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Do you believe the wait was worth it? (Spoilers?)


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Yes and no. I enjoyed what we got, but for it being a 3.5 gig and taking an extra 5? months of time working on it, it seems really lackluster. What they put out I can see they poured their hearts into and they delivered a great 2 hour experience. I just don't see where the filesize and time went to. 

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Underwhelmed, to be honest.

The Grineer Fortress was cool. Infiltrating that place felt badass, the environment was great, kudos all around. The feel of the 'dream sequence' was interesting, and the gameplay was nice, even if it was rather different from Warframe as usual.


However, that's where my compliments end. The story itself feels... empty. Words are spoken, but little is said. There's the implication that the Operator learned more than what he said aloud to the player, but that's kind of it. I don't really feel I learned anything. Compared to the revelation of what the Tenno were, of who the Lotus is... this is just nothing. The environments were great, the feel of much of the quest was great, but it felt all flash and no substance.


Operator mode is a cool idea, but I'm not seeing the advantage to it. It's less mobile, and I don't think my Void Beam was doing as much damage as a Soma Prime, so apart from going invisible, there's no real advantage. Furthermore, it's adding something to Operator without fixing Focus mode as it is. I'm still using Zenurik 4 E/S all the time, and nothing else. I'm particularly bitter about this point, as I have stopped putting lenses on frames and weapons, because I thought we were getting a Focus revamp along with this patch, and I wanted to see what changes were made before I started committing lenses. So I'd been avoiding using a lot of frames that I might have put lenses on in anticipation, so getting here and not finding that bothers me alot.

The Riven Mods seem interesting... but they're just stat boosts. Far less interesting than the weapon specific mods that give you special effects. Still, we've seen very little about them, so I won't comment much here.

Having simply completed the quest itself, the only part about it that I'm interested in is the new planet (and some other things that came with the update, but aren't really War Within material). The tileset was cool, and I think this could work out well. Otherwise, I'm disapointed both story and mechanics-wise. The whole ordeal feels incomplete. I love you, DE, but unless this is just part one of something that will be followed up on by the end of the year, this was a huge whiff.

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12 hours ago, NDarkstar said:

No. I hate that every time I want to play a new update I have to figure out how to reconfigure my controller to get it useful again. I hate that Warframe is a console game too, but I can't use my controller to play effectively. The tooltips all show keyboard and mouse functions and several of the 'new' abilities, I can't trigger from my controller. Also, I didn't get to finish the quest because once again, an update was released and is now crashing me every time I log back in. I'm tired of buggy updates I have to wait for a week to be able to play. I can't log in to do anything right now because the second I do, TWW attempts to load and crashes me back out. Full controller support should mean full controller support. Releases should be announced when they're ready, not when they're 'close' and then get feature creep at the last hour that [DE]lays the release for (at minimum) half a day. I get what the devs were trying to do here, but I'm really really really tired and disappointed in the results.

I'm having the controller issue too, can't seem to crouch with my operator to use the void dash and void invisibility, but I can crouch with my warframe just fine. Weird. 

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20 minutes ago, Skyeborne said:

I just don't see where the filesize and time went to. 

New maps and textures.  Textures tend to take up quite a bit of space.  In most games, the textures are the bulk of the game's total size.  You can somewhat see examples of this in the file sizes of costume DLC in other games.  This is mostly a logical guess on my part, and I hope this helps to answer your question.  :D

Edited by DatDarkOne
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I am more thinking on the lines, WHY it took so long?
Spoilers ahead

Some questions were answered, more rose.

Twin queens were introduced,


but then one of em was killed off (killed the B**** myself)

Tenshin situation explained itself, so i got over it.

Ending just made me ask questions. Main one was...


Now that s taken care of...

*shakes his head*

15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed some general behaviour with enemies regarding awareness of their environment:

  • Nullifiers now notice and investigate their bubble taking damage 
  • Enemies will notice and investigate corpses
  • Enemies affected by Coolant Leak will notice that they've been frozen/slowed



15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed some general behaviour with enemies regarding awareness of their environment:

  • Nullifiers now notice and investigate their bubble taking damage 

What the *BLEEP*. Can nullifiers *bleep* off already?

I got even less of a reasons to do corpus stealthy again

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No. Because i know the reason it took this long was because of the Tenno-gate system, we dont have a name for it yet, right?

Remember parkour 2.0? The debut some kick-&#! free form parkour on a stream and a week later, i think, it was turned into bullet twirling.

So im sure, if DE wants to step in and confirm or deny, go ahea, im sure that it took so long is cause the went through several versions of this new system. A new system that doesnt really have and in-game need now, right?

