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The War Within: Hotfix 19.3.2 +


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23 minutes ago, BradKing said:

And what about newer people, who might get mods for weapons they can't even have yet or don't have the MR yet. They might want to use them later, but may have to sell them and hope for RNGeebus to give it when they are ready for it", because 15 slots certainly does not leave a lot of room to work towards some weapons (the wall on some is pretty high). They might rather (and should rather) spend any plat on warframe and weapon and sentinel and companion slots, rather then riven mod slots.. but how much of a kick in the teeth would it feel like after they finally got that awesome riven mod they can't use..

War within takes mastery level 5 to even play, much less beat to unlock sorties.  Then you need the right weapons and warframes and subsuquent builds for each to complete said sorties, then the RNG to roll for Rivens, then the Kuva farm to reroll stats of Rivens, then the mastery rank lock for most Riven mods typically sits in the double digits.  By the time a player gets to the point where a Riven is a viable thing to use they're typically a high enough mastery to already be able to get every weapon in game.


And if they somehow get a Riven that they can't use then that would, at least to me, seem like a good incentive to work towards the mastery rank or weapon that the Riven works on.  It's a goal to achieve at that point, and gives higher mastery a reason to exist beyond ego stroking, syndicate standing cap and trade number limits.

Edited by TheMagicalSharpie
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  • Fixed Mesa's Shooting Gallery not functioning.
  • Fixed crash that could occur when deactivating a warframe ability.
  • Fixed incorrect colors appearing on Sigils.
  • Fixed infested Maggots continuing to feed off their victims even after being destroyed.
  • Fixed dedicated server stats not tracking properly.
  • Fixed loss of functionality that could occur when transferring to Operator.
  • Kuva Siphon missions are now locked sooner to prevent players from joining after event has completed.
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1 minute ago, [DE]Drew said:


  • Fixed incorrect colors appearing on Sigils.

I gotta ask... How did that one go through? Pretty sure someone must have noticed! :P

On another note in case you can answer: Are we getting 19.4 this week? Or would that be Nidus' update and thus require more time?

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3 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:


  • Fixed Mesa's Shooting Gallery not functioning.
  • Fixed crash that could occur when deactivating a warframe ability.
  • Fixed incorrect colors appearing on Sigils.
  • Fixed infested Maggots continuing to feed off their victims even after being destroyed.
  • Fixed dedicated server stats not tracking properly.
  • Fixed loss of functionality that could occur when transferring to Operator.
  • Kuva Siphon missions are now locked sooner to prevent players from joining after event has completed.

good job on fixing the thing you broke when fixing other things that are broken

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1 hour ago, Sorenxoras said:

I really don't see the issue with Riven mod capacity. People are complaining about the total price to max riven mod slots and how they want more slots for free but i fail to see why. can people really say that they use 40 different weapons regularly and that they are going to use 1-4 riven mods for ever single on of them? The way the RNG is right now i have yet to see i single riven mod i could even use, so capacity certainly isn't an issue for me at least. To have every weapon i really want to use only takes up like...... 20-30 slots and some of these are fine without Riven mods. I think people are just complaining for the sake of complaining. We were fine without Riven mods before and as far as i know nothing in game was boosted to match them. So the players aren't losing anything if they don't use them. I somehow doubt that managing a few extra waves with high level enemies is worth all the trouble they're raising.


Anyways, thanks for the bug fixes and stuff.

Quoted for truth.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

Riven Mod Additions/Changes/Fixes:

  • For those of you who have reached the max Riven Capacity, you can now increase your Riven Capacity by purchasing additional Slots. Visit the market to get a bundle of three slots for 60 Platinum. The maximum capacity is still capped at 60 Riven Slots total for technical reasons. 
  • Cycle will now prompt you to choose on next login if you crash while choosing. 
  • A player cannot be traded a Riven if they are already at max capacity. 
  • Cycling can now be done repeatedly without the need to close & open again.
  • Fixed bug when trying to dissolve a Veiled Riven Mod
  • Fixed getting locked in Riven reveal screen when pressing esc/back too early
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an auto-ban for selling a Riven
  • Rivens will now show the reveal screen on next login if you crash before returning to your Landing Craft


  • Added some helpful text to unacquired Quests in the Codex! 
  • Added Transference Suit Energy Color for your Operator’s Abilities!


