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Riven Mods for Faint Disposition weapons nerfed (again) as of 19.5 preload.


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Simulor was Strong disposition? I find that difficult to believe as strong is intended for the least used weapons.  Simulor is definitely not least used.

Very likely they adjusted the algorithm for faint rivens.  Which is good if they also adjusted it for strong as well, faint should get barely any boosts, strong should get a very high boost.

Rivens on faint should do only one major thing, add many mods into one.  If those collective mods are inferior to their standalone versions, oh well.  That's kinda the point.  Get off the meta, try something new... or whatever.

Edited by Xekrin
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1 minute ago, RawGritz said:

Aren't those 2 different rivens. One shows a 6x re-roll.

You can keep the original when you re-roll though. Most likely he has been rerolling it, but has yet to actually get another combination that is any better than what it started as.

edit: Also he probably meant "faint" disposition and said "strong" because it's the one for "strong" weapons.

Edited by OvisCaedo
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4 minutes ago, ApexPredator-EN- said:

Well title pretty much.



I see the original and I see a re-roll 6x on here. So not sure where you are getting a nerf from! If you want to talk about a riven nerf for update 19.5 than address the fact that secondary & possibly shotgun rivens will be added to the sortie pool further diluting the already junk RNG based reward system with a 50% of that now split going to secondary rivens, but still not even a 20% chance as a whole to actually get a riven from a sortie reward!

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7 minutes ago, DogManDan said:

I see the original and I see a re-roll 6x on here. So not sure where you are getting a nerf from! If you want to talk about a riven nerf for update 19.5 than address the fact that secondary & possibly shotgun rivens will be added to the sortie pool further diluting the already junk RNG based reward system with a 50% of that now split going to secondary rivens, but still not even a 20% chance as a whole to actually get a riven from a sortie reward!


No, it really was a nerf because the top-tier weapons with faint disposition got nerfed by around 30%, like the Simulor going from 0.65 disposition to 0.5.

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2 minutes ago, Pip1n said:

No, it really was a nerf because the top-tier weapons with faint disposition got nerfed by around 30%, like the Simulor going from 0.65 disposition to 0.5.

Exactly, Soma And Simulor Rivens went from 0.65 to 0.5, Tonkor went from 0.685 to 0.55.

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15 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Simulor was Strong disposition? I find that difficult to believe as strong is intended for the least used weapons.  Simulor is definitely not least used.

Faint*, fixed title. My bad! 


12 minutes ago, DogManDan said:

I see the original and I see a re-roll 6x on here. So not sure where you are getting a nerf from! If you want to talk about a riven nerf for update 19.5 than address the fact that secondary & possibly shotgun rivens will be added to the sortie pool further diluting the already junk RNG based reward system with a 50% of that now split going to secondary rivens, but still not even a 20% chance as a whole to actually get a riven from a sortie reward!

It's the same stats rolls, trust me. I kept it as I got it since it did not get any better with subsequent rolls, should have specified it in the post!
I also noticed some of the Strong Riven Disposition weapons mods got buffed (more specifically my Miter one went from +313% damage to +353%).

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I can't really see any argument for faint riven dispositions being as high as 0.50, especially given how they compare to the other weapons in warframe.

The riven system after all, is intended to promote the use of under utilised weapons, ideally by making them comparable to the current meta. If anything i'd argue that riven affinity for meta weapons should be brought down to 0.2 or even 0.15 to achieve a rough degree of parity.

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tbh, I don't feel this is really a bad thing. 

Strong guns don't need Rivens to be top-tier, so there's not really any harm in taking them down a notch.

3 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

I think faint weapons shouldn't have had rivens at all so people actually go trying other guns but that's just me.

I don't really have sympathy of any sort for a simulor riven, I'm sorry.


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1 hour ago, ApexPredator-EN- said:

Well title pretty much.



Good.  The strongest weapons under the current Riven system are ridiculous.  I just posted over in weapons feedback about this, proposing that Strong Disposition modifiers be increased to 1.5, and weak/faint decreased to as little as .5.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Now, maybe its changed, but I remember the Simulor as not being worth much at all.   While the Synoid Simulor was a beast.   Another example is the Boltor, ok weapon.   Telos Boltor good weapon.   Boltor Prime, great weapon.  There are similar issues with other weapons with multiple versions as well.    Think they need to differentiate them with different modifiers based on which one is used.   

