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Post Anything New That You Find Out About The Infested Room [The Infection Spreads Through Player Contact In Missions & Dojos!]


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Why is this even in the game, its so annoying mainly because there is no in game explanation as to what it is. as i said in the Title Remove this Immediately, i dont mind seeing weird pulsating stuff if im on eris.. but i literally can't get away from this. as you repeatedly say on prime time and dev streams end game is fashion frame, yet we have this thing shining like a beacon on our frames completely ruining the way we look. the only frame this suits is Nidus but even then if i change the default colours it would not work. Remove this Immediately. 








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I love how its busts all the previous lore; ie your frame is immune to the nano/technocyte because its built out of technocyte technology with Void energy boiling through it constantly. So you can't be Infested, except now apparently you can by the Deus Ex Machina Dr Evil Dentist Chair.

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Frankly, I agree. I like the concept of having a "infection" mechanic that (I assume) is going to tie into a quest or event soon but... it drives me insane. It looks awful, and so much of my time (and platinum) in Warframe has been to make my frames look like I want them to. To forcibly have this disgusting thing on my frame is incredibly annoying. There have got to be better ways to show the spread of infection than a gross-looking clashing growth that you can in no way get rid of (currently). At this point, I won't take half of my frames out into mission to prevent them from "catching" it.

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10 minutes ago, Zaniel_Aus said:

I love how its busts all the previous lore; ie your frame is immune to the nano/technocyte because its built out of technocyte technology with Void energy boiling through it constantly. So you can't be Infested, except now apparently you can by the Deus Ex Machina Dr Evil Dentist Chair.

who says we are infested? WE don't know what this is yet. There are tons of reasons as to why this can happen. 

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lol... guys. chill.

It's part of an emerging plot line involving Nidus and some new mechanics. It's not going to last forever. Steve even said there will be a 'cure' for it. Going full rage over a tiny, temporary blemish on your fashionframe - the implications of which we sill have no idea about - seems a little silly.

Take a deep breath... and relax.


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