitably got cut down every time. so at this point, I decide to stop reviving him, and oh lord, the salt... another guy told him to chill out (lol), only to be met with a ton of abuse. he then starts blaming me for going down all the time (even though he's literally running AT enemies without even trying to dodge, on level 70s might I add). I just told him he was bad and to F--- off. he then left.

and now I always bring Nova to interceptions, because I know she's welcome and nobody complains.

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I was on a high level Interception when this happened. So... There was that guy. You know, one of them "stay on your own tower, A******" mentality types.

We decided to do as he says, more out of spite than anything. Needless to say, he was the first one to be overrun by enemies and the last one to be revived.

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The week after Saryn rework I was playing some def and one of the pugs (yes I play public) was like: "hurr durr you are a noob because you use Saryn. Don't you know they nerfed her into the ground? Durr hurr"

A minute later he complained that I was stealing all of his kills

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2 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

The week after Saryn rework I was playing some def and one of the pugs (yes I play public) was like: "hurr durr you are a noob because you use Saryn. Don't you know they nerfed her into the ground? Durr hurr"

A minute later he complained that I was stealing all of his kills


That's another bonus good feeling reason to use Saryn. "How much nerf did you think they put into her now, b%$%h?"

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I once took a Frost along with me on a and two others on a Sortie defense, at this point I had yet to realize that the Sortie defs ALLWAYS have the opeprative. The Frost was about MR13 and when I told her to follow the operative and keep casting snowglobe she started calling me a 3-year-old and a retard. When I retaliated, saying that this is what Frost is for in defense missions. She just said "I'm a woman, respect pls." and started ignoring all my other messages, we finished the misson succesfully and when we came back to the ship, she just left.

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I had a pair of 21s tell me I should run to pick up the convergence every time it spawned because they were farming focus and said that if I didn't, the convergence would not spawn as fast and I'd slow them down...

I found no info about this on the wiki, but I think they were wrong and convergence spawns at the same interval, regardless of being picked up or not. 

When I mentioned this, I got flamed.

I'm 22, not that it matters.

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11 minutes ago, TheDudeCZ said:

I once took a Frost along with me on a and two others on a Sortie defense, at this point I had yet to realize that the Sortie defs ALLWAYS have the opeprative. The Frost was about MR13 and when I told her to follow the operative and keep casting snowglobe she started calling me a 3-year-old and a retard. When I retaliated, saying that this is what Frost is for in defense missions. She just said "I'm a woman, respect pls." and started ignoring all my other messages, we finished the misson succesfully and when we came back to the ship, she just left.


A better advice would be to asking her to use her 2 and 4 if possible, instead. If it's a negative range build, well, there was nothing she could do.

You have any idea how hard it is to cast 3 whenever the stupid operative gets out of it? It's 3, and 1, and 3, and 1, it goes on and on.

Edited by LunarEdge7
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As an old player with bot that much of a "good higher MR" representing Mt so called "level" I have met suite a few of ghost hilarious people, and it is true that the majority of those if the high MR grade were horribly rude, but then listen to this one :

I was at MR 8, in a public match using my trusty Volt, tagged with a Rhino MR... 18 by the time, with two MR 4.

It was a defense mission against the Corpus and obviously as Volt I was zapping the hell out of every enemy coming my way. One of the 4s had a Volt and asked me how I got that strength, getting himself downed while typing, I revived him and answered his questions tailing him so that he wouldn't die when answering. The second one then joined the Q&A to get more lore, tips and advices from me. 

And then the Rhino fell down, he got revived normally and quickly, the mission was still running smoothly, and right after started insulting me for "no knowing anything, that Volt was supposed to only give speed,  or damage" and yaddee yadda.

I didn't not answered to his provocative talk, and simply continued what I was doing. He kept on insulting the three of us, apparently his MR gave him the right to do so, in the end the mission ended at wave... 80 or something, the two 4s had their trouble surviving while the two others, we were simply wrecking the place.  Rhino had not spoken anymore after a while of silent, but at the end of the mission simply told the three of us that we should uninstal the game.

Weird story hey ? 

Now I'm around MR 14 or so, I have bad memory of this pointless thing, and received this so called advice again,  after a similar game, but this time from a MR 4 player. 


To me this story and the fact it happened but in a way backwards, show that this MR has no importance for what matters is the inderstanding and mastery of the system the game holds, while toxicity will always be here, it is important to not spread around false ideas. 

Yes many High MR are idiotic elitists, but so are many others even without a "Stamp" to move themselves right. So don't take that thing into account, only what the player, no matter his choices will offer you. 

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1 minute ago, LunarEdge7 said:

A better advice would be to asking her to use her 2 and 4 if possible, instead. If it's a negative range/small snowglobe build, well, there was nothing she could do.

You have any idea how hard it is to cast 3 whenever the stupid operative gets out of it? It's 3, and 1, and 3, and 1, it goes on and on.

It's really not that hard.  I usually play Grineer Sortie Defense as Frost and babysit the Operative.  I just follow him around, freeze enemies, and scream for help when a Heavy Gunner comes. 

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