Or maybe they do, I have not checked, and cannot till morning. 

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They did just change.

I got a Simulor Riven 2 days ago that I blew 100k Kuva to settle on 90%crit, 65%Toxic and it's down to 68%crit 45%Toxic.

There is a problem with continuing to lower these disposition stats for popular weapons. (Notice I said popular, not strong)

The Riven stats I had before were already not worth taking up a slot outside pure Toxic and Viral.

I understand the purpose of the system but there's no reason for it to punish players for wanting to simply use a Riven on a popular weapon. I got a Riven for Paracyst that was worth using out of the box, no rolls needed and yet I roll 30 times on a Simulor Riven and still can't get something worth using simply because the stats are too low.

You're not going to get me to use a Karak no matter how many stats you give it. I would use Braton Prime over Karak every time because I'm not an idiot. If they want people to use these weapons then fix the Damage system or be prepared to make them Vaykor Hek levels of damage cuz that's the only way you're getting Puncture/Impact on the table.

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I posted about this in the Update thread but now see this "issue" has a thread of it's own so I'll bring it up here too.

Take a look at this picture and see if you can honestly say the recent Synoid Riven mod nerf wasn't too much.


To the left you have a Synoid Riven mod pre nerf, middle is the same mod post nerf and to the right is a standard 60/60 status dmg/chance mod. And do bear in mind that Rivens are 18 capacity while the standard 60/60 is 7. Compared to the Standard 60/60, the Synoid Riven now has about 15% less status dmg and chance each but 30% more attack speed - to the cost of 11 more capacity (18-7=11, maths is fun).


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2 hours ago, Beocca said:

I posted about this in the Update thread but now see this "issue" has a thread of it's own so I'll bring it up here too.

Take a look at this picture and see if you can honestly say the recent Synoid Riven mod nerf wasn't too much.


To the left you have a Synoid Riven mod pre nerf, middle is the same mod post nerf and to the right is a standard 60/60 status dmg/chance mod. And do bear in mind that Rivens are 18 capacity while the standard 60/60 is 7. Compared to the Standard 60/60, the Synoid Riven now has about 15% less status dmg and chance each but 30% more attack speed - to the cost of 11 more capacity (18-7=11, maths is fun).


Yeah, it's a bit silly how low it is. It almost makes you think that, I dont know, the riven system was designed with weak weapons in mind, with little to no desire to buff already top-tier weapons?

I can say for certain that the nerf to Faint rivens wasnt too much, because it was never supposed to be a buff for meta weapons in the first place. 

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1 minute ago, KyoBladezen said:

Yeah, it's a bit silly how low it is. It almost makes you think that, I dont know, the riven system was designed with weak weapons in mind, with little to no desire to buff already top-tier weapons?

I can say for certain that the nerf to Faint rivens wasnt too much, because it was never supposed to be a buff for meta weapons in the first place. 

You are completely missing the point, which is that Rivens aren't worth using at all for weapons like Synoid in the current state. It's not a question about "buffing" them but why would they be nerfed to the point of actually being worse than standard mods? A Riven mod should in my opinion always add an ever so slight increase to a weapon or you should just simply remove them for said weapon. It's not worth using at all at this point.

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Just now, Beocca said:

You are completely missing the point, which is that Rivens aren't worth using at all for weapons like Synoid in the current state. It's not a question about "buffing" them but why would they be nerfed to the point of actually being worse than standard mods? A Riven mod should in my opinion always add an ever so slight increase to a weapon or you should just simply remove them for said weapon. It's not worth using at all at this point.

I believe you're the one missing the point. Rivens are intended to buff weak weapons, and provide a slight bit more options for every other weapon. When in any other mod as there been more than two bonuses? Sure, your final one is a negative, but it's still objectively better for that weapon than the standard mod. If you follow that logic, which DE has expressed as the intent they had when making Riven mods, then Rivens are working as intended. Your Simulor has more options, with no option being a buff over standard mods, and my Flux Rifle has gotten enough buffs to just barely make it functional in Sorties. 

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