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Banshee will never be primed.


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On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 11:23 PM, Alcia said:

I actually enjoy playing Banshee. And I've never had people complain about me bringing her, so I don't know what Banshee players you've seen ingame.

I just don't actually understand the outright hatred it seems some people have for her.

I don't hate her, I just don't like how squishy she is. If I am going for an hour long survival. I much rather a Loki or Nyx for CC then a Banshee. She just gets put on her butt to easily.

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On November 19, 2016 at 1:46 PM, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

you say this, yet valkyr, easily the most boring frame to play (hit 4, be invincible) just got primed. Therefore, the argument of "boring frames arent primed" just got thrown out the window

Difference is: 

Valkyr: Invincibility power fantasy with 600 armor and endless damage buffs; boring but powerful.

Banshee:  Strategic and called "boring" due to her look, IMO.  Minimally used. 

She is much like Volt in that priming her stats and look will dramatically improve her more than other primes. 


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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On 18/11/2016 at 8:42 PM, (PS4)godlysparta said:

I'm starting to doubt that Banshee Prime will ever come out. She's been denied twice, what's stopping DE from doing it a third time, or a fourth or maybe just stating that she will never be primed?

She sucks and will soon be replaced by bard frame. Gimmicky builds with lots of grind to do them/plat expences done better by pressing a single button on Nova, nyx or others. Her crab head looks ugly and so do her terrible shoes things. No appeal or enough waifu unlike Nova or Valkitty.


This is what the majority of the internet thinks about crab head. And this are a few of the many reasons she is the least used warframe, op.

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On 19. 11. 2016 at 5:07 PM, (PS4)dursereg said:

Really, boring? She more fun an playable then wounded kitty. Running around in god mode takes soon much skill to play. She is a noob  frame. Hell her accessories pack is joke .

Anyone saying that Valkyr is boring when using Hysteria (her 4th), and that's all what she's about, clearly shows they've not tried her enough - as yeah, if all you do is this, it's boring. But, in the hands of people who love melee and know how to setup Valkyr not for Hysteria but things like Warcry - it's endless hours of melee-fun.
Even with that above being said - what is fun for one person, may not be fun for someone else. The definition of 'fun' differs from person to person - and there's imho not a reason to attack each other for this - as there's no right and wrong as far as having fun goes. Your fun is not wrong; but neither is mine - that kind of thing.

Sure, Banshee's should have had her turn first, but she was not primed this round, for whatever reasons; and as a passionate person myself, I sympathize - but I feel some of the hostility is unneeded - let other folks to have nice things as well, be glad for them or if you have nothing nice to say (still understandable, as when you're passionate about something it may be harder to contain that frustration), don't say anything at all; I'm sure some of us will, more-than-readily, return the favor afterwards. I firmly believe they will prime your Banshee next time and it'd be nice to see you guys get it too.

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7 hours ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

She sucks and will soon be replaced by bard frame. Gimmicky builds with lots of grind to do them/plat expences done better by pressing a single button on Nova, nyx or others. Her crab head looks ugly and so do her terrible shoes things. No appeal or enough waifu unlike Nova or Valkitty.


This is what the majority of the internet thinks about crab head. And this are a few of the many reasons she is the least used warframe, op.

I don't think she will be replaced by the bard frame if she gets with the times.

The more frames that come out, the less people will have a reason to use Banshee and the more likely DE will never ever prime her. She's not broken or weak, but she's being left in the dust as everyone frame rides off into the sunset because de isn't going to piss off the people who do use her even if she's out preformed in stealth and damage by other frames. 
If by some miracle she gets primed, that will solve her survival issue with the armour and energy boost. But her kit is still unfun to use and if you have to jump non-stop and dash all over the place like the floor is lava just to avoid being 1 shot above lvl100+ where she actually becomes wanted, then thats a major flaw with her kit because you're not going to sonar and fire your 50k damage weapon into a lvl40 to get x10 damage for half a million dmg

. Thats simpily overkill. She's only useful above lvl100+ but at that point she has 0 defensive method that allows her to survive in the enviroment she's useful at.  Even Nova has a defence skill and you can use her up to and past lvl100+ mobs without losing usefulness to the team. 

