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Discussion on Primed Regen


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16 minutes ago, Xiusa said:

Lmao what are you even talking about anymore saying opinions differ except mine is wrong get outta here

Let me just quote you for a second since you seem to have forgotten:

37 minutes ago, Xiusa said:

TFW Kubrows are the superior choice still

^doesn't look like an opinion. Anyway, i don't want to fight with you over this pitiful thing. I understand you prefer kubrows over sentinels and i respect that. I really do. And don't worry about me getting outta here. I will. Just not now because i'm actually having fun in here.

16 minutes ago, Kuulpb said:

 vacuum is only for farming,  if you use vacuum for anything else, then you're just lazy. Period.

You call it lazy. I call it efficient. Keep in mind loot is not only resources. I don't wanna waste my time running into enemies or wasting time on the search for energy balls. I also wouldn't call people using washing machines lazy for example.

Even then, being lazy in a video game is pretty much normal.

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2 minutes ago, John89brensen said:

So the alternative is to skyrocket prices? Thats a great solution that sounds oddly familiar...

Like i mentioned previously, make Regen a 10 rank mod, even an uncommon mod, but a new legendary one? 

You know what? Forget everything I said. They should just remove it and refund us. And not make any changes at all to the normal Revive, FOREVER.

Because, if they didn't take this step, everyone would be happy with what they had before, it seems..... (hell if I understand).

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1 minute ago, Fluffysbeans said:

So you're complaining that kubrows/kavats didn't get a useless mod? That's like looking at someone holding a garbage bag full of feces and complaining that you didn't get one.

Instant classic...

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55 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

:crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh: Out of all the mods that DE could prime, aanndd we get this?!:crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh:

They are good in bandaiding but not solving long exist problems. For that they need to use more brainstorming and sometimes communicate with the community. 
Also deeper systems which could solve the sentinel vulnability takes much more time. They doesn't have time and talents.

Edited by Sziklamester
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Yes, of all the "nothing new" Baro has given me in the last 3 months, I get something new.

The next step would be to be revolted, because not having anything new at all would have been better for me. *sarcasm*

This reminds me of the Primed Bane mods. They were useless only in the minds of the narrow minded.

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2 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

To revive your sentinel more. 

Ah, I know what you will say "but it will get destroyed easily anyway at those levels". So what? It gets to have 4 lives for every revive I may spend. That can be a total of 24 times it may get to regen in a mission. I think that is enough to make a difference.

Hey guys I just hopped in, Leonhart can you confirm?

If it's 4 per revive (24 total), then it's a game changer.   For them damn bombards and scorchers in Kuva flood alone.

Would love to know, thanks.

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Just now, Sziklamester said:

They are good in bandaiding but not solving long exist problems. For that they need to use more brainstorming and sometimes communicate with community. 
Also deeper systems which could solve the sentinel vulnability takes much more time. They doesn't have time and talents.

Or just NEVER nothing at all regarding that. It seems it would attract less hate like that.

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13 minutes ago, Pyus said:

This removes the QoL issues from both and opens up the freedom to select any companion without feeling like you are going without something while you are playing. 

But....   What's the point of having choices to make if the things you're choosing between aren't different?

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23 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

However, the issue is nothing to do with Primed Regen, the issue is that Companions have derpy AI and relatively high upkeep and creation costs.

This right ^ because ain't nothing like watching an enemy step all of 2 steps to the left and the companions attack missing. OR them standing barely moving or reacting as the enemy plays Pin The Tail bullet version.

6 minutes ago, Kuulpb said:

THe only things I honestly see vacuum for are farming, and if you feel you NEED to get that mod that's in the wall.  99% of the time it's a mod you have and don't need since it gives 5 endo an dyou get 2k from sorties often.  SO, again, It probably ios just me, but Vacuum is just.... a stupid thing,  The  Kubrow that picks up loor for you makes sense,  because it's a trained dog, and it makes sense ti can't  go through walls. etc etc. 

Yes it is just you or others that think such as you do. Also really? the kubrow makes sense? we are playing a game about powerful space ninjas who are controlled by a child who got powers through what is essentially space magic. But the idea of a small little robot with a powerful vacuum that is actually the most plausible thing out of all this is too much? I'm sorry what? you can suspend your belief for our mutant canine companions but not that? k.

