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Coming Soon: Special Enemy & AI Devstream #87


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here's my question. it could be about enemy ai in the long run. ever noticed this : almost every faction has its own variation of a stalker (crustag three, zanuka , corrupted vor) and yet there's not one for the infested. i don't count juggernaut because that thing only hunts you down on infested missions. anyway the question i'm asking is will there ever be an infested version of these deadly assassins? and if so what will it think like? thank you if you did read this can't wait to see what happens in the future.

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Will there be different changes to stalker/shadow stalker and other assassin's as to how they interact to stimuli and what will be discussed in this devstream?(manoeuvres etc)

What other ai functions xlcam we hope to see I'm future, implemented elsewhere besides enemies?


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I can't stop coming up with ideas.

Ontop of enemies altering what they say around other factions, can we get a glimpse of what these people do when idle? Someone earlier in the thread mentioned Kuva Grineer watching the Worm on her projectors. I don't know if that's actually there or if that's a suggestion, but I like that. I want to sneak up on them as Ivara and see the Grineer all watching the Worm.

So far, the only time I've ever seen any type of living quarters for either the Grineer or the Corpus is in the invasions when you're moving about the Grineer tileset. Those have proper bunks and some even have computer terminals. I may have missed them, but what kind of housing do the Corpus have? Could we get these 'living quarters' areas added to normal missions?

What about other types of living areas? Such as cafeterias for the Grineer. Most of them have some type of flesh so they would need some kind of sustenance for all except the most heavily modified Grineer. (For example, HamHek with his fugly face, and Sarges Ruk, who I firmly believe only has his mouth as his remaining parts of his fleshy bits.) There's even mention that the Grineer occupy Earth for it's water reserves. Seeing a bunch of Gineer drinking water around a grineer water cooler (or some sort of other equivalent device) would be a good way of showing how stuff on one planet affects the rest of the Grineer Empire.

Same with the Corpus. We have Moas jumping out of recharging stations, but what about the Crewmen and the other human units? They need a place to sit down and eat. I think it would be neat to wander into a restaurant type locale on a corpus map.

This might give some players a reason to go all stealth like. If I was trying to sneak through a map to get to a spy vault and I was surrounded by people who were just trying to survive, I wouldn't want to kill them.

Also, why is it that Enemy Grineer and Corpus units do not hesitate to fire on their comrades who are proc'd with radiation? The enemy proc'd with radiation I can understand-- it's a confusion status that makes you unable to differentiate between friend and foe. But why are their buddies so eager to kill them when they fall into this confused state? Can they not skirt around their proc'd buddy, trying to avoid them until the proc wears off? Or do they not even have any value for their allies?

If so I can see why people want the Corpus and Grineer wiped out.

Speaking of food and water... do the Tenno Operators eat or drink anything? If so, when? If not, why?

Edited by OkamiA
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From french players not at ease with english:


Will the new improvements of the AI of the enemies also affect our Companions AI? (evasion from mined areas or when targeted by more than X enemies, prioritization of a target flagged as "dangerous")



Could it be possible to review the IA of the moving hostages in Defense missions  from Sorties, mainly, but also Rescue missions, so that they wouldn't wander under enemy fire as if they were doing their shopping? 2 suggestions:

- we can give her/him the order to go take refuge behind a cover, or to stay in her/his current position no matter what

- if s/he doesn't have a weapon, he seek for a cover if s/he gets targeted or shot at.




My own:

- Is it possible to limit the effect of the auras from the enemies (Eximi, mainly) to 1 of each kind only (auras of the same kind cannot stack, like for Chroma's 2d ability).

- Could you consider making the enemies having an aura to create "links"(similar to Trinity's Link, visually) towards the Tenno affected rather than a circle at our feet? It would allow us to know which enemy is debuffing us and to modify our gameplay accordingly. Right now it's totally impossible to tell which enemy is debuffing us. So the feet mark is useless.

- I'm ok with the Eximi draining our Energy. But they should restore the energy stolen on kill if we're close enough (50% if killed with regular ways, 100% if headshot of finisher?). Only Ancient Disruptors should keep the ability to make us loose our energy for good.

- Eximi should also reward the players killing them with a guaranteed health orb drop. (would give more reasons to use the mod "Health Conversion" on other frames than Nekros).

- What are your thoughts about considering to get rid of the Levels of the Enemies at some point? It's the only way to have a reasonable hope of balancing everything, so that every planet can be interesting to play. The difficulty would come from improved AI, units diversity, and a Fatigue system (the longer the Tenno stay in a mission, the more unfavorable conditions occur: critical chance of the enemies hits, power efficiency lowering a bit, hazards areas (like in Sorties or Nightmares), etc. We would still be able to kill the enemies (their stats do not change), our arsenal would still be efficient and working as intended, but we would face more and more penalties & dangers, due to our fatigue. It would be more logical lore-wise, more interesting for the gameplay and enemies designing, a benediction for the overall balance (and interesting to play on all planets)... We could imagine that Nightmare Missions and Sorties or Events could start with given Fatigue levels, to challenge the players from the beginning of their mission. So, what do you think?


