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What is your opinion on Banshee?


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HI fellow Tenno. 

I just recently maxed Banshee and after some initial hesitation I am beginning to like her more and more.

I was aware before that she is hardly a favourite because of the META, but now I feel she is being overlooked for the wrong reasons.

I am wondering if others feel this way too, or if the majority think she needs a rework in order to be more useful?

One thing I do notice is how she needs Forma. Given how her powers work and that they eas alot of points, I can't place all mods I want because the points are at 0.

Compare this to Loki, Ember and Rhino that I can mod just fine without a single Forma. That has me thinking Banshee was designed before many of the really useful mods were around and that is one reason she is not attractive to play now.

Any true Banshee Masters amongst us can share their wizdom to a newling?

- Arch111 -

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A Banshee enters a seemingly dark, empty room:

1 second later - 100 Grineers/Corpus/Infested JUMP out to scare her

0.5 seconds later - the room is silent, dark, and empty again (albeit much much messier; clean-up on Aisle 4)

Short version: Banshee can't seem to have long, lasting interaction with enemies. I wonder why?

Edited by (PS4)A_SimpleName
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Banshee is my fav frame.

~2000hrs of time and 30% of it as Banshee. I like to think I have a good understanding of her.


The thing about Banshee is that she has the most powerful CC in the game -SOUNDQUAKE!- (It can even get healer protected targets!)

She has the fastest CC in the game -Sonic BOOM!-

She has a stealth power -Silence- that is underwhelming and provides a vanishingly small window of CC.

And the most powerful damage amp in the game -Sonar- (Bonus points for resonance)


Nowhere in her kit is damage mitigation, or indeed self protection of any kind.

She must KILL everything in the room fast (during the silence CC) or get out. She cannot stay in an area without CC or another teammate tanking for her.

THUS: Banshee is support, or Blitzkrieg. There is no middle ground.


There are those whom talk about 'Quake-shee' but really its a gimmick build most of the time. And where it is needed it is needed. Where it is not, it is no worse than an Ember WOF build in a mercury exterminate. Meh.

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Banshee is my most played warframe at about ~40%. I guess I could call myself a "Banshee master" if that means anything.

Banshee is good at CC and Damage buff/dealing, depending on her build. I like to think there are two extremes for banshee; Sniper and Melee. There's always a middle ground, but damage and CC are her strengths.

Sniper Banshee uses boosted range, strength, and efficiency with the Sonar Augment. Good for teamwork, CC and a solid choice for when your team needs some extra damage.

Melee Banshee is the thing I use. Not top-tier stuff, but you can run Sortie 3 without dying if you're good enough.

-50%~ Reduced Range with the Savage Silence Augment. Keep on the move and you can perma-stun foes while taking care of the scary ones quickly. Best used with a weapon with good slide damage and range (Telos Boltace is probably the best option). You get stealth damage if you hit foes with the slide attack, and you can do finishers at a whopping +400% damage (affected by mods). Naramon works well with this.

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7 minutes ago, PyreFox said:

Want a fast way to clear a mission of squad mates? Take a resonating quake banshee on a Defense. Take over 90% of kills.

That's Banshee.

Ummm please No to quake banshee on Defense. Lower level (Earth, Mercury, etc) maybe but on higher level? PLEASE NO!!!! I don't want to be bored waiting for each waves to end. Ember, Saryn, Equinox will kill faster. Now, a Resonating Banshee for Defense? Heck YES!

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I think Banshee is absolutely fine. She's a Support Warframe; she marks enemies in a variety of ways to make them vulnerable to other attacks. Sonic Boom knocks enemies down, making them easy for ground finishers. Sonar marks enemies with weak-points which significantly increase damage, Silence is useful for stealth teams to sneak up behind and eliminate enemies with stealth finishers, and finally Sound-Quake keeps all nearby enemies preoccupied for allies to eliminate them without reprisal.

The problem, which is essentially the problem with every other element in the system right now, is that the game does not properly reward this kind of game-play. Standard weapons can kill faster and easier without Banshee.

