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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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10 hours ago, Seinerweisen said:

Limbo was never meant to be a Nuke. Hes a support type frame not DPS. LimBoom was a mistake that has been fixed. 


10 hours ago, Seinerweisen said:

Limbos whole shtick has always revolved around him dragging enemies into  the Rift and dealing massive damage to them.


So not dps.

Yet dps.

This roles thing doesnt work in this game.

Hes a damage dealer through and through banish does damage, cata does damage rift surged (used to buff damage by a ton) does damage, rift torrent aug (especially now).


Anyone that says -hes a support frame- despite having near 0 support abilities sans isolation and an aug thats garbage to use i have to completely and utterly disagree.

Hek stasis is only really there so cataclysm isnt suicide.

9 hours ago, Pyus said:

Heavy handed nerf that appears to have not been play tested.


Pc are the play testers tbh, its just they like to lake paper theories in vacuums then act shocked when it goes wrong.


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With this recent change, Stasis is now the only good part of the rework.


The leave behind tear of his Rift Dash is annoying, even to Limbo himself.


Banish is too clunky and it's too easy to accidentally Banish allies.


Rift Surge leaves randomly banished enemies all over the map, annoying allies.


With the damage neutered,  Cataclysm essentially received no change.


Of course, Stasis is so good, that Limbo is definitely more powerful than he was before. But, only IF you're playing solo. Try playing with a group and people are likely to rage quit.

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2 hours ago, -CM-Limbo said:

That's basically what I do. But remember that surged enemies in the rift will banish nearby enemies when they are killed, you don't need to leave the rift that much. I' on a max duration, 79% range build and it works great, try it.

Does killing enemies really spread? I've tested it a lot but never seen it happen? I know Banishing surged enemies spread, but I didn't think killing did.

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I still say that what should have been done was that a certain amount of damage would have to be dealt inside cataclysm and after that amount was dealt colapsing cataclysm would deal the scaling damage.

You keep the damage to make Limbo relevant later on and stop the spammers and on the middle of that you encourage the usage of his whole kit.

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If Cataclsym is suppose to be a larger banish, why does it shrink? What is the point of shrinking at this point, the shrinking is tied to it;s damage which right now it just outright poor. It's damage aspect should just be removed  as replaced with more utility if Limbo is a support frame, make enemies caught in Cataclsym be drawn to the center of the bubble.


That would provide great synergy with stasis

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Agreed.  It's clearly an ability that has damage potential and is meant to.  If it was only meant to banish groups en mass it wouldn't shrink.  Nor would the augment it has even exist.  Nerfing was fine.  The way it got nerfed wasn't.  It'll probably get revisited again at some point.  It's pretty easily seen that the change was slapped together to address it asap.  Though to be honest my main problem actually exists with banish.  I've no use for it now since it requires me to be on the same plane as the enemy.  Perhaps they could keep the AOE banish but allow the enemy we specifically target be able to be pulled in or out of the rift regardless of me being on the same plane or not.

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8 minutes ago, malekas said:

Does killing enemies really spread? I've tested it a lot but never seen it happen? I know Banishing surged enemies spread, but I didn't think killing did.

It's a bit of a weird one, killing does spread Rift Surge but.. it only puts the rift surge effect on those enemies. It doesn't do anything else. It doesn't bring enemies around the target that had rift surge affecting him that is killed into the rift. So it's only good for keeping the damage bonus from rift torrent going.

If you want to use rift surge to bring other enemies into the rift you'll have to cast banish on them or collapse cataclysm while rift surge is active on them. But then you likely already have cataclysm up and running which makes any ally in it to be affected by stasis and any enemy in the range will be in the rift already and thus rift surge is not needed.

2 hours ago, -CM-Limbo said:

Rift surge is actually pretty useful if a Limbo doesn't want to interfere with the team, you can banish a group of enemies, surge them, and when they're killed other enemies enter the rift automatically, it's a great way of not having to leave the rift to deal damage and be useful.

Wrong, killing an enemy in the rift while they are affected by rift surge doesn't trigger the AoE banish, the banish only comes from them returning to the material plane while being affected by rift surge. If banish was usable on the material plane while you were in the rift this would be fine, although still clunky, but as it is: Be in the Rift -> Activate Stasis -> Dash to material plane -> Banish target -> Dash into the Rift -> Activate Rift Surge -> Banish target again -> Rift Surge targets for increased damage bonus -> Setup shots on the enemies -> Drop stasis to kill them. This just takes way too long and having to do it over and over constantly whenever you've killed a group shows how badly it is where as you can instead use cataclysm: Be in rift -> Activate Stasis -> Plop down Cataclysm -> Cast Rift Surge -> Line up shots -> Release Stasis. Do you see the difference between the two and why the first isn't a good option even though you can use it?

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Just now, Jeoxz said:

Cataclysm is NOT a damage ability. It's control, you can CC a whole room instantly. Damage was never the priority. This change is all positives for the ability.

If it's not a damage ability, why does it have scaling damage both pre and post rework shows that DE gave cataclsym a form of scaling damage. If it was solely a control ability, it wouldn't shrink as it works against it's purpose.

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3 minutes ago, Buzkyl said:

If it's not a damage ability, why does it have scaling damage both pre and post rework shows that DE gave cataclsym a form of scaling damage. If it was solely a control ability, it wouldn't shrink as it works against it's purpose.

As a method of balance. It needs to have some damage capability, like every other ability in the game, but in its previous iteration, the damage trumped the CC capabilities, which was obviously not the intention.

As for the shrinking, that's unknown. 

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banish is crap and cataclysm is weaker now than it used to be. Love the rolling into the rift aspect...and the infinite rift aspect...just awsome, but give us old cataclysm or something and...

Rift surge needs to work like it used to


Banish is pointless.

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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Just now, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

Why not?

Because that hurts the ability for everyone using Limbo. You lose the flexibility to set up an arena wherever, whenever you need.

Cooldowns in general never feel good in warframe's fast paced gameplay.

In trying to balance for damage you nerf it for everyone involved.

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5 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

Because that hurts the ability for everyone using Limbo. You lose the flexibility to set up an arena wherever, whenever you need.

Cooldowns in general never feel good in warframe's fast paced gameplay.

In trying to balance for damage you nerf it for everyone involved.

I just imagined it now. I regret it.

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Just curious, why do you think Limbo should be able to nuke to begin with? He has some of the best CC, survivability, and with Rift Torrent absurd damage buffs second only to Banshee. Why, with all of this,  should Limbo also be able to nuke a room? 


A massive AoE banish is not worth an ultimate on its own, true, but Cataclysm does not exist in a vacuum, Limbo has two other abilities that make Cataclysm extremely powerful. It is not the sum of the parts that makes a Warframe powerful but rather how those parts work together. 

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