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Oberon is Fine


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17 hours ago, zephyr11221 said:

Eh? I've had this name since long before Zephyr was even a thing. I'd say more, but all I see is an insult from a member of the XBox community. What's next, are you gonna blow your mic?

All righty, so I can see some of you just read the TL;DR and completely ignored everything else. I'll get to that later. I've read every single reply so far, minus a few of those internal arguments, so:

If you think I'm "fanboy/girling" Oberon, you clearly did not read the post. Oberon has his flaws, and I clearly acknowledge them. I say Oberon is fine; where do you see me say "OBERON IS GREAT! OBERON IS THE BEST WARFRAME!"? In fact

Thank you to those of you who are encouraging the use of whatever loadouts you want. I'm too tired to scroll back to the person who said this, but usually (key word here y'all), no bad loadouts, just bad players.

The fact is that almost everything in the game is completely overpowered. Pretty much all Warframes can either Hard CC, Support, or Nuke their ways to victory solo. Even Frames like Limbo are stupidly powerful. Limbo can make himself invincible and simply stroll to objectives, and Hydroid has powerful panic button and surprisingly effective CC. All weapons, with the right mod setups and team comps, can be ludicrously powerful. Anyone who runs with buffer frames knows this. Hell I took the Fang into a sortie to screw with people and I still destroyed enemies thanks to Warcry, Ember buff, and Roar. 

The fact that Oberon is not in that level of overpowered-ness to balance out his massive arsenal of utility doesn't make him trash. I can see some of you haven't had good experiences with using Oberon, but that's no justification for him being bad. I'm not saying you can't hate him, but clearly many people, including me, have figured out how to use Oberon well in late game missions, so he isn't bad at all, you just never learned how to use him. Or, I guess you might have selective vision.

For those of you bringing up the fact that he is outclassed and using that to say that he is bad, well, I just said it. Everyone else is stupidly strong, he's just average. Warframe gameplay is one of the most brain-dead activities I've ever done. I'll say this before my next statement: I am not saying people who dislike Oberon suck at the game, or that Oberon players are the master race. However, I feel that playing any of the normal Frames, like Excalibur, Loki, Inaros, and Rhino is pretty much playing the game on the easiest difficulty. They all clear almost all content with ease, and you can probably easily reach the end-game (whatever that is) with one Frame. Playing some "off-meta," outclassed Frame is the next leg of the ladder, but it's not really much higher. Just build right and you're set.

If you're saying he needs a rework, you're preaching to the choir. I might be saying he's fine, but the fact that he is not up to par with everyone else means something needs to be changed. Some people said posts like these point out Frames for being fine, and thus delaying reworks. So far, in my opinion, all of the reworked frames were not perfect, but they were completely viable for pretty much anything. In fact, in certain cases like Mag, they can be considered worse off now; a rework might end up making him worse. The chance isn't high, but looking at the Valkyr and Mag changes leading up to and after their reworks... eh.

Your post caught my attention. You should read before you post. Thank you for repeating what I said, though I think some people who actually read before heading to the reply box already heard it. As for you saying Oberon is garbage, it seems your definition of garbage is "hard to mod, takes slightly more effort to use than other frames, and is outclassed in some aspects." That is my definition for fun, considering how much of a joke the game's difficulty is.

"All Oberon does can be done better, faster and more cohesively by other warframes." Oberon can (other than what you mentioned): slow down bleedout timers for sticky situations, decrease the damage that enemies deal (puncture procs and armor, the former would stack with other resistance buffs rather than overwrite them/be overwritten), buff with radiation damage, clear status ailments, and instantly revive teammates (albeit situational). Tell me what frame can do four, even three of those things, including what he's outclassed in, in one build. Yeah, surprisingly, you can actually mod to improve on aspects of his kit. Who knew? For example, a basic power strength build would offer a decent amount of healing (enough to max heal anyone but Inaros and maybe Nidus), a very powerful Smite Infusion, nuking decent enough for mid-tier, and increase his armor buffs. That's still not including his inherent CC, status ailment clear, and puncture proccing. Yeah, the rest of his kit becomes obsolete, but now you've buffed parts of his kit, maybe not to the level of those he's outclassed by, but it's in combination with other equally effective utility. 

