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Steam reviews, opinions?


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1 hour ago, EagleShado said:

Hey man, sorry but one more question, did your love hate relationship with the game make you quit?

Or are you still playing or just checking in now and then?

no problem, yes I still play from time to time with my brother and girlfriend, but nowhere near what we used to play, since the login rewards were added I've only hit around 150ish days for example

the games sense of wonder wore off (bound to happen) and the new content just isn't much of a hook. we've been here long enough to give DE a track record of sorts, just can't get excited about warframe anymore and with TWW/rivens being a massive disappointment that attitude wont be changing any time soon.

that all said I enjoyed rathuum so the index was a nice surprise and nidus is just slick as S#&$; ignoring the hema/sapce aids garbage that came with him.


I'm hoping the archwing changes coming for sorties are gonna be great, but I know better

wishing the clan changes steve touched on do the trick, but I know better

wanting the reworked dark sectors to be enjoyable, but I know better

crossing my fingers that the focus system and operators get expanded on in a fun way, but I know better

syndicate assassinations sound fantastic, but I know better

I love the art and the style of warframe, there's something really special hiding under there, but I don't think it'll ever show itself



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4 hours ago, EagleShado said:

Now even though I am some kind of an veteran myself, I am having a hard time relating to them, so I wanted to ask: do you agree? Has the game become worse and worse since it first came out on steam or are people just critical to change. (btw I started playing when the game came out on steam)

MR 23 here. Been playing since every boss looked like a regular unit with slightly different color or gear.


No, I don't think the game has gotten worse. No, I don't think the devs are getting lax or got greedy. Everything is just progressing as usual if you noticed how DE works. Their MO has not changed.

Is the game polished? Not in many parts.

Is the game complete? No, many parts are still "unfinished".

Is it balanced? No. And most likely, never will.

Have platinum usage been promoted more heavily to make players spend more? No, plat has been about cosmetics and rushing wait times which still has not increase. 

So this has not changed since the first time I started. The things that changed are the new additions, which does not change the older contents. So saying the "game has gotten worse" should have been considered if the new player getting in would have a worse time than we did at our time. And this is not the case. If the new additions are not up to "standard" then they would have a better point, albeit subjective. The better opinion would say "the new additions are not my cup of tea" which would be honest. Maybe they think the game has gotten worse because things like nitain which are hard to get. But it seems like they forgot the struggle to get rare resources like orokin cells, neurodes or even morphics back then. We had to make specialized teams and farm bosses to get those to drop. So if anything, due to the introduction of newer warframes and weapons, the old contents are easier than ever.

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Games of this type ALWAYS have to deal with salty vet reviews from gamer turn "developers"

I don't think I've ever seen an MMO where vets didn't claim that the game has "clueles" devs and how the game suddenly took a turn for the worse and will die shortly due to these changes.

It's just that some people can't deal with outgrowing a game. 

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16 minutes ago, JalakBali said:

MR 23 here. Been playing since every boss looked like a regular unit with slightly different color or gear.


No, I don't think the game has gotten worse. No, I don't think the devs are getting lax or got greedy. Everything is just progressing as usual if you noticed how DE works. Their MO has not changed.

Is the game polished? Not in many parts.

Is the game complete? No, many parts are still "unfinished".

Is it balanced? No. And most likely, never will.

Have platinum usage been promoted more heavily to make players spend more? No, plat has been about cosmetics and rushing wait times which still has not increase. 

So this has not changed since the first time I started. The things that changed are the new additions, which does not change the older contents. So saying the "game has gotten worse" should have been considered if the new player getting in would have a worse time than we did at our time. And this is not the case. If the new additions are not up to "standard" then they would have a better point, albeit subjective. The better opinion would say "the new additions are not my cup of tea" which would be honest. Maybe they think the game has gotten worse because things like nitain which are hard to get. But it seems like they forgot the struggle to get rare resources like orokin cells, neurodes or even morphics back then. We had to make specialized teams and farm bosses to get those to drop. So if anything, due to the introduction of newer warframes and weapons, the old contents are easier than ever.