1 minute ago, Kuulpb said:

wouldn't it make more sens to pick up loot AFTER enemies are dead, or run around picking up ammo you need? I know vacuum is used for picking up stiff, but that doens't explain why people complained about   the passive version,   as to me, it seemed like ti was just "Og now I have to move closer to the stuffd I want to pick up" which  shouts "lazy" to me


What is there to explain? people wanted a universal vacuum but never asked for the distance to be nerfed. They got the thing they wanted and also got something they didn't therefore spoke out about it. Not rocket science.....but looking through some of these responses it just might be~

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59 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Let's be clear, this isn't a buff to sentinels. If anything its a nerf because if you're dumb enough to slot this you're taking away extra capacity from other mods that are far more useful. Once you hit the threshold where this mod is necessary, your sentinel gains very little extra time from this mod.

I actually need this for my Nekros build. My limit to staying in a mission is when my sentinel die as the vaccum is what let me pull in health orbs fast enough to live.

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Instead of passive-aggressively complaining about a highly situational mod, why don't we reopen discussions about buffing the Regen mod in general? We have Wukong and Nidus (even kind of Oberon) now with the "undying" effect. Perhaps when hitting 0 health the sentinel could be revived with some trait that might even help out the Warframe user.

It could be as simple as, lets say, 10sec invulnerability for the sentinel (also making it obvious that it happened). This ideally would allow the player to start thinking about if they want to prolong the sentinel by being more defensive. Or maybe it could give a sanctuary/vazerin type bubble that could protect the warframe too for a short time, for those "oh crap" moments or help open up the revive situation for other players.

Just adding a little extra utility could go a long way. This mod does at least one thing: Prolong the time before you hear the statement "let me die so I can have my sentinel back," (likely for vacuum reasons).

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Just now, -Fe-McHamm3rShot said:

Hey guys I just hopped in, Leonhart can you confirm?

If it's 4 per revive (24 total), then it's a game changer.   For them damn bombards and scorchers in Kuva flood alone.

Would love to know, thanks.

Yes, it is indeed as you say, a potential total of 18 revives (24 lives).  A lot of times the Sentinel also gets destroyed by sheer chance, not necessarily because the enemies are lvl 200+. With this the Sentinel will surely be around for much longer.

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I couldn't be happier. I've wanted more ways outside of regular regen to get my sentinel back to life since they were put in the game. Now I get 3x longer before I have to force suicide to get it back, and 3x longer after that. I'm happy.

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Just now, -BM-Leonhart said:

Yes, it is indeed as you say, a potential total of 18 revives (24 lives).  A lot of times the Sentinel also gets destroyed by sheer chance, not necessarily because the enemies are lvl 200+. With this the Sentinel will surely be around for much longer.

Eh I'm not so sure. 

The problem is that it doesn't really act like a revive it just gets health back when it would die. If your sentinel is under constant fire at high enough level it could go through all 4 deaths and get its health back in the space of seconds and then be dead for good for that particular "revive" of your warframe. 

This works for frames like Wukong because they get a short invuln phase when something like this happens... but sentinel doesn't get that. 

We will see in testing for sure, but it really doesn't sound like it is going to do much. 

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8 minutes ago, TennoSimons said:

Primed Regen is the bomb. I loooooove it. Just sayin'.

Primed Self Destruct would be the bomb, just sayan

7 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

It's not like nothing at all would have been better. It's not like someone is positively forcing you to buy it and rank it to max. Why is the option itself hurtful to you in any way?

I specifically provided examples of what would have been better than primed Revive, kind of the whole point of the thread. This "BETTER THAN NOTHING!!!" mentality really ruins games, I am grateful that we have such a wonderful game to play, but when opportunities are missed it makes my eye clouds rain.


10 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

You know what else was a mistake?

My birth. Still here though.

They should have named you Serendipity. We are all glad you are here, except that guy over there... but no one likes him anyways. 


8 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

without some kind of gating

I believe a working shield gate might alleviate this problem, and they did mention they are considering it.  But yeah, I can see a high level gas cloud draining all three revives in .002 seconds. 

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i don't get it

first people wanted sentinels to be revied. with this mod they come back 2 MORE times than with regular regen

how is this not enough?

and seriously demanding for a sentinel repair kit that given sentinel the oppurtunity to revive infinite times is just stupid. who would use companions anymore? nobody dmg of both are on same level and if both can be picked up AND sentinels have vacuum companions are not worth it anymore

grow up you vacuum loving children and start moving

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1 minute ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Yes, it is indeed as you say, a potential total of 18 revives (24 lives).  A lot of times the Sentinel also gets destroyed by sheer chance, not necessarily because the enemies are lvl 200+. With this the Sentinel will surely be around for much longer.

Thanks mate ^^  I'm gonna play test it, really seems worth it then IMO.. But with all this salt, how are we ever gonna find our pepper!?!?  :)

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People have been asking for more ways to get sentinals back for ages. If we could just build items unlimitedly or revive them unlimitedly I don't think it would be super balanced. I couldn't be happier with this mod - maxed it immediately and will never play without it.

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