43 minutes ago, Azur_Fenix said:


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7 hours ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

She sucks and will soon be replaced by bard frame. Gimmicky builds with lots of grind to do them/plat expences done better by pressing a single button on Nova, nyx or others. Her crab head looks ugly and so do her terrible shoes things. No appeal or enough waifu unlike Nova or Valkitty.


This is what the majority of the internet thinks about crab head. And this are a few of the many reasons she is the least used warframe, op.

Well, I like her and I hate Valkyr due to my impression of her. Banshee can do loads of damage. Her passive allows you to use any weapon in a spy mission. She can strip armor and expose enemies to finishers. One useless ability. Other than that, she's perfect for me.

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Just want to throw in a word...

Banshee is one of if not the best designed frame in the game. She, rather than being designed around a gimmick or theme, is designed around a style of play. She doesn't need forced in synergy like some other frames because all of her abilities naturally synergize because they all encourage the same thing, mid-long ranged gun-play. Let me rephrase that, she doesn't "encourage" mid-long ranged gun-play, she rewards it. She does not need some ability to do the work for you (cough*Mesa*cough), she takes what skill you have and gives you a reward for it along with further enabling you to maintain her playstyle.

  1. Sonic Boom: What is the last thing you want as a mid-long range fighter? Someone in your face. Here comes Sonic Boom, in a quick action you can send any enemies that got past your initial line of defense (will get to that later) back to your optimal range.
  2. Sonar: This is the reward for the effort, can you aim? Then everything is dead. Banshee does not do the aiming or shooting for you, she gives you the tools to make your ability to aim much (much) more potent.
  3. Silence: This is honestly what ties together her main defense, especially when combined with Sonar. This pauses all enemies at what is, IMO, a perfect mid range for you to brutally murder. Due to Sonar, you should be able to rapidly take out enemies before their stun ends. People complain about Banshee's defense, but according to Banshee there is no need for a defense when everything is dead before it can get to you. Sure, the "Silence" part of silence is pretty useless, but the stun more than makes it a worthwhile ability.
  4. Sound Quake: Sometimes sh!t hits the fan, and that is when you press 4. In the case that you are overrun by enemies, you can throw a temper tantrum and make everyone stop (... hammer time). Especially with a frames where her ability to keep tabs on the enemy is directly correlated to your skill, there needs to be something to do when you fail. Sound Quake takes you out of the fight, but in a way that is a punishment for failing your primary objective. It also does serve as a get out of jail free card in co-op as pretty much any competent team mate should be able to clean up the stunned enemies.

Ya know why people don't like Banshee? Because she is very different to play. Most if not all other frames play for you in some way, but Banshee is completely dependent on your playing. This isn't as much a "git-gud" as playing Banshee is not that hard, it is just that playing Banshee is so different from playing other frames. When I play as Banshee, I, the player, feel as though I am in more control over what is going on more so than any other frame. Sometimes when I play other frames I get a disconnect, like the frame is what is really in control rather than me.


This is not to say she is "perfect", there are a few tweaks she definitely could use..

  • One handed Sonic Boom cast, and it would be nice if it also destroyed projectiles (Bombard Rockets specifically)
  • Recastable Silence
  • A 100% knock down when you stop channeling Sound Quake, maybe some DR on Banshee when channeling, and something to keep those pesky fliers stunned.

But those are nothing more than slight tweaks.


Oh, and of course Banshee has some of the most diverse loadouts of any other Warframe...

  • Traditional "balanced" build, aiming towards her strengths as mid-long ranged fighter.
  • Low duration Silence spam builds, basically Banshee pushing her CC farther and also opening enemies for finishers (with augment).
  • Min-range melee build, run around like an idiot and kill everything before they can kill you. (my personal favorite and I often come out of Sorties with least damage taken)
  • Sound Quake build, it is pretty god-mode CC and hella damage with augment.
  • All the power strength build, there is no kill like overkill with Sonar (further boosted with Augment).


