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[TWW] Bug Report Megathread


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Here I am with another list of bugs. 


• Since this update I noticed that the game freezes frequently for a few millis to seconds. 

• More ram usage (w/o seeing any noticible improvements or changes)

• Kuva extration mission errors ( multiple) - not being to able to damage the kuva, no sound and popup from the queen, lotus and other mission objectives.

• Being able to get through the floor, most occurance when summoning the operator. 

• Summoning the operator takes more than one click due to being set back in the frame just moments after pressing the button. 

• After TWW quest the operators is unable to run

• No joystick support for the new features ig

• Inconcistency: during the TWW quest after pressing 5 with Tenno I got back to where my frame was. Sometimes in battle when I do that my warframe gets teleported to my Tenno. 

• Strange disconnection and the games takes longer to load the maps


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Im currently stuck in a mission becasue the kuva clowd is... somewhere and I cant destory the thing.

I think i farmed it for about 30 min waitning for the clowd to come


tunres out I am able to exit, however the marker dosnt show up I didnt get the kuva

Edited by Fluff-E-Kitty
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After using transference, my field of view is lowered. I play at max field of view, I use transference, it goes lower (possibly to default fov?), I have to go into my graphics settings, lower it, confirm, up it again, confirm. Very annoying. Happens as both a host and a client.

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I've started TWW question, and the part where ordis is blowing up the ship, as I reached the nav console, my game crashed! I got the "Warframe has crashed!" message.

Now, when I start up warframe, it loads "TWW loading screen" and then promptly crashes.


I can't play anymore.


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Well havent been able to progress anything in WF at all due to never getting past


The whitescreen that happens when you use the transference to go back into your warframe, it just stays there at the whitescreen and nothing else happens and i cant do anything else but only sit and watch a whitescreen for hours without any kind of progress

I cant play at all because is forced.

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I keep getting host migrations durings (and only in) missions with kuva siphon event the result in you will be returned to the multiplayer menu "OK". No, not OK, let me keep going solo at least for... I lost upward of 1200 kuva, 1 blade, multiple disk 1000 endo and at least 1 of each flight mod and multiple copies of each stance. Which took me quite a while to get since I run the mission for over 15 minutes before a single event happen, and then i lose it all half the time...

Never mind the passing through the floor when using transference and falling through the map...

Edited by Vantooth
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2 hours ago, MastikMan said:

The Mastery rank 20 - 21 rank up test is broken. Neither enemies nor balls of light spawn.

Mastery rank 16 is also broken. Waves spawned, but the counter never left 0. Also, after dying, it wouldn't restart, it just sat there. Had to abort the mission to exit it.

I can provide EE.Log if needed.

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Quest finished unexpectedly after alt+F4, skipped me to receiving a mail. The War Within is "completed" in the codex. I have no idea how much content I missed that way and without option for replaying the quest it just broke my heart in half.


With the newfound powers I came back to the mountain ("the old war beacon" by the words of Ordis) and I had to alt+F4 because of that annoying snow bug when it continues to snow inside the cavern. I restarted the game only to find myself with TWW completed. What do I do? How do I live after that? So much waiting only to be spat on by the game.


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2 minutes ago, Viriyath said:

Quest finished unexpectedly after alt+F4, skipped me to receiving a mail. The War Within is "completed" in the codex. I have no idea how much content I missed that way and without option for replaying the quest it just broke my heart in half.

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With the newfound powers I came back to the mountain ("the old war beacon" by the words of Ordis) and I had to alt+F4 because of that annoying snow bug when it continues to snow inside the cavern. I restarted the game only to find myself with TWW completed. What do I do? How do I live after that? So much waiting only to be spat on by the game.


Same for me here. I wasn't able to make my choice on the mountain. Quest is finished, too.

Edited by Doc-Orange
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Another major bug that shipped with the war within update and is still present after the second hotfix:

Stealth kills give zero affinity bonus over normal kills. I'm guessing something got messed up when tweaking the radial affinity sharing to not include stealth multipliers because it doesn't even apply to the player making the kills anymore. This effect also applies to any gained focus from stealth kills.


Also the range of enemies noticing dead bodies is a little weird, it seems to not take Y coordinates into account, so for example corpus enemies can see a camera die that is at least 15 meters above them almost straight up, seems weird that they can see that happen while wearing those clunky helmets.

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Playing SOLO, kuva machine appeared, spawned 2 guardians and no kuva afterwards, not even extra enemies. Alarms weren't set off.

and another annoying bug. When you join a team that has already advanced on a mission, you start at the very begin of it, not near them.

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If you are in the 'Operator  mode', running around and falling off map, which teleports you back up: Don't press 5 to exit the operator mode just when you are being teleported back up. This causes you to lose ALL functionality from mouse and keyboard for the game. Luckily I was running a random public mission and the other players forced an extraction, which gave me my keyboard and mouse back. I'll send an EE.log about this via support.

Edit: logs uploaded with report ID #691085

Edited by -Zr-Scroll
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During the Operators task to stun and control the ravenous maw the map lighting went to black, on that end of of the cave. If you walk back there are some lights but not further. Shooting the the dark is nigh impossible and though I could stun the creature for a moment couldn't see it to tap in. Tried increasing the contrast the brightness on the monitor work it  it through, nope. 

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Got past the freakin' laser beams, only to encounter a bug inside the fortress. My 'frame got stuck on an invisible ceiling. Just walkin' on sunshine with no way to get down. If I tried to jump it didn't let me, if I tried to do a ground pound with a melee weapon, I was stuck in the air like Wylie Coyote. Gonna say, kind of irritated, it's taken me days to get past those stupid scanning lasers, and when I finally do; bug.

Pics below.





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