In fact, whenever the complaints come that all these different Warframes and weapons necessitate buffs or reworks, I get incredibly frustrated because the core issue is well known, yet we ignore it and let it continue on, blaming the victims rather than the perpetrator. No weapon or Warframe in the game is truly underpowered; there's just little motivation for using something for its intended role when you can use a piece of equipment that effectively does everything with little to no drawback, outdoing the equipment intended for that role.

Banshee's state, and any other underused equipment or commonly assumed 'under-powered' equipment for that matter, is the result of not properly rewarding the game-play, not that their stats or mechanics are truly under-powered.

Edited by Krion112
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Depends on the defense... vs Grineer? with 4 corrosive Quake-shee = dead Grineer. Corpus? Nulifiers (I HATE THEM SO MUCH!). Infested? Healers and Disruptors kinda make is CC only and you don't really need that much CC vs Infested.

Sonar Resonance + Resonating quake (yes, you can do this) fun to use where people think Quake is garbage.

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In my opinion banshee is either :

  • A "I press 4" frame that can stunlock and gradually kill the whole map while she afk to get a coffee
  • or a frame that increase the damage output SO HARD that you can reach very VERY high damage, which is useless.

And she's super squichy which is boring for higher level, but again, high level and high damage are useless because our weapons already one-shot pretty much everything and there is no reward for doing high level stuff.

In my opinion she brings nothing useful to the game, unless afk farming.

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I use a resonance build for my banshee, hardly use 4, just to cover squadmates being revived. The debuff of sonar+resonance is second to none.

it's not perfect. With banshee you are always, i said always on the move or you are dead. She has very low survivability. It's sad.

Silence is supposed to be a stealth ability, but i never use it on stealth really. Only in combat, with mixed results as a survival tool. Enemies affected by initial cast are stunned right away. But those who enter its effect radius after cast are not always stunned. In the end, it's better than nothing.

Sonic boom, i use with augment. The temporary armor debuff of 75% is amazing.

My personal opinion about sound quake builds: it's for lazy players really. Good in sorties , farming or raids, but outside these scenarios, it ruins the fun of other players

Edited by renleech
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Ohhh boy a chance for me to fangirl about my favorite girl <3 This is gonna be lengthy xD


She's not meta because she's not easy to play (you need to put your time and effort to play her well and not die a lot) and I think that she is the ultimate glass cannon in this game. On the upside, she's gonna teach you survivability and how to be on the constant move. She is my favorite warframe and I will immediately drop money on prime access when it comes out xD


Soooo stuff to tell you about her? Hmm. She is both DPS and "support", support in the sense that the weakspots determined by her 2 obviously can be shot by your teammates. DPS because of her 2 and 4. My playstyle is focusing on 2 (for those sweet spots) and 3 (so you can say she's a walking stunner) with the augment for both. Again, you have to be on the constant move because you only have a three second window to kill everything in your face. To do that, your melee has to be something that can kill multiple stuff at once (my go-to is the Orthos Prime, Telos Boltace; the meta melee for her is the Atterax but I cannot stand the stupid noise it makes so I sold it lol). 


My primaries are usually Rakta Cernos or Sancti Tigris because of their energy/health procs respectively. But when I wasn't comfortable with "you only have one shot", I was using Soma Prime. My secondary varies, it doesn't matter that much for me. Sonicor is a good "omg need to get everything out of the way" option if you don't feel like using the 1 as a panic button. I play between Zenurik and Naramon as focus schools, but invis is a very good thing to have. So if I go for Zenurik, I have my Prisma Shade or Huras Kubrow on. If Naramon, it's an Adarza  (sometimes Smeeta) for those crits. (Note: I love kubrows and kavats so the ones I've decided to take to endgame have been forma'd at least 4 times).


Her 1 and 4 are sort of her "panic" buttons because of their reach? Building ariund her 4 is the meta now, but it's boring. Powerful and useful, but boring. I know there's a build around her armor-stripping 1 but I haven't tried or seen it yet, I jst saw someone mention it.