Banshee is a niche frame, and there is nothing really wrong with that. I completely understand DE going for Valkyr as she will most certainly bring in more money, DE is a business after all.

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8 hours ago, Separius said:

What's hard to comprehend? They talked trash about Banshee, then when someone called them out on it, they said that they were being sarcastic, which they weren't, and in the sentence right after they state that they were actually being serious and then proceed to trashtalk the frame in the same manner as before.

Right back at ya, friend.

Yes, I'm sure that it's a good idea that you are encouraging them to post their subjective opinions that also happen to be nonconstructive criticisms followed up by them then obfuscating the truth and talking nonsense.

I bloody don't! And you aren't speaking for everyone so stop pretending that you are.


Yes! as I already stated, it's what keeps me and a portion of the community coming back U_U.

This wasn't meant for you but at the same time its not like half my quote didn't fly over your head already~.  My god.


P.S.  Every single post in this thread has been a thrilling and interesting read with a lot of well constructed arguments, and it's definitely a subject I think about often. Obviously, the answer to whether or not Banhsee is boring is highly subjective, and I don't believe there is a single right answer to any one particular issue regarding that. I like reading everyone's opinion on the matter, though, and I hope this discussion goes on.





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3 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Just want to throw in a word...

Banshee is one of if not the best designed frame in the game. She, rather than being designed around a gimmick or theme, is designed around a style of play. She doesn't need forced in synergy like some other frames because all of her abilities naturally synergize because they all encourage the same thing, mid-long ranged gun-play. Let me rephrase that, she doesn't "encourage" mid-long ranged gun-play, she rewards it. She does not need some ability to do the work for you (cough*Mesa*cough), she takes what skill you have and gives you a reward for it along with further enabling you to maintain her playstyle.

  1. Sonic Boom: What is the last thing you want as a mid-long range fighter? Someone in your face. Here comes Sonic Boom, in a quick action you can send any enemies that got past your initial line of defense (will get to that later) back to your optimal range.
  2. Sonar: This is the reward for the effort, can you aim? Then everything is dead. Banshee does not do the aiming or shooting for you, she gives you the tools to make your ability to aim much (much) more potent.
  3. Silence: This is honestly what ties together her main defense, especially when combined with Sonar. This pauses all enemies at what is, IMO, a perfect mid range for you to brutally murder. Due to Sonar, you should be able to rapidly take out enemies before their stun ends. People complain about Banshee's defense, but according to Banshee there is no need for a defense when everything is dead before it can get to you. Sure, the "Silence" part of silence is pretty useless, but the stun more than makes it a worthwhile ability.
  4. Sound Quake: Sometimes sh!t hits the fan, and that is when you press 4. In the case that you are overrun by enemies, you can throw a temper tantrum and make everyone stop (... hammer time). Especially with a frames where her ability to keep tabs on the enemy is directly correlated to your skill, there needs to be something to do when you fail. Sound Quake takes you out of the fight, but in a way that is a punishment for failing your primary objective. It also does serve as a get out of jail free card in co-op as pretty much any competent team mate should be able to clean up the stunned enemies.

Ya know why people don't like Banshee? Because she is very different to play. Most if not all other frames play for you in some way, but Banshee is completely dependent on your playing. This isn't as much a "git-gud" as playing Banshee is not that hard, it is just that playing Banshee is so different from playing other frames. When I play as Banshee, I, the player, feel as though I am in more control over what is going on more so than any other frame. Sometimes when I play other frames I get a disconnect, like the frame is what is really in control rather than me.


This is not to say she is "perfect", there are a few tweaks she definitely could use..

  • One handed Sonic Boom cast, and it would be nice if it also destroyed projectiles (Bombard Rockets specifically)
  • Recastable Silence
  • A 100% knock down when you stop channeling Sound Quake, maybe some DR on Banshee when channeling, and something to keep those pesky fliers stunned.

But those are nothing more than slight tweaks.


Oh, and of course Banshee has some of the most diverse loadouts of any other Warframe...