-Ok, I'll stop here...-

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More unique mechanics and rework queue?
Also, token system and sentinel weapons

Oh, and underused weapons, like machetes or stradavar and some primaries, which can barely benefit even from rivens

Edited by Quanlain
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Why are unalerted enemies somehow alerted 0.01s before the Galatine Prime that I'm swinging kills them?

Why do irradiated Ancient Healers, Ancient Disruptors, and Toxic Ancients still have what seems like 100% accuracy with those annoying grappling hooks?  Confusion reduces enemy accuracy, doesn't it?

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I have a question about melee units like the Prosecutors. They are supposed to be challenging units to fight, but right now their only danger is that they are immune to certain elemental damage. Would you consider changing up how those types of enemies fight to make them more challenging melee units?

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I'm not sure if this will be related to the 'Enemy Design' because I personally enjoy to have mechanic that is kind of hard to dodge especially in Boss fight and consist of more than three phase. Kela's boss fight is still my top favourite so far even though I didn't fight her much due to pre-req kind of a turned-off. So my question is, is it possible:-

i) To have Bullet/laser-Hell style battle (that will inflict quite some punch so that you can't just tank & spank/shoot). This kind of mechanic is very rare to find outside of its main core theme even in many mmo/shooter games.
ii) Battle that in-sync with the in-game music?  This tech already have in place. looking forward to have them in boss fight as well.

Sample here related to both of my question since we'll be getting Bard soon, I can't help but keep looking around if there is any music themed battle on internet for the past few days and this is the only one that amazed me so far and hoping Warframe will have this kind of content in future. This clip is just its 1st phase of the battle.




Edited by ShirakawaNaoya
scratch the second question.
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The thing I'd like to see more is being able to give orders to companions (sentinels, specters, pets).

Since sappers are so dangerous, put a loud distinct sound when they drop their bombs, so we players won't be silently killed.

Add a Syndicate "champions" to the assassinate squad.


I also ask once again to have old events playable again.

Some lore is not understandable without those events.

There should be some kind of story tab, when you can play all the warframe universe events in released order.

Again, even with no rewards

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Something I would like to ear about in the next Devstream:

- When will the Endo sculpture be available in Sorties?

- When will we be able to trade our Ayatans for Endo in Consoleland?

- When will we be able to use the Operator in Relays?

- When will we be able to open the locked doors in the relays?

- Follow up: what will they be for?

- Next follow up: are they connected with the operators?

Thank you

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Been playing for a while and haven't been able to get answers to these questions:

1. When will the fomorian event come back? We haven't seen it for a while and, therefore, can't get the imperator vandal without trading obscene amounts of plat.
2. Will tenno ever be able to repair the relays destroyed during previous fomorian events?

Please answer. Thanks.

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Question: What are the stats for Conclave before, during, and after the Conclave-only events?

I don't see the new TA being anything more than a solo version of the winter TA and it feels like Conclave is just a drain in general. I can't see the TA bringing in new flocks of Conclave players that'll be playing it constantly. Because it's unfun.

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; ... ; I smash wrong button so I have to re-write again. //sad

OK ... Let's me tell some my through too.

About AI and enemy [That maybe something nearly what you will live today So I separate it here]
+++ I want some fix in reason of rescue and defend[Sortie] target. _ One day I got curse by escorted target that he walk straight through gas trap in kuva fortress eximus stronghold.And he die in gas field. That 's nightmare because we die with gas and can't help him.
Note: And Somehow please change word of defend in sortie to something like protect or escort ... Sometime make me confuse.

+++ Pet AI _ More command or mod or better AI is fine. They die too fast in high level stage even they eat credit.

About other
+++ Archwing _ It will be better if we have more mod or something like easier to pick item in space. I like idea that we are space ninja so we need to know how to fight in space. But now they have less build.

+++ Mutagen sample _ I hadn't play old day one so I don't know how derelict in old day. But I found when I want to farm and no friend. It very boring. So at least ... want to get it public and must have key to open stage. This may better for rage in Hema cost.

+++ Riven _ I like to collecting thing ... As for Riven. But limit slot [even with platinum expandable] Hit so hard. Even now I still on the way to reach limit. But I think riven will all around thing in future. And heavy RNG make harder to build it. So I will recommend 3 part.

Slot ... First choice ... separate type like normal mod and limit them by type. IF DE want to limit it.
       ... Second choice ... [I want but maybe too much] ... you can have 1 riven 1 weapon, thing etc ... and have spare slot a little for what mod for some duplicate one and limit there.  

Status ... Have Some item that can lock 1 status or 1 plus status and one minus status. And that can make it easier to build some utilities to gun like reload ... Or some item + sacrifice some mod to lock status.

how to get [this one need to have first two choice work in someway too] ... If there have stage in kuva fortress that drop it. it may be good. and chance lockable status for riven to sortie reward. BUT THIS RECOMMEND IS FINE TO IGNORE. It's may look to greedy. [But I put this because I want to have more choice to modify]

Sorry if some of my recommend is not good one. [This is end for now because I still have no other part idea] And Sorry if I post wrong location.


Edited by Selendeus
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