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Tell me your challenge to unveil a rifle riven mod


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On 11/17/2016 at 7:31 PM, Majewsala said:

is it during 1 mission or can this be done over a few? and what defines a finisher?

Anything that does a special moves with just a hit of the button e (or whatever you have it too) this can be anything from a stealth animation to when they're on the ground and you kill them with the animation, you can use it to other missions and carry on and I found out you need to put it on your rifle first.

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I got the "level 30 extermination without being detected while an extinguished key is equipped" one, and thought I was being clever by using Loki with a Sheev that had Covert Lethality (instant kill on finisher).

I was never detected and completed the mission, but it just didn't work. 

I had the mod equipped on my Dread (which I didn't use) but I was under the impression you didn't have to actually use the rifle as long you had the mod equipped? 

Edit: tried it again using Loki with Hushed Invisibility and a Lex Prime, this time it worked. Didn't matter that I sometimes didn't kill them in one shot, or that they saw their friends get killed. Very odd that the Covert Lethality approach didn't work and the sloppier Lex approach did, can't say that I did anything differently in terms of stealth. 

Edited by TrouNoir
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  • 2 weeks later...

sustain a 3x melee combo in 30 seconds with an active sentinel present

equipped the mod on my soma p waited for the sentinel to spawn kept whacking them till I had 3x multiplier and started a stop watch, smacked them a couple times to keep my multiplier going, got to 45secs just to make sure I got the time right finished the mission and the mod is still locked...

I am already hating riven mods, so any advise?

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my first one was for a Simulor Mod and I had to kill 57 people with a Bleeding Dragon Key on. was no problem as I usually run that key for Vaults anyway, and I just brought Rhino. I also sold that mod today for 250P, so that's awesome.

second mod I got from the Sortie today was for the Mutalist Cernos and required 16 finisher kills with a hobbled Dragon key: the movement is a pain, but it was still easy enough.


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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)FOCHOCLTstrfish said:

sustain a 3x melee combo in 30 seconds with an active sentinel present

equipped the mod on my soma p waited for the sentinel to spawn kept whacking them till I had 3x multiplier and started a stop watch, smacked them a couple times to keep my multiplier going, got to 45secs just to make sure I got the time right finished the mission and the mod is still locked...

I am already hating riven mods, so any advise?

Sentinel i.e. Carrier, Helios, etc.

Not Sentient.

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6 hours ago, (Xbox One)FOCHOCLTstrfish said:

sustain a 3x melee combo in 30 seconds with an active sentinel present

equipped the mod on my soma p waited for the sentinel to spawn kept whacking them till I had 3x multiplier and started a stop watch, smacked them a couple times to keep my multiplier going, got to 45secs just to make sure I got the time right finished the mission and the mod is still locked...

I am already hating riven mods, so any advise?

EDIT: it's a combo multiplier iirc ._.

Edited by Primbone
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21 hours ago, AeonSky_17 said:

sustain a 3x melee combo in 30 seconds alone

can you tell me what mission i'll deal with?

Best one I've found for that is the Dark Sector Survival on Sedna. Bring a Valkyr and an Atterax with Reach, Drifting Contact, and either Body Count or Relentless Combination, pop war cry, and just start hitting enemies making sure to stay in one room the whole time so you don't mess up spawns. You can complete it in like 1:30 or so.

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Successfully synthesize a Simaris target w/o using any traps or Warframe powers AND with a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped.

After doing so the Riven I ended up getting was for Death Machine's machine gun... I sold it.

Rivens for Primary rifles should not include Sentinel weapons. I hope that is changed later on.

Edited by (XB1)OTF SERENiTY
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Most challenges that I've gotten were actually not really that difficult. They were kinda tedious, but that's it.
 1. Complete a level 30+ Defense mission, with the objective taking no damage. (Take Frost and an Ignis, go into a public Dark Sector mission, 5 waves and out.)
 2. Complete a level 30+ Defense mission, with the objective taking no damage, with a Decaying key equipped. (Same as #1, but with key.)
 3. Complete a level 30+ Extermination mission, while remaining undetected. (Take Loki with duration build, invis your way through the mission.)
 4. Make 40 kills while remaining undetected.
(Same as #3.)

As for the most ridiculous one I've gotten... Well, I don't know if anyone else got it, but here it is:
  * Complete a level 30+ Exterminate mission, without being detected, with an Extinguished key equipped.
I mean, the first two parts were pretty easy... But then came the Extinguished key. How am I supposed to kill lvl 30+ enemies with a Dragon Key that cuts my damage down by a whopping 75%? I'm sure some people would say 'oh that's easy!', but I'm not one to go try this one out. Needless to say I promptly sold it for 40p and went on my merry way with other Rivens.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On November 14, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Stormandreas said:

Complete a Level 30 or higher exterminate without being detected (this included mild detection where they were looking for me), WHILE USING AN EXTINGUISHED DRAGON KEY!!!

Ok so HOW did you complete this?  I have the exact same mission.  Using Loki (Invisible) not detected once, tried on Soma Prime and on Amprex.... three "perfect" runs..... it keep staying veiled....?!?!?!

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On December 11, 2016 at 8:10 PM, Zerathos_Dagon said:


As for the most ridiculous one I've gotten... Well, I don't know if anyone else got it, but here it is:
  * Complete a level 30+ Exterminate mission, without being detected, with an Extinguished key equipped.
I mean, the first two parts were pretty easy... But then came the Extinguished key. How am I supposed to kill lvl 30+ enemies with a Dragon Key that cuts my damage down by a whopping 75%? I'm sure some people would say 'oh that's easy!', but I'm not one to go try this one out. Needless to say I promptly sold it for 40p and went on my merry way with other Rivens.

EXACTLY!!!  Yet I have completed this THREE times and it is STILL veiled.... WTF???


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