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Red Veil and Steel Meridian.  I wanted Nekros mods, ended up selling Nekros before I leveled up in RV.  

No regrets.  I pimped my mods hard for a while and I made enough plat to buy whatever I want.  I've been able to buy or trade for stuff from other Syndicates.  In fact, I now have every possible weapon and frame you can obtain from another player (all primes, sortie rewards, trader stuff, archwing, syndicate, etc.)  

Syndicate stuff is a great way to make plat, but I'm retired now from grinding and selling.  I've made 15000 to 20000p selling syndicate stuff.  I still have over 1000p, enough to buy my way out of the next couple new prime grinds.  The last time I sold was syndicate melee release and it will take another event like that to get me out of retirement.

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I love Perrin, very happy with my choice. I am disappointed that the Perrin-Loka-Veil side doesn't have access to Nezha Augments though.

The game seems to think I'm primarily New Loka though, since I only ever get Seeds as login rewards and New Loka rep contacted me during Rathuum.

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I went for Red Veil first, as I've always been attracted to edgy radicalists who talk about fire a lot. their room in the relays is pretty spectacular with that burning tree and everything, plus their name sounds the best IMO.

after a while, I defected to the Perrin Sequence and New Loka, partly because I needed their gear and partly because I was sick of getting jumped by Ancients as if I suddenly walked into the wrong neighbourhood. it was fun working for them, but recently I defected once again to Suda and the Arbiters. I haven't really spent much time with the Arbiters but they seem like a nice enough bunch. they also have a nice vibe going on.

now though, I'm done with Suda, and will focus exclusively on the Arbiters, before going back to "Red Steel" as I call it (that would be a badass clan name, hmm.). all in the name of buying their gear and then double-crossing them until I'm back at Red Veil, where I will retain my status as an Exalted Edgelord!

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Meridian: They protect innocents.

Hexis: Our power is not a sacred gift, just got it by accident and we have to control it by training and discipline to surpass our limits.

Suda: Knowledge is the key to understand everything. This let us make a way to defeat any incoming threat.

Red veil: I will NEVER support an assasins guild.

New Loka: Stupid sectarian guys with a ridiculous idea. If humans failed once, they will fail again if you give them the opportunity.

Perrin: I always hated politicians, business men and their selfish thoughts.

Conclusion -> I go with meridian, hexis and suda. Just because of their thoughts, not because of their weapons.

Edited by ArionLightning
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Went with Perrin pretty much right off the bat.

I prefer Corpus over Grineer, and they seem like a nice and diplomatic bunch. I'd rather bribe my way to peace than slaughter my way to peace. Besides, their Moa on the relay is kind of cute.

Other than that I got Loka on the side, because they happen to be allies with Perrin and I want that Skana mod.

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Started with Perrin because i wanted Trinity's Augments. So I have Loka and Veil as well but... I hate Loka. Stuck on before-last rank because they're asking VAUBAN PRIME HELMET as sacrifice. I won't give you a Rare item requiring several Nitain to craft and worthing a certain value in platinum.

I'm kinda happy with Veil and Perrin though.

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Did hexis and suda first for the restores and a few mods. Now i do the other four. It take a while to get Perrin Sequence to max because it is the only one that does not work out so well with the other 3 but as long as I have a ton of Red Veil Medallions at hand I can counter balance the Steel Meridian loss.

 Having 4 maxed out for new primes, mods and weapons is a kind of long process but so worth it. Day one I have at least a dozen or so new relics to use if I so wish to.

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Syndicates I like:

Steel meridian, because of helping colonies.

Cephalon Suda, because of the search for knowledge.

Those two are the only syndicates in which I'm friendly with and I respect them... and Then I get along, but don’t really follow them:

Red Veil: I dislike them because they are Edgelords with ego problems that want to burn everything.

Arbiters of Hexis: They are kind of like Warframe's yakuza, right? That could make them somewhat cool but, even so, for me they are just there accompanying Suda.

And syndicates I hate and I don't get along with:

Perrin Sequence: NEVER trust a merchant that is rich, and says that he wants to benefit everyone.

New Loka: I may actually give them a chance; if it weren't because they are stupid zealots in search of purity instead of actually trying to help anyone. (Titania's quest may have given them some points for me to actually like them.) They are also against the two factions I actually like, so there is that too.

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I chose because of utility and pleasing  a e s t h e t i c. Suda (somewhat benevolent AI overlord), Arbiters (have you seen those masks), and Meridian (because I love defectors from decadence). I'm currently using SM to rank up Red Veil and get goodies without sacrificing standing with the other two.

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