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Bug when making the choice in Nidus Quest


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jep, noticed that when i wanted to pick black.

Usually in TWW the order was White - Neutral - Black. This time it was White - Black - Neutral.

So i picked black, it showed the neutral symbol and my end-message was "i decided".



is there a way to reset that? i dont want that neutral answer...

would be nice if DE could run a script to give us the correct answers and messages


also, would you mind telling me what the Black message was? i can send you the neutral one then


I´ve returned to my people...but...I´ve decided I will be the last Triuna.

I want a future where all of the children can be happy.

A new tradition. Papa is so proud of me.

"The last Triuna and greatest of all. The one that changed Myconians forever."

Edited by LazerusKI
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The same thing happened to me. When I looked and wanted to see what every decision does, it told me that curing would be dark (I believe it was) and letting her decide was the balanced option.
But when I chose to let her decide it jumped to black, which I do not want.

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This whole decision is fishy for me. I doubt if it's a bug, but Lotus' words just before that ensures me that it's intentional...


Separate child from the family against her will, destroy their culture, force the people to abandon their lifestyle - Good choice! Glory to the working class!

Keep the unique tradition going, return the child to the family or let it decide what does it want - BAD CHOICE! OH NO SHE'S INDOCTRINATED!


I'll just leave it here...

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The morality dial thingy shows the balance symbol when you hover over the "Let her decide" option, but when you select it, it goes to the moon symbol. There's a misleading inconsistency here which I believe to be a bug. For me at least, the morality of these options is a different discussion.

Edited by mookiemog
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Same here, I picked Neutral and it went Moon instead. Even my Inbox message was titled along the lines 'Neewa went home'. But my alignment remained solid neutral, with no change. [And I did want to pick neutral]. So visual bug?

Can someone please confirm whether their choice (when original is not pure moon, or pure sun), caused any change to their alignment wheel?

Edit: What I got in my inbox while picking Neutral:



And my alignment (which I'd like to keep this way):


Edited by ShadowMark25
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With me something strange happened, I was talking at the time of the choice and when I pressed "enter" to send the message the first option was selected. But it was not the option I wanted.


Enter choice: 1º Cure
My real choice: 2º Send her home

I wish I could choose again.  = /

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21 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:
  • Fixed The Glast Gambit not properly registering alignment choice

So they fixed the bug for everyone going forward, but aren't implementing a retroactive fix for players who were given the wrong choice. My inbox still has the message for the "send her home" choice."

Come on DE, fix this. Don't give me choices if you are going to ignore them.

Edited by Gelkor
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3 hours ago, Gelkor said:


So they fixed the bug for everyone going forward, but aren't implementing a retroactive fix for players who were given the wrong choice. My inbox still has the message for the "send her home" choice."

Come on DE, fix this. Don't give me choices if you are going to ignore them.

Same here, still bugged, ruined my perfect neutral standing and it wasn't even my own fault -.-.

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1 hour ago, epistemology said:

Chiming in to say I picked the neutral option (what I intended), and it moved my alignment anyway (I've picked the neutral option at every opportunity so far):


This is exactly my situation. I've been purely neutral till the end of this quest. I got the "On behalf of the Perrin Sequence..." message which I'm honestly not sure indicates neutral or dark.

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I'm sure there will be plenty opportunity to max our choices before they will affect anything :P

And this is why I want to take the dark path

What's the point of choices if everyone choose to be neutral :)

But my force is in imbalance now  = /

Edited by Arczi125
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1 hour ago, Arczi125 said:

I'm sure there will be plenty opportunity to max our choices before they will affect anything :P

And this is why I want to take the dark path

What's the point of choices if everyone choose to be neutral :)

But my force is in imbalance now  = /

Last I heard, it's a fairly even split, with the "dark path" being the popular choice at 37%.

But this... mix up seems to have thrown people off their choices a little. I'm trying to maintain balance, but the choice in Glast Gambit has made me tilt towards the dark path. I don't mind too much, but seeing as I made a choice based on the visual cues given by the game I do feel misled. If there was no indication of how your choice affected your path initially, it wouldn't be so bad.


I do have a question about this morality system though. Is this like the morality system you "fill" with your choices being pooled into 3 separate moralities, or is it a sliding scale? If it's the latter, this won't be a big problem. Just have to pick a good option later on to balance things out. If it's the former... well... I just acted out of character because of the game's misleading cues.

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I messaged support as soon as I finished the quest they've came back to me saying:


"Hello LittleBearHugs,

Thank you for the info! Our development team is already working to resolve the issue with the choice, your report really helps us understand the scope of the problem.

To see when this bug gets fixed, please keep an eye on the Update notes posted in the forums:

Warframe PC Update & Build Notes

Thanks again for taking the time to bring this to our attention!"


So it's just a waiting game now

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