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Remove the Infested Cyst


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Seeing how there is already a lot of issues with it, from mr 0 players getting infected solely by playing with another infected frame to the fact that utilizing the growth's material in genetic baking does not have to permanently remove the cyst (community responses claim that the growth does not regrow for everyone), it's okay to sit back and relax until the team is back from holidays.

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On 12/30/2016 at 9:10 PM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Just endure the cyst for a while... I'm sure DE has other things planned for the cysts, including removal... But perhaps more uses too, so it might be beneficial eventually.

Seriously? Endure it?  While granted it really has no effect on gameplay, it's an eyesore.  I don't like eyesores.  That's half of the appeal of warframe is that you can make everyone of your characters look cute/badass/deadly/adorable.  Not to mention it's easily the most profitable part about warframe.  Why do you think they have all the tennogens?  Why do they make all of the deluxe skins?  This ruins all of that.  It's basically cancer for their player base.  I personally done playing until this is removed, i'll log in every day and get my daily log in and bounce.  I have literally every frame except Excal prime, both primes and normal variants, and multiples of some.  Approximately half of them have this cyst on them.  That's a lot of chargers to be made just to get rid of them at the moment, and personally i've spent a decent amount of time making my frames look good and I really don't want to look at it.  I'm done.

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I didnt ask for this disgusting thing on my neck, why should i have it on my frames when i dont like it? That Cyst should only be on your neck once to create the charger, then it should permanently go away and never get infected again.
Im just gonna play solo with the ones i have clean until they decide to remove that crap off my neck

Edited by TzXtetriC
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On 12/30/2016 at 10:54 AM, WhiteMarker said:

If this was true, why are there still missions and stuff in warframe? Why not remove this stuff and just keep the relays?

Because DE needs to at least pretend that it's a game. The actual gameplay is nothing but endless grind, and fashionframe is the only really rewarding part. And now everyone has fukbubbles on their necks and nobody wants to play with anyone for fear of getting the DiseasE. Which is annoying because $&*^ing around with other players is the only appeal. If I wanted to play a space ninja by myself I'd go play E.Y.E. again.


In fact, F*** it. I'm playing EYE.

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On 31/12/2016 at 0:42 AM, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

> wait 7 days

> get an Egg

> drain the cyst

> resume Fashionframe

>it grows back

So you only get 1 day without the cyst every week. I've heard of bad hair days but this is ridiculous.

Edited by HyokaChan
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9 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

no i dont think anyone could predict that people would flipout over the look of their frame being such a big deal that one little pink ball would bother them so much.

At least i think that they thought people would handle it for a couple weeks.

Really?  This your first time playing an mmo?  Cause I could have told you people spending real money to have their characters look a certain way might be a little miffed when that gets dumpstered.  I could have told you most wouldn't be all that interested in RPing a ninja with space herpes.

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On 1/1/2017 at 5:21 PM, Jorencice said:

The end game is spending tons of money on accesories and colors?

Of corces it is you don't just play warframe for the h e l l of it.You play warframe becaus everone knows that the true end game gole  is looking better then the guy standing right next to you XD.

Edited by El_Lobo144
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I logged in just to support this cause. There should be a cure for this, I stopped playing for one week right now just because I don't like all the effort I give into my frames to waste. I have invested a good amount of time on this game (besides of money since I like to support games by buying stuff) and don't having an option to this (since is an MMO, playing solo just to stop this stupidity on your neck doesn't make sense, an also for some reason on some cases you still get it by playing solo) is a poor choice.

Yes there will be an option to remove this? When? How? Permanent? Or will we get a poor choice answer of hiding the cyst while still having it there, existent and modifying our alignment bar?

I love this game, but I'm disappointed as being forced to look disgusting on a game that gets mostly rewarded by their players on the game appearance. I like my ember to look dazzling again.

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This really isn't surprising. From the Warcraft plague and Ultima online disease, plagues have odd affect on player bases but ended with a drop in player base. Either DE is aware of the gaming history of disease and are banking on it making buzz, or they are ignorant on the effects on player base and behavior. While many of you kinda poo poo the effects of a cyst with a single hair growing out of the center of it, several of my gaming friends have been expressing offense not just at the looks, but on being "infected" with a disease against their will for a pet they either don't want or already made. There's a lot of social behaviors they're pinging here, disgust at the sick, at being infected, at the visual of a pulsing cyst in any menu, is likely the shove on a player suffering the grind to just quit playing entirely.

On a game that's fairly complex to get into, with all the elements for modding frames, the mods themselves, the random riven mods, the grinding... a plague you can't cure seems very anti-player. DE Steve says they have a plan, but I hope they implement it quickly.  

Edited by Gruffmadness
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2 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

Really?  This your first time playing an mmo?  Cause I could have told you people spending real money to have their characters look a certain way might be a little miffed when that gets dumpstered.  I could have told you most wouldn't be all that interested in RPing a ninja with space herpes.

That's the thing, this is not really an mmo. Where are 2 occasions where you can see more than your teammates. So it's not like you are walking around all over the place.

BTW, RPers should be able to adjust and make that part of their play until you get the ability to take it off.

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On 31.12.2016 at 9:44 PM, blackheartstar_pc said:

I think it's funny seeing all the people get upset over this. Watched some folks in my clan rant about it for awhile last night. My question is in what way is it negatively affecting you/what does it matter? Ingame I never got a coherent answer just cussing and how "stupid" it is. Which doesn't explain why it is oh so bad at all lol. If something like this gets them that upset I wonder how they make it day to day in real life. Imagine their reaction to bird dropping unexpectedly being on their car one morning and the rage it induces lmao.


Personally I find the concept of a ingame virus that is contagious pretty cool.

Maybe I can make my personal point clear in that regard:

When I dropped >1.5k plat in the last months on colour palettes, deluxe skins, holster styles, syandanas and most hilariously on Nidus itself, I was kinda not told about that giant pulsating black and pink tennis ball, that would completely invalidate any of those purchases. Even if it´s only temporary.

That is what´s annoying me, "you can pay us for this cool skin", "and then we´re gonna ruin it for you".

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On 12/30/2016 at 11:42 AM, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

> wait 7 days

> get an Egg

> drain the cyst

> resume Fashionframe

So I have to consign a kubrow to make a space for an egg, farm an egg, and raise an egg.. Every week... Because of Nidus?

Wow. So convenient.
No, it's cool, I love having a hairy goiter on a character who's cosmetics cost real money.

That's exactly what I'd call a, "Terrible Gimmick."
"Not enough players using pets? I know! Lets give them CANCER until they FARM MORE PETS EVERY WEEK!"

Heads up DE, two of my clan mates bailed and are waiting for this to patch out.. and I don't blame them.

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