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Octavia makes everything a walk in the park.


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10 hours ago, Jakorak said:

Everyone hates miragemulors, embers, focus farmers, etc but this...... THIS is the bane of my sanity in public missions

Well this wouldn't happen if energy wasn't such a ridiculous ressource.

I've always said that we need COOLDOWN instead of energy, that way people stop spamming their CC like crazy...


13 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

^ so much this. Press 4 to win.

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Hopefully this get nerfed soon

Edited by Trichouette
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58 minutes ago, Misgenesis said:

They went a little too far with her

They didn't. Depending on your team, your 1 can be just sitting there doing nothing or killing everything or anywhere in between. Especially at the moment with Limbo everywhere and either nuking the whole map by spamming 4 or keeping a huge rift around an objective, Octavias 1 won't get any hits, which leads to 0 dmg. Your team literally makes or breaks her whole dmg potential

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people said the same thing about nidus too


but in the end people kinda stopped because he's no longer the flavor of the month 


also just like nidus she relies on enemies surviving in order for your damage ability to work and unlike nidus where he gets to keep his stacks octavia has to do it every 40~ second or so


if anything more frames should be like nidus or octavia

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You could do the Sorties easily with every frame solo. And now...should we nerf them all? 

Stop all these nerf threads! If you don't like her - don't use her. If you dont like playing in groups with her - go out of the group and search another - or play solo.

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14 hours ago, AoBaka said:

just passed the sortie today with octavia and without using guns at all xD

in the first mission (mobile defense) i had around 40% dmg dealth and in the last one (defense) i easily had around 70% dmg dealt.

If you thought that nidus is crazily strong...boooy are you in for a ride :D 

even on exterminate or rescue missions you can use her easily,i mean you get +movement speed,+multishot and invis for the duration of the mission...im using the doom song somebody made and there every note is filled so you just need to spam crouch/jump/shoot and you get the buff easily.

Im not complaining that she is broken strong,that i want her nerfed or anything.Just stating how crazy she is.

Did anybody tried to experiment with her? is it better for the mallet to have more duration and range but less strenght? or more strenght? does it than have less dmg at start but more as it builds up?

Or maybe try to go with max strenght equinox and max strenght octavia to see how strong the buffs can get? and also take growing power and everything...from what ive experienced,ive been using supra with her and it really just melts enemies with that added multishot xD

so i am curious to see how much of a difference would it be with max buffs and max strenght with equinox.

also a quick question,did they nerf the range expanding on the mallet when you use amp?I didnt notice the circle expand when i used both...

Initially, new releases, be they weapons or frames, will ALWAYS be given more power versus less.

It generates money.  And interest. And money ;).

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5 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

^ so much this. Press 4 to win.

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Yeah that thing's gonna get nerfed whether people complained or not.


Hopefully they don't gut it too much. Making it similar to old Shield Polarize where the bonus damage is applied as an AoE around the target instead of everything in the bubble seems fair enough.

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16 hours ago, Trichouette said:

Well this wouldn't happen if energy wasn't such a ridiculous ressource.

I've always said that we need COOLDOWN instead of energy, that way people stop spamming their CC like crazy...


Hopefully this get nerfed soon


While I agree that Limbo is maybe over doing it a 'tad' I strongly disagree with your talk of "Cooldowns" and so do the developers, in every-single-devstream that this has came up in they have shot it down and unless the head-staff change (as in people get replaced and that hopefully wont happen DE's Staff is awesome!) this won't change.


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Oh man, this new thing is good! It makes the game easier to play in certain situations and compliments well some frames!

Its clearly terrible for the game and everyone who does better than me is disrupting my co-op experience and obviously it must be nerfed.

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20 hours ago, Trichouette said:

Well this wouldn't happen if energy wasn't such a ridiculous ressource.

I've always said that we need COOLDOWN instead of energy, that way people stop spamming their CC like crazy...

No thank you, the fact that there are no CDs for the most part makes the game a lot less boring.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)chubbslawson said:

We don't even have her yet and the nerf whiners are already howling

So nothing new here, business as usual. When Nidus released it was all "OP af, nerf" and "OMG it killed my fashionframe!" before you guys got to see any of it

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15 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

I'd like an augment for Octavia's roller that removes the CC, so that enemies actually shoot at the mallet when it's being carried.

