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[TWW] Bug Report Megathread


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2 hours ago, Gaminus said:


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Got a gamebreaking bug during the mission after you meet Teshin and the Queens.  My sentinel is with me, and keeps killing me, making it impossible to complete the mission.

This is frustrating.




Really hoping this gets cleared up soon - helios doing an instant kill on me each time. ;.;

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14 minutes ago, Ironelle said:

I am stuck.  The door will not open in front of me.  The part of the quest I am at is hidden under the spoiler tag.

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I have defeated the Queen and her Kuva Guard.  Teshin has told me to get to my Liset and escape.  I have made it out of the queens chamber, but in the next room which is a T intersection, presumably where I had entered the chamber form the other side of the T, I cannot progress past the door that is unlocked.  The door will not open and I cannot return to my Liset.  I have checked all doors for other possible exits and can find none.   


I do not know if this is an issue, but I also am unable to see an objective on the mini map which would be the extraction location.  The mini map is not showing any objective. 


I had to restart the game.  When I logged back in I started within the quest at a later point in the quest than where I had logged from.  Resuming the quest should have started me at the same point or further back in time, making me replay a portion.  The impact is that a player ends up potentially missing part of the quest. 


I never got to escape the Queen's fortress.  The next part I returned to on the Liset.  I had to demonstrate my powers to Ordis and then returned to the mountain.  I am not sure what all I missed, though I guess it was only the escape.


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If you access Operator customization through esc menu while controlling the Operator, it zooms in on the chair without putting the Operator into it. If you exit out then enter the chair manually it works fine, however. Just doesn't teleport into the chair properly through menus.

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2 minutes ago, Ironelle said:

I had to restart the game.  When I logged back in I started within the quest at a later point in the quest than where I had logged from.  Resuming the quest should have started me at the same point or further back in time, making me replay a portion.  The impact is that a player ends up potentially missing part of the quest. 

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I never got to escape the Queen's fortress.  The next part I returned to on the Liset.  I had to demonstrate my powers to Ordis and then returned to the mountain.  I am not sure what all I missed, though I guess it was only the escape.

Thats what happend to me on first mission of quest!


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My Game crashed just after my ''Warframe'' gets out of the control of the queens and drops in to the water...then you have to show your new ''void'' powers to Ordis...and that's it...CRASHED!

Now my ''War Within'' quest is complete...and I didn't do anything..I logged in again..and I even have a new weapon and Ordis said I ''rescued'' my Warframe BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING...It just skipped all the quest all along!!!

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I have completed the War Within, but when I attempt to access the Sortie menu I get a message that says I need to complete the mission.  Images:

Edit: I will also point out that the equipped Warframe meets the lvl 30 sortie requirement.

Edited by Ironelle
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2 minutes ago, Ironelle said:

I have completed the War Within, but when I attempt to access the Sortie menu I get a message that says I need to complete the mission.  Images:


The thing is...I'm at the Snow mountain just after Ordis says that I ''rescued'' my Warframe...but I don't even know what is going on! I didn't play that part...the last thing the Operator said was something about ''helping Teshin'' or something just after showing Ordis my new ''void'' powers,

I CAN'T access my Orbiter

Edited by PeaceSpectre
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In the quest after when I woke up from the dream. The part where Ordis is talking to me and everything is normal with me testing my abilities in the ship, And ordis is telling me to be careful. After when that is done I went to the loading screen and my game crashed. After when I log back in I have my warframe again and after doing research it skipped the queen boss completely and when I continued the mission from where I was, I was going to the mountain with teshian and then completed the quest. Is it possible that I can have the quest again b/c I missed the queen boss completely. :c ty you in advance. 



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