I once made a post detailing how much DE really has reduced the grind and it was not well received at all.

It's far easier to get to mr18 than it ever was. There are so many things that we don't need to grind for anymore.

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5 hours ago, Jamescell said:

If you want a frame's abilities to be improved you'll have to wait at least a year after its release for changes that occasionally make the frame worse.

I feel like this point needs to be emphasized. Their workload prevents them from actually revisiting old content, which results in old problems getting worse and worse each day. It's weighing the game down.


I know new content is the life and blood of F2P games but there has to be some healthy balance. When simple weapon buffs take more than a year to conceive I think it's time to sit back and rethink your plans, especially if you're planning on revisiting a core gameplay mechanic like Damage 3.0.

Which, mind you, is already made harder with RIvens. So yeah.


The game has gotten better over time, that's a point I won't argue with. And no, the devs didn't suddenly turn into greedy shekelmonsters after Sumpo acquired half of the company. But sometimes you just can't help but feel like they have no idea what the hell they're doing or what the players actually want. Hanlon's Razor and all.

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No, i also do not relate to them since many of them talk about personal goal such as getting everything and then complain about each and single grind that is added to that goal.

When you have no fun in warframe, everything is a chore, even unrealistic goals. While going for everything is possible, some players just don't have the gameplay time to do it, when they do they will complain instead.

Complaining about individual goals is what many reviewers do, they do not review the game, they simply feel fustrated and place the fustration on the review.


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5 hours ago, Tyrian3k said:

My opinion in short is that DE introduces tons of new things, but barely ever polishes any of the already existing things.

This actually sums it up very well. Look at Hydroid he still has the plastic look and compared to newer frames is in dire need of a rework.

All frames need to keep a regular balance check like in other games as new ones are added. Because they have learned alot from making each frame.

The amount of clipping and bugs that we run across per the time it takes for them to get fixed is very large.

I will always love Warframe and DE heck even getting a Warframe tattoo to show my support. But i do hope they stop adding new features for abit and work on the current lot.

Really miffed they are scared to touch the mod system because they believe we will be moody if they mess with it.

It needs it the pure damage or mandatory mods is really a problem. Modifications to weapons should be about personal style and not what's gonna give the most bang for the buck causing mandatory mods.


Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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Meh, am I happy with every decision DE makes, hell no.

But I don't think Warframe is on any continuous downhill slope, also, people talking about burnout, you can't effectively avoid it, it happens, and when I burnout on Warframe, I move back to one of the many other MMO's I took a hiatus from. Coming back when DE has new stuff to lure me back with or when I generally get the Warframe itch again.

Sooner or later most people will always experience a burnout with a game, I can usually only play a game like Warframe for a month, maybe two, before feeling like I'm done with it again. I can sometimes leave an MMO for two years simply because I don't feel the itch to return to it. Yet I never permanently quit any MMO, to the point of selling/NPCing my stuff and deleting my characters.

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Regardless of any reviews on Steam...2016 was not a good year for Warframe's development. 

- Spectres of the Rail had some fantastic content, but its release was a shambles.

- Focus was left to rot for a year.

- Ditto Operators, except for some cosmetics. Basically, DE introduced the elements of a more RPG style of play, and then just abandoned them for a whole year.

- The War Within, the big continuation of the story begun in the Second Dream, was delayed for an entire season.

- Operator mode is lacklustre, buggy, and just kinda weird, like DE felt it was something they should do, but which they weren't interested in making into something actually useful or cool.

- Lunaro was a blatant attempt at e-sports which never really took off in popularity. The promotional imagery for it was better than what it ended up being.

- The Glast Gambit was a buggy mishmash of bits of what seemed like two separate quest stories/scenarios.

- The cyst thing was mishandled and cost DE some goodwill, especially when it became apparent that they had not planned in depth for a solid outcome and conclusion to the scenario. It just seemed like the progression went "Aha! Helminth infection! Now, infested Grineer Charger pet! Wait, people aren't super thrilled? Also, we don't have an exact plan for how to conclude this. Screw it, the chair caused it, we'll make the chair cure it."