When you can do high tier survival with her alone, that's when I can say you are pro xD I'm not there yet though.

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Banshee is great for those who know how to use her, and by that I mean know how to dodge multiple attacks and volleys of gunfire all at once. she's extremely powerful up until you land next to a Scorch, or get sniped.

- her first power Sonic Boom is a mediocre spam attack, and could use more synergy, maybe give it a % chance to cast resonance on affected targets or something.

- Sonar is god-tier, and that's a term I literally haven't said in years. you can get unranked weapons one-shotting enemies with the Resonance augment, it's the ultimate damage buff. just try not to use a bright energy colour, it's kinda obnoxious.

- Silence is great for CC and stealth Runs, and Savage Silence let's Banshee finish of as many enemies as she likes for it's duration.

- Sound Quake is useful when you need to cover a teammate who is reviving someone, or trying to take a point in Interception. Resonating Quake I fear is becoming the new P4TW move, sorry but it's true: I've been in games where I've had nothing better to do than stand around because of it. (though I still watched for if the Banshee got sniped so I could pick them up.)

she's really great as long as you go out of your way to avoid incoming damage, and avoid melee unless you have Life Strike. if you can weave like a Dodgeball Champion on speed, you can survive. if not, your team will grief you in squad chat for going down AGAIN! SERIOUSLY FFS THIS IS THE 50TH TIME!

my advice: git gud at parkour and let the heavier frames take most of the flak, while you sit back and paint targets with Sonar resonance until every orifice on the battlefield glows like Christmas lights on the Vegas Strip!


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 * Sonic Wave: Could really use some buffs. Its knockdown is about the only good thing, being pretty nice to use in a pinch, but it still has a very short range,
 * Sonar: Argueably her best ability, and with good reason. It's an amazing support/buff ability, and becomes even more so with its augment Resonating Sonar.
 * Silence: Pretty underwhelming and weak unless you use the Savage Silence augment, in which case it's mediocre. Good during stealth runs at the most (and even then its overshadowed by the abilities of other stealth warframes).
 * Soundquake: An amazing crowd control ability. It's a great ability overall.... Until you remember that you get locked in place during the entire duration, unable to do much of anything at all. Its Augment is pretty meh too because it makes the energy cost way too extreme and you already get enough range by putting Stretch/Overextended into Banshee.

She has a lot of potential and her Sonar is amazing, those two things are for certain. But I feel like she is still a pretty underpowered and/or underwhelming Warframe. The main issue I think she has is that she is extremely squishy and yet has almost nothing to efficiently defend herself with, and the few things she can use for defense come with a drawback (Silence only has a brief stagger, Sound Wave has a really short range and next-to-no damage, and Soundquake locks you in place). Compare that to a warframe like Loki: he is squisher than her but manages just fine because of his many tools that not only serve as crowd control but as defensive tools as well (and in the case of Invisiblity, even as an offensive tool as well).

Needless to say I think she deserves some reworking/buffs. Of course this is all my personal opinion, but I do feel strongly about it.

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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Banshee is an awesome frame, but she just isn't necessary anymore.  you only really come across level 100+ anymore in Sorties, and its usually better to just CC or entirely not engage enemies and run to the POI. Theres no need to fight anything that a Tigris or Simulor or Soma can't 1 shot.  She is also the most fragile frame, so that's a huge minus.  I'm pretty sure she is the frame that's been in the game the longest w/o a rework, after the Ash rework, correct me if I am wrong tho. I dunno. 


Sonic Boom needs 1 hand cast tho plz.

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Banshee is a disgusting glass cannon, and I mean that in the best way.

Sure, she goes down like a nerd trying to get attention on a party, but...

She could bring the weakest gun to the same playing field as Tonkor and Simulor users, even dealing the most damage sometimes.

She has a mobile stun that could trugger finishers with her augment.

All of her augments are great (though I never really tried her 4, I've seen pubs dominating an entire field with it. I guess I just don't like the idea of having a squishy character stay still for a long time.)

Banshee is awesome.

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