  • Traditional "balanced" build, aiming towards her strengths as mid-long ranged fighter.
  • Low duration Silence spam builds, basically Banshee pushing her CC farther and also opening enemies for finishers (with augment).
  • Min-range melee build, run around like an idiot and kill everything before they can kill you. (my personal favorite and I often come out of Sorties with least damage taken)
  • Sound Quake build, it is pretty god-mode CC and hella damage with augment.
  • All the power strength build, there is no kill like overkill with Sonar (further boosted with Augment).


Banshee is a niche frame, and there is nothing really wrong with that. I completely understand DE going for Valkyr as she will most certainly bring in more money, DE is a business after all.

Those who don't "like" Banshee need to read this very well-constructed post.

Maybe they are "priming" her look based on her Deluxe skin which would be a nice surprise for stalwarts.


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5 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Maybe they are "priming" her look based on her Deluxe skin which would be a nice surprise for stalwarts.

Jesus Christ how horrifying. There's nothing wrong with the design of her original skin. Every visual aspects has its merits, and its much more creative than the pandering dj hussy we got for a deluxe skin. Thankfully, so far they've always stuck to making the prime design based on the most noticeable elements of the normal frame. The thought of no boat shoes, no shoulder spike or xeno head on her prime is a truly terrifying mental image.

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why do we care if a frame is boring?


Trinity prime is still like top 10 most used warframes, and pretty much everyone and their grandmother

1.owns a trinity prime

2.considers her standard gameplay to be pretty boring (you just keep 3 active and stay at full energy with EV)


but even though she is "boring" she's still one of the most popular warframes and to many a favourite.

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I predict she's coming out with a rework. Let's not kid ourselves, Banshee is pretty lackluster. Her theming is iffy, and while Sonar is useful, the way it spray-paints enemies with a "weak point" isn't great as far as hit detection, and silence only serves as a useful stun when you first bring an enemy in range, and now that she's silenced by default, the silencing trait is kind of redundant. Soundquake is awful, and no, the augment doesn't make it worthwhile for anything besides infested defense/ extraction cheesing, and sonic boom sucks without its augment, and even then requires strength modding to remove enough armor. Her defenses are TERRIBLE and she has little to no power synergy.

Banshee Prime would be the perfect time to give her the rework she deserves.

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17 hours ago, Saltify said:

You're right Hydroid Prime is next


2 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

this would be amazing. don't get my hopes up. :D

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I'm not even joking I love hydroid. 


Sorry, did you guys say you needed someone to get your hopes up?

Hope and hype, at your service:


Empires. As in ancient days of old Earth, ours is besieged. 

From within.

Fear, greed, doubt. Weaponized plague turned insurgency. 

From without.

They sail the lightyears to Origin’s shores, seeking to level citadels, assimilate knowledge.

As in days of our ancestors’, I will employ a privateer. 

Born from fathoms, destined to command them. 

Our foe’s vessels will be wreckage in your tide, their spoils yours for the taking.

You will drag these pirates to watery graves.

Rise, corsair.

Rise, kraken.

Rise, Hydroid.

-Executor Ballas, Hydroid Prime Trailer (Fan made, text only.)


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8 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:



Sorry, did you guys say you needed someone to get your hopes up?

Hope and hype, at your service:

  Hide contents

Empires. As in ancient days of old Earth, ours is besieged. 

From within.

Fear, greed, doubt. Weaponized plague turned insurgency. 

From without.

They sail the lightyears to Origin’s shores, seeking to level citadels, assimilate knowledge.

As in days of our ancestors’, I will employ a privateer. 

Born from fathoms, destined to command them. 

Our foe’s vessels will be wreckage in your tide, their spoils yours for the taking.

You will drag these pirates to watery graves.

Rise, corsair.

Rise, kraken.

Rise, Hydroid.

-Executor Ballas, Hydroid Prime Trailer (Fan made, text only.)


I am Puddle!  HEAR ME...bubble? *Banshee Snicker*

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9 hours ago, Separius said:

Hypocrisy: The Post

"I am not going to post any arguments and uses the system to make things I don't like go away even though their true"

Basically you. Reminds me of someone else on another forum, an aussie I know.

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