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so, ash is finish, which is the next frame who need a rewrok ?


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Limbo, Hydroid, Oberon, Ember, Mag (she's arguably viable but she only has one ability worth using, Magnetize, and even then only when using certain weapons) and maybe Nezha.

I'd also like to see Vauban's 1st and Nyx's 2nd abilities changed, as well as Zephyr's first 2 abilities.

Edited by Jackviator
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None, so far DE's has only had one solid frame rework in my book and that was saryn.

Mesa, nerfed to the ground and MONTHS later finally given something of a unique place by adding secondary synergy.

Mag, forced duration into builds that used to only require power strength, range, and efficiency.

Ash, congrats the press four is gone, oh wait there was always other frames capable of killing broader swaths of stronger enemies?  People don't use just his four now since you need smoke bomb duration to survive but now his modding requirements have jumped just like Mag's but answer me this how many people STILL use ash?

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40 minutes ago, Matt89Connor said:

i think yes, every frame after get a "rework" will be touched only in rare case (example mesa )

As far as I remember, most of the reworks didn't finish at the first release, lots of fixes and changes will come. 

I sincerely hope they'll read some feedback and actually complete the rework before moving to the next frame, as the current Ash is definitely not complete. 

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Stop thinking of Ash rework as a nerf. Smokescreen and teleport got great changes. Bladestorm is less of a nuke now and more interactive although a bit tedious having to mark enemies multiple times...I imagine they will touch up some aspects about it I the following weeks.

limbo needs some similar qol changes, not really a rework.

Hydoird needs a rework to be more fluid and Oberon needs a rework on at least 1 ability.

zephyr needs a full revamp to bring her up to date with the game.


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Zephyr. The concept of the frame is awesome but her first and second abilities need some tweaks. They are excellent for mobility but there is no way of making full use of them without sacrificing duration, power or range which are essential for her other abilities. Her utli should also give her a pseudo flight mode like Titania's, maybe archwing like mid air mobility in a certain area where her tornado are effecting. You get the idea, she needs more love. 


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