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Remove the Infested Cyst


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On 1/2/2017 at 2:20 PM, Zeyez said:

ehn... i know about it already

The hypocrisy I was mentioning is that we fought, and fight, against the infested, scolding others by calling them infested (Twin Queens and Tenno said that on TWW) and we even try not to listen to the speeches of the bosses...  but we use something made of them

Blame the Orokin for that, they made and used the Infestation as a weapon against the Sentients in the form of the Warframes way before anything else, while the Infestation that kills and infects everyone now is a feral strain that was altered by Salad V

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I really didn't mind going through the growing phase ONCE. It was an interesting thing to be added to the game, just like most of the diverse mechanics that DE adds onto it in the drive of keeping the veteran playerbase interested. And ok, it's to get a new companion in addition to the only 2 types we've had before (even though as of now it's just a "re-skin", but we'll chalk that up to it still being a WiP).


What I don't get is: when they 100% KNOW that a good portion of the players is interested, or most of the time downright sensitive to the aesthetics, even if it was a rushed slap-on because of the holidays, why not provide a temporary simple toggle option in the gameplay section to toggle it off (even if just visually)? And with all the hotfixes they are easily cranking out, it can still be done untill the full intended content can be added. It's not like DE to leave us hangin' for this long. Unless they thought that the complete content would be fast enough to follow.

As for now, I have faith in DE. They are the only devs i've seen so far to provide such a high quality fun game for free so passionately.

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More than a few of my friends have quit warframe because of this genius on DE's behalf.  Frankly I don't blame them.

Who wants to stare at an eyesore after spending hundreds of platinum, ducats, and tweaking for months with paid-colour palettes to appear just how you like?



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On 1/4/2017 at 2:04 PM, JHarlequin said:

 There are ways to look at this as an amazingly bad thing, and it isn't that bad, but it didn't seem like it was delivered player friendly.  We don't get a choice, we can't do anything about it, seemingly.  Maybe there is some secret we haven't found, or maybe DE just made a big mistake.

 Not everyone dislikes it, but everyone that plays online ends up living with it because there is no way to stop other people from running through you.

 It isn't fun, it's just some storybook that we are reading now because we can't do anything about it.  We must experience everything they write because obviously we will just absolutely love the story.

 We shouldn't be fighting the plague after everyone is infected, we should be fighting it from the moment we noticed that it was happening.


I've seen many of your thoughts on this topic before and I tend to agree with a lot of them, this one being no exception.

Edited by LazerSkink
always missing one word
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4 hours ago, ShadowFox14 said:


Okay, here's the thing: the infestaion just somehow magically grabbed protein and nuclein-based matter and made a completely different matter out of it, which is a metal. Like really? Even Cold Fusion can't do such a thing, this is a whole new nevel. You grab some biological, organic matter and make metal out of it, even paint it and make it perfectly identical to that of the normal Grineer unit's armor? Why do the infested need to make that? Why would they resemble even a tiny bit to a Grineerunit, if the basic flesh it used came from a kubrow? Where am I wrong in this chemically and biologically? Where did you get your chemistry degree if you say that this is perfectly normal?

And no @ObviousLee, the part you linked does not explain this. I understand what you are saying, that the hive mind can make anything out of everything, but that's completely impossible, unnecessary and goes against common sense.

Oh yes, and this: an infested charger, that was made from a kubrow's DNA that has been modified to make Grineer flesh and Grineer armor, but just partially, and make infestation out of it, but it still moves, stands and barks like a kubrow.
No thank you, I'm not buying any of your reasoning as facts.

what part of "the infestation is capable of altering organic, and inorganic matter" doesn't make sense to you? The armor left on chargers is not, at that point, armor anymore. it serves no defensive purpose. it's now a part of the creatures biology, wholesale. So, again. for the umpteenth time, when an infested unit takes over NEW AND UNKNOWN MATERIAL it is incorporated into the infestation as a whole. what this means is that when the very FIRST grineer lancer was turned into a charger, a blueprint of that new form was integrated into the infestation, allowing for mass production of chargers.

the game itself has supporting lore that directly dictates that the infestation is capable of incorporating inorganic material and making it somewhat organic in nature.

Fragment Lore
The Infestation spreads across the Origin System – a techno-organic parasite that attaches itself to natural and synthetic forms, slowly digesting the host subject and transforming it on a molecular level. Organic materials morph into new homogeneous organisms while harder, inorganic materials, like metals, will change structurally into a pseudo-organic substance that holds the characteristics of its previous forms.

This excerpt is taken directly from the wiki. directly above you see from the actual game lore, that inorganic materials, such as METAL, are changed structurally into semi-organic material. meaning that grineer armor is not in fact grineer armor at the point of the unit being completely overtaken by the infestation. There, the game scienced it out for me.

Edited by ObviousLee
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I thought only once you can be infected and it will count of all frames and when you hatch it would get removed.....But No, the ugly thing DE decided to infect each and everyone of my frames individual making me want to leave. even after hatching and changing frames its on each and everyone of them this thing needs to be removed ASAP and find another way of getting the kubro with Charger skin.

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I've had my Chroma, Trinity Prime, and my Valkyr Prime infected. I use the incubator as my Chroma to remove the cyst and the only one removed was from Chroma, leaving me with two more giant space zits that I have to wait to remove...

Yeah this is quite the incomplete feature from DE

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DE should it least give us a scarf, i know if i had a pink tumor on my neck and for some reason i couldn't go to the medic or pierce the thing to drain it i would use a scarf even though it were summer with 40°C outside. I'm not happy with it, especially in my nova that have a huge neck and you can not avoid to see it, and i got it from other players (i didn't sat on the chair) but i encourage people to be patient. I only hope that to cure it it doesn't require a lot of resources or plat =/ .

Edited by lestawolf
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13 minutes ago, low91 said:

all im saying is one frame is enough or have an option to remove the feature and seriously a kuboro with a charger skin its incomplete from the get go


From what I've seen myself and heard, it isn't just a kubrow with a charger skin. It's actually a fairly beastly mutation in and of itself. More than once I've watched a helminth charger dash in and wreck a decent sized group of enemies with barely a scratch on it.

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