I think some of these points people are bringing up on either side of these arguments are iffy. "Oberon is outclassed" Glass half-full: Doesn't matter, compared to the enemies, anything works. Glass half-empty: He's worse than everyone else, and thus not worth using at all. I've said it tons of times already, but maybe people will actually read the end: I'm not saying Oberon is great. He's far from it. However, he is still viable for almost all content if you mod him right, or if you're just good at the game. I posted this because I wanted to know why people hate him so much when he can clearly dominate content with just a little more effort. I guess I have my answer: He requires too much work to build right compared to Frames like Valkyr (@mid-game players), and even then plays too differently from other Frames to be played comfortably. Some people appreciate his niche and side utilities, others ignore them.

...I dunno how you thought my post was an insult. I was pointing out what I thought was a chuckle worthy instance. You need to chill out.


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On 04/01/2017 at 2:07 AM, DiosGX said:

Oberon is very much not "fine." He's been and always will be my favorite frame and eternal main, but to say a 2+ year old concept needs no tweaking in light of recent frame reworks and new frame designs--is just you being in denial. He doesn't rightly NEED anything done to him, but why not?

It's "fine" to be functional and useful. It would be GREAT to have a spark of oomph added into an already-functional frame though.

He's scheduled to have his new toys shown off at this year's first PAX anyway. If anything, be grateful to the haters. DE isn't fond of their work being dismissed or going unused. Their outcry is a part of what led to this.

Where did you hear this stuff about pax?

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9 hours ago, Slaviar said:

This I want to hear

I don't remember my exact build, but max efficiency with Primed Continuity, Hallowed Reckoning and your preferred set of range and strength mods (no Blind Rage though), and you can get lots of kills on Hydron. It's usually, great, but when you get a Saryn and/or Nova in your squad, it's amazing. I should probably make a video of that.

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

...I dunno how you thought my post was an insult. I was pointing out what I thought was a chuckle worthy instance. You need to chill out.


Ah, very much my mistake then. Apologies. Guess I tossed it in with the flame I get about Oberon and Zephyr. 


2 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

I don't remember my exact build, but max efficiency with Primed Continuity, Hallowed Reckoning and your preferred set of range and strength mods (no Blind Rage though), and you can get lots of kills on Hydron. It's usually, great, but when you get a Saryn and/or Nova in your squad, it's amazing. I should probably make a video of that.

I've found Stealth farming with Loki and the Redeemer to still be more effective than anything else I've tried, though that sounds kinda interesting. Though, I've had people leave squads when I have Oberon equipped for something like this though lol. I don't know about getting a Saryn or Nova with you, unless you've got friends. Now that I think about it, wouldn't Saryn make Oberon irrelevant here? She'll just clear out the entire area with a 2-1-4 combo, or if she has a whip, 1-3- spin attack-4....................... Though I guess, with enough duration and range, the Hallowed Reckoning fields would overlap so much that if an enemy is staying still they'd get wiped. Though that still doesn't sound as effective as stealth grinding. If you work around the crowds well enough (and unequip Coolant Leak) you can still consistently get stealth kills like before. If you decide to run Spy, you can level your other Weapons at the same time.

17 hours ago, Kierlak said:

Too small to actually do anything, and tied to standing on a tiny little unprotected patch of land. Snow Globe trumps it overwhelmingly hard.


Not worth using, and doubly not worth using on Oberon because he is starved in the extreme for mod space as is. And other frames have similar mods.


Really? I mean, REALLY?! Frost can drop a globe on top of the fallen. No, it won't give you time to run all the way to a hallway hero, but it helps WAY more when doing the actual reviving under fire.


Snow Globe trumps it overwhelmingly hard.


Avalanche is a wide area total stun. That also strips armor.


Renewal may have infinite range, but it takes a long time to actually get there if the range is actually more than a few feet. And pads can heal as much as you want, as fast as you want, just spam the button really fast.


Frost with too many heal pads is better than Oberon. The truth may be hard to take, but it's the truth. Oberon is a cripple. A cripple with a criminally bad passive. Take Oberon behind the shed and put him out of our misery. It's the humane thing to do.

