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Update needs Nidus shield


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2 hours ago, (PS4)FinleyB1103 said:

Nidus is a brilliant warframe with incredible powers but the fact that it doesn't have a shield makes him a very difficult warframe to use. 

So please like this post so the shield might be added in the update.

My dear OP, I'll have to ask you to reconsider your modding on Nidus here, as I presume it's flawed. Nidus does need no shields.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)FinleyB1103 said:

Nidus is a brilliant warframe with incredible powers but the fact that it doesn't have a shield makes him a very difficult warframe to use. 

So please like this post so the shield might be added in the update.

..except he's not hard to use, nor does he need shields. you just spam your first power on everything to build stacks and the rest practically takes care of itself. plus he has insane health regen as a passive, and as long as you have at least 15 stacks, you can't be killed instantly by anything. at 100 stacks, his maximum, you can take SIX bouts of overly Lethal damage and still keep going. his ultimate also produces a wide area that gives you even more health regen for everyone when you stand in it.

sorry OP, but either you need to "git gud" with Nidus, or reconsider your build. practice with him on a few endless runs. trust me, once he has stacks, he is literally one of the most powerful frames in the game. make sure you use ALL his kit, because it's ALL useful.

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On 4/6/2017 at 11:08 PM, (PS4)FinleyB1103 said:

Nidus is a brilliant warframe with incredible powers but the fact that it doesn't have a shield makes him a very difficult warframe to use. 

So please like this post so the shield might be added in the update.

I main nidus and have no issue you need to know how to run him you can't have all his good and then try and make him even better he's already broken

That is the whole game is figuring out what frame fits your play style if you need a shield on one that doesn't (absolutely doesn't) then he is not the frame for you

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On 4/6/2017 at 11:11 PM, taiiat said:

a huge design part about Nidus is he doesn't have Shields?

besides, Nidus is ridulously powerful in all sorts of ways - doesn't need Shields at all to be highly borderline on trivializing the game.

Everything in Warframe is trivial.

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On ‎07‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 5:08 AM, (PS4)FinleyB1103 said:

Nidus is a brilliant warframe with incredible powers but the fact that it doesn't have a shield makes him a very difficult warframe to use. 

So please like this post so the shield might be added in the update.

you couldn't be more wrong.

Nidus is practically immortal if you know what to do with him. all you need is Rage, Vitality and maybe Steel Fibre, modding for high strength and range. if you have Primed continuity, that's all you need for duration. simply use your first power to gain stacks, popping energy restores if needed, for every 15 Stacks, you get a use of his passive which negates lethal damage, grants a few seconds invincibility and restores half his health. his 4 heals both you and your teammates, with power strength ravenous can grant 50+ helth per second on top of players using Rejuvenation and Nidus' passive health regen. you also get more armour with his 3. on top of THAT, you've got the option to use a melee with Life Strike, Winds of Purity modded Furis, or better yet, the Hirudo modded for crits.

to summarize, when Nidus is in full flow and at maximum stacks, you can:

- regenerate about 70 health per second on his 4,

- regenerate even more health if someone is using rejuvenation.

- regenerate even MORE health using augments, syndicate procs or life strike/Hirudo.

- regenerate health because Nidus just can, passively.

- gain high amounts of armour, and increased power strength as you gain stacks

- shrug off lethal damage up to 6 times in a row.

Nidus is the LAST frame to need a shield, you just need to look at your build. if you're dying as Nidus to anything but the largest groups of level 200 energy leech Eximus units, you're doing something wrong.

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On 4/7/2017 at 0:10 AM, xXduncanXx said:

With vitality his health reaches 1k, he has high defense and passive regeneration... he has no need for shields

This. Just like Inaros they both are awesome frames without the need of shields. Id suggest bringing that hp up and being careful using him when you first start out on higher waves of enemies. He can be a bit tricky, but well worth it.

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On 07.04.2017 at 7:35 AM, AdunSaveMe said:

Nidus doesn't need a shield. It would only make him worse.


On 07.04.2017 at 7:43 AM, Tesseract7777 said:

Nidus and Inaros are able to beautifully synergize with the rage mod because they have no shields. That should not change, you would cripple them. 


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Just now, (Xbox One)Sipau Fade said:

I sometimes wish Ash didn't have a shield so he could always benefit from Rage like Nidus and Inaros do. Being able to have power at will with zero need for power mods is very helpful.


You can sort of get close by putting on a decaying dragon key. Not quite the same as having none though. : ( 

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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

You can sort of get close by putting on a decaying dragon key. Not quite the same as having none though. : ( 

I do that every once in a while but yeah, not quite the same...I kind of wish there was a mod that would increase your health or armor at the expense of taking all shields away. THAT would be something.

Edited by (XB1)Sipau Fade
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Just now, (Xbox One)Sipau Fade said:

I do that every once in a while but yeah, not quite the same...I kind of wish there was a mod that would increase your health or armor at the expense of shields. THAT would be something.

A corrupted mod that was like - shields + health/armor or something like that would be really cool (it would need to be strong enough to give you zero shields on at least lower shield frames, or with decaying also equipped to be really useful), I would use that on a lot of my builds. I like using rage on frames where it normally doesn't make any sense at all. 

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