  • The Quest section of the Codex now displays prerequisites respective to each Quest, and uncompleted Quests appear blurred out!
  • The number of items received from purchasing or crafting items that give more than one of it is now indicated in the UI (i.e Specter Blueprints from Syndicates, Synthesis Scanners from Simaris, etc).
  • Market items that contain more than 1 copy of the item have been updated so that buying 1 will not break up the unit prices but will display total amount you will receive. Buying more than 1 will show the unit price, total price, and total amount received. 
  • Quests will now be sorted in the Codex by recommended order of completion. 
  • Removed the “flashlight” from Akstiletto & Akstiletto Prime for performance reasons
  • Removed The New Strange as a requirement for starting Simaris dailies. 
  • Explosions on enemy death caused by Vulcan Blitz and Acid Shells mods will now properly alert enemies.
  • Hid Rathuum Broadcasters from Enemy Radar to avoid confusion.


  • Fixed a couple memory leaks and offset damage triggers with Vauban’s Tesla Link Augment Mod.
  • Fixed Energy Reduction Sortie Modifier not being applied to Warframes.
  • Fixed Growing Power and Empowered Blades no longer working after using a Focus ability. Should also fix it not working in the Simulacrum if you have it equipped and then open the Arsenal.
  • Fixed Auras applying twice when using a Focus ability.
  • Fixed script error when owning certain Landing Craft skins.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on a halfway visible Chat linked text.  
  • Fixed softlock when clicking Swap Images button if you don’t have any Fan Art or Fragments unlocked.
  • Fixed various Loc issues.
  • Fixed various issues with Chat links.
  • Fixed a bug in The War Within that would make the lasers stop working in the Archwing portion.
  • Fixed some Orokin and Derelict doors being inadvertently blue. 
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent some players from completing a Junction after winning the battle. 
  • Fixed Warframe abilities affecting Operators & switching to operator will no longer deactivate currently active abilities (still WIP with more fixes coming).
  • Fixed exploit with Phoenix Renewal Augment.
  • Fixed Infiltrate Augment’s speed increase infiltrating on to Focus powers. 
  • Fixed a bug that would cause syndicate assassins to only attack player’s Operator.
  • Fixed indestructible defense turrets being destructible on Kuva Fortress. 
  • Fixed players not showing up on minimap in Relays & Maroo’s Bazaa.
  • Fixed a few issues on sealab tileset.


  • Fixed Mesa's Shooting Gallery not functioning.
  • Fixed crash that could occur when deactivating a warframe ability.
  • Fixed incorrect colors appearing on Sigils.
  • Fixed infested Maggots continuing to feed off their victims even after being destroyed.
  • Fixed dedicated server stats not tracking properly.
  • Fixed loss of functionality that could occur when transferring to Operator.
  • Kuva Siphon missions are now locked sooner to prevent players from joining after event has completed.

I bought platinum during the update time frame and it still hasnt shown up, I have restarted plenty of times. Am i suppose to wait 24 hours?


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1 minute ago, MrSpark_ said:

good job on fixing the thing you broke when fixing other things that are broken

Did you ever develope a game? Did you ever fix any bugs in a game?


Its always like that. If you fix something, you will always have two or more new bugs.

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"..fixed dedicated server not tracking stats.."

Fine, but the relics are gone (2 from me and 6 from the others) and wasted, together with much lifetime. Sorry for my bad sound, but it's really annoying. (axi e1 are usually not easy to get).

I'm not the usual winer, but this was a bit too much today (connected to my earlier post).


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All these fixes, all these bugs being fixed and still my game is bugged with the anti scepter theft, please DE, for the sake of my Kubrow, fix my account. I started this quest last Wednesday or Thursday night and haven't been able to give him any stabilizers.

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