- The Hema cost debate, in which Digital Extremes really, really, really came across like they were declaring some kind of absurd resource gathering arms race, trying to 'overcome' veteran stockpiles and in the process screwing over many clans. Then, digging their heels in and doubling down on their position.

- Almost forgot, DE abandoned Damage 3.0 for the sake of Riven Mods. Just gonna point that out again: 2016 was the year in Warframe's development where the devs gave up on rebalancing the weapon modding system and just released pure RNG mods instead.



I like Warframe. I like Digital Extremes. But damn, they need to have a word with themselves about what the plan is from now on.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Regardless of any reviews on Steam...2016 was not a good year for Warframe's development. 

- Spectres of the Rail had some fantastic content, but its release was a shambles.

- Focus was left to rot for a year.

- The War Within, the big continuation of the story begun in the Second Dream, was delayed for an entire season.

- Operator mode is lacklustre, buggy, and just kinda weird, like DE felt it was something they should do, but which they weren't interested in making into something actually useful or cool.

- Lunaro was a blatant attempt at e-sports which never really took off in popularity. The promotional imagery for it was better than what it ended up being.

- The Glast Gambit was a buggy mishmash of bits of what seemed like two separate quest stories/scenarios.

- The cyst thing was mishandled and cost DE some goodwill, especially when it became apparent that they had not planned in depth for a solid outcome and conclusion to the scenario. It just seemed like the progression went "Aha! Helminth infection! Now, infested Grineer Charger pet! Wait, people aren't super thrilled? Also, we don't have an exact plan for how to conclude this. Screw it, the chair caused it, we'll make the chair cure it."

- The Hema cost debate, in which Digital Extremes really, really, really came across like they were declaring some kind of absurd resource gathering arms race, trying to 'overcome' veteran stockpiles and in the process screwing over many clans. Then, digging their heels in and doubling down on their position.



I like Warframe. I like Digital Extremes. But damn, they need to have a word with themselves about what the plan is from now on.

I pretty much have to agree with your entire post. Especially the Lunaro point, it very much felt like they looked at something like Rocket League and were like ''herp derp, we can do that!!''. I will admit, when it came out, I was willing to give it a real shot, which was more then the normal conclave, which I hated with a passion, but I didn't really find Lunaro fun either.

Remember what they said after TSD? 2016 will be the year of cinematic quests, plural. Nope.

Edit: Also, when I think about it, I am very glad Lunaro didn't catch on in any sort of eSport way, because I can imagine it would have gained a very heavy focus, at the cost of many other things, if it had caught on big time as an eSport.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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5 hours ago, EagleShado said:

That I can agree with, but I can see how DE is having a hard time keeping people interested and updating the early parts of the game, and they have made some good improvments with SoR and everything, but it can still be improved

Even DE_Steve in his personal stream commented that certain things he is coming accross arent explained unless a player consults the codex which isnt much use for any new player wanting that information at hand mid-game, we need more ingame hints/explanations and thats just for simple stuff, take more required stuff like warframe abilitys, check the tiny bit of detail on say limbo's abilitys or other indepth frame then compare that to the information on the wiki, they are worlds apart when they shouldnt be.

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1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

I like Warframe. I like Digital Extremes. But damn, they need to have a word with themselves about what the plan is from now on.

I agree with this but maybe not in the way you'd expect. Warframe lacks direction. This is not inherently bad. It's pretty obvious and admitted by Steve himself that the game is actually at its peak 2 years after launch was not expected at all. They don't have any plans for Warframe past that point and we're over a year into uncharted territory.  They probably planned to make Warframe 2 if the game was somewhat successful and that would be a reboot of the whole thing. But instead we got a patched up Frankenstein monster that just kept on going. Again, this is not inherently a bad thing. There is not a single driving vision in the development. Ideas got thrown around, floated around, accepted but then altered, etc, all the time. If it worked, then good, and they'd continue to develop in that direction. If it doesn't (like, say, Focus) then they'd go back to the drawing board and figure out a way to reboot or alter what they have. And the whole thing feel slower and slower to progress simply because there's just a TON of things they have to look into. Warframe is an experiment where they're throwing darts at the wall and see which ones stick. And again, this is not inherently a bad thing.