Without Power Strength, Hallowed Reckoning gives 250 flat armor, which is ridiculously strong if you have squishy allies, and if you have any range at all, they're spread out over a decent area. Hallowed Ground's armor buff is low, but it has a surprisingly large range if you have either, or both, range mods equipped. I don't know why you're comparing Snow Globe with Status Negation. I don't know what you think it does, but Snow Globe won't save you from Disruptors, the stupidly high toxin procs from Venomous Eximi, and the other effects of Eximi. Other than self-damage, most of my deaths in Sortie are from those. I've even seen an Inaros get taken down by a venomous aura, cause the damn Eximus was running around in circles in a corner so we couldn't find it. Snow Globe also won't protect you from knockdowns. Though, I will be completely honest, I rarely use Hallowed Ground or Hallowed Reckoning, but the fact that you're comparing abilities with completely different utility is really confusing. Plus, I don't use them because I run a solo-tank-healer build, so they're not helpful for that playstyle anyway.

Between Avalanche and Confusion, Avalanche stuns and tears armor, but Confusion makes your enemies kill each other, and prioritize each other. Two different kinds of CC, and Radiation procs aren't duration based, which can be good or bad. You might as well be comparing fire damage and toxin damage. I've never had a problem with Renewal's speed, especially since the bleedout slow lets you reach your teammate anyway. Renewal will slow your bleedout as well, so if you end up dying under its effects or mid-cast, your teammates have more time to reach you. Speaking of bleedout, Frost might be able to Snow Globe or Avalanche to safely revive, but Oberon can use Reckoning. Even if enemies are out of the knock down range, they're probably in the blind range, or they'll shoot their teammates. Plus, you have Renewal channeling, so you're pretty hard to kill regardless. You're using the effectiveness of one ability to discredit the effectiveness of another when they accomplish their goals in completely different ways.

Smite Infusion is far from useless. That entire class of mod (buffer) is stupidly strong if you have Power strength, even if all you have is Intensify. You are doubling (or even tripling) your team's damage from weapons and some abilities. That's not even including the fact that it's Radiation damage, so if you already have Corrosive built, you'll just shred through Grineer effortlessly. Yeah, other frames can do what Oberon does equally or better, but this is something irreplaceable and powerful. This is definitely worth a mod slot. I mean, there's better nukers than Oberon, but Oberon can turn some of the best of them (Excal, Mesa, Saryn) into planet busters.

You, along with a good amount of other people, completely missed the point of my post. I'll say this again, I agree, Oberon is outclassed. I don't need to be told that. He could use a (good) rework. All my arguments that are in support of Oberon are made because people horribly underestimate his utility, don't even know his buffs/skills, or clearly haven't built him right. Did I say Oberon is better than Frost when I replied to you? Have I said he is better than the other frames? No (with the exception of Smite Infusion, which is, like the other buffer augments, very powerful). All I have said is that he does more things than any other Frame, but he doesn't do them well. You say "Frost with too many heal pads is better than Oberon. The truth may be hard to take, but it's the truth." Yeah, it's better. The truth isn't hard to take if I already see it as the truth. Is it hard for you to read?

You and the other people that call him useless are either: perfectionists, bandwagoners, or never decided to actually try to build Oberon right. Oberon was (at least for me) harder to mod than other frames. I have a few cookie-cutter builds that I throw on all almost all my other Frames and it always works, but none of them fit on him. I like his aesthetic though, and spent some time perfecting my build on him. Now I can even carry people in Sorties with him. You call him useless and ignore the fact that he can easily clear the same content that other frames can, just a little worse. Apparently, those few extra seconds of mission time, or slightly closer shaves are enough to make Oberon "useless." 

Warframe is basically race to build everything, albeit a personal one, so let's imagine it as an actual race. Excal, Valkyr, Trinity, Nidus and all those stupidly powerful frames are the track stars. Oberon, along with Mag, Zephyr, Hydroid, and other meh frames run pretty fast, but not as fast as those top guys. Limbo is that one guy that runs hella slow but can keep running for hours. Every other sentient (haha) being in the game tries to run but might be faster if they rolled. It's you against those bottom competitors, and no one else; no matter who you choose, you win. No Frame is useless, there is a noticeable power gap, but with smart building and gameplay, it's inconsequential.