I've been saying this for a while. They need to separate lore quests from mechanics. Bring in the mechanics first in some random quest thing then the lore specific quest that put to use that system 100%.

This is standard video game system building. In Prince of Persia you when to a stage, got a new move, and right after you got that move you have challenges that put that new move to use. You didnt get the move then passed the stage and used it later on. I mean, that only happen at the start for basic movements, but the rest was like i just said. Go through a stage and half way in you got a move that you used for the rest of the stage.

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14 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

New maps and textures.  Textures tend to take up quite a bit of space.  In most games, the textures are the bulk of the game's total size.  You can somewhat see examples of this in the file sizes of costume DLC in other games.  This is mostly a logical guess on my part, and I hope this helps to answer your question.  :D


Edited by Alison2g
my bad posted in the wrong place
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12 hours ago, Ragingwasabi said:


Im up to part where operator is back in ship after the caves journey and im stuck at the screen saying Press 5 to use transference. I press and it doesnt work. Pressing ESC does not show menu and i cant change key binding.   The way its set up,  the number keys 'select the power' and mouse scroll up actually uses it. I tried pressing 5 and scroll up but doesnt work either.

Do you have the blackness bug where there is no light at all makeing playing that part pritty useless  along with non working 360 pad. i mean there is around ball on the ground yet no light makeing *tame crawler* part none do able wish there was an Eta on this bug :(

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i have to renew my feedback ...

the operator has sloppy controls, i dont like that, nothing else since i play warframe has have had such a bugged controlmechanism as the operator, thats what i expirience and im pleased that DE repair that, i wanna have simply clear clean razorsharp controls for "my" operator

if this doesnt happen asap i refuse to play on warframe, as easy as that, thx for understanding, DE ^^)

right now, no, its not worth the wait, im bugged on 2 accounts and wait for hours now for a update for clear control to finish theto last steps of the quest, killing the queens and their fat guardians the clear clean way, im not changing my mind and accept this sloppy controls ;-)


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The good:

Gorgeous story

Operator becoming one with the warframe is pretty interesting

Teshin's identity reveal

Compared to the 2nd dream, which it had a dramatic vibe, this quest has a very tense vibe.

New operator abilities are pretty interesting

The neutral:

Sortie system has not changed that much

The quest had vague details

The bad:

The length was pretty short


The fact that the old queen has big melons and they jiggle is beyond disturbing.


Edited by heskaroid
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I'd also add that I'm bugged about the moral choice with killing the Elder Queen. As many of said... we've killed literally millions of Grineer (and Corpus) by this point. Even with the same three choices, the order should have been shifted around...


Light - I have suffered, but Teshin has suffered at their hands for far longer. The kill is his to make.

Neutral - Kill her. It is done.

Dark - I'll leave you to suffer and rot, dying a painful and honorless death.

It makes a lot more sense if you just swap the Light and Dark choices. Now, to be fair, we don't know exactly what the light and dark means, but the first two choices seem to be somewhat standard light/good/optimism vs. dark/evil/pesimism.

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Tbh I get what DE is trying to do.


Currently for stealth and so on, only a few warframes like ivara and loki can do it.


With this new "extra" (operator) you can go invisible, teleport, go unseen in the enemies.


It's also great to revive someone. Go invisible and revive the person.


Or to hack...


Tbh, I feel like the operator skills are made for CC and support and stealth.


While if we need DPS we switch back to our warframes and PWN the enemies :D

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Non spoiler answer: it's a mixed bag. I think some things could have been made more dramatic. The revelations weren't as mind blowing because there wasn't enough buildup. In the end, it felt like I was just being swept along and didn't really have agency in my actions.

Also the bugs, which are par for the course. >_<

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I'm kinda conflicted like a lot of previous posters. It's interesting, sure, but there was none of "WOW". Second Dream was beyond awesome and DE said that TWW is even better. But it's not. At all. It feels unfinished, rushed even. The plot was so predictable that I could almost foresee the dialogues. So, considering how long we had to wait for it I can only say that it is dissappointing at best.

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Not worth almost a year long wait. Even if released at original date (July) it would still be rather unimpressive. Very short, yet another thing to "added&forgotten" list, most dialogues are terrible and story, while nice, isn't anything breathtaking.

At least it gave us some more Orokin and Tenno background.

Hopefully, next quest will be better

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no.  5 months of hype was too damn long and it drooped literally at the 11th hour.  Sortie season 9 went on too damn long, because it was contingent on the rework of TWW. Also DE made the mistake of announcing a release date prematurely. I know DE wanted it released as much, if not more then the players.  It would have been better to hold off the release another week, and have had a solid definate release date instead of stringing us all long.

