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I Feel Scared About The Changes Give Me Your Thoughts and Opinions


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8 minutes ago, Midrib said:

nice hyperbole you've got there.

Tonkor and Simulor are not the only AoE weapons in this game. they were the only AoE meta weapons that sheeple instantly farmed, but there are plenty of effective AoE weapons.


Alright so I guess good ole Amprex or Atomos will do the work in sorties just fine now huh


15 minutes ago, Midrib said:

You talk as if the Tonkor and simulor are getting removed from the game, Tonkor will still be very good, just with added self dmg so that people can use their brains before shooting,

why the hell should we be able to kill ourselves with our weapons in a PvE game?

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Keep in mind none of the nerfed weapons are going to be unusable. They are still going to be really strong, and along with them we now have a bunch of other weapons that were once weak that are now powerful/more useful. 

I am looking forward to the new Panthera and Miter, for example. 

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1 minute ago, ZenDash said:

Alright so I guess good ole Amprex or Atomos will do the work in sorties just fine now huh


why the hell should we be able to kill ourselves with our weapons in a PvE game?

cuz skill, and reasons, and things and stuff and maybe someday DE will give us a real reason why they decided to go about it that way.  Until then, no point in questioning it.  Okay, there's a point, to get your point across but your point is pointless when pointedly poignant.  Kay?

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11 minutes ago, ZenDash said:

Alright so I guess good ole Amprex or Atomos will do the work in sorties just fine now huh


why the hell should we be able to kill ourselves with our weapons in a PvE game?

They would work, next to Penta, Zarr, Quanta vandal, Torid, Talons, Pox, sonicor, staticor and many other weapons that perform just fine.


Why the hell should we have a weapon that deals extremely high damage and Area of effect without having a single noticeable downside? its called balance m8, look it up.

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1 hour ago, NinthAria said:

Honestly, I welcome it. I don't play a ton of public games, but I've had the experience of running into people using the Telos Boltace, Mirage+Simulor, etc. the past few days and I have to say it doesn't feel good. I ended up doing a lot of standing around because everything I tried to aim at died to a radial blast before I could draw a bead. I don't begrudge people that (it's probably good fun for them after all), but it is a bit counter-intuitive to a co-op experience.

That's pretty much my feeling about it.  I have a Tonkor and I've enjoyed using it with my Zephyr a lot, but I was always prepared for it to be nerfed.  You can't have a "co-operative" game with a "cell" of 4 players where one is doing virtually all the killing and the rest of the team are running around like lemons - it's fun for the one guy, sure, but at the expense of no-fun for the others.

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My thought are that everyone needs to chill. It's not a big deal(Despite of the 30 people complaining here and the 60 on Youtube may make you think). Even with the changes they are good weapons. But now all launchers are fair play and there won't be 4272 simulor balls blinding you. They said they won't need focus just buff the other paths.

This has been the first balance pass in a long time. And it's appreciated by most of the playerbase. The thing is that happy, smart players don't go around making salty posts.

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2 hours ago, FormulaXP said:

After The Whole Nerf/Buff Wave Many Threads have been Coming Up saying Nerf This Too and Nerf That To I loved The Tonkor But Fair Enough But People saying that if DE Wants to balance the game they cant just Do it with Few weapons its Either Do or Die LoL (I Want no more nerfs) Please Leave your genuine thoughts and opioins about these changes and not cause you Hate/Love Said Weapon.

My thoughts are that it SEEMS like a very reasonable, long overdue series of changes that would make the game better. The risk-reward ratios, the effort vs results on some weapons... Its all very screwey and unbalanced because AoE spam-fests (low-skill, low-attention weapons) are infinitely more rewarding than taking the time to line up your shots (which requires some skill and attention). Perhaps im just biased against explosive weapons, area damage, hell even shotguns - but if these changes do what they say they'll do then i will consider myself a satisfied tenno. Mildly salty that it took so long, but oh well.  

2 hours ago, FormulaXP said:

Thanks And also regarding the Future Of Tigris Prime Naramon Zenurik

They may still be considered op, but at least they don't allow you to mow down the whole map with a few clicks. Hopefully they will stay, though Zenurik borders on "broken" when op frame abilities are considered. 

2 hours ago, FormulaXP said:

Were Stonger In Numbers 

only because auras stack ._. 

Lone Tenno Operative FTW

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3 hours ago, S0V3REiGN said:

My tonkor has 7 formas, a catalyst, 18k+ kills and my simulor has 6 formas a catalyst and god knows how many kills. I am 100% glad these changes are being made and I would not back off from nerfing these weapons. I will still use these weapons after the nerf happens too. Players become to dependent on meta when in reality you can take just about anything to sorties or raids or whatever mission. Some of you are sick and tired of nerfs and I am sick and tired of hearing that every new weapon is mastery fodder because it doesn't compare to the stupid tonkor.