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i releveled Oberon recently and broke him out during my sample farming just to see if he was better now i have alot better mods. My honest opinion on Oberon is that he's just a catch all frame, but unlike say Nidus who can do it all and do it all well. Oberon doesn't heal nearly as well as Trinity, doesn't CC as well as a variety of other frames and his ONE great buff is limited do to it being a line rather then an aoe zone. I havent checked his auguments yet BUT i think he could be a very strong frame with minor weaks to his kit, but he's not bad by any stretch he's just not better then other frames out there.

1: Smite: a sngle target damage with small amounts of CC, actually i'd say smite is good, adds confuse, and then sends bolts which can further confuse people its probably fine as is, and does what its meant to do fairly well.

2: Hallowed Ground: the issue is that its a line, rather then say a circular field around him, the buff from this is actually REALLY good, as it STOPS any and all CC which is main reason to keep this up. Its not terrible but needs to be an aoe, and needs to have a good range, i'd give up its damage/cc if this was more of an AOE around me and less of a line

3: Renewal: honestly the issue is that while its a slow heal but usually especially at higher levels you tend to just die instantly so the bleed out reduction is nice BUT the problem is really that trinity and even nidus just do it better... I'm not sure how to fix this but i think this is the ONE power that just needs something to make it more unique... at the moment its just not very strong and its not very useful.

4: Reckoning looks ok on paper but in practice its a so-so power, in that at low levels its nice clearing power at high levels it doesn't do crap... the radiation CC is done better by Loki, and the damage is all but nullified. I think a better solution would be to just turn this into a hard CC allowing oberon to lift groups into the air and hold them there for a set duration causing rad damage over time, and confusing any that survived it.

I mean on paper he's fine just that there are so many better frames that do his job so much better... but he brings a little bit of everything with him i don't rate him as bad... i just think he's a master of nothing and that kind of hurts him... but i still have fun on him so there is that.

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Alright on the topic of Healing since so many people bring it up:

Trinity heals better. No argument there.

Inaros heals worse than Trinity, but still very well, and provides CC at the same time.

Renewal does heal at a low rate at base value, but that rate is accelerated through increased (yeah it's weird, more duration lowers Renewal's duration) duration and increased Power Strength.

Nidus' heal 

  • 20 HP per second
  • Restricted to a radius about the same size as Hallowed Ground
  • Side features: Damage, CC

Oberon heal

  • 40 HP per second
  • Begins with a burst heal (equal to a little more than a quarter of the total healing from the heal over time)
  • Infinite range, projectile that goes through walls
  • Allies can run around freely after catching the orb
  • Heal rate is further increased by duration mods (Duration inversely affects Renewal)
  • Side features: Instant revive (Phoenix Renewal) if died under Renewal's effect, slow down bleed out timer (can reverse the bleedout timer)

In summary, no, Nidus doesn't out heal Oberon at all. Numbers are clear: Ravenous heals half of what Renewal heals per second, and Oberon has an additional heal on top of it. You need to stay within a tiny area to receive the healing at all; Renewal moves to you. You probably think Ravenous heals a lot because Nidus has his passive regen. His ult is more useful in other ways.

In my opinion, the best healing other than Trinity comes from Life Strike, the Hirudo, Hysteria, and the Hema.

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This. This is what you have to understand about Oberon. He is a Paladine themed Jack. if Warframe was a game where you couldn't just switch to another frame at any time and you were limited to local play then He would be an amazing frame. but because you can have literally every warframe and switch between them before and after every mission he falls short because you can naturally fill in whatever role you want depending one who you play with so long as you have prep time. As a solo player he can be good as well because he is a full mid tier party all in one. you might not be able to weather high level missions like sorties, but he is a solid frame for early and solo play.

