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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

no, that's only part of the reason. the main reason is because it's causing toxicity within the community: groups aren't letting people without the Secura Lecta farm with them, which is unfair to newer players who really need the credits, and since we can't nerf human nature, we can only nerf the reason why it's becoming a problem.

it's not like we don't have dozens of other places where you can farm credits anyway.

Besides, to be honest, a Syndicate Melee with extra credit gains, in my opinion, was a lame passive from the start.

I hope they change it to something else honestly, as credits haven't exactly been hard to get, even after their nerf.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)freakytiki3 said:

How is this still a complaint?! My clans Hema research will finish for tomorrow we got it done with three active can members. DO DERELICT MISSIONS!!!

Thing is, getting enough for a Ghost clan is easy.

Getting enough for a Mountain or Moon clan, however.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

no, that's only part of the reason. the main reason is because it's causing toxicity within the community: groups aren't letting people without the Secura Lecta farm with them, which is unfair to newer players who really need the credits, and since we can't nerf human nature, we can only nerf the reason why it's becoming a problem.

it's not like we don't have dozens of other places where you can farm credits anyway.

Well they could create a stacking penalty mechanic when in a squad. 1 person with Secura Lecta has 100% drop chance,  2 people with Secura Lecta 50% drop chance, 3 people with Secura Lecta 25% drop chance, 4 people with Secura Lecta 0% chance when going into a mission. Fixing the problem with Secura Lecta spam and people not leaving new players out just because they don't have a Secura Lecta. Also leaves it where they don't have to change mechanic of the weapon.

Note: I own Secura Lecta, and its awesome for credit making with a credit booster.

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Just now, (Xbox One)freakytiki3 said:


1.And how much was stockpiled before hand? 

2. So because you spends hours in the ODD or ODS for hours with a nekros it justified to keep the cost the same?

3. Cost goes up with clan size and it been proven that most clans don't have everyone playing all the time. Plus tell me how the hell is a mountain clan supposed to farm for it, if DE add a new infected weapon THE CLAN literally can't farm it until the hema been made.

4. It medicore weapon,why does it have such a grind it literally cost over 300% more then the rest of the infected lab weapons.

 And before you ask yes I farmed it. I farmed about 2054 for my clans to finish it.


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Ok, first of all let me say this that before others start jumping on me on this thread. There's a few points that need to be remembered and taken into account. And i'm certainly letting some steam off in this thread.

I'll start by saying that DE's obviously missplaced assumptions at the release of Hema was, well... missplaced. Secondly, With the Majority of players complaining about the drop rate of Mutagen Sample in Derelict, DE informed us of it's drop rate increase instead of the straight forward cost decrease method from the Hema. Why? They gave a good reason i, with all seriousness agree, it could be seen as totally reasonable. So, then why's this thread here if DE promised to do what they promised to do? Well, if you've seen the latest Devstream, DE literally went back on their words. As steve said "it rains in the derelicts" which it obviously a person with a few brain cells can find out that it doesn't drop as much as the cost for Hema demands. Ofcourse it can be done most of the clan's did it (which i shouldn't even include that majority of those clan's were shadows). But let's be honest, no one wants to go to the derelict to keep pressing 4 to get a few Mutagen Sample sby wasting a whole good hour. By doing so DE, im directly referring to you, you're gonna lose the confidence of your players in you. If you're not gonna do something, sure they will stop talking and ranting about it but it is definitely gonna leave its mark. (Remember TWW? Yep i still do.)

So, to conclude this threat, Simply by increasing the drop rates of mutagen samples in the Derelict or ATLEAST ODD or ODS either. This issue will be resolved. And NO the clans that have already researched Hema aren't gonna get "triggered" by this change, because it does them no harm whatsoever.

P.S: I urge fellow players to take part in this discussion and evaluate your points as to why or why not  change muat take place. Only i am not convincing enough for this change to happen.

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I totally agree with you.

DE themselves need to realize that: No, ODD/ODS definitely does NOT rain mutagen samples. Nor does it drop frequently.

With no sort of boosters and only with a set up of Hydroid-FastNova-Nekros-Etc.