Yeah, at the moment that's pretty useless having both... It seems that's better to put the Mallet for a few seconds, and once it has accumulated enough damage, send your Resonator. But meh...

Even the mallet seems not to be working 100% correctly. Some enemies seem not to care at all about it and keep shooting you (if you're not stealth).

She's pretty strong, I think she will get nerfed (unfortunately).

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5 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Yeah, at the moment that's pretty useless having both... It seems that's better to put the Mallet for a few seconds, and once it has accumulated enough damage, send your Resonator. But meh...

Even the mallet seems not to be working 100% correctly. Some enemies seem not to care at all about it and keep shooting you (if you're not stealth).

She's pretty strong, I think she will get nerfed (unfortunately).

The line of sight likes to screw that all up. it takes around 1 second of line of sight before enemies switch to it, which completely resets when they lose sight of the mallet before that. Takes even longer when you just placed the mallet, had enemies that took around 5 seconds till they switched over.

And the ball is quite useless in a stationary defense scenario but when escorting or simply running through tilesets it is very helpfull if you just want to get through and not deal with anything, since it even opens up blocked hallways and against Coprus or Grineer the mallet can accumulate a nice amount of damage even on the rollerball

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1 minute ago, Kalec said:

And the ball is quite useless in a stationary defense scenario but when escorting or simply running through tilesets it is very helpfull if you just want to get through and not deal with anything, since it even opens up blocked hallways and against Coprus or Grineer the mallet can accumulate a nice amount of damage even on the rollerball

Yes I've noticed the accumulation of damage on yesterday's Sortie 3 (Corpus Defense with augmented Shields). I would be completely unable to tell you where it came from, but the enemies took 12k damage per tick. I don't have a clue if it was the Rollerball (damage per charm) of the Mallet (reflected and amplified damage).

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9 hours ago, achromos said:


While I agree that Limbo is maybe over doing it a 'tad' I strongly disagree with your talk of "Cooldowns" and so do the developers, in every-single-devstream that this has came up in they have shot it down and unless the head-staff change (as in people get replaced and that hopefully wont happen DE's Staff is awesome!) this won't change.



5 hours ago, widenose said:

No thank you, the fact that there are no CDs for the most part makes the game a lot less boring.

I know players and devs don't like the idea, but as long as they don't implement cooldown OR heavily nerf abilities OR heavily nerf how we obtain energy / power effiency, nothing will change and the game will stay as it is, which means "look at me eating that slice of cake as my frame spam the same ability that CC the whole map and complete the mission"

Also, adding cooldown in game doesn't mean it'll be boring, you just have to scale the cooldown well and tweak some abilities, and that would allow you to use some very underperforming abilities without worrying about your energy, like who the hell use tesla grenade for any reason else than turning your companion/teamates into a xmas tree ? With a short 4 sec cooldown you could spam it as you please without it being OP

Edited by Trichouette
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2 hours ago, DopingMD said:

Octavia need to be MR 24 locked :crylaugh:  imo she is a glass cannon,that's it!

More threads like this and she totally is gonna get nerfed! great job guys!

Well when you permanently CC the whole universe around you with 1-2 abilities... Maybe you deserve a nerf.

(By universe I mean 50m which is already huge)

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I love her, i used to play trinity all the time but i think i'm now in love with octavia. She's super strong, if not stupidly so and i expect the nerfs to come in. However, anyone else really appreciate how nice it is to play a warframe that has FOUR useful abilities? Maybe i was just living a boring life playing trinity but most people pigeonhole you into an EV which means you're basically stuck wtih pressing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 and possibly a 4. I absolutely LOVEEEEEEEEEEE the synergy octavia has between all her abilities and how you can build them in such different ways and still be viable

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Frames trivializing content is hardly a new thing, and certainly not something unique to Octavia.


My first ever sortie ended with an elemental enhanced Kela, and I'd never done Kela before. So two people immediately ragequit when I didn't abuse Concealed Explosive shurikens to cheese the rotating locks, leaving my Trin Prime and a Valkyr. As I'm learning the fight and figuring out the best way to handle mechanics in between bouts of stripping Kela's armor, the other player was spamming Valk's invincibility to ignore pretty much the entire fight's mechanics.


Warframe, at high levels of play, is pretty much entirely about abusing frame scaling to play as little as possible.

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