He can also be considered a test frame. letting a player explore different avenues of play yet only taking up a single slot. He is a decent frame and there is a lot to like if you aren't a munchkin. I think he would be a wonderful starting frame, but established players will generally know what they want and they will know exactly who to play to get the best results. if there was any part i would consider buffing for him it's his health or his armor, but not by much. maybe bump his base health from 125 to 150, or bump his 150 armor to 200-250. Paladins are generally considered one of the better stone wall tanks, and one of these buffs would be perfect for him. His abilities though? spot on.

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Like many posters here, Oberon is one of my favorite frames as well.
Its almost like the frame picks a player rather than the player picking the frame. Oberon being a frame nearly everyone will get at some point (since he drops almost everywhere), a significant amount of people have played him. Some play him well, and love him for it. Some play the game well, but cannot use Oberon as well as others. Just because you have max rank, gone through sortie after sortie, etc, doesn't mean you will be amazing in any frame you put on (clearly the case if you suck with Oberon.)
I am quite good with Oberon, and all of his abilities have their uses in a time and place. Sure, math him out all day. Tell me how much his numbers on paper make him utterly useless. There are thousands upon thousand of events (especially in sporting events) where the numbers fail to match the potential.

I am terrible with Ember and Volt. While I like her, I don't seem to do too well with Banshee. I am probably the worst Vauban player in existence. But I am decent with Oberon, his abilities do what I feel works for me. Calling him bad doesn't make him bad, throwing around numbers that do not reflect his performance does not make him bad. You are just bad with him, just as I am terrible with everyones favorite Ember.

He is not without flaws, and I feel like many here, that his passive needs some work. It would be nice that if instead of wildlife, he increases Kitty or Puppy damage and health (for himself or the group), or something similar if it must keep in with his whole beast passive thing.

Now someone mentioned Frost, and personally, I found that frosts have been more detrimental to a team than helpful. Yes, the globe is nice when you are inside it, and that goes for enemies as well. You cannot shoot anything inside the globe from outside it, giving the nice mobs eating the objective (or anyone in it) some fantastic protection. And sure, you can walk inside to shoot whatever, naturally. Especially since those frames with low armor values love walking well into melee range of possibly quite powerful infested or otherwise, and getting eaten too trying to kill whatever is killing the objective. If it only stopped enemies from shooting inside, problem solved. But everyone has flaws right?

My 2 cents. Still cant play due to Cyst being a thing, but that's not the topic today.


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21 hours ago, LordLokai said:

2: Hallowed Ground: the issue is that its a line, rather then say a circular field around him, the buff from this is actually REALLY good, as it STOPS any and all CC which is main reason to keep this up. Its not terrible but needs to be an aoe, and needs to have a good range, i'd give up its damage/cc if this was more of an AOE around me and less of a line

I'm assuming you're suggesting having his hallowed ground be a circle that travels with him, so he can be mobile. This is something many people have suggested over time, and frankly, I don't understand it. Or at least I couldn't agree with it in any capacity until the volt electric shield change happened.

Making it so his second ability is ONLY an aoe that travels with him is a bad idea imo. For oberon, it would be good. He can freely run around and constantly be affected by the ability, but for his teammates, it won't help them at all unless he is standing completely still or just walking. Sure, his teammates can run with him, but with the unpredictability of player movement, and just how fast movement IS in this game, it would be way too much effort for other players to even bother unless he's simply walking around. If he's bullet jumping and double jumping and rolling all over the place then good luck consistently staying in his field. And sure, he can stand still and let his teammates stand in the field, but why limit his movement when he wants to buff his team? why limit it to just an aoe around him? Why not make it like electric shield is currently?

Being able to place stationary carpets for your team, while also having the ability to pick one up for yourself so you can run around would be much, much better.

Edited by Soup2504
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53 minutes ago, Soup2504 said:

I'm assuming you're suggesting having his hallowed ground be a circle that travels with him, so he can be mobile. This is something many people have suggested over time, and frankly, I don't understand it. Or at least I couldn't agree with it in any capacity until the volt electric shield change happened.