It will still warrant around an average of 50 mutagen samples. While may view this drop amount to be reasonable, it is actually not for many. 

De want clans to work together and expects everyone to contribute to the cause of this outrageous amount of mutagen sample which only drops a bit more at ODS and ODD.

Needless to say, DE statement and current standing to not do anything to improve this situation really make me and many others to really think that DE themselves do not really play their own game. At least not through the perspective of a player.

It doesn't matter if the do change the amount/ drop rate of mutagen samples, because I have already solo grind it by myself with randoms to 5K. It's certainly doable, but I have to tell you that I was incredibly burnt out at the end of it. I wanted to uninstall the game every second I was grinding the mutagen sample for Hema. I did it not because I was enjoying it, not because I wanted to use the hema, not for the petty reason to say at the end that it was easy to do so.

Instead, I wanted to relieve my clan mates from wasting their precious time and preventing them from disliking the game. I also wanted to show to DE that this expectation of clans is just unreasonable and unrealistic. 

At the end of it, I took a week off from Warframe. I don't want others to go through what I had to do. Not only do I want DE to make current players who are still grinding at it to have it easier, but for DE not to ever do something like this ever again. This is not a trend I would want to tread through.



To DE: Please, relieve many of us who are still grinding for the Hema Research to have an easier time through increase drop rates of mutagen samples for ODS/ ODD.

Edited by Calwon5
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It would be nice to have less grind to do but it's still grindy, especially since my clan is newb friendly and don't want to force members to contribute (and we would like to keep it that way). 

"We don't want the game to be a huge grindwall" - DE (not exact words but something along those lines)

I'm not very happy about the "buy it or suck it up" thing going so far with the introduction of a (finally) nice interesting weapon that is not a prime/syndicate/event.

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idunno why rates in Derelict is all anyone is fixated on, rather than making Eris equal to Derelict to have more options for obtaining the Credit Type in question. which then increases the average amounts Players across the entire game will have by the time they are at a point where they will start Researching Hema.
and for Players now means accruing some while completing the Solar Map, acquiring Nidus Parts, competing Quests for other Warframes that are located on Eris... Et Cetera.

i don't know what discussion you want here though, 3/4 of what you wrote is not a discussion point.

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2 words: Lifedrain Primary

Had this gun have no lifedrain, the requirement wouldn't be so steep... I guess...

The clan I'm in requires 150,000 samples. I gave all my samples (around 1500) when the research started. As it stands right now, it's about half-way funded.

Not to break your bubble here, but the higher we go up on the MR scale, the more complicated it becomes to get new stuff. If you think that's bad, well, the worse is yet to come, stuff we know nothing about for now.

Just because you can't get it today right away, doesn't mean you won't ever get it. Didn't this game teach you a thing or two about patience yet?

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4 minutes ago, StealthDragoon said:

2 words: Lifedrain Primary

Had this gun have no lifedrain, the requirement wouldn't be so steep... I guess...

The clan I'm in requires 150,000 samples. I gave all my samples (around 1500) when the research started. As it stands right now, it's about half-way funded.

Not to break your bubble here, but the higher we go up on the MR scale, the more complicated it becomes to get new stuff. If you think that's bad, well, the worse is yet to come, stuff we know nothing about for now.

Just because you can't get it today right away, doesn't mean you won't ever get it. Didn't this game teach you a thing or two about patience yet?

You are partially correct. But, seeing as Moon clans have that absurd amount of Mutagen Samples requirement, even they would find a hard time to finish it because not all the Moon clans have 600+ members actively playing the game. If we take that into account they are gonna have a really really tough time to meet the cost requirements. Same can also be said for other clan tiers.

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7 minutes ago, StealthDragoon said:

Just because you can't get it today right away, doesn't mean you won't ever get it. Didn't this game teach you a thing or two about patience yet?

True on that good sir.

but the way that DE expects clans to have members that are all active veterans that contribute is just absurd. 

( a bit exaggerated but true )

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1 minute ago, --Arkann-- said:

True on that good sir.

but the way that DE expects clans to have members that are all active veterans that contribute is just absurd. 

( a bit exaggerated but true )

Yes! Exactly. Not all players are veterans in a clan and not all veterans are contributors in a clan.