What was worse was having some "content creators"  filling time on the twitch page, getting the exposure, airtime, and babbling with the same thing over and over again cause they had nothing else to do... EIGHT HOURS before the update was actually released. 

I have never felt so badly conned into watching something or waiting for something to happen since "The Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults" was aired back in 1986.  I actaully went on a Date with my wife, with the vain hope of it being released on my return.  I came home with a happy wife, and 4 more hours of waiting, followed by 90 minutes of downloading, and 2 hours of gameplay cause the mission was so badly explained.  I died about 20+ times dealing with the Kuva guardians until I begged on clan chat for help on how to defeat them.


DE needs to do a lot lot better job of hyping something, get a major update done, sit on it a week, making sure you can release it on time with a reliable and  definite release date and time

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Yes, I think it's totally worth it, the quest felt very epic from start to end. :D

The vistas was amazing, and the cutscenes as well.

Moreover, this quest made me like Teshin even though I used to not like him very much.

Thank you DE!


(Hopefully the next quest will be amazing as well, though I hope they won't take as long, because hopefully the script won't be leaked like TWW)

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Loved every moment of it, but feels a bit short, I wanted more.  Now I want those 2 new frames! And the sun, moon choices are kinda weird, because as a big part of the announcement of TWW, I don't think they showed the consequences of it.

Edited by Horaciozhao
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Chock full of gamestopper bugs and "guess what the devs want you to do here" trial and error repetition.

New transferrence mechanic is awful, clunky and only exists to make Kuva farming even more of a chore and make the interface slightly more inconvenient.

Riven mods pile RNG on RNG on RNG only to get something that can be either insanely over powered or not worth using ever. Also feeds back into Kuva farming.

Kuva required for all new weapons. Really DE? I'll probably wind up owning them about 6 months down the line. Not worth the frustration of trying to farm for.


On the plus side, the story part is pretty nice. 

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The grineer fortress and all the new music is very polished, while the new story quest is good it isnt on the same level as the second dream, at least for me, congrats to DE for all the work tho, their designs as a whole are fantastic.

As a negative note, i dont really like the kuva spawn rate, i understand that we cant have everything quickly because we would be bored very fast but considering the new resource is needed for new mods (which are already rng) and certain weapons it should have a higher spawn rate.


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53 minutes ago, heskaroid said:

- snip -

The fact that the old queen has big melons and they jiggle is beyond disturbing.

Yeeeh that was disturbing allright!

As for me, yes the quest felt a bit short compared to the promises, but there was plenty of badass moments (snapped a lotta pics!) and even if they still need to refine the controls the thought of being able to control the Op just makes me bananas!

I can't say that I appreciate the new mods... it's just more powercreep, and we didn't really need more power to begin with - our weapons are already too powerful often times.

I hope the alignment choices will indeed play a big role in the future... but I'm afraid we'll have to wait for SOONTM... argh...

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13 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

Yes it was. Woke up at 5AM to update and play the game.

Got frustrated at a couple of parts, but once I figured it out, it was fine. Those sections could use perhaps a little more help though.

People just focus on the main thing, that would be the quest, but don't seem to understand that you're the same number of people as 4 years ago when this project launched. After playing throughout the quest it's no wonder that it took that time, really. There's much more to this massive update than the quest, something else is whether they wanted it to be something else.

Yes, Warframe's issues remain still. No, the world isn't over and that doesn't make the update less worth it. Now that this is finally out of the way, the team is "free" again. They've been restricted for 6 damn months.


The Archwing in this quest wasn't even that hard, and I struggle with Archwing. Making it optional is the easy way out, the real solution is to keep working and improving on it.


13 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Impossible though?

You're exaggerating because you don't like it. Every mission type won't always be your favorite and they obviously worked incredibly hard on this, staying at work til 11 to keep their promise on releasing their video game.

This thread shouldn't exist yet. Let them take a week before the complains at least.

Yeah, I know. It was 2 in the morning and my patience was just wearing thin. Though I still maintain that Archwing should be optional.

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Quest itself was very well-written. Big beer do everyone in DE, but don't overhype patch like that again, please.

Btw. Do you play Dark Souls, lore is shown in similar way, half of it players have to find themselves.

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11 minutes ago, Olav152 said:

Quest itself was very well-written. Big beer do everyone in DE, but don't overhype patch like that again, please.

Btw do you play Dark Souls, lore is shown in similar way, half of it players have to find themself.

To be honest, Warframe reminds me more of the BIONICLE storyline -- super slow beginning, a few lore bombs here and there and then SNAP: The truth is revealed to you changing your views of the (fictional) world forever.

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