Now, if a solution is proposed "then they should get a more focused creative director" then that solution would be a two-edged sword. A new person in charge with a clear goal in mind might scrap some of the stuff we like simply because it interfered with "the vision". If you're familiar with games development, especially games with ongoing development like MMOs, then it's rich with history of "man with a vision" that started great but then that vision ended up hampering the growth of the game. So many games were like this. The head had to be changed so the developers would listen and cater more to their audience. Warframe is a different case since they already started as "catering to the audience" as there is no clear vision of what the game should be. The devs appear to enjoy the same things we do in the game and if anyone remembered what it was like before, or just look at old videos, then they would see the big difference in gameplay. It was more of a standard shooter than a fast paced multi-directional wiping out hordes game. So much that it's kinda hard to categorized Warframe into any specific genre now.


I can't say for certain what the future holds for Warframe. But it's ludicrous to spell doom and gloom over recent things. I've played my share of deceased and doomed online games in the past and I'm pretty confident I can smell the stench when a game is on its last leg and the developers are desperate to do anything to keep afloat.

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DE have waaaay too many stuff that need fixing/balancing and making it actually playable than keep releasing new-half-baked item/mission.

They kept releasing content that not yet even finish. New weapon DE released always most of the time, Mastery folder.

Example ; that pink cyst that DE's release didn't have cure and pets that doesn't have its own skin.




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13 hours ago, Jamescell said:

I believe that the game had a great deal of potential that was squandered and dissipated by the direction that DE has decided to take the game and the things that DE has focused their resources on.

Instead of investing in the creation of well-organized factions and enemy mechanics, DE has lazily added reskinned and garishly recolored eximi and other unit variants with mind-numbing mechanics like auras to make things more "interesting".

DE seems to always have resources to make new Warframes, but barely balances the frames after release. If you want a frame's abilities to be improved you'll have to wait at least a year after its release for changes that occasionally make the frame worse.

The in-game energy economy is so blatantly sloppy and out-of-whack that energy isn't a serious resource players have to manage, which leads to ability spam and severe exploits.

As mentioned earlier, gameplay is so trivialized by the ubiquity of energy and simple damage mechanics that DE has resorted to limiting player ability usage with nullifiers and magnetic and drain enemies instead of fixing the underlying issues.

There are many obvious issues that DE seems indecisive about, such as pure damage in the modding system, prime Warframes not being able to equip vanilla skins and un-equip prime-accessories, the extreme reliance on RNG in almost every aspect of the game, the unbalanced energy economy, a poorly executed melee system that probably won't be reworked.

At one point I remember being very excited about the future of Warframe. Now that DE has a track record of development to measure, I no longer feel such an excitement for significant future improvement.


If they were to change anything about the energy economy on the frame side the community uproar would be so great they might as well start a new game. At least, that's the what I think. Take Vacuum as an example.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but some issues have been here for far to long for them to even attempt changing it. Guess why "damage" 3.0 is taking so long.

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1 hour ago, tbeest said:

If they were to change anything about the energy economy on the frame side the community uproar would be so great they might as well start a new game. At least, that's the what I think. Take Vacuum as an example.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but some issues have been here for far to long for them to even attempt changing it. Guess why "damage" 3.0 is taking so long.

This is also a good point, plenty of things aren't really being changed as much as they may want to, because they know a large enough amount of the community doesn't want it.

They really tried to push the idea of their ''three mods'' thing change with Vacuum, but already saw before they even did it, that nobody wanted it, then they did a nerfed non-mod version of vacuum.. which also didn't go well, only to finally give us what we wanted all along.. well, some of us, an unchanged mod vacuum for all sentinels.

And off course there's people that go ''well, just ignore them, give -me- what -I- want.''.

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