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1 hour ago, Fast_98 said:

1.And how much was stockpiled before hand? 

2. So because you spends hours in the ODD or ODS for hours with a nekros it justified to keep the cost the same?

3. Cost goes up with clan size and it been proven that most clans don't have everyone playing all the time. Plus tell me how the hell is a mountain clan supposed to farm for it, if DE add a new infected weapon THE CLAN literally can't farm it until the hema been made.

4. It medicore weapon,why does it have such a grind it literally cost over 300% more then the rest of the infected lab weapons.

 And before you ask yes I farmed it. I farmed about 2054 for my clans to finish it.


it's an optional problem you can kick inactive clan members, you can shrink your clan down, or just slowly farm it over time.


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10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)freakytiki3 said:

it's an optional problem you can kick inactive clan members, you can shrink your clan down, or just slowly farm it over time.


Yes you can kick out clan mates and decrease your size...but your still #*($%%@ in higher clan tiers. Sure if you have a clan of 5-10 players you might be able to covince them all to pitch in but clans with 40-100 active players? 

You think you can get everyone to farm at least 500 in a mission type that they might not like for a medicore weapon for hours? Nope, the Hema F*** over every clan that bigger then a shadow clan. 

Edited by Fast_98
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The overriding question developers should constantly ask themselves when coming up with this stuff is: "But is this fun?". That is why we are here. To have fun.

Farming those samples wasn't fun. Did it anyway though as we were a 8 person Ghost clan on console and we had warning due to it being on PC first. It took a while though and bankrupted most of us. I have roughly 10 now.

I still hate that I'm scared to expand the clan to Shadow clan as we would only be doing it to have maybe 12-15 in it. How does that work when the research is suddenly based on having 30 people? It just doesn't make sense. I've had to to turn people away. It's either another 20 people or none. I'm tired of research costs dictating how I run my clan.

On the flip side though, If I'd been running a Moon clan with only a relatively small amount of active players that were contributing, then we wouldn't be a Moon clan anymore. The non actives would be long gone.

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2 hours ago, Miser_able said:

They aren't not returning peoples credits because they want to be evil and greedy, it is impossible to return them because the records don't go back that far.

no it's not lol


on the same patch that the hema came out on (the one where nidus was released)

they released a quest called "the glast gambit" (maybe you've heard of it)

well anyway, the quest itself was bugged on release in that the final decision you could make in that quest awarded players with the wrong sun/moon alignment. This was fixed 2 days later, and DE kept a snapshot of all the decisions players took in those 2 days, so after a few weeks, when DE came back from vacation, they were able to reset the sun/moon alignments to their actual places and correct everyone's sun/moon alignments.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)HarryMuff said:

The overriding question developers should constantly ask themselves when coming up with this stuff is: "But is this fun?". That is why we are here. To have fun.

Farming those samples wasn't fun. Did it anyway though as we were a 8 person Ghost clan on console and we had warning due to it being on PC first. It took a while though and bankrupted most of us. I have roughly 10 now.

I still hate that I'm scared to expand the clan to Shadow clan as we would only be doing it to have maybe 12-15 in it. How does that work when the research is suddenly based on having 30 people? It just doesn't make sense. I've had to to turn people away. It's either another 20 people or none. I'm tired of research costs dictating how I run my clan.

On the flip side though, If I'd been running a Moon clan with only a relatively small amount of active players that were contributing, then we wouldn't be a Moon clan anymore. The non actives would be long gone.

Nothing need to be fun for those who are addicted and spent too much time and money in wf, they're too deeply invested to cut losses. 

This game is narcotic indeed. 

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Really, the only way for things to sorta make the Hema a bit manageable, even further buffing of the Mutagen Samples drop date in the Derelicts (and maybe multiples), heck, the fact samples are hard enough to get on their own outside of the derelicts and the like...   or maybe we could have something like 200 mutagen samples as a potential reward for derelict Sabotage or something.

Heck if I know.

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Huge cost for something that's not the best weapon in the game, please DE, think before acting. I know you wanted the huge cost to force people to grind for the part, instead of buying it immediately. But, it's too much too fast, you should have staggered the amounts between several new weapons.

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