This guy.

There are 2 things in warframe I truly hate: People who use the Tonkor (AKA baby's first grenade launcher), and people who care about mastery rank. Now that we nerfed Tonkor, here's hoping we can ban all the people who complain when I take all 4 intercept points.

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What sense does it make to nerf all the kill hoarding weapons when something like a high power strength and decent range ember can just throw on sprint mods, rush ahead of everyone and hoard kills. I know that the damage will fall off as enemy levels get higher, but that's not the point.

At certain enemy levels in this game, a WoF Ember turns weapon nerf/buff into a moot point when setups like this exist. Unless of course these weapon changes are a precursor to warframe nerfs.

I can only imagine that feeling of getting a recently buffed weapon, joining a random fissure, take exterminate for example and feeling like things weren't balanced because an Ember player just decided they wanted to rush ahead and cheese it without hardly even having to fire a weapon at all.



Edited by (XB1)ITDeveloping
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I think they've been sitting on these for a while to be honest.  Players have complained, for a while, about the absurd use of weapons like tonkor and simulor, and the huge cost of weapons like the pantera but low production.  I think taking a sample of those, fiddling with them, and then seeing how it goes is a good start.  They may have to go back and make sure the weapons haven't lost viability entirely though.  Eventually they'll be able to take more weapons and give them the same treatment. Right now I'm at "let's wait and see."  Hopefully all weapons will get to the point of being unique in their own way.  I'm just hyped about the buzz lock.  I've loved that hun since it was released.  It just was never that good.  

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13 hours ago, FormulaXP said:

After The Whole Nerf/Buff Wave Many Threads have been Coming Up saying Nerf This Too and Nerf That To I loved The Tonkor But Fair Enough But People saying that if DE Wants to balance the game they cant just Do it with Few weapons its Either Do or Die LoL (I Want no more nerfs) Please Leave your genuine thoughts and opioins about these changes and not cause you Hate/Love Said Weapon.Thanks And also regarding the Future Of Tigris Prime Naramon Zenurik Etc We as a community are very strong devids between us is not good Stand United Tenno Were Stonger In Numbers 


First let me clear a misconception for you. DE does not nerf stuff because the forums whine. They nerf based on statistics collected from our playtimes.

So unless they notice weird numbers from the community the won't nerf something.

The reason they nerfed these weapons is because I assume they noticed the kill ratio in squads using the weapons among squads. Players using these would do all the work and essentially play the game for the others, which is not constructive to their game design.

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simolor concept of wepon should never  be implemented in game...its ot healthy wepon for game i once  use mirage in void with simulor... i was feel unfair cz u are like tornado...i like strong wepons bt simulor is broken defeat any gameplay

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Does synoid simulor explosion (combined/ alt fire) range changed? Or just the damage swap? As long it can aoe crates i'm fine with the change, tonkor not used much to say, althou in past dev stream they said the unique "fun" factor of tonkor is that rocket jump.

Telos boltace not yet has the opportunity to try it yet bummer thou twice syndicate run to go to get it and it will be nerfed. I heard it is the best for easier allocating syndicate medalion (any suggestions for alternative?)

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7 hours ago, Askell91 said:


It's not salty and I'm not complaining just the fact is they are not "needed". Just because a few people agree and have collaboratively whined that they would like to see something happen to these weapons does not make it "necessity " or "required". They are unneeded changes on both sides.

I couldn't be "salty" if I wanted. I do not use any of the weapons that are getting gutted and have both a 5 polarity Harpak and Attica that work just fine with out these bonuses but I guess I'll take them.



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4 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

It's not salty and I'm not complaining just the fact is they are not "needed". Just because a few people agree and have collaboratively whined that they would like to see something happen to these weapons does not make it "necessity " or "required". They are unneeded changes on both sides.

I couldn't be "salty" if I wanted. I do not use any of the weapons that are getting gutted and have both a 5 polarity Harpak and Attica that work just fine with out these bonuses but I guess I'll take them.



"few"  HA



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Simulor was nerfed from sheer forum complaining (Which makes no damn sense, kill stealing in a PvE game is the most first world problem i've ever seen) but I can live with that. (Gonna spam Mirage+Sonicor/Atterax out of spite tho)

Tonkor Since it's headshot nerf I thought was fine personally but I can live with that.

If the Boltace stops AoE killing but still opens crates in a 25m Radius I can live with that.

If the Boltace stops opening crates? That makes syndicate missions a complete chore again.

Edited by FreezerFlare
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I'm so glad the boltace and simulor are nerfed.  Tonkor I can understand as well, since it was the launcher type weapon that isn't self-damaging.  Basically all the "brain-dead" weapons got a nerf while a lot of interesting weapons got a small buff that was sorely needed.  Thx DE!  Hopefully you guys can continue on with secondary weapons.

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