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Any ideas as to how long warframe will be around?


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I think it's a massive surprise to everyone, DE included, that Warframe has become as big as it is. With the amount of changes the game has gone through, it is safe to say that essentially we are playing Warframe 2 with some serious DLC on top of it. If DE keeps iterating and updating the game, it could potentially go on forever. I mean.... there have been some vague grumblings about a pseudo open world mode for Earth, even if it's an endless "exploration" mode at first. Many things can lead it into many other things. 

But to be honest, I give Warframe 10-15 years (4 down) before DE themselves have moved on to other things and all the game gets is essentially customer support with no real development put in. Then again, it DID save DE from going under.... so there are alternate outcomes. 

Warframe is a unicorn. It's a game that was, for all intents and purposes, released as an alpha and has survived to this day. For me, it is the ONLY game I have seen to pull something like this off. Many more polished MMO's and other online games have come out and died soon after. So with warframe, all bets are off. 

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It will last until either an actual competitor hits the game space with better realized... everything (not as hard as implied,) or DE finally implements a system that pisses everyone off and refuses to budge on it.

Honestly, I think Warframe's continued popularity is largely due to there being nothing else like it in the game space and people are just so invested into it at this point.  But should be no secret that it's a Frankstein of a game with randomly heaped on and unfinished systems, poorly realized mechanics, shallow game play outside of its very core, and dare I say some half-assedness (so many recolors of enemies, I mean come ON.)

Art is top notch though.  Like, there's no way anyone's going to look at a screenshot of Warframe among dozens of other sci-fi shooters and NOT recognize Warframe.  It's the code side of things that's throttling this game's potential, unfortunately.  Hard.

So yeah, if a developer can create their own spin on the Warframe game play with more cohesive and interesting systems, I'd say it would be real hard to stick with Warframe unless One just doesn't want to give up their thousands of hours of input.

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The average lifespan of a F2P game is about 5 yrs as has been talked about many times in many different press sites. Over the years of me playing different F2P games I can say that at around the 5 yr mark many died, were shut down, or stayed up a bit longer to make some more $$ but eventually die as well. Many developers usually have a new game or version of a game released in the 5th year.


Now I do recall Steve talking lightly about 6yrs and it could be possible based on the Mastery System in place just to get to max level. Truthfully nobody knows how long but most likely it will be the end when they release the "bad update patch" which essentially kills the game as I have experienced many times with other games.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

no reason why Warframe shouldn't last many, many years. a few online games have. WoW has been around for like what, 20 years nearly?

10.  And WoW entered into a genre plagued by heavy grinding, group-demanding open world games and basically made them much more accessible.  Maybe not less grindy (initially) but a player didn't need to party up to make it to the maximum level.  Having the Blizzard label certainly helped.

WoW is the exception, however, not the rule.  Sure, there ARE other MMO's out there still going, but their player numbers are definitely thin and you can bet they're floated almost entirely on what the industry terms "whales."

Warframe isn't likely going to join the list of exceptions.  Especially if Destiny 2 improves on its game play in every way, or some other studio presents to us an online co-op loot romp.  The only other current romp like Warframe I can think of is Shadow Warrior 2, but it's treated more like a single-player title.

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8 hours ago, Littleman88 said:

It will last until either an actual competitor hits the game space with better realized... everything (not as hard as implied,) or DE finally implements a system that pisses everyone off and refuses to budge on it.

Honestly, I think Warframe's continued popularity is largely due to there being nothing else like it in the game space and people are just so invested into it at this point.  But should be no secret that it's a Frankstein of a game with randomly heaped on and unfinished systems, poorly realized mechanics, shallow game play outside of its very core, and dare I say some half-assedness (so many recolors of enemies, I mean come ON.)

Art is top notch though.  Like, there's no way anyone's going to look at a screenshot of Warframe among dozens of other sci-fi shooters and NOT recognize Warframe.  It's the code side of things that's throttling this game's potential, unfortunately.  Hard.

So yeah, if a developer can create their own spin on the Warframe game play with more cohesive and interesting systems, I'd say it would be real hard to stick with Warframe unless One just doesn't want to give up their thousands of hours of input.

I agree. Fully. But even if that doesn't happen, I don't see Warframe lasting more than 3 to 4 years from now. The game's already becoming bloated with content, yet with no real structure, shallow gameplay (like you said), incoherent story, lack of a holistic narrative progression guiding player progression, poor gameplay mechanics (gunplay and melee gameplay leave much to be desired), poor movement animations, tons of half-done features and content, and more. I think it's popular because it has no competition and because its player base isn't familiar with anything else, so they stick with the only game they know. Because of all that, I think the game either ends due to eventually getting competition, or it ends due to the devs getting bored (imo, seems like they constantly get bored adding new features, which is why we have so much half-finished content in the game).

It's a bleak outlook on the state of Warframe, but I just don't see it lasting 10 years total like some people here. Warframe isn't WOW. It doesn't have nearly the content that WOW has, and it certainly doesn't have the organization or structure to last as long as WOW. And, honestly, I don't want Warframe to last that long, not if its gameplay isn't going to improve, not if its scope isn't going to expand, not if DE doesn't expand the gameplay to make it more meaningful, not if they don't finish all of the half-baked content in the game, and not if they don't make it a priority to move this game towards a post-beta/launch-ready state. If Warframe stays like it is now, like it's been for the past couple years, then I don't want it to last a long time.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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43 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

I don't know how long it'll go but I hope to hell when it ends fan servers pick it up to keep it going.

This is the real meal that should be looked at- What happens WHEN DE stop adding to the game? Do they close down the servers and we lose all the stuff we gathered over the years or do they leave them open for the players to come back to years later? Are you ready to just say bye-bye to all the items and Frames you gathered over the years?

I have been searching for an experience that grows and entertains this way since the Dreamcast days. This is the type of game that i can say I am truly blessed to have experienced in all my time gaming. I do hope it keeps moving forward for years to come without having to put a shiny number 2 on the box. As long as the game is here and I am here to give it time and play, Make Mine Warframe.

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)DShinShoryuken said:

This is the real meal that should be looked at- What happens WHEN DE stop adding to the game? Do they close down the servers and we lose all the stuff we gathered over the years or do they leave them open for the players to come back to years later? Are you ready to just say bye-bye to all the items and Frames you gathered over the years?

I have been searching for an experience that grows and entertains this way since the Dreamcast days. This is the type of game that i can say I am truly blessed to have experienced in all my time gaming. I do hope it keeps moving forward for years to come without having to put a shiny number 2 on the box. As long as the game is here and I am here to give it time and play, Make Mine Warframe.

Just had the conversation tonight about why I'm still playing Warframe. Fact is that if a lot of the games I play didn't end I would still be playing them, and that's where Warframe comes in. It has a God of War/Dark Siders combat feel mixed with Metal Gear esque gun play that I love but without a story that ends when the "game" is finished. Mixing my favorite games together with no defined end makes a hard to break addiction. I maybe an edge case though as I still follow Command & Conquer vods and all Rock Band dlc. The main C&C community is only together due to fan servers and upkeep which I am sure that Warframe will have if DE ever decide to end it.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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24 minutes ago, ThePododo said:

Quite a while, probably. But all good things must come to an end someday - and when it does it better go out the same way Planetside did:


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sad, but hey we got PS 2 now

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