Making it so his second ability is ONLY an aoe that travels with him is a bad idea imo. For oberon, it would be good. He can freely run around and constantly be affected by the ability, but for his teammates, it won't help them at all unless he is standing completely still or just walking. Sure, his teammates can run with him, but with the unpredictability of player movement, and just how fast movement IS in this game, it would be way too much effort for other players to even bother unless he's simply walking around. If he's bullet jumping and double jumping and rolling all over the place then good luck consistently staying in his field. And sure, he can stand still and let his teammates stand in the field, but why limit his movement when he wants to buff his team? why limit it to just an aoe around him? Why not make it like electric shield is currently?

Being able to place stationary carpets for your team, while also having the ability to pick one up for yourself so you can run around would be much, much better.

Hm, I like that idea, though it wouldn't really be Hallowed Ground. I think a change to its effects would be nice too. And in my opinion, if the range of the field is big enough (like 25 meters base, maybe?), you could probably just build a CC/Buffer Range Oberon to make use of it. With a max range build your allies should have no problem being in your range if you're all in the same tile, or even adjacent tiles. Though, being able to plop it down and carry it around would be nice. It just seems too much like Equinox's heal ult, and the fact that Oberon does things worse than other frames is already a complaint about him.

It is fun to just spam Hallowed Ground around the entire map though. The downside is that it's only effective up until level 40. But still entertaining, especially if you take a whole team of Oberon and just make a rainbow floor (of death).

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On 1/3/2017 at 6:15 PM, zephyr11221 said:

Yeah, I guess fine is relative, but I'm using the word in the sense that he is completely usable, and that while he has flaws, they don't bring him down completely.

I'm not saying he doesn't need anything done to him; I'm not denying anything. I'll say this again: I just want to know why people hate him so much they dismiss the thought of using him in anything above mid-tier.

I've heard some talk of the rework, and I'm curious to see it. Personally, I think he needs a different passive. Even Ember's passive is more useful what with Arson Eximi everywhere. Maybe people will actually start using him. Also, I don't think anyone would be fond of having "their work being dismissed or going unused." 

A redesign wouldn't hurt. I think he looks ugly.

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I'm agree with Zephyr (if I understand correctly). 

For me Oberon is very well balance and that the other (some/oftenly the oldest) frames who are generally insanely overpowered. And that's probably one of the biggest problem in WF. 

Oberon can do lot's of things, really a lot. But in comparaison of other frames, all of this things are nothing. What the interest of Hollowed Ground or Renewal when you can completely nullify the risk with hard CCs who lock an entire room (Vauban for example). Even trinity in generally use as mana source or to make your teammates unbreakable, and after as healer. Or just avoid opponents with the blind effect completely broken or just Limbo. Over-protect an objective (Frost)... 

The main problem don't come from Oberon, it come from (some) other frames who can make the game insanely easy and without any risk. And Oberon become usefull if your teamates have hard times... 

And that's because he is so bad/useless on end game missions. Because the end game is design to try to compensate all the overpowered warframe (OS - meatshield - Operator on kuva missions... etc). 

Actually the rules of Warframes in high level is that, your are unkillable (CC, stealth, mobility...) or you are dead. That doesn't give any place for support frames based on heal or local buff... espcially on end game.

Edited by Tigrius_MkIV
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The problem with Oberon is that he needs great or rare mods to make him work. Oberon himself is easy to get, but by the time you get those mods and can level them up you'll likely have a better frame that can use those mods better than him. Plus, making Oberon good means you need a good balance of everything (power strength, duration, efficiency, and range), where some frames are fine cutting one of these (Frost without duration is still great, nyx without strength is still very good, and nova without range is fine). By the time you fine tune Oberon, you could fine tune another frame with as much or less difficulty. I really hope he gets a rework because I really enjoy playing Oberon too, and it sucks that he's just sitting in my arsenal until DE gives him a buff or 2

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I don't have a problem with Oberon players, I've never kicked or condemn anyone who brings Oberon to sortie.  Hell I bring Ember to Grineer Sorties and do fine.  That doesn't make him fine however, this is two different matter. I have a problem with the fact that he is outclassed by everyone who does similar things.  I also hate that his powers doesn't feel cool to use because they lack practical feedback.  Reckoning feels awesome to use, up until the point where it does nothing but proc radiation.  That's lame considering how cool the animations are.   Hallowed Ground is pretty cool, being able to just lay down your own domain is interesting to me, but to see it does so little is disappointing.  I don't believe it has no impact, the problem is that all of its benefits are pretty much under the hood stats, NOT VISIBLE ENOUGH.  Renewal is just an average heal, nothing to say about it.  Smite is the only power I wouldn't change. 

Honestly if I were to rework him, I'll change his passive to generate a hallowed ground to any target hit by his powers (same HG as Reckoning aug's shape, but with rectangle's buffs).  I'll remove hallowed ground as his 3rd and make Reckoning his 3rd.  Then give him a 4th that detonates all HGs for aoe blast damage,heal and cleanse.  All 3 of his powers would generates those HGs for him (Renewal will generate one beneath Oberon and allies healed by it).  I'll then add an augment for Reckoning to replace Hallowed Reckoning with.  The augments makes it so Reckoning targets are slowed for a few seconds after they get back up from the ground.  Another augment for his new 4th would be to allow detonation of a single targeted HG instead of all.  This singular explosion will be twice as large and powerful, but cost twice the energy and cast speed.  (50 -> 100).  You can also combo it to give it even more aoe and damage, but the long cast time would keep balance in check (2 sec cast with 4 sec combo window). 



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On 06/01/2017 at 11:50 AM, zephyr11221 said:

In summary, no, Nidus doesn't out heal Oberon at all. Numbers are clear: Ravenous heals half of what Renewal heals per second, and Oberon has an additional heal on top of it. You need to stay within a tiny area to receive the healing at all; Renewal moves to you. You probably think Ravenous heals a lot because Nidus has his passive regen. His ult is more useful in other ways.

If the Oberon casts Renewal and you're at full health, you're still in trouble when the Bombard homing rocket slaps you in the face three seconds later.

If you're standing on the Nidus carpet, and it happens, you're still going to get healed until it dissipates.

I would say it's less a matter of which heals more in terms of numbers and which heals more reliably. Which has always been the problem with Oberon's heals.

At the very least it needs to be a toggle or the timer needs to continuously heal while counting down rather than being dispelled on squad members when they reach full health. Having both is the same problem Ember laboured under before they turned her World on Fire into a pure toggle.

The rest of his kit also needs improvement. Smite is OK, but Hallowed Ground doesn't see much use in most mission types because the game is built around mobility and the armour buff gets rapidly outscaled by enemy damage. Needing to stay in a confined area to have the buff when stray bullets are whizzing around doesn't help, meaning I most often use it or see it used to revive fallen allies who are surrounded by enemies. Finally, flat damage on an ultimate isn't enough without utility to go along with it. Presently Reckoning doesn't have enough utility. Up the blind radius and duration with a bit of a damage buff, possibly adding synergy by making it do more damage to targets who are already irradiated and you'd be onto something.

As it stands, Oberon lacks scaling and has lost the niche he did hold for versatility to Equinox. Equinox doesn't have scaling problems either thanks to her kit.

I say all that as someone who enjoys playing Oberon and whose arsenal contains this:


Edited by WrathAscending
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"hey guys i equipped sancti tigris and oberon is actually great cause i killed a lvl 19 bombard"


Every other frame does everything better, oberon is up for a rework.

Let's not start this "frame shaming" and  "frame positivity" nonsense, let's work with facts, ok, thx.

Edited by Berdfess
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8 hours ago, Berdfess said:

"hey guys i equipped sancti tigris and oberon is actually great cause i killed a lvl 19 bombard"


Every other frame does everything better, oberon is up for a rework.

Let's not start this "frame shaming" and  "frame positivity" nonsense, let's work with facts, ok, thx.

I equipped Dark Split Sword, and killed a bunch of enemies over level 450. (If you can't get your combo multiplier to really high counts, Dark Split Sword is actually the best ground finisher weapon.)

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The religious zeal these fanboys display in trying to keep Oberon from being improved just boggles the mind. Oberon is an unpopular frame not because the masses haven't figured out his ancient Chinese secret to being a good frame, it's because Oberon is simply not good. Cast time to benefit ratio matters. Defense ability strength matters. Secondary effects on frame abilities matters. He needs buffs. He has no niche use (like Pilfroid) and is beaten by